C2 TiseCarmnainChampion. Wed., Ap. 18,1984 A great way Mutaiaa o re ed wmai alo te. "al Mene A c etf aot 2Ndes-&are utled nce rtwlce a mentis. Mn.es. Qiteseld mare oetgd ha lnslved and anyone ina teeegsed le dirlsg toe Me"loneWheeta may contact er etl874M. Visits part of Caro flevicIran SOrder-f utNrses bau nult tadtionalle beessverend as a votunteer gmcy bu theseeds of patets bau moved tie organzau on in tist drection Whle thseN'sON proides pis-sescînnat heulh cre se-'ce. tihe ssensmes soted stte of ciderîr and cisruncaity iltiets necsisttes tirtise-r are. A frendtr ýisstue- micee-uas strird iuti isne inOaksiitc and recenty ex- pueded tocMolites Tbis isting progrultos apperccin Milton cunsr about uit theeitereti Iob- isa priocisar coSsai- SanecTserit s sacting us tise oal p-uanc -ordnaateeundts hadstine in attrucStig oiuteers. er fnio ste les U p VsON reerats te *tsilngpetterts waSic ocld tom-et front fthe p e-tra tuzlsoso re stit se s aulie te astes treos und dro%-r the oseets ot pttrets tsecctoth ie- rfpecttitocs o peont sies es Olecmtch îotuntees s it rcciur otetrests Oteflic patient Afytee nereooed in le-osiflga fr,ediisoitcsiud cut]ils -5",i Uniformod volunteers T7st-uiortd poiders first id ciscarecee reregurl ut publitc gutses- iogo are ail i-ciutees StisoanAmbsuance. un sganiaiun mtoretbuean 90 eusold csnsists o a cstre sf trunerd. unolormeti rotunteer, T1here are 25 inMilton, muny o soeare usstltbheir expmeeurasbasic training in thiee-pursuil of a career is tote me& of nodcise or beuttis creaccos-dsng se DoIn Milleir ato oitedtis eltbrases klenêg citi colsateers io ouale up tise uctve 'brigade. Ibme are even c-ho isuodie administration lorthtie brascis and Issue-triing ittsoctoRs f stuntrers ntsc conducfitraiinstg estuto are usaui, gps-en unbooranurn sitie deetuetifo tis srentre is igi Tie prosoociai bodc bas a catract sncb 5sorer s Cespet- sasses te proie sIt c trainig te groupa et corSets North Haiton's umnbrella l'rie ois HaltsfofuiereCntre s a cosonsusotsecotelfuodedlb% tielHltto tiocat Plasnnsng Crensci. csose purpute c lte encorage cteste taise parst m Thse rlutteer centre bas iformation onutise IsogMrmi anti sertis ut mus:scon- sasiiorguostattossianet gnscses cisicis reqsire oiuterleip tf-epic chu are itm-eseed in ioiuoteenng tcan br retmred tistoughth ie feluntem- Ctre te a Ituteer oppos-tcn moMttesor Heitt ilHis. sisal scts tbiete i-st sklls and usaiable ore Bessdes reemsig sufutteers tu oslsm- ugencieand rtuttasctieNoti Hulttes fecotem- Centre aise us sîcIun tees-sinsthe c e -,ireusterie-ers asti or Fe- turtter inoatotie ottire us 164 Geilph Street Gorgest- s ren Moodav.'siedicesottiantd Enfles rots 9 aumt s4,3ûp m ise plisse rtiser s g,-MIS r ise Co-rdstoc s Maue-es 71"hen atre al] - cd N si'ortis I-lan interieses cn be rruogesi fer Motio andi Achoso reus aise A big help for boys tri ore-tR ru -sac- tueb ,nSsc b cr u afeotnabet mles froc- croto-te cors ot uge eligobtr Ocelie mctted utth ig BeBrette-n foluster Snthetiseakottie ad MiMotires 'c ioty nte. e tie tramidrus bfaeilssof troc] th antisur aititmraie trnsit 1, btcecL ammtr act slo t ad ia a ctcutalkinsde He- erte truc or teakle