4 The Canadien Champion, Wsd., Apr. 18, 1984 Establishod 1861 191 Man St hua. P.O. Box 248, Mftan Ontala LST 4NS HERB CROWTMER Publîsher LES FEERO JIM ROBINSON MIKE HALL GO G' G G LG GGGOG IENT SI G O IG G i i GGi iiGi - .G , L.- Kî.,G y J-esGisinGGii G. G aG Moai'itrei , ilto n ul, Oiian,.LOT 4N9. Tphoi.G878-2341. noStoeoiesîuG3O'GGach, HGoeGeiuGy 31,Obcipio$5 prsGuhncarieri, si 5poisiye maoniCanada; 75inaohîiîi GGNGGiGiGiG TheoMîlîionanainChamionsGonGelofteMetIiiGdiiuiiîg, PabiihiihEtDuGlniG.inG LIiiguGpitGiubban iuioaiuoiciiudG TheOActGGFreePress, TheAuront ioiuic' alas PckrighNews AdaGiiîse The BoltoiiiiipriseTh5Bramponiaaii'Gu', Te8oiiluîiîcPostThe uiiiîuiîîuias.kendios, TheGliîbuchGAdaoulGoiiioidOu Th. e GogenInidoiuedeilMaiiham n imit&EtSan isi MgGOOGNews, Te VGcswmrket n'a 1he North York Mi , ai Oill auii GGGGOîkilidaa'utSmOG O shO'OGawa ThiG s W i G, s hawo This Wekn, i chmndi ollHuitLberii Thaiiuli i Lbe lI 1he habaiiiqh Mioi The SiGfialuIGTieand WaGdhuudgG Lbiîl, Metnaiid iiiiîia ,Piuiîag EtOoiiiuiîuio s a isin fHalqiuii EtpiimiG Lîmled, Phone878-2341 Tooto U 1 3i A thougjht Lcss thon two months ago. mayors and admînîstrators Irses scieraI monîcîpalilies called for the enforcî'd cloaîng of 24-hour cooxenience stores in the Metro Toronto area. The slayîog of a yooog man aod a brutal attack on a young aioman, isho mccc operating the stores after midnight, provok- cd the otcry. Yet, in tbe s pace of josI a short ime. the desîre to close the stores is over. No ooe eveo mentions closiog them dowo. The oulcry mas more a reaction to a seriaus problem than a solution. The ramifications of cloaîng thc 24-bouc stores afler mîdnîght began te surface aod evenlually take bold of what was Ihen a hîgbty volatile situation. While those of us in the media bave a tendency lu grab hold of a "people pcoblem'. t o-as cather gratsfysng teoscle reason in ouI over emolîoo. Il's a thought to keep in minci More was te If il masoît enougb wth Milton facing three maste treatment- disposaI -incîneration sites and twoo garbage dump sites; now we find we have three of four proposed sludge storage sites. ants, a rnap wasoisued hoWing wbere th.e onGulfing f irm figures huge, vinyl-lined tudge storage tanks should ho placed. The consulting fîrm urges Hallon te tarI immedîately on building the sitessi because we arc approachîng a sludge criais in the region along wîlh a garbage criais and the looming Onataîo Waste Management Corporation IOWMCI crisis. Halton once louled apreadîng ludge on farm fields as a perfect solution bu gelting rîd of wate whle promnoting thc waaîe as fertilîzer. The system whîcb produces ludge is 00W putlîng ouI more than cao be spread. White aIl the yelling and screamîng goes on about loxir waste and garbage dumpa, we îhsnk il important lu keep tubs on the sludgc situation because il is another source of waste whicb is goîng tb he dumped somneptace. That someplace is probably goîng to he Milton! Mca Dosîs ASe saled an Mssdas s salaiiSus shs ,vis-asteiistreoisiaioinliaisas. SSe'iais ahviale rsadeis awh itiS es hshaîd. tka drve heiagh Muitnand sîncviros Ste aschsid jastioges ani dca ofishe sioiiand 5590 if iha She Rcgsoasd tSe