RE6 The Canadian Champion, Wed. May 16, 1984 $12,50 VLEYVIEWÇCRES I lae2250 sq fi backspfamir e fîooîludý ta7JlVîoooo iarge brîght kohep 4 nndu oui 3 baîhs hei poui cuiuuîa1oac udergfouoîîd fîukie leoreC 60 150 l tu wih pato, o uble a garage, maou olheu exta =ROYAL I TRU STM Corporation of Canada, Realtor 400 MAIN ST. E. MILTON ["J -ns k00. Mi.. ilio CONRIE REYNOLDS 875-188 ONTARIO STREEP *48,900 3 badth.. ton.sbn, ba.anat, laln.t. bacb yand, a.lIY b.Ps. Cai SYLVIA SRSES. es87-uiRs. MORE FOR SOUS MOREY S.sgh ea- ich.y S n farn..iocb - -itb ns.&on. patio ca large f-scd yard. M.s. b. _ Cali ED PROVEAU ORENT-A-HOLIC?' T.laRy doltadued sin* fasdy hem on 50 125fIL lo Olst.ul%%mgR Up tu $3,M0 euah mat lie rubedR hy FaySns os. $5980 ma.hiy Phone 1-519-822-8686 collant for brchur, and directions to o.r frnishd modal.. Evary couplo ciiurotly ronting wh, simply phones for a brochuro ocili ba givan a beautiful parsonal gift f ree (rotait valuo $5 - $14). WOODCREEK HOMES Toronto Lina 878-188 826-9707 .IUST UISTED-N-t 3 bad-a. bu,..Oan Klst.d on Y. an,. l.dacapad lat. Close t. tas.ý DRASTICALLY REDUICEO- Office, Part fbn. -. n., 3 c. q.lck sala. 3 bad-a. Pihf an.,a 6 app" Aabing Mona-iana. ondy 08.18. Aakiaa Inlyt8490 SYLVIA OUSt 878-188 SYLVIA OURSES 878-8188 STOP, LOOK bt LISTEN to 088.0,00. 3bdana Etd ..k t f.. TOWNHOUSE- 1.. l 4b -ftb ..Io.8 large kanba.., 2 -o., 2 taray bor., la, bath.. socSi.i Et hbl». foyer, 2 b.tb, privait. Yard,i C.0 BETTY BRADINO 878-198& b-.aa nt Sbas & aal 851, 1 RS R-O ON 12' . 44' OECE -il Y, -.l Islot. li.3 b- loobSards, ,., roon. muet b. CONNME REYNOLDS 87"-188 SETTER THAR NEW Tbls 4 top qsabts ...sfral .b.d. faaIlc .n maIs frpla. &, large bllcb..etr .sd. b.t. A.bbng *123.900. SYLVIA RSES -8"188 NEW. REW, NEW b...o h Pa.b -nlitt. alle- t.50 c.Ii BILL LENIZOS 1178-1188, Io. Coi RETTY BRADING et ALWAYS RN 0000 PASTE Brick- an.d easy Iaalab.ace bacbsPls bn dankrd .«.4.3 bad roiOne, plue, d- - a..t. bed- tan, tasnt runt ÎtOs rir- Plan.. 00,50. Ca11RO N0 ORTH 88-ST Rus MUST SEL. Vs.da,.1ou c.. Inchîda 4 apaclasa b.d-.s CeaaI .1, baut Psacp, ns-a.i ,,aalsn. and profeaalasaly dasisasd. 0108.00 C5lI ne-s, DENISE8 KERSIAKE 8701188. o'8 HOT8RE8imuTO REcSIE O MFMOE8OOCOVE" J-~ wYtmFSECOPYM ecJ MILdT O 883 OAKV8UX - URAMPTON MIE CLOSE.5YO 13. LOOK th UIAMALEA -ETOUICOKEI rnore tou ns 8 lbk ths so las. 3 cMfSa4R .- Cloe . cschn.g *9,00 C.l 809 NORTH e 8788oa 335-1526. Thora'. an advantage to working with Royal Trust, on. of Canadans l.ading residntial rital estat. brokers. RIA SIEBERT, BROKER/MANAGER LYNN GORDON 854-2711 SEMT IRADING 176-718 DENUSE KERSLAKE 870-1735 NON NORTH SYLVIA UURSEY 878-1038 AUDREA LEAR-COSTIGAN 878-815 ED PROVEAU SHIRLEY CHABAN 87811-001115 BILL LENIZ<Y 883-377 CONNUE REYNOLDS 330-156211 870-1707 8541-2337 MAURICE MILJO8JR 4 OFFICE: 878-2385 RES: 876-457 I -- - - - - - - - - - - --M. . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . M