Non-swimmer plucks three f rom miii pond Three local yoaagters probubty owe their mratag. becuuae of rata, uhua he heard yella for hetp cetebratiaus. Mr. Brown mid the hatusve irea la a Mitua ma who plucked lbem Craîg Browa, of Pitae S., a fsblag t from the mtddle of the Pond. sot led up, but had bea let utte waters from the mdde of MW IPond erty uaday the pond ad oa prepartag ta teave fliree youag baya etimated to be approx- edge. imatety tt or 12 youra-otd, oece baagtag Halton Regiaa Potice were lait aotifled i .onto a inhlag puddle'boat. of the incident. 'Tie Champion tearsed of Buns(nast r)'s apin up? Mr. Broon aaid he matbe oaty ladMvduat Mr. Browa'a actionsalaBer receevlag a B uns< aste > ~ruapu g ln teaeai tthe time ut the tnctdent which tetepbone tip. Mitton côunitlora have agreed la pro- permit u rocreationat ueintahUe ina oceurred ut approaimatety 7 uai. ceed mitb u teebicat report on u dutriat deigaated ares. Ho hopped ita puddle hoataad pulteda propoaed heltîh club ta ba located ta a Acordtag lu M. Peador, ho ha scond one heside im lu the tbree boya. G o goles up vacatuareuof the Buamaterbilinttg onalaready viited homowsers ta Ute vie- Mr. Browna mbo lanoun -aimmer, did oct Main St. nour Wilson Dr. iniîy and rocoivod "unauataoua" positive gel tenamea uft he baya but said'1tey had GO Trasit itlintcroaefurea by five per Tbe placeIta for four quah couta, reupoaae tate proposai. ao arrived t tbe Mil Pood ta do mome cent July t. lwo racqueltalt courts, a dacerciae Ho aaid ho ooutd ihe ta opan the fishing whm lbhey decided ta go for a ride iu Thul date marks a chage ta the twn-part coom, au enercise ares, bar and touage faility ibis fuît, but that sa wikety une ut the 2Sauer puddle bats. prictag formula for a fixed base ut 40 cents plus change roomi. accordtag lu counclllors, because of the 'be boats bpd baen ltith e ide uft he pluas.7 cetsper kilometre to 42cents plus o Il mullct appronlmately $250,000tola ime nocessary for reportsanmd aoning pond ram the previnua duya Japer Martin cents per haomtre. clu t 0111 eo e n atlh clu uorr. Tbo u Uchanngocaioet.tu ompilotentoireahubtoupeaordtag chane ve B ancodocaininl Mr.a leadai e arraendylh oc- plans oeya r.a beutb cub cenred ih a k robber stili sought M oalesneranehentu atroa cuse plans una eayur cubent pred lt moulter Holdingsa toc and Ibul il wnuld Ho waoriginatty taeotved ou plao for Hatton Regional Police are conlînuing Police describ te auspect au being in his probably lobe lbooe montha lui preparo a almitur prject 10 ba tnculed neur lbeic aearch for a mac mbo brld upua eleco arly 20s, of average bud wit brow-iuah, bhefaciiy. Thumpson Rd.,buttat bobos nom tteToronoDomnooBnkunMainSt. bond hair (sbnutder lengthlandmwearîng a A moning ameodment s neesaury to ahundoned tuatideu. unstFrday mu ming. blor jean jachel. ~1Ite tlfrpiou IBUTION FLYOS SAMPLES ENVEIOPIS Aneya ny quanlti As lw us $35, per ibsusand A Metroland Communîty Newspapgr -SUrIng Milton in f0 126th Vga rCoul Alan Beech, 878-2341 unIJLI--vui'----its Snowv warms co Ifers BLINDA KIRHY Staff Writer A0 nwchult e mcthe growicgrpoputorify of Glen Eden Ski Ares may nul be foc forost he road, if the local ski hilI can repeat tasl year's tinanciat ouccesu. Fottowing o record inIer eeauon which produced 120 ekîîng daye betwern Dec. 10 and Apr. t, the Hallon Region Conservation Authority hue reporîrd on operating surplus of $360,633. Bronte work starts Radmor h l v go ibi oeb oOrosiei iStlluotegibeh competoosiseu sorm ees Tise rsud was s'issed 10 daye ag inpreparainsfrite $1î millio pesîrci sobîsb e solo eduird s br tînseed by ther rod of Sepemb ri Jso Muilsesos, drecise sf public sos ris r Milonsaoud the pî's]ectis1 'gief eeircmrty wel- dti a t buKing Pasegis offtisa gssdsiaî'i Themweebeod rais causerdirsoprobtems, br suîd. addiog bhai or mcd w did siber luelos Modup ai ther Despils pobliitiy and ad- serrîîsmg bocbore 10 neog- be ueîcg sesidense. brerr uerl sor muissisis soo are ai irmptiîg louser lise cioserd sireri. oely