B6 Tise Canadien Champion, Wed.,Jane 13,19%4 Indepenent living Anotherstudy away? Bt- JANE MULLER Saif e-ies- Disabied penpe living in notii Halton coatti bs enjoysg ior nsetdependent lite- styles i the -mals of a sus-net refinci a sospeitîrd ns-rd here. A groap of foui stadents sititi ie Inter- otestbse sevei-s-y handvapped resîdents in Milttan, Actai and Gorgetoairr hîs sommer osant!l as esaioating accessibiityla to rtas tacifttes in he- aiea. eaded by p-ojeiti comintor Dan Motiadiite i-esach ta scarvi-nto seaschitg for disabtiti residents. Contattct-epein0 Gootgeto,,vt and Avion, astoutedafth telt tnlp agi-sies, have aided the si-atth fot-survey sabjects.It Mtton haa'wevranocotact bas hi--s nade. Miss MeDadi- t-s bs-n i-otstitg occupa- t onal f bsrapt ts i tapi ut iidisg mai-n dtsabed piaple and bus bad sm ucs wisthaavrdattttauth t-ifers-nosvTiose vho attît bo questfod about the tyops- aaie ths-p i-iquri-cottd hi- putfartoa typs-of it o sgriatOitn ~Peape arcIrinsfg ttegetaayram tan- tftuts, gtp homanduv-rsingbhomes Tht-t-tautsno atif tietfufttortai-tdspivdet lito îg, cpie td Mists NcDade. t-tl(nt- uit-tuf to-s tt-tudt tt t-ista apuot ttfoftf ftttittg ttuttt-benia vdei- cessibtle to- tt uishird t8rtvg ahie ta gs- arutatidthteoutttfs tndt hut-dttgtsitttis ttvtt pari-f athe ttottttvftaterttattve at--ad bi dttpttt-tod onthts arei thi-at fitdfsthe -suk t tatsuit- rtt-d-t of ui-aatt care btt-utft el-cIttttfoitttigadathr- hi- uto turivthu oft-t- avcold pt-aatdeduvandufitit fo-tt-ettattdtaaoutdbi- ta duto* vfhrtagh fht-tttght Modtcat tria- maent ut-utd btut-ft t- prottdedtttoaupre-tt- lu- isno tht og o ttendt-at t-dir at tht-uit-fhb-cttonig ouftt-t tht-t oa pt--thtto -t, a i Ntlis, Oit tadt- deutit tht-e t--tottt tttt taiud hi-tp spaosout-h att ttdepeatdeatt tatvg prtt-tct Sht-dtosa'ttita-itfuht-t-otuncht-t-avtac- gataitt ttt-v ttproi-tatdi- saortuodttg aonce thi- ort-d s dat att- -tid - tttet-gott-tta attct-sua> Tht- husdt cappid auc i- to g ei- hch it thi- comuvt-tu Ilt f ht-tre ut-t tut--tudid hy peoupte tinuheetchutro fivttt i tht- keantin t-t tfat oto hu -t piuatt- oilhe asing infitsmaion cmieteid by tise stedents t piodace a hooklel deiailiig lise otcessiiity itf huildings iliroaghoitl ms-il ation. Simitos- goiden ase anaitabte in many as-nos and tise loca version shoatd ie n ps-tnt hy tise end itf tise sar. As-sied i ttimeasosing tapes and o cheik uist, tise siadents ail "hltz" the ti-es- tsass, acns-dingisi he p-jecttms-dinatoi-. They aiti i-mit places ise tubs-as-ms ond hisptals dssing iheir toars, measasing dmrs, oheciing thirr eight, iioiing t siairs, aashs-mms and commrnting on ai-esthttlity in gens-sat. "Aessthîitty touches tis elnds-i-t, peitpe atho mat- bave ti-robe waaing