Mente. Police detlfleali.. depailmeot rerecipieuits of a special âarad recee.liy presented b, te John Moni..Ciapter IODE. iTe assard preented ity Pityl Rasberry t Staff Sergeant Richiard Kîseli, b.aored the depate.t for aou.tadbig dedeatiom.-Fromm lettrght-.O.D.E. m.sbersCglena Robtertson aund Hele Barn.ard, pattce darbeoo tlebaleta, Dafid Chanta,. Sergeant Kelt,Wo.d, Ibigerpintt eoltianlan adra Scoat, .eeretary Julia MnUod,.IODE. t.embier Dris Clark, Cnstable llyn Pasns, Constaable Sauidy N Mrich nbad IODE. or..ier Joyce Haines.. Treasurer search is now on Ittis liiely tohle aoltetwonmonts ore a new irtecto otfinance wllite namted ai Tout Hall, acturdtng to Boy Main. tomsn adminitraîvtor. 'Me seattitfr tuewutfinance person tuas nitaled in Match lolosutglte reslgnallon f Dn Lugeed, h ef o auns h pstooftw duitrao frOrange adso ar 5 esume e bote . eeed, Buy greenery Despte pont tutathet Saluvday,snusery 005ev Att outin says lie nus able lu ralse $335 uthlie Mlons lttrict Hspital ex pansionousd Mr. Bousstno ahohbahissnursery on Sîsth Lint just tas ut Mlono. sad lht decidedo gite 10 per cet of issales tote itosptal lot ut leusi te 0001 Ire. Salue- daysý But lie saîd lhe gui thotbîog about tht tact any cstnomers comue tothe nursery duving te treit, ot aiurday, TMe upsitolta isht a y cusloer tuit saîd Mv, Main. Interviews oui be held overthlie sent munh it ba decisîons tpeeled Iu trowelis late, te suîd. til ttilte.Se anoltev lui tueeks betove tht successfal candidate tuttI litely begiti, aaid Mv. Mato Tht cotfatdvettstog tht job bus nul beto ineoptoivie, he admtted. A oneday advevtiseooent in Tht Globe and Ma csî$,00,btMr Mn pated ou bh adinetedt35appliunsa Fhelp fund equesslthat 10 pev cent otîhe sale go lu tht hosptal 1usd tuilbuse tbal aottoe deducled bv Mr Bouivman He saîd be elIs thetrîa rottey tubtttb tuttI oui be autoivattoally deducted but bv vequesitutiisigottîcuetlîsblsiet tht ainouet his nuvsevy tuoutd ite tttdoatlu te 1usd, "Mt dscousit peiod tuas sapposed lu go loe lour eesh. bat Mv. onuisian suîd he tnay eslesd il depettdsg on custostev c ceptuce othetidea, Jasper Martin Days Jasper Matn Das Wdltitheaose Patade pusaeveualohereeeos planned gven t uue 10uad ,7,ite hitgpitofornl 1a984 witcimarks he 200thbit day of MitonsaBicelenoaal celeteatonst te tnding outaio.t Thle Milos Heitlage Celeteatiait Commit- Sanne aciitte. are: a tennis match utaite le. cnniemed it tul have a oustier ofnilMdonTenis Club;uaaitnhowand sale put usique lealues iocludmng a mdll-pond usnty te Mlns Ats Cuscd, a tree. cake monter. ich ittuU eed 500 peple; helîtoplet ides, Deluils are sîilieitg tunkeit sut asnte posy rides; te Hevîlage Village Bicenien- monse,.bt amuy atitîs have already sial Caraousthe Csadian LeffinCuloue been tonirmied. Party; a demonstralion hy Mlnn Jaspe Matin.Day. mdl t. held im adtit- pritgers, a laut owling demooseulioii, a lt. to te June 2 Milolilcenlennialt ug o wmanad ahalloon onlest. Dumpfinal choice sta lis seat regional dwmp sitle bat beoforeed t selection proceuth ie regin la currenlly a..a delay its revew of submiiott. and f"a gongtrolugi. v u -O I l evaluation report by abot a weeit becus. 