so be lrord buclo Te coeraciucîisieasicg one usne open ou soelocedo, bol 0trssare adsîsed ie use tbe rsad ai bher so eîsh. euîd Me. Mtbess For bhsec traseingtef ihbbod se Bescie St. thec delour oious Booîe 10 Hstop Rd. easiiu oummercialS uc ad Tosritravelling woutue Maie St. sishiglsorecbt5rry Rd., cus lulor Moi t 51 sr tu Termuie Rd ilc sulol The soad ciseors is in rltcci boisoer tebouuesl7 am .und 6 pso. Mooday lu Feîduy. Donation is made TMe Frire Chacbmach Memarial Golf Tournament, betd tast Suaday, bas cisekl Illae oey owu iepoitled ta the Wayne Mrey Fond tusI eeb. A totl ut 104 golers came out tu the Streotsîile Gie Golf Club 10 betp ruine lpnds en the uoeuat cbaeîy gofuitouenmeat. According ta figures produs- cd hy the HatIon Region Coser- sation Autborîty, Glen Eden loch en a total revenue ut $920,675 soîllooperutitefcoule amouotîeg 10 $560042. Ai a recet meeringogfsthe Auiborîty, members wr tnnmusi e cidteg tbe mseey soWud bc speel lu eii ail debts, The surplus sous prlicutueiy oel recrivrd ie tîgbt oft ast year's dsusirous sesolehcl leitithe Aulboity soîlloau e cumulatise deicît o 12,119. Tbui debt aioog soîlb a capital lsae paymeei o $46,003 loue br rrpaid,leusieg aesrplus sfi$131,531 Auibsriy members ie igrerd 10 puy oifthelorermuîeîcg ibree yrurs ($101,607) of a 1- yeue capital loa, hîch euhl letiansextra$2,804. Tal amouot ioîtgoisouedua st.riup' fard tor Orsi ers oprealios, accordîug 10 Mr- ray Stepe, generai manager of tbe Auiboriy "ILtia teîirut Lfa n eo yeucu sor base eut rsperieeced either acaptal boan or an oprettg detîciti," eud Me, Siephenwsoo addrd ithr Auihoriy s est in lusour of unother cupital loue proeci uctîl a eoid erv lued bue bero establited -Wr arr gong lu stanrtetalo liîehng rmervs... ehuve no formulu y01. but srptusers sitI bc putindo iis ud" hb suîd. A favorable 1984185 oruson cooid, hosorser, put the e chalet onethedrmiegloaurdshby spring. "Wr mut mail octtlualtr Januuyundthrciflthetfigures prose compaeuhle lu last yprr Ibo en mut llookht reging i aucoesultant lu do sonme drawm ingsuanduasiteertrctioc." suid Me. Stephen. DringtusOtyrr's ski seoiî aiotal of 36644 diy lift tickete mre sold. 20983 irssons mrrr gîsen; 10140 seusue passeso mre sotd. 1,440 eehduyj passes mre eold ad 1,340 recreutiocut groupa vialîrd Glen Eden. Ho noîrd thai the iggrol in creaue ta figures oser te pre- loua year mreinteareueas ut diy M tcetw X3 - M nd(e ume o rc retional groups. Mar. tephen uddod Ibal figures for the paul SOOsoiler close lu double f or te preious youc, mhen Glen Eden rmcorded oaty 72 good skiing dayn. IF 5 Uta tu MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE~ 20, 1984 'Ladies You're Welcome Wr base golrs bal me serd them regialored. 'Mie useoual Cucadias Otumpice Lob- ait GolIf Toreamrei miii br ptayrd ai HiddrenLahe os loly 20ý Thi s peur tbe goifers' alartiof imes aue rom 10.3C am, outil1t3Op.mý T'his 5ys1em allume Isorpepltesareive rarty or ti, et ail ai once tîbe aboigue ltsionhe epasi Wib bhe sboigun, uoy- one laie cas cruusre e umeel 10 basr groupe of goitrs brgged dclown souiîeng is play ibrsugb, Oui tbe syairm mes tbe 144 goitrs oo arre pecird ibis yere soli aillbuse lu bom hibr ie-oiftlimes and ibai moans 144 dîltoreni irtrpboee calta. Obsîouslyibis cae'î bcdonc a irsoduys beoue Jaty20. The soer e e us gotteris>regisiered, tbe souer eby cas gotithe îme loî ibrp souci and bc soib tbe group ibey oaci. Theretore, me aue usbîog tbr muy, muop Mîttoctues wsoshbue cutîrd lu gri terapplications, ftit ioui und drop it of it îeibrechequos su ibry sac bnlp us mahe ibis tbe bosi cbarity golf tourna Torexpedite muttirs. me uer rgîeg ibose wsoohase cutirdsersobo aueplus oîng io cuiltio drop off applicaionsand choques bereut tbe offices ut The Chum pion, lit Main St. We ato ant tlaetSte ldes aomlboy are mure Ibm mwelcome ta tube port mn tis year'a taurnament. Last yar we had Dona Coutter un our onty ftomate goItr Ste doosci mwaut io bo tbe only maman galfer out agaîn ibis ye, sm ladies gise us