SEI I S L TAIL DNMAN O :ON Town sets budget with 6.2/5.08% hi ke Father donates poem for us ail to read oniudfipge %1 Rah ou an-r nana in annatnnt and in Taae damaans a rnen tha NanseofA nd1i unwlcmotyunhl Menan folwnga nt a pomaMs tha Nurse And nanan, nanna be atraid ta die. Mn(rta da s (atafg tae hcae taanavnt l'na t aam natng far yan in the sky' Wavnn t 1, a panacha M I Manganat Adamsa dascanhad Wayne ans a iacin ustndhbcprinted. aahMrMoly raaty, spaaaat pannan- channan aaay P'han t must [ana ana fta, a ltn ahata- 'snsnaba tan han yeaaan P('(aan dn nt gaanaa and shed antA teas Shhaadded that bc had quita a senseaof Ad hagaaaaaaaaaa aaaaan hnagh the humaaand that he aalaaaay atintio. .vears.Narsa Adamsn said that Wayne aadantaad Butnstat outhnaalv aih agallant nnaat and handtad tha danaasananah httaa (han Ad fra a anad inmy nan atann os n iataaaanamtanaan. aie n aad don al thngs he a anan He was anat brave," sha sad Fnd ntaanaiannieinannaonnnapty day, tWanenaannaanand yhahpaaantsnand Everett Jimn Mountain Manahans oft(ha Mltan Pabliea Wanh dapantimant, ha alna had sannad fan manh Dapartmant ana taday naannnang tha tasa af yeaas as a nlunn(aa hareman in Milton. Esenatt JanV Mauntana cha daad at han Miton Publie Wnakn dnantan, John Mata- home an ha nskand. Knnwnanan aaad aportsan,Mr. Mauna hac, saadMr. Mnanahad bana maaa tain had left the depanamant in Daaem- s(ay of (ha works depanament and addad ha býr Hehdbe u t eiels June, bu would be denply minned by is many Ca. qest Funerai service waa heid yeterdny A 13-year employaa of tha publia works aTuesdayt for Mn. Mountamn. 'Fairy godmother' blasts the 'field day' Regannal aaanaa(tan Joaa Ltte ays ha s acnaaittaa heaang, ha jokingay saad consualtant- In tactnf the sxinal chnaaaaof hea31 Man Ltte cas onana agaan n(aaaag han hada ahrnitad. a(( ana cana an ha $6etea convictiontha(acnaaulttng fams arehanang naakh" a "fa(d day- aa B(allon nagana hanausa hana Mas Ltle nanA ha dad aa( (aha cha( sha aeamaaylucrativeaaatat tihahad c-asaaaeng andhnnagh( thasiataaon p tAhat gilMns Littaegong wan(the al](( fo agaaa at tas( noraha aagaonaa( ananaat cnnaaa(ng frtaraithaahdnapaapaaag naeating. annnapaahaasana taaaannareportaforaha Cnunna((nn adi hacaea, appanna raga na acandaag (ha 6,0 R oat noua atha sandy (a A a enal aaadmnistatnandfiancea Pter Berard Asoat( The challengeaoft nnanga an expetat anaathing..tanna ppaanoli (n profits, aaantnay an antanta, cash (fnaw(n promotion. Fana s, yp anaaa e an i. CASE Itaaseralceaffeaed onat hp FAOn (It stands tor Cnunsataalig Asssaaca ta SealJ Entnatsas ad itcari ha tesacrettnnaursan s CASE panndas (anas-an cnsaliang hy succanstut, ratie epple w ha aaeknt adgablahin pana typantf hasnenan A CASE anuneitannan ho(p pa inmpnopaaahaaaasines Offltie, qaçêY. OUIIIII snwCAS tmnesoir L LPrier Cnaordleatoe(Cese) 33 City Cone., Mina(.ogi t416)t273-S9"O La Banqua offaa san nanaicas dan tandaux langues officiatten MAAfYIA-STORESPECIALSI REGADINGAMY L ,Rememuzber July 15, 1983à? Juy1,983 The emperte opd3.CTh humdty wo nIhepng mtesAdYucud' tneg. borrow or ta n aicna itnroyh Remember how von p rmsdVuslfyuwuc let it happen agomn t(as summer'5 Remember"? WeII now s thetfme to oc Corne/In and See Dur Complete L ine of Heat Pumps Central Air Conditioners Room Air Conditioners Electronic Air Cleaners and Humnidifiers and Gas & Electric Furnaces Remember, pou may qualify for the Federal Govern- ment ffOI4ratofq up g$Mo, MAING AM ONMOER OR R75 YUR1S LBACKING INDEPENDENT BUSINESS S, Fdna.t Businnnn Banqpunf edéeni. DenlwnnetBas nk edealup.en management expeptise. You have it with... CASE