lisse aoctlisebalitgasse os sailsg lothtie trst tisse tir eeds a cmar. s ua-ciut un c reptuoreHe seetiss tsar s rougi sots Beccc-tsp e BigpBrooier mc-rus- eing ltiammrucfor ea hroithoul a i tati shinos voer5olf lot à fiu boutrs easti AL -or frtecstttp geces tlcIter on ps-to- s i-scttoltork litsreitioshutps Be ne ehoBig totiser r s oestiug specoor 7, erotre u Bgt5BroSescuit 84,4458 Leam law and help Tts EituabetisFry Soset.Pud-Hattas Brande .s a oianary charitable agey tist brpa peple sm trosule citiethe e Vou sasem-sare an maucoatpart of the Ehoabetis Fey sotys anm. M&7 e e ainb - ee. VOle.tem-tare aiven (se C i.ty iSevce Ore Programmes Thesmanst as tiseoffice biy pulaesn routsie office tlubses, earkingse tise recepasrse . a nssrmns thte tiejpsme and trpasg Vaostersnmere ad hocand geai desg ennmstteuanmd may b. e aatd te tiseBard of Dreete,-a 1bey ase pubo paie sm pulicb nâtrabe.prgrme support1and deelpnetm precadmte Fut mre ifrmation caut074M1 d ThIle Credît thron Dfrnm DiscoverhItFr YSseff.Todaý Flnd out ochy ovut 6,9mtlion CanwaIn feady beon& Service and fitnds fcýr Manor 1 miî a bttu qwatty atoftaM ee - eZts flatonta uenllManarlbau h em tise ppaaa otfaàgeos oftytetau toc mute tise. 20t para. Halte. Onenlial Menr A=altary wu tormed tln91toteprosid. tacrea- ioneal amd me-tntacivitiea fut reuldentu anduSmerate aSs h lis are retwnad te thse home toto tie aed in eriane enys. Vountears asmiiana cmdut e. active s visitationa rrae-nmd oprae spcal Ieu fut recldantuand at"taIeli daytlme amd ee.lag acte-sties ai tise tacllty. Tise big evunsu poamored isp the greqt are tua ani alaars hetd in tie sprtng mnd tait. Amnogiems ou-ard tor sae are cr-tis cretad iy rsiadests B--sm maltiai s spled hy tie assllary. PFnd ge.mated by lie asmiary are ued te psrdhse mytisg rots sent ciceba te leleesie. sets assd whisrlpoot baliss Twus .tripnseelt yeae are spm- sored iylise groap Aoyone clisif te lntise arselary rnay contact Vu-na Catlao et 0704157. There 's ____ ____ ___ room to grow ise Cusadsan Bed C-ors bas ils foot se the door astear as Milonise concemed. tisere are 15 sm-icscanad programsi durco n lie otlm-ed lis tiesocsetn and ter ot tiese spmate se Milton otan terri are respaisbe o blond dosor chish eid iels tree seontis inosMitosn as colt as tie sciroose eqispssmts an A bcssoarsm s-ire sus as-iaSue co Miltosfiats tbrough tis e Bd Q-oss and icerrset out liy pasd prolnssooats tieii tandsng causal tbe Bcd Q-escse 'Mito to le ilstobrande sietuin 19S7q ands ince Sisal se tdec Milton aislas liemo onder tise uosbrelafth t ie Oukoitie ibm-e'c s creestlts emore tocard liuidisg a brascis isme osce ugas Tise establirsmeni t fa e-setsoolisolt bme -Wd no l nraeth is sbiiti et ra5ices ohm-rd lire treado bt a une smore te, te ai aiable A brandeccnheielt blisacore cf ddiscatci ,lntesero ctich oe sperson ccctd peciode leadershiop A0yce oseoes-cedinsrsesgtheing tise lecu] Bcd C-ooiSS tscuttf CAIth ec North Hu or on ome-retrsca Oi The communtty (5 nside lsispeberri as ettictudr epene in an74ud basuacapaciSý orSo bmlisg, cou medrusw ourity setstog. osurhunderd adult maies Wha are monnog setences of lots Ithan nnemr Tise McsstofidCorroctunat