Wflflwbu-l MAC a smash at MoMaster Continuing oithil a snprenioe ubnwiegu over lire oinler seaone, Miltou Aquallc Club bannI let lthe change len eauonnuaffect tlirlegond results. Thre club particlpaled ru the 'C' Lecel champinuhipsovuer lire oeekend ai MeMaster University and camelirugirorellalit tree in- dierdoal and six relap flertplace fire- sires. Tire meel ruas a nolcir ahane recelalire club han lairen partinrudur- ng lire paI several years. Andreor McTavislr aud leyggnr Smih iddt let the slrnngee cnmpel- rion affecllhir erees mucias ltre duo eaclr finlslred fErrol lce lu cap a trusg yeae utofrnimrng. lu add- ilion, Wade Hckes ruas lustinruone McTavrslrncas licol runiruli lhre100- melce barbutruke and 100-or bolier- flp. Inddition, he aaaeijsr iliee.1uth11 ining relaL teanli. He alsu piched up a paientof urtiru. Smith, ie 9,10 pe. iboys, lnpled tire lI0-m and 2»nm hachairuhe ausruel as uoruuming in tan ni tire aleniag relat- teamu. Smithr alun had a se- cond and a sixtir. tentire same age gronp, Haches aonstire 110-m ireastoie and wauna memhe nitan rof th ireoreisg relut- leams. Arneg lire mure dnmieatrog per- formances ut tire mont nu tirai ni Mattreor McTavioh, Andrea's olsier irrulier. Malliea came cloue uix times ienrire 15 & uvregeonp oitir foar secundo, a liird and a fourth. lHe aise ras a member of twu are- srng reluyt eams. In lire 13-14 groop, Marie Porers had louerribosu eir lreer fourthso and a 0ioth wamIe tearerate Judy Fndagnehad n llard and aniath. Ir te tire 9-î0 gnup, lenadditionnla Hficiren ami SmitIh, MAC aieee Rt-un Moore had a necondi and fift; Eddie Williamu had a tird and a fourril; ami Davsd Houle had a loue- tir. On tire gicla' aide for 13-14, Carne Puaneshad a second and Ian thirds; Cathserine Darbne had a titrd, a fourrlrand afifti; and Sandra Smiths had asecoed and asiotir. lu h11 12 grnup, ViAL Learseent had a second andi a fiftti; Heatirer Livlngnlae had a laurtir and a fiflir; and Sarair Sdcuu had tmn fitha. Th ir meng relut- teamu fer tire girels cunied of Carnie Poaes, Sarair Silcon, Hestirer Liingslae and irni teaemner iraorne the medlet- aed lreesryle relaps. Sign-nine put up awin Ar Eseunsdrd nr o lotuier irhis offenuivetefots.. normai redrcrairte potertour Mitron Cotoor b&Soud and f aelkinr Mitos Mec's n V lIn tireers Restaurant ptayed ergiri Picir Leagae action rrurugs ut entertaiorif iait DrSi hs mi as bad Wedesdayielre rire rares a rosile poting cons on rire route andtorurd ptay ru stop i' board aityear, iua0uirbroirrotau irhte score lied ai urne - and egsered tberrireni ie- aprece noire difficusti ead trirîr eauts aOacir Dur 1, r Aqsck gtace arire stand Wood and PaultPage aisenir j nfs showsaitoannue gapnsep- safely a coupop f imtes fr r aaiutherire ritlae rutieers. routhrie record. aur rire saute Focr5tCir Ooly nrraisile, utacgrusepacarrrgrtherseucurir Jimrr en, BillMrcbataband iand ergirripîacediteaons KnuTurecai adrawo-buout- In rietaren, hmarrer. sixi5 us, reas areirraciredcrogethrircau The aee's finat gaute a aluhn ose and a balO games ni Ha0ton AJaeuabsorcidsusecond rarirurber. lssaeculd ralil lus, a 15-Il defeal ai lire bande rirai a ialasced situation. aiof ranirci Steel. -As prerouanly utetourd. teeOBeaaciraup,oiruaing D&S ign fiall buth irean rire puaçr rirai bao mode hmura IReuaeatyt18-10. rhome,nenrsl-foror eeleru eading rire iparade tocr e an drd Hou Phiiipuand BOnt Sign-nine acre Rob Glruy and Tyos Dandy Do ime and jDare Dunard each ofrooI oreeGeennsod botiraddco egsreedorrsaleres Saudu iorcioo -Aqiat and Pl'ere rerusor reddre Masse and Dus