a as-itl as pmopleinti theitohairs, Miss MeDade satd. Osahid pmople- ho riquir attendanti cur and mat- hi intii-nsis- in an in dips-vdint living arrangemeitt tboaid cotact tise BOoiitotn osiceoftiiOntarito Mach ofDintssat 6345882 or ivi-te tothe- rgantoatian toated ai 460 Bsast St., Bua-itngton. Mr. and Mrs. R. pi-SAus tenaepodt an- noetise graduations nf heis- deugisier, Madiline. tits an Ressers Bas-l-ls-on Science degire, niith sners, secsiailieed hnnoi-s Zoolngyt ironstise Univesilty ni Gulelpis. Madl-ins- rsceivs-d tsi- Cllege ni Iiologicel Scienvce Aima Mater Sitislarsip and tise Iiologioai Sois-ni-s-Siedenîs' Citncit totlrship. bith assaids-d titi-acads-niit pioiioinot-and iovolves-n-nand leader-ship n Cil.S. ai-ivitiiis. She s wsusn-iing on the Ensioninn20a0' programnme aitsi-e RtoyaltBotasivai iai-dios. Hamilton, toititi A NEW PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION to help Disabled and Seniors live at home. Why was titis new prograui introduced? jMam ecdtrit and daahtd pttpft tttiagf - tttttgtdi S t e with ttbthi rfu,,totct fiut ittt t, ho it ttf Hfai,in ovr uts, pt-dg ttottatttttlidnftto fihtotfff fhifttm rqttt-ftt-ttt-itft- btrnttt-a lt-p an -, eh-/tia h t- otai t tasa a-ith rtoe tu t n paoo ht»oattof,,othttt--u,, t,ýiflb- fao,s 1h ut-at-t orag tvtf jýntaI- - ot/ o-tant ta, t z fvaiiÜ fat ilt-t ffrthitreffot-t-tr t tt t rtts o0f ii u Ifh/u di- slwicer andfuptfiircarc ,hi,, f (' ht-dit-t- t-t , ott- 1 1h' t-[t Qf tsN hs-prograr DodZs-ct finanoin: ais-renions? No Th reidavod pi-prty ta gtaatsoratioalt thtv pt-t-gram, tht-ss taproarmi-vts a-if vn yopo peIt-ot tsc tht-tnopoovetat diauhtd orai-orttat t- Who cen epply? A oatiipt-otfotfgoftupt--arttaattts w-a-er-t-haat-u-oak i aaatdta dttf o thr douhloduandaan utavtataattuttpeoplet ofic fotautedatt ottadhbc roqttied A ad tasooftuag-m nerahuildting oatttrctdatith utct-sitttt mntaltdasualtafattha a ottoda-aloi ta protit-uhît ut-totdtvg t to rqaorf hi-vatuofîtoi the pt-it-cf ttttttuftCan oniýtheti-fao Mss Mcfldud ttpot-ta aintrviewst-fabuhtt or senfior persor tOi dsuhîrd peotpreui] ehontîptiti-d ho tht- exemnptionP Ntne enidatfJtv Shhc coul i-st bi icatild iiia otape o a s pi-athînoscolrvcttatg data s favdtouppett ttpi-0atitst acut- peope n gens-iat "havi bs-n s soi-tipd t inpaoit hame. Moi-ev death." sertiarst-utapptp foai- "-A ltoti bs-t tvttioatv aat ani-o inahtli tho tat e dips-vdint ps-attt't-s,- Miss MoDadi satd eavat hm o cntn 'Me -Ontario MuichaofDanots tsatvsrsis-tg aataoutvgs-o hei-oant-ir ptatct sposarsdhya umavoti Nov-ptofttgivap hao Canda gruntfoinlt-o heti-dirutgovrritmivt btol sln st The genc whh srve disble aduts uccommodtitos datn restitat anitis.Lui-i apoi-atitg mutltiple- tut- tho dttuhted