Ontaci astse Tcsasiscsi Corpori-ainai-c prsiaig. She iaiked aboistSas sic ail hacs tastiîckh siessss andifighs the daip s lisr thgond ofaaitHaisie i siaidis i heip hskagî hieiiisteiig a Mss ASe. Soi bhoss peiple n iiaksiii e seelisoe csmisiiissd ta ssoppiîgsthe dicsansihois sn Mison Tisey SocseiorngesganSage hags ici ap ail asiaid lis places icheresthe dimptit .sagbsgo, Wisai doime hase su Miton? The ansere, s thai eseepitfor a dedisaied tes', Mitionseems Ini hase qsiesiy assepted the OmMC anad thenregiaiganbags dmnp. Oh, 1 knowiChis Austinandthe OUTîgroup alig ishasn Kazad ALiachae goisg sssai thas ic bsisg sciais but sic s ok as ahas Sas Sappened. i) ExccpifothesorigialiOissyiofauiiyaonsthe parto lALihbo and Jhnt-bomim 1hacsiss hcasd a icosd oie tios sheas abothoosioiiapeacie meseigsi1ihacsos'csicnccaccvd asisephaisacaa)iin the cihicis, 2u The Tsesiaos5ssasia gi-up ha sci casco spisuoisiby is sidesce. sliy t assid hais hsasd tisaoi, hm by niai 3u Mionoelaisoiiagsiiasiama uimisiiisiaf expersi h 'cake ofacial scprsîscasîîn ai ihse 55MC iduaoson. Thcy sosie aici goig lahiss a iaiyssIn tati1heasdithcsaesehiiii aa o aws bt a îashiig bas happcsced 1isipesiiii thesoiiîhs web osiiectîon thecasn fsons, Sas thcsaanis sting ilcccchsin aish a meetingiiiiiangsthesDonCçhani iasiîscbk 4u Ths mas dissssng tiag to iSas abscessoiiisiin thesOWNiC-iposî ioi hsdicissaiodavsciaicst is aibc ofaito albilus Placs aid he naad hi Sa people Wssiicidacv OSes t aas shscs'T did noui icitiissig Jack aifieses Miton pais iîiiîiiccd. 5) Laist ehebsegiisî aisoaneesi pîched os lîoctoci ion bGgc in-gnîa pools cn'chicS tose sescage sisdge. ii ini pacsiig they issca pseliihis jusi bis iîoiccd ashSaecal] Sesîssie ti the os Miton, i aissiioud sat hsip asutsaoise ihat tSei hissai liadi aI Cbicago iiadgs Ssadsdf shsiaicaasrds ata Canada sisissibse LaîIiy a pooa ilakv iles t hs oanageigashags hag, shîîid hSas ay ushl sas 5îrsît aWMC iaspThesciasrsceau Milsc siai5lsiiical]iiasln sites TaMilton ilat îmaiiîis aiingbhai ssemîsotu siiisis 1ishisihicsbiald ail sasi'saiag bo clotiss, carsi, and ccci bouses Ws isdimabe avesycvisiblesiaii lttis black stas"iiay Selas thi aay la our readers write The tragedy Lait Fida " vMseS 30 alesîrie ieagedy iiccaesed Sic t esagersi1 osit heu i es tSas c gSI ai . ailsaaaysssiig i1,abslli ais taihie haceiehei abcuahissiiics Issu aticleein the -Spsd G diii, sead, Who isi o lme- flans eaiiy goi me lhiniiag 1ctsaiispeafo hisennesiofyian esaders, Sut i1asaly elesîs Soi un ancal lans Ilhs a a his Stsagcdy fli s 10 openou i>5i s tdiccdrirsi lapsbhavessibe siiapi Appaenti thee hae beesiianyoaccidens aid oristaaiiseicasbahaecnedoi Iis sartisuad aacenssg tbncagoaisbhe >sis Oqansîs and peitilns hase heen pis in I iy tiassiest the pnobie.ii sas Ye, 'hec thssserqesand petitinsare uned diis. tic fight sirns ti disappear usstil antS.. trageda'asoius Wat s usucngwsuS ic Adlescentsiaesntsacnemhen ilcouoessi han Sud if isagedy Adîi5cSoisvedied Iis oacaacsilIlidors nilsven moilnmer en theipeivai dsuuag was being irrponsibenor n(Il stili hoppen' Ws aiiisd oct aiidssthesnges andithe pis Shas as haie sipereeiied mOibhese deahs sohta-caisthinhsratiiaoly.We aii ieed i