a catI ai 070-2341. Lasly me are ugaîn orgîag aponsors of bales lu gise Mihe Hall a cuit ai 078-2341 soyoor sigo can eseec ongolfduyand pour commilt e sthe bospîlul mvilbc Treasurer here soon? A newrs uurer tfortMiltons mii i lseiloy n.mdmwihi thre ext tooerbs, Tome AdmietitrOa s RyMute eaîd ho is nom ineieiig the final erlestiue of cadidates trsm the 'ehort lis' uedeprtse lu mube o docîstueson A total ofl65 iedîsîduals suie uppliedfose the 140,000 politiseon bîch wsus susuid _________________________________________________eurliîeri'los yeur sobre ceasure Dec Lougbeed ucceplesl the postiseon soro udminîstrutue lueoruegessîle, ume Mla ,and Sarah Marin,3, the great geat. geat. goatg'eat gradchidrof JasperMartin wre Foethepasi fouremosibs.ithcsorofsthe oui Saturduy tuing in the igti and th e dy losu ubicli more aittpart ai tbe Ocotoasiat celobrution mich bunur r reury deparîmnhubasers currîedot od their ances orater officiaIl oooding ai Miton. Theres coseruge of Jasper Martna ys an Page Ct. and theBig by Audrey Seuuh, depuiy lerusurer lng Strawborry atan remîndau ibal theureun is on ubee peopleoanllto gel utan ud pich Ibrir na. For information o 'ib Me, Mute and tbe deprîmeel tulstff wher tago fr srawbrris, ee pge 3. (taf phto b Jo Borstrm) remedousiy, euîd Mr. Mute. Halton's Jeink ... ... says of convention John Turner means no -real changes TMe slection of John Tuer lu al the estabishme t fbe Lîberal "If the elecîrd dlegulos bud qutuli poliad deside bauseo hai leudîthe LUborat Pary meuns Cana- Party."-madoe t lclîon. il souutd base i eoys." Se saad. diane urr going to gel more outhie Mr, Jelinsel aîd be'doe ouirxi broc Crelian.anmd 1tiielo sliîa Ms rltnreu idbrespeculoiri Ibul aume o ut bi ey buse be getiieg peci "Me, Trses s pull amay rom the feeling ucrocu tbe coanry," Src ibere iii be presure se Me. Turner fte ho tai16 prara, sayu Hlion MP Tudeauabotlsoli buse ta go alocg Jelînrh saad. sosali o somnmer rîrclise siih bopes Oto Jelîceksiib cureersiLibereuipoiciee' , so b telo ol e olcupiiliothie momeciumnof le suîd tbe 800 e-oltcto delogalea sfrwe h eeto ilb a seso leader, Jelîneli iold TIe Cbampion ibal il cOl cosîrsi Lîbrrul polîcîrsanad by cullî r. teJetineh aaid, -"t 00mb il cAs lue Me. Jliorbuand aneeciu, ra o h lced dlgats uh uprîng MrTurnerî1hoy ll iii be laio Augusi, specitically Aug. "Wr are rrady .Wr buse bren ready onsrod M.Tre' btte27. forualoeg imeuandmr're jusl 80 o su x-ficadlgats bosae ae greatinsfluencer "Wa ei(Tuer)sili do iacallua obsmpîguiibthbi. Oprîngers B2 La olc inGame & FisbNes B3O Laxtaxcolecion Insde Sportocorebourd B4 Mînor Sports B4I low rsa srpusSwimmers shme Third Section A meuh eonumy amd tan aamomal ut usceted munieipal tuxes. Tho 1983 tinancial atatomooi for Miltonemas retouerd io coucittora Mondap osocîng and roseaird ihat o total ut $t.O mlinor 9.07 outhie total cattectable taxes emana outaanding. Ibai noms masthe octp blacko spotin lathe report mbic hsos Milton ta bo in oxcellent tînacciat boaitb 'Mhegoad ems ii thut ibore nu nome debl and nu prospect cf dta,' aauseaat Saody Skinner laid cauncittars. "T7he ton lin a eery stabe, Miton baga t19"witb a balance clone lu $t million. but thtbaibs be erduced lu 120000980 t m woser 1600,000 ta bo put tosourds tbe4iem Tomn Hall. The bud ermaceired on us ohsîou gromîgitaxureruean isue shc iii hecome top peîoeîly tue the nwtesrr uccoedîog lu Town Admiiairutur Roy Main. Mr. Main htumod the ouI- standing usxes on a so econamyandte trithe Town baseno eenech aeictcit ioeaî for loch taes MitnAuteCu utae utop Abat T.,......n....... Ct formo.ter tUtiversity.¶'urabapoge Bi inserts Braaa Wareboane Coupon Clpper, Sbop- First Section pers Drug Morte Eciloriats, . .. . .. A4 Columa .. ..... A4 Lellere Au.. ...... Yeara Ago .... . ..A4 Board Oriels ..... ... AS HRCA .. . . . . . . . . . .. . Ail Dump Roundup....... . ..A9 M Dump Views ... . ... .. .... AIl Second Section M îhe Boyle.o . .. . . .. .. . .. Bt Girls T-Bull . . . . . . . . . . .B2 VOLUME 124-NUMBER 5