orai- r BLACKBURN'S io thts progi-am Cen commercial1 AUTO REPAIRS - ulfYs nsm Trune-ups - Brake Systeme -Piese als topy General Repairs HALT Class "A" Mechanic missi NOMaE Onata 870-TUl iai assistanceorti re alot-t-t> oti itt--utatt- ttt'rder t-t-t-rdvalueatotthc tt-t-attudftht-i ; culated roc ii Aeeatt t-to-ff, -e at hou-teh vt-th popet-t utat old oth't-at c tity of a disaitti-t eo ppit- for ibis t-sh ta muSc ommoatto uiotd tor- dtild atr )thi- ieximptiatv -u ati-uats that at-/t eup hanmes? ,mes cuauppit-, ter mprovct- tut t-vciod tht-t- golis- tattttattfor rs ut- o tt tatt f detd dpi-opes-ties t-e-ut-t-t-Fo f tttt oto tct th totottionhtt tovîsis qulil>? Oct- additiont toc t-St-t-t oi fhe tttotht t-t-a t t o t 'I t it nsttt at fu t, ,'e ,lb t-lo o o -at outat da 1oth e eit-xem-nptîin appiytet chongia oundis-vo r ta-conipltid itvloro tsi-pragi-eni oas anniiesd? Olî lot u/tuon tatu d ultt-o Mua 5,-t9àaht-oathe- tt-grutv ýautatoavotd att-lt qtatfy forithe- propitt ttftaxxeptionatnatathieavar 50 Stoat cottptt-td. H oltng witheiexe-mption Happit-? Tht- fat exemtpfto cotitt-ttout-s ut-s tlong ut-t he- tatt-tt-oro dsttuh/td prrsotoutostht-pt--tpett-ts thSot- pt-tnat-alu cto dt-ot-t flots-do t-os rei-sisi is nets property tata exevmption? Tht- ttot- se t-tialt]tt tucl S octootoot Ofiea heo ou-ttt a-tistnt l- ta ut-d ri t ptossibtt hitftuttttt-tatta- ptaecnat a hfrf-tauitutag yauc ptltts Wt-loohfot-tar o tttdt-at- tg t hi- /tt-ogt-uofintgreter toottfu yorlocal Ast-st-ms-ni Office. Wo's-o ansious ta help. TON PEEL REGIONAt- ASSESSMENT OFFICE bont Spot-k Parkay,415 Fi-a 3ISSAUGA OnitataP4it- 5270-8050 Zenifh 86730 mnissoerRH Beach t Hon. Larrp t3rossman, O C. Hon. Sud Gregory Treasurer of Ontario Minister of Revenue IT'S AHONDA HONA LWNMWFR L ~~ ---jt Burlington Cycle 2201 Plains Rd. E. 637-6987 STORAGE TIME EptCar cleain Cliate n le MiultnMi 878-5000stths aI De AK SPEIAI 1 2 COUGARF' VILLAGEÈR WAGONS Equippeti with V6 auto, powers teerlng, powes--bekec. tilt wheul ind cfr condltlonlng E t-' ~ Yod(ri çb10 1 PLUS SAF1?v CHECK - - ONTHESPOTRNAANCINtGI - l 1!f!E1J 655 Main St. 38783-283 l r GOLFERS e GOLF HAUS 15 CANADA'S ~ LEADING GOLF DISCOUNT STORE 'E WILL NE VER 8E UNDERSOLD" DYNACAST GAZELLE 11 pi RHONL279caae DYNACASI TOUR MODELM. 31500 LýÉs "E LEATHER SPIKEIESS SHOES 3 5)( WILSON SAM SNEAD BLUE RIDGE il pis 28911 5*/fsH EACH WILSON SAM SNEAD SET PURCHASES t-ou RECEIVE A WILSON BAS FOR 999 HOGAN BAILS "TOP GAE' NL 796 LEATHER GOLF GIOVES TOP ouUALIrrv 9E9 RAM XS 1000 CLUBS11l P.'MNow 39900 II1PRSETmTHETLD0DS FROM 199"r' Ps.maey moeIn-ftem lii.. S ABOVE PRICES AVAILABLEVONIt- tQJPON PRESENTATION OF THIS A ERT1EMENTtt- OFFER EXPIRES CRi. JUNE 22ND n j OQJLFHAUS Itc.wc Mn. pm. g& M .mtS~ a pm 1