icish togesher n ad stick sgethen If out eeascs peiins, dcmanorinmaiesîn soi int on lohebm arecdecied, escO bossv so fight Socav a fewideas a asmlie e na p- peacb ths pnihiem Mayhe iSeynre nos pnasal Sut ai east ihey are idem. cirst I belieemweseedstoiiuieeithespeed lii ta]rwy cnossssgs. Ile sigis wiii haveiaobcesitaed firnigb amapin odne la Se effeetivee Seaidy,iGceespeed lmiis aeilweed ton sien dib ey arensoithSe pice car, set ap specd ieops sin dnn loacih sSise mbo deelde totak heieinchasses on ihose GSi jisi decîde ta ipeed, Tindiy. the ligits aa îy rialiicnssing, ecpeiaiip the ose suene lbe inonedy os- iaei-edueedoheguuuiasig eanbien ilias ap tbosmy receiopyandoastain was caig. I lias cose enoog ormn u no 1iim blGd noî mahedtooenitheinraebhpbicyclebefine She igbis egan fiîsbicg Aaiteîm hîi, eacb rinîeoicesiaadiien spned. Ilcoldd e ofiiia n tcheinrae aisne pintiaid Se on top of yîî Seuine pou ini i Foanthi> aid lasti>liSp syoi raemr lobs Sp siiig Gu saiionsai eaeb nolmay eosig.Ai each sation Ibene ciudd beon attendant subi iuldd be able tb aucaiy ipenai. Oasbiiug igitssifîaid lihes ibey r GaiiGGcaoisg. Alielbteiattendantlioiid b ehtuiiidincaeingshosnwho breakhthe ialiispeiisiig i frntlofianrain. FamiIy responds Du'ueer ~swiOr ïe S&WipnMte Kelly isent buismati-s!liketeaFis copa ur deep and ber fiuiily lni tope tisai ui cgf gnaitiude i ail ihese peoupinecuisieiped umio qualklp istispisii as ad emstioisliy taiete l issaiofrnsi We liould lise tu tliash, is panbiiian, ail Aliboîgb mc do nkn hismasy oil ppe- use saffiand GudeGis ai MiltoGnOi-ici igb sonaiiy, ysun pemeuce ai MiKesinn aand ai ssisîîi ion hi suspporinad lisiGgbitGSGs thebcianmaîi morcibaice can sa fon giigusaobeiastiiîisemoniii plaque Tise teaiita tif lornod sîses idcon OGrtnkiosio ahiiathe Hailos Reglîn doiece gae us afl ao si-eiaiifeeling Piceefornmoinghcinenaioand itî Sîiing Brunomwasloied somssb h. pocessioabeiailand hiiinuahione, Brunio soughs a lot ai appiiess and loin Oue tassudy lioid abik o express oe o ian0tOr iesWemisssbsmieriibolictom su scene cnisioeiees iî lise tamiies of thein ig ehe neGie sapportnfsot G lasy iaig diet chislden .LesusGGG, Taei Sesc, Jh peope iG a geîicesinit Aise Vine, ChisiG eddens andes.peiaiip ti Oasis pis ait. theifas.iyiof5eso Zadi,miso lias BSemis THEGAZZOLA FAMIi.T heu fined. bol iisep lssiap lny iî acepi tGiovan, Assîsniii.a Jdhie e ss ib Oid's mi .Osear. Walter., Naa 5-iapniiiiy tibsîsdeas vi]hsip ishens ti stoip andid 15sonnemise ishcy aose t aiesody 1seiy hipeibhassimcciiofaiisis suy s s nadiig ibissci Sas ifai of the sug- festions saiud hsip ihai bey iciiddbc Se sd upun Hoseei lobaes miss thanonme persmi i ceaie o chasses Lein ail tisscb îgethes mniii 1ibcoîshas i amuiotinsicen Itsîysbtha secd my deepesîscyucpasby tb Ibis. aioisc a'boisthbri ocedîones. 