Doris arral torrougtforDnribang-iad god nigis aire plateefor 5f 001t brrre its aprece. lalor crackinug louer bs Si Clair P'arut and Pot-ccaprece Saherd toc wru os r ir e nrutir llamou etr *agarosi rauket Steel and ield ibis ruebo npnligirr shies the0eeersrua carlrarsdoced on Wayne 'OeerFeet-Rrcir iiltu,-oirichirmnthe clnsest rtsnnuecsrruirienrrrerof, and Peauket iras cor or- niastruf de - loyer lue, Haior Alar ayr letrt aitteasnu Wr ctnned ru au Wayne atere ly Grorore Colin ras lirebirg uneonIluiriserrent fautes.The Y hS stirlaorirhe papre pople bang- ineriewuras detayed au mour nilire NM rg ot ftuor mbits rtoldrg a ohirdeWayne caaghiirisirreoti uniytour roonirit-pere And ireer-bnr sun As a toor-cear orreras performuances acrerergîntred on i so-puhnirruMiltron.Wayne, tut-Cirin Carîron, MaroRien ir onsdo vruaserrire eagne TwC DaeoAdamstndOcriau t-cou nolrrug, do il t-"Oudouneri lOureCostd yoo ept-rihie jCarg Kenit-aad loirre quetiouplrase' i.terraood rac ibtsale]totuse uniZr- ae Is tlire agar J taninslufo r etlreswoinetOree trr ce oo iran il Oas toue Oranriranit.Iun BOrncue, Cair reacu agor iPrce and taisg-gorr McCot > t inkso, bolutr oi barrit nireo added rireer rari oc'A loi ofthlie goyn are gel senms bi Oaltn raoreau ino0a000 irg older 1t brir irryre tsrsg tures i rplirnfiottears lasrnseek and a sîep ruecb tnsce eded oie sborend of 1111 lirlaiaes ynasay auvlrd rire score. 'reDikens rasrire ria'filton Po frtocs aifthrie Alarm bang- m nyne. Wel, toc ose tlimn, tire tierf ing oni aronrrcrgt4-5Tues- dostgelrastrcd arcig tber sting gu ja do-nigiri rin, ma Andlfor anolirer,uuor Ircan and0Sargri tue Hock and Carion bAd sayîsuabotnaeiuo coliaituav bfo-ht euings fr erDick seonrd basireloe the gut-run nvRous t asircl nltchisg ibere singles bnrs' Mayire tire otirer fat-s Jeit Bat oflthirrens Duag Craeno oesiarerltgelngdusioec 'orpro- raceditur 3-r lord rueHulerorbwite Pred habit- getruf qirber ed ni tiref Balance satisfying îir' egsusig o pa ru ir te bome ni tie o n fthirso nna a noce eresit- coorpelinre leaua 'ui hnioreucnrir g -are qaicly being aciîud. ARter lire oucti oreek uf tlie scie- dole, fimirliplced MeDalte Equit-meul -tradlsiuronsunieg Sarduluure ans- port by jast une and a irall gantes with nu tram rinhe ronuiug aay amir lire leud or sicaggling lu centein. 0f particulur inlernît bus heen the plAof uthIe twq- qw lears ihoIe lagie, Remets Rually aud *44 Stop. Bntir claire are plupieg .on holl witr Remao comief lrroagh ir amui ues- t-rcially sieong sbung bnuctaug off Tirat MuiScir 5-4, Sanîdulour O-5 and Mc Datte n- r m eues Ots recurd ui lu orlire gooren tour orel, MeDalir tunli o long stet- othle ludder iry troeungRad Stopn8-1ndreareingua 1- ie irdi Sandrînne. Anirhguore, brioreen Rad Oit-p and Tlrruwat ruas awaded ru Rad Oit-p olien Tbcuay raldolt bield eugir playeru. Agaiuor Tirrruat, Oemus marier Jackr Meullheblped laspows omif efrItue aber lie belird u ibrer-ron ru I terre rr riet e 33.'I Rerean tank triretrd i e ireîtir airer Pie Lee und Menul reacired basrand screrduon asuccrssionuof Theunsat- orsessr ire field. lieniax as ui-bit-by 1rua12-6 bu ot isoute eybirds luain lire gore. Tircuorut ras paced iry la bits bp Rîcir Yeeaarl, iecludiug a tau ran bersr-inuing triple. Dure Del Papa addnd twon bisahilo 0git-oGutirer WuOlItU a -Io« Retenu watehed Sandale helld a 4-o lead aller fnur iningi hafore rllyieg toc ber eses lenrire fir eead bhrrrmorer u ir e orul lu baud rire leagelrdes jutrirecondde- trul nifrire cuorpain Onorus strang rugetrer lirere bios, a bit batuoran ued tireer -uudnlnue recors