'People in Dakoile are imitions t. gel o n of thte voume of respooses romth ie public,. tote .opnioi and feelings acroia," Bidell h u n Tie sottd wate management comittee sud. h d detayed presesilation of te April li reort te, Ait. Mlvale, Dabvle couriillor and ________________ May 1 citairman of te sald wasle managemet Seat baidreli letton aand atuvered coret.titee, taid residentt.i Dabvlie are Halitls Qlief Adm.iistration Officer quetioaires have been oubitted bity oit- also anidu t ltIte soit lestng lIait. t... Denttio Poil., teoauocof te tari... vile resîdents alooe, flot coulh.*i petitiono iefore te .prtng waters fret. te melted -Proessand work on lte land whicIi have and eparato subm.issions by local bai-sot. ire gone. to t. omnpleteli lirst. inesses, Joao Bidel, th itr î tet.' e t etîdents in Brintigon meaissiile, are An enviromentat assensment heaiig on manager. alto bcig lte ikelihood of bavisg te ife of extending te Atderstiop domp is tcIedilIed Antier severat huotteelitubisnth ie curret Aldersitot doiop winteir for May 7 Burtioglon. the heartog hoards have iteen veceived teom. resideotin mtasctpality extleoded. iodiof s must lte. go to te MOE for fioal Burlingtnn aod Mlton, site taid. Te Burigton duis ce d ocls approval. But the in Auguttbtttatono search for a ew But evenltehearnog was almosl delayed Bu ieconsultants asited for il. said duinp site elsewbere iite regtoo beaves by 10v utreksa aler Oto-ttogtoo Couricillor Btdell Everyone ai lite publiceiformsaton RatIon wtit no prepared site bo recejue te Walter Muikewicit coioplaioed ut lte noltd ,es onsinMarch wiere eocoliraged t10 illregtos fartage by ten.. asie mtanagement commlltee meeting, 'uithe questionares made avaitabe, and Infactthie regton can oeyihave aoter tatintoeresled resideitl groups were ot 10 suhotit letteis espessiof teit- iewes o the possible sites. sle eadyiyl1987atteeareslsaid gve suticenoice aboutl -WeYe quite pleaued itihteerespoose we gu,' BdeilIsad. llahctlle esidenîs, site sutd, were moreD o C h n in M l n respoodtog titrough ltiers. and site is sili uwtuttg a suitonsotue by Oubville'o Con- cend eiensOvrWst CRW.but to smaller crowd CROW mas tord ty resideosliving ut surtb Oukvilît arouod the Trafalgar uod r. otnoald CiatioflteOtroWase berscudb etsalr Buithauttiorpt Roadu areu tuhere tree of Maagement Corporatin(WMC)ws n the asnitogvrsdns te ttgtoo s A ~positle daîp sites ae Sackin utMtonsoast iiglit, but sol lu thrusgs drectly aitecteit more chance t10 usitquis octtd Te otittvsitesuare luated twin s ularge asimwo eeks ago tios divetcly of Dr.Chant Mtlo adone i Buloigtuo Dr Catlmuiinte Perey Me-ry citnol hetitral Mlîto vmtdetis, hotuee. dtd Bdell sud she mas flot surprised t hie uos litaitu a Rd. speuiting priooaiily lu tîsd out about tht meetingf and tld Aie 'eoovmosst-sponsst rom fOttville mtsiesof he ltOUiT goup formed inlthe Chumpion thint lvd t lucin othe bc astvtsidet hetarte thetdurnp Oooagit areasihichits opposing owmc audience lus iugbt, siseltcttuu process proposaIs ftoia piysical treaimeni and or Bth Bulington and Mlton have liadt ntnetaor pat onoapiece ofCou-nland lands undt consdet-utpifo a uop sit sultoflBritantuRd. betwee Mttland R e g o n f belote snte lait 10 yers Hltuloitas item hitLioes. seat-ch isg tueraaituadump site. Aspoitesperso orto te group, Ms. rs A MAitnt site tuas choses, boltlite detision Austin, said tere was sut a nt adrasce tous citlltnged ut tht couris ity oegittriog pubititin Milton about te meeting s. tai g 0 e F K