1octybhopebhasmwe cnpreseoltacibter toises. JACQUJELINE RICHARDON C0GisnAie . Miltons Coverage t speil my chidhoi inGMilousai îg thi 195s and Galas i am happy to bacs been aisdaushî achaeming andseniv ccsii mfitiitiispapssaindsustheumanagementiof She his tariiy. As anegilas csitue tat Mion sii 1an aita ,ben 1tscn mbolbas bappeisd ta fine (iampiosi iSacavss heu oenppoiied hy the ioltent il mais'v atcles aid sbosbed btheb assituadesofiltaisreporters 'Meisseo piio4,1984achiesd aniiIo. inohad tss t1am soinisiSledihat yocasane Soai Mitîc s peopl i m oisecnnpianues ai iamdsies gnsecng asShe giraies ofi heu tee age childrees EveG iciseu hic dine Pou iih pou. presmige ad yeîc çbekhsg=aimerasi.nade sisiiiing. Vourn nnuipapen'G ineiliceiil ofibis inîgndy mvas iieissai o the "seGaiol' oppnoîeb ai %onms ig-cdp nmcspapens Ra i ibis a Milon Tinscshoildd e diffeensi Ses LAtRIE L. SINCLAIR Kitchenern Thanks linar Sir: Ont beboii ofthlb.Publie Faid Raisîcg C.mm.iien Gi tise Milo isrictniHospital Expansion Cispiigsi1iciuldike o thaiiithse iiiiuumisg goips and îsdinidGiis ion Sein belpipnsmîbîng Mitons Wiaeîo sîghi i Tue Haiiîn Boird of EdGeîtiiî Mn. Ray Waisrs MitoOsistrit itgh Sih iîudesc Mru Nai Spicene MHDiBand fTheASiMliasse Ci Ro * liaos 290 Mison Ai-ml TiasMiltuas Jayseess Miltan Abulances MuitPiciii Vas iiaeia titebst selies aid OWMC h SmSi tuiciaign oras iislyesîci psedits 1havenoho(Setitaitathe ropo chse ouithpOntacioSe ase (ui. ii- thia osss tb ai t mS exsss'fa-t lis cin tSe teom toGasethsaîgh thi- amvi i duapitseAt ibis pointtbmaî tait ofitheiidividai tsiitai-t csaid rsiut tr a masos toi-ic and initbemarsiposscblescin haeîs toa alai-g.eFiGmien f i ut wSqew sce bue ofa isse r % proposes! s.smGiiseIotGIsI angGment I dsuisi if tise OWMC, ioueiee. umisSe soseiihn siie noitpaGiccltee eNoarecior-the( bandie an accidestioaiheibeois Mionîwtm isiiinsgle asibudant ics department, suait police msdest eommoGty hospsuiawu ta pi-as de sapud isealmens îosdsassiy inîred PeceiandHaloan egsg aenos iogscae dissesand eoacu pat Iis damp ieinai aresi Si bope lageiben Ihol thein nsimr îeeded. Hudsont pages of the past One Year Ago PSGGG GisApnIIO,ihliiiic Milsn mîa tis te ientiog gniiaod lin i sec isoGourfare sesenieisg inneGtilgies! SpGO Trnsi.Lou PinGins, ceiiGni ofthlie Toronoî oi Tninsit Operaiiig Aalhintp, esiici idosuiiiiees GO TrnsGit, rntilp uoid Brampon Cit me icif a pion io ebange lise tise sysies. ued Sp GO. Hailie's eleicenhiny teicisens may haie o conus Gt etleices frtohe55198b-83 scismi pein. Robent ['imas, preeidentof itlie Hoilon Eieenssanp Teicesn Acsociatios îînomced P'idip a teniivie agreeentubausbens reeosbd 'culb uSe Halon Bord of Edacaaac ,Teochens milbe aGed tGaidObhe pacl Aped 25. The tueiies wldi e asSied lie sheie appeoauîiApel 28 iginin usaocbeap har n usnnal] ami Ontaio s s oi aounoietuo sardom, - oading la ose etr saue mbu Sas inoseiind ibis eoadi Eddie Easman, eeisliy aiosdedoacsecnd Juaisasaedoas muaieccoutrysuscalialofthe peau- is aMiltonsresidcilbceadisgiforna stneiiae cee n etrane ____20 Years Ago i-ioic use Npeii16.,1964 lssGe Muiton Caiusi dcoppsd lthe sain o miii sale anc mil] fors1964, despate afiac omte ssciiiuenidouo al the sais Se eu cashs o immis, ala maratboi Suidgst-seasung sessinMaîdap. Tosai essmalecd sipendaimues lai hi- bafsaeut bS evenueSofT $192409. la inug a defisîtsta be piitsd ip Sp ttc laîpapersiai îg'csîî caicsî ts li-si istilapposiit inam Oak omisseesiaayes aile Modap nugbi IlaScaie n e. eaiunil couiici inas dscudcd taopposesbce auIw acets agu ilton laid Sud aid atteicpt su