lto ire reruir e qtrir letube rire leud.AI Johiroanud Pie Lee paced Reoruno t-irouirackoirhto roch Iu gise McColl lits second orne ni the aeir turis Puggiue and Deuil Orin pcouced tbtîs ruchinorSuodonoes ighi-irir altanir Tuet- Broussard itb ,-ubteat. Getting readw ,sr bih oires Mobile Tu lse reurand Body Pit uighrir chalengeror tirrhail dacing o Milton accr reosqsirugarnrrrecenrrî. Thre tus clubsailneriagare ilio neeken in le resecond otage iYir( Bicerenonual lerirage lourer. Mure ilion 400 bot-o and girlsonnil rtakr partinletlie Miltn- ranvilheatingup race Bs Jîl St-/t-KI 1t-unsiras crout ofrthrie t-ark and orn oun makisg a chrarge o itir ro ic dilras Ptag Footirall Leagor action tari 1renldup soorercoot-scores inuieatiug nitna51i40and Renias games Cirarles Hbtltkeptitsrisnrsurg uig ia 38-î24daruorTherDckens ,et Fanmsfirsafly par ose op on tbe arn lbt os easy 42-6Ornai noflOainPools, r' irul are of tir e oe ocrMoton rdacedoror oitescee iorieltercettdOBarnvirslparsand ru O-yard tluuidoanaHnrreer y tke ei kuit Bossnied a slInn2t-18 tead MFL aim 9 Remuxeortaurd a asrei -0- MeDatte lead waur be uecns in lie h ocrtirand une murein tire sîi toc ils d hird waruouthrie areel MI Joirsun bogas hwleondfith ir nn aawalb He ausckasrdbhomen sn- gles by Pie Lee, Luecy Meekas and Oarey Heuidern, u doable iry Peter y Young and a Sandsoune ererramher n alloard Clyde Pelerun r rcirbuse. a Juhusion's RBI single la Ire 1frt a oflengo aith twotosîoamaiee awlnner n ul ni Peler Merirnîjoha on Ire d mund. Andy Trnes anddKn Puy ad Ian m is upirce lue MeDutir. 6- nOterai, ilruas a gmod reeifrtu McDeDtir amen erd Rad Solp and a lied Oundsone. e Agarusi Rad Stop; MeDatte jamt-ed u n starter Mire Callrî fur serre nons ern th irslieniug. Tornntriples iry 3Ken Puy and arseiug ptlIereKeirh fMeKisuos ignied lire ralît-. MeDotie morued 13 bitslenlire fugme artir Prier MeDalle und sMeKireus leadrug rireay orir lirrer o pirce. Fat- added a t-air MeKinuon brld Rad tlut lusouI bkils. Banroilqoarierack RMat-Detegarde rires foi hot arndipened 38-24 rad ai trirenmdaIfrire riird quarer Tire ganie esdrd t-t 40 as Detegarde ireen four toacirdovn rpannes tir irteedy- Lee Fareirbans, ou nHolstinruarA srgIes ru Ger- vas andLeacirn Maltons Oerghtiror aceourted for20 paois ruine niher umajors rurer scoced iry Kîirta, Oaeelaud andOBairo Dame tano aa tire Ciarles Holel entend tlreir asdrtraled strngo ir a vr ort- orerrire Dckens AnosuaatCirarlesrcorsgomasoet] dispcrsed as Floorers grairbed roro TDs and Orord, Lasswelland Young added sgleumajors. DicbenPal Kelly bod! Insubirg tnacirdonsfoe lire osers ruti akenaund tltndigsenandisg oat theoscorrsg Fers, HarrisonsandOoaretakad interceptionsn mutle gore, Hattu Pools sottered turne second Ios nItire oeebat tbe hnds ofSargentrFaers Wnlessin uhere trsilirer fumer, Sargesi's ofeuce troalît- ruas if nored iy Mbe Kendrick. Krudrrck acousurtuel22poris, rutir olier TDs scurediryutWayne St.Johuirsruorand a single maone iy Gomoermor Hulons ]n roarirdoan ras rcured by Raody Sienghthlrr Hourdl ended lir enenk air a t-naerlal 5320 arnusveeRema PFor tleecod imelhbisarek Buurdlscnredfnrrrliun Sopaisrs. Feu Holotin cuagirr ion tuacidore passes, had four couera uand a mingle: aIe Haugrtone, Remue elunaged unit- nu pointa on majors iry Leseiciri; Huston und Dogue. Milies ep close und peruonul Thcqusioun bing animA ky moot- peuple tris week io, wobias irecuniant responsirte forBau- cis ereergence an a coiaraordte warthle Carles? Keorun us tire -Rck Mrddlerun niflire Milon Pantkall leagar Orrur Leacliman bslion n about tas