eismrces regrdis teseststt=oonsapartetftise cemseunity asti ecoursagethe cens seuits se become serotred cas vl eers Mpehursi tsenu esîceposoor in -i regartI- ce are ongre se ms-cire local pepe as outeems ise %dec s Votanteers ai MupehsirS oma i e-cen tesoed n progranis id grxhsiu iers folesteff, are ase sm-led os eesnc-tto the tomates i te rartoussputiscalpri grosnsi Iatoccr es-e-cc eeS, TleEducutiosutProgramo osottase isiusiea iod ter cleorrouts Voetuneer mus aise be ssitcied ide parlcelurIN isltel uinats onua os-te- oe bass lermp> etrend and isit the .nstce ih s nôoreceirosse- utsuside a.U itereste-d petiots iti ses us appscussorn ad are iterireede pror sir f uclier iorisulion lelore-a commitmOent eLsoude Orientation and or-tkp tre-iei n atsg soppieerd lb% pertidc treoesg sessios f or a] vln Pieuse f oct ire lcceotuctMApie- hums \ cf l=eet rortisMuts M-Pets nlSkisssfr o trtiser ioe tûaie e78- One roof for al I T i s tar t er-ip gran M rots e-pana Gcvrmnent iltsllilpossile fouthIe M@KIl oeà]usm-sce prorsdm-s f îettMito ta ga tsgetism- S on der nuerosfsin se il EFIeofthtie ear tf-mentislyraasi re Ç ees are deire-d trots C T11numrousad dre-e locatiosn eTocsllise loationlts otins ctude basemssus. rasant roosnn sebauts and csIssasanv'itila restasaust is tvpe nI perarsan ' neefiscient isitorsd ltpenpede0orreacis and leanes a Ilutor be desrul Theilons Mults-Sm-vice Cntreecaulti toidasared office mdd meeting tacilisls rtthfle H seimner agucsa ut tise United WnaI ofMan wichdnemi spaee n asit n asny otier nteti agencsanmd sssewe rganszatiotns me Mutit-Se-vsce CtrewE lait iere heIb Volsier aBreau eboestton-udmatte tise me.o-ftthse tae-ltyand mm eb - m eneand 1- re.ý A b iifte le cu.ffly c5ekh uS poffle hlpuaWr cetdaley flut aiir atsnes.lb. Mit Be-s enutre cilS b. operated b) is oct Bard ot tireacirs nunprsed oatone repreenetatie f B-ma eh u top mhe Mitis-eresce C-mn-eemil prsmssde Ds, ch dalengets eO e oteeu-s. bade al e. opu-atasealMd aItanad- asmbtwkrn eInut ap d bmd iphum UMIb s n eedaid te methon t tis g'M papatumntp bor ou Towna e bl~ ls bu ese .duy mdlanmnd- - ue th tbae l m.--se lthe ft et ail Anynetrntemd ila 1fr an ledesmlatum of imtuesseqe t neteo eA 7-nI for utdot"lt to grow. . . DISK to DAWN * AY &V usel» s- PART4'~ * UNON'M AL * S1ULSMOWIO S HWO .7 GUELPI U44M4 Coringtothe Forum Apil 25th A NEW EATINS EXPERIENCE_ I"RUM 200 II 1ANDINING LOUNGE __ 2000 Argenti Rd. Conter of Mississauga Rd.) 821-2804 BUYINO9d APOOL a GET A OUOTE FROM HAND 1 ,j HALTON COMMUNITY W CREDIT UNION mK N O AKVIE TON SRGT Ont toma «M TIME 5S 23OHNT 50 M NSTNs MSOs. R An w'l h - ouhw consultation.Ose 18Ut Marti Si.,Milto 876-2M221 &AKShrt I IF C caouR m I I L IEYER HED" -e - ---nu QI--88-8mî -nt of Nordh Hellols -peeenl- BIZ-O nede sEtapm Halte.Cab4a INCREDIBLE SUEDE BOMBERSI sô 0' i c btte, al a s bette, once ascabaun Caraie, -ac wth sopet qrýs coloo 00 'tsutec ana sesto,-ousTyfots Me, scnditderstyer o, fashoise g'ey0,op nbea toueboalte ohy o o., to.r rocojtIDme as Cuanad s te cc-stl uttoor Frotons Stoee Decg o' Sig Ceetobub Cm ccaooes trmaintni e cileton 0 oset 10000 geunae eathes asti 49 last eA., ACTON, 1519) 883-1031