meetingguuiisd eut il dounta abois l60a cres i ocae mas, the esulaiamaigamaatin ct used publisec MltanisotSe unIs tagical souion.i ;ediaotheuanei- A propsa] lus ais uap teaffis ud peshap' lmoi naiSItua an sd Mllt Su as 'hicidaa there sa unlssd lu SMilon Caincil atits iris The OOMC segîlas metinîg Mudac au onte pai-t ai J E PocrteOR iiMiltont, eîplaucdsthas afee dnsuîgifor S as tais sites siýucnsinilMtas ut mac tels nd, ouiiisuled tIsoiu congesion eiidd Se aIoeccsuu said eedced yhaviGg MausiniSîm t focs o sbowM ariStae tu 5i-aGe Sitiormesi- masie qisiSai boaodsi-albc, aid MiSin Gthe s ie aegth laseautboaid -ie s cisi-ecsiy isafii tar Sarnia and Cauaudi-ie-eed the propouai lautSe police iilomiiIei- luestîdy ,sa iuue 50OYears Ago lat was un lie i sic uhe Npnui .19534 incas ain was enlaidi Offiacia--ar iiiess amncd ashuona more aid upeeatcd SpthSsDocminlion g strsone u Mison inte55eoai-fturse, sides ah ta h sas ie acspicesîouth1e Multas Lsguus icet andihflic Usuass that catuaSi n-o do ti quesnd i sGloy ihSto Ss reaiS, a iSif moba bsahs usatue Teafalgir Tomnship. iGonoauadap lait.cnsdstheeasum ut Miss Masy ['eddie, sîbasi ieacbcs ai heaonesho Tub ise, mho bad tteMeNabbhoice,oand poielaiseus ocstgtiig Oiest rlief ildibosupended Ssiil sut acd outMibis ltusif andesaded ai a Company,île reieflin Maeîb, cocpaeed malS Cadst Cori- $1299frtse e ame miutbapne cn St Jon agu utf ais aîeîmcsd. Sis pti uoai fis lais bowlinîg and gouuug ida ssriietc aso it mu. S e Ser nsei gond teatires aithese gamnu au COLIN BIIS5 510 Sthsby Sscp icen t-oic Scom m1ils Hoscpitalîî uis ancsaoutaihebeousie ioOomtc arold t"Red" onties mbo bac mCimie bocn otecduGg the OAC il Guelpb, Sas simplntd isd Sustn cca's esc, andnreiannedtobhin hoe heci assmsshk su limiteds se 75 Yeai's Ago il nîased aid Sen.GiseApn us1,1us0s issu~e cutaise iG Ati445 picaon TStîssdap suce oasStes peu isgsthe eGgse andiwoasnofa lsdi ie fecugbt teaun, gong eosi, mess a u ioniie dredd eimeeuSe CPR Sidge ,Managemsct aud the damnsd, Thep mese nil ader utofsais gos o gaior tonnie hias 'Me uss Gee iOideich train goiig eîc ri nwee1 and the usais goiig messt-niom e cîfty iSasn Toroneto, mhucb cr-oss Sene ait 1, rpoelatuuu il mess deiaysd nmlifiaoutailips. ln ute Se t e[)ar Ms. Ediion I notice le n ro nthe Youailstsee' issueatsuose- triupesaous on Sos Seseîsopliuisg iau chbsmscai sp il theusance if hes5G5unGiGg i ea ic ajor lageLesmeîtellpsiS tatoefar uGzeGG, as iun partef tSe toms la carne- wGiid isot bh. «dy» usuc iis saine haeitis b«% 'ouldd lisse,, pG littime tise uisance cas ns Milos dîns Puta t slp ti 1siseerelyp sc ui capobsuty ta taSe iatis s siised, lu mii ve icagiads c :epî ip umiss eneenissintSe ice, silutaiee idieuuioeep 'e force asd tenighbours iS iail se tSe aild Se uSis btte oit., ld thrRteae lu She ucunison Rtps JiSe oki- cas fSimd dead se u0cteosgeesha hin ed aiShisbhomceseanlasslep [ain, 'e' ndap inug. Hn mas io ibas apens nîsHe adons.e tuCansada ideels, and îai ini Shrspusine, Engians, a few 'ses nener Si yeîns îgs. lis SGd baid Sms diese ton 'lM SMlMINII$ ifaieussm. Newss itsisdeiS bis iotjGn, Musse es GSeti reativinlGEigland. viewpointOsyblt wih JIM ROBINSON Ou ym o the b/ack staret