Dr. G.M. Jamieson Rev. Dr. Graham M. his return ta Canada, ha atten- Jamieson ded Friday, May 4, do Coumbia Unversity ia aot1.0 .s. in Milton District New Yrk and gradaated itis a Hosptat.Ph.- D. in Phllosoplsy la 1951. He He was bora ia Nembary,, served an Proesser of Otaris, the son of Rev. Samusel Ptsltsopby athtie Univerly af D. Jasaieson sssd Mary Isabetta Tronto atil 95. Grahamo. hlt at year he accepted an He graduated ram Knox ofer ta teacis as Professor of Catlege, tUniversity af Toronto, PtitasaPby at Wilson Colege, witb lis B.A. and M.A., and mass Oambersburg, Pa., U.S.A. The Ordaine as Ministef of tbe totsing year he wan tsamoted Presbyterian Ossrcb la ta Carmanad Pratessor af Beavertan Ontaria la 1933 the Departraent at Bible ansi mbere bo serced usili 1939. ta Reigian mbicb poaitian be betd 1939 be accepted tise Pastarae sait is retiressent. ia Prt Credit miere be seed Ater is retirement be and asit enistment in the Caaadlan ia itelved ta S. Peteraburg Army in 1941 Beach, Fta. ils somer tn 1942 he mml acverseas sessons apeel ai Beaverlan miere bc mas asigard ta tise Onarsa. He maste fresiseat Regina Ritle Regmrat, Witb visita 10 is brother and sisser- hisunitietlanded inatheNor- sa-amDradtess. Rnald A. mnaady ieahes as "D" Day in MacKay ai Milton, where he Mr. asd Mes. Maxwsell Biren are plea thetfirstasaul aetcla adr 555 asitisilmiehen csuttered ed ta aassasce the graduaton of th Hitera Erape and served owitb is final ilars daagter Jaset Lyonstrnm te Musicel is sait tiscasgis tiseiattîras He traces is ite Rebecca datry Ar ts recardeil music producti France, Holaad and Germay Fraser Jamiesan, oftSS. Peers- asnd Eagineering pragras at Pansbam Foi ousaadîag bisaey ln brg Beach and his sistes- Jean Cattege in Londoin, Otario. Janet bas& attisa he mas amwarded tise Jamen ofTosraatoansdîis rpd a psitionmwitbitaisbowmRec Miltary Coss. predereasad by his brassera igSuisi iaaaFlsOtro Aller the end of the sar ssmn Aadrem and Dsacan d Sa1 a igaaPai ssra UT NEEDN'T COST0 EVERYTHING YOU HAVE, TO GET EVERYTHING YOD WANT m0itOti 0l x tm COEAECOMEAUDfM NORTH-END -MAXIMA WAOeRoz»v FROMNE~M 610 Martn St., Mkon 878-4137 Weve Iearned morne about your job. Learn morne about ours Plan tb attend our Forklft Truck Operatore' Competltion MAY 25, 1964, 8:30 .m.,MAPEGRQVE ARENA, OAKVILI.E HALTON-PEEL DIVISION, INDUSTRIAI. ACCIDENT PgEVENTION ASSOCIATION For registration and fanIser Information on this asnd other events, please contact Mss. Mary McCatt - 965-8888 Partîcîpate SCiras tise workptace sp and redace thteiazards. INDUSTRIAL VU'1ACCIDENT SJ~1JPREVENTION ASSOCIATION S abeill.e 84 aur Dr QBcnl/e a S' W bîo Slwffe Sy00 * 0PitO 0fac/li ' tes.r Adtni,7 YOi, b1 srie, 'e pe BOTH FORdDSLY 45-915 Se 4 S fior &, d ei u a acuumar . jpro,01 tde Ae "DUT NOW'7a, u 0 et ion Aa sapcial r la ent ve t a c e . r o ar s ,r a 8rokwha yo ge rei sc i thth urhaeaia Y 30000ma arrdcasr dto ac ageOeHFOR0e Uym n et ee,,tinc Hn'fe we a/Ele ctnonipuchaeo InAirtCleaner rthth e r caeiafyore rae aDafMa ad e Ba n t e 1 with he phsea fnta nan onrentaist otie 876 $1033wenMner g h ha t tokemoeo ha leaesrnedolars n yo ur pocket a - --èý