11» aniss M@dou mmpN Wd.,., . 104lUI Rotarygets reacgy fo Salcampaign TIe Rotai-y Club o ltaoc gl u iesla eeri ieeoals ua heiealst l lte aspa t. e Id crliled Mcit of liehe bs maneye ieCa ehildien t tiscegi te sale et Eater Seala. tlned fiBacl ioth tseCrýeVall9t This la e e h yeac le a rew the Rtary Cetre comes froc tie annuel "Slta 'lxs Clab ha -rdleated tesd-ralasng efforts cnraceleefloJey1 r <asad an beiait et Ester Sca drlng Mrci. crdsyi. dusa] nJuy1o 2('ai Clarmae et tieiRtar-y Goba Crlppled DAneiey a it e)spa e5.ts Clldren aed Eeter ScaCommittee, Bbah mssae reeaytlu-ettgis taptgIelte Scot (87:1l526) sad Eser Seat mteril metagetry Eola tr Sciath e sp ortod ciie hesent itevcery Milton hueold Dnne.oayEse SaiDne n durleg liis oceis T.itDa ie toi eee t ereclll It teîriol 0111 explole ht MItons Thlatl hed liaisycac oftsoi i eise eeiariasde) a leoidCripplcd Giidres. Opmi Centl bi re. arh i h tevene le t i t ooes oot Sateh rckctu are $35 per coeple eand aaolible salar.ie fitimoc oa elel o fls rons aoy lRotary Ceb manager, sechasaSois selarties evdistr urses like Mary MCrelgisi, manager oethlie Canada iTsst piC re ho cocrietaton fte ieCrip- Oficeon Main St., just opposite lise owa pieohe Chillitsocieiya. tfaile n hait. tse oluehait o a ue lhaisiba etitin Proceeds rons tce dnner and dance tIi fi5ea poeoeo he his iaa-t go lonthe Milos Rotary CGoba tioter Scai lier Plhs, peIes ft ur susmer cens Malcmpi. eitsfraxupos and transporation lu chiîe. Malcspg.Beipatrasaros Anoher criorotant service provided aeaalbe hy the Rotary Club o Milton is te support Clairman otte dnner and dance cons- gînen lunte Ciedil Vlley Ttealment on itee toc Rotary as John Mai-nItociecOn Core, ai 2277 Souh Milway Dr, e tepitoned t 878-70M. lre cenre cau opened in 170 alhough Tise Milton Boary Club aloi pichu a 1usd raisin o 10 mmi his Centre-aclualiy Timmsy" or Tasosyc acisyeartta be th beguo in 1971 whrn 1he upport uf service livigsymbol o whai the clubitsrying 10 clubs and rgunioulros 505suughl uacomplisi t hrough the Easser Scal 'Me $125 million facility is tiuwn acrons Campaign. Canada a neofuthetironlmodernnspecial 'Mis year'sTlimmy isiî-year-old Adair iacîliîiîsfrc u-handicapeaielidreir Frnch ut Mîlon.To e a TImy, a chid Altoug th costrctin cstswer p r oud hve tbe innoved inone or more of tor pri-rrilu pcnirîg, tSi-ce c ain annual 1e prgramrs assinled i h1e Rotary Club. opruing budget, roiS chrîr ue surcrd hy te provnceor. eeds onîrnurng pi-isoe Adairuili ba ceiebrily guestuon Mai-ch 31 contribuions. ai 1he dinner aiid daoce. 'Mre Btai-y Club of Mitoc han hemn a lu 1e meanime, eery menshnr otce leader io ibis regard. Sinon 018 e club bsclcub wii i bupmng onprunîde intormation doated abou $0,000 incapital coucîn and about oSai Balai-y s rying lu do tr ci-p they o u aerae abou $su0ie rein un pied chlidrets and walnouau oe dolhelp. sof tmoe receivng owacds atar- day igiti a tce Milo Chamiser oi cnom- mec Ctietfthe Year boanquetscs Brucer Dosoan. Mr. Dous o a eptleg tce accrd os bebalt ofte Mille sDltrictr Hosptal ExpasionsFend chicis cas pi-ckd s tce Orgonletios utfte Veri- y te Ciamber. Accrds mccc givca out la tîvecrtegien. 'Tise hanquet ces hld in tce Liens Club Hall. Mr. Delean. lest la show ece clvng the ocard rem Cam- Sec pesîdent, Ban Clorke. 1 ATOCHEF aannponci DEUVERY SERICE pieso platus uther ulOu isdhs IWE,YHUUU-,P1ý RI,BAT EVENWNGS L-:I:Hji 876- isa For more than a century our chool (f rmeriy Ontaro Ladies Colege) hrs been ottet ng truditanal educutirn whoh has s11 oeu 10 com- bnoea firendiy atmosphere wth nteileclual iorar ecause Our enroim entis i mted it 70) andor class es sma lier, e are abe ta address drrectly the androîdual neads 01 each student Whether a porenal hottout student or un honest lodder, each gi reéees he ecessary encouragement ta es t herseit aganst tire ery eul sou Ias taottfer Not al gis soc ceed at Tratalgar Castle-that would be a miracle Nevertheess, the great malanity ai aur students men through ta emerge as finely educated yoang wamen egupped ta lace tire challenge ai anivetsrty, caret and lies Gradies 7-t3 RESIDENTIAL AND DAY Apphcatans 00w Seing accepted lot gepiember, 1984 For inormaton wite Trafalgar Castie Sciseel 401 Reynolds Street Whirtby. Ontarro. LIN 3W9 41h) 668-3358 WEIGHT WATCHERS PUTS9,THE ~QUICK' INTO SAFE WEIGHT LOSS WITH OUR NEW QJJJCK START PROGRAML N- o ardir n r Enrolai anye eting. Regittahue andFirst MetioFe $tlO8 57l00 weaahy tiratar Senior Citisaensard Studanla Saab1- trationeand Finit meting Fae $900wb $40 weaally theraaftasr Ne MabrasRgitratien Trmea: Mrnin - 920 a.5 Eaning - 645 Pt. FOR cuPnTl s NORMATON CALL If fi À 7Pi #r i "Intellivision 1111 Master Component 111997 - Easy TV hook-up - Delachable hand conleollera wtIt longer coi-do- Compact sîze for easaer storage - BONUS "Lock 'N Chase" cattridge incltsded. (No Rainchecksol) -i E f9 - "BOWLING" a "MAZEATRON't - "TRON DEADLY DiSC" a "NFL FOOTBALL" s "1NIGHT STALKER" - "AUTO RACING" A--"---& "-.,vuy w uV - IAan,,ew.s, lg, Dy --m " "SKIING" " "TRIPLE ACTION" " "BOXING" " "SHARP 9H01" s "BASKETBALL" " "VECTRONt' - "SUB HUNT" " " OG" -a "SOCCER" mu.~~imaIULIMITED 0UAN777'/ES 56ONTARIO ST.. MILTON __ Tmm1N01 Iw l»IIJUIUL AIOETM -g ,ý go