onderuloird superstar ulalas la beome Bnils leader ufthlie detence. Knore feriis ubynesund anourreit-, Steur ouli undouairedit-gfurets ouneHall ni Parer oren lie retirres.As Sieersut-s,"I tralil n,lire i lut! Sythle wau t Se, Paru runla tu kusa Are t-ualoor utoithe boys altr9ip.mi Rein postpones tourne y finales Sundaynspelusgedcrainsluorprecenret~n coud day ufthlie Camybotlirle Muiraru sior iraseirali tuarnameut Irur eirsg cunupleled. An a resaIt, al gares scireduldfrd lu rndat-rurl 1w ce-sciredaled lueornh u ray iregruurng or n Au thirrgs stand, Dudas, Caorpbllrrlle and Wiealley acre suS laime rir e cbanrprunrip nec ru ruble Miltron, Ourîregrun and Petrruiara tl goîng inlire consoltiron round. Dudouias quanîrtîrd nrargirlmreutrie cirar prunirip game and ontl play, ai 4 t-rn aturdoy. theeamneuofltheo0:3oam.Carp1wlnrille-Wiea- Oley orarci at- On rire consolation srde, Mlton Ryalsiaeavanacd ttefinal andorrll ait1:30 po., play theearanecuoftireo9aor garneirerisecu Petrlia and Baurnn lu gannes resaltu Doundon irear Mlton 1lot Carupboorrtlle iraudled Petroîra 12-2;Wiealley damped Ourîreglun 10-3; Dandan edged Oruen Sound 32;andMiltonireat Owenouandonlbase- rnesaftra 770e.t-arrons, tire ergirli tearu sciredaled lueploy runlire ornamnt, rasa non Congratulationsngo oulaie uuuocee leares and tire utirte of ntlie yese ai Mlton Dsricir Rgir Corinne Kllman ruasnmed the ocirolo te- maIe atirlete of tire t-re airrle tire boys' ainnee ruas Franir Hermam .Tire noardo reflecr the rueli- roundeduessofuth1e arileres as wlart-a co peirîrucspirir. Tiresreiue boys' sacrer tearu guI singe goals lruon lein Faulkner, NuorRoseand Frankrl0er- manrutdeleul Assuaorpnu32andarnthre Hatu champrunnirp. rraas theerrsi succer titeuofany Andnetlteirc ul-dune tie jauirysleaorad- cancedteluthe HMio uqaclerîrnats 1wtre borsg slupped iry Daburtle Traaltgae t-2 in ocerîrme, Tire grls souce lear amIas lacrluerire Moisie semrfnas beore beirsedgedl1-0ry Adersrui Factie, rire tearu braI abitîr Tratalgar 2-0 uon pair of goals ror Kimr 1Hamirtoun ruadvance rte Tire ensire succen easn for ail tiree teanrsaas a great saccess andreulectsnetlnntyirard wourbby the tears and coachresirattre cnmnguofageuof scrunMiltron irpeabng ut soccer, Mlton Tuatir ioccer orît irot tire recoud bottaiflire Mitron-onuy it-cenicu oral]Pertage luarnoreer Iis aeebcud ai a var- rety ut saucerfireldso ugiot Mrlttun. This tuuruey isnlues almosl ait Mlton tenon ru a st-ecraI salit te bols the provruce'sa amrsuet- an acti as lire loanders ut youatirsucreris Milton, More than 400 boys and grls arit robe part ru tire roauey Ibis aeeireed, about the sue sutirer as niro parîrcipaîrd rauoreebendo ago MXSC pres- nidentseudo alung iis tirnebo lu tire Mltoudeterees Association and, ru parcalar, EnrrcuolSam- paccia, woubias aorbed bord lu essore ail games bacceireen pcuperty cuueeded. Presenlalion ut cummemnoratrue plaques lu troue people aira belped sor orlsacer in Mrltonearît continue. mhoue scireduird lu recelue plaques are Jo Delacouet, Bob Dreonan, Jrm Horir, Tony MsirandJuonKennedy. tf youare inlerested inr taing ru any gaonu, ireres a sciredule:, Mini Souceefies:From 9a.or lu I pro gooes ail bw played ai Hallun Ris Placeart-rtheliretral gung Sundy ar3 pm. athresareeuea. Squici Beys: Etromunatian games Salarday ail dy aroWA.Dick Sciran wtrtfitnal a3 por Sudoyar Irescirnot prIe Girls Peenre: A unegaute matci fr luri Salrdyarîpru aiBrunleMeadoas. Alare Beys: A tullli me-ut Sardoy ail day or ronre Meadors orthhtirrle decrded Onday orit- por althe LaurirAve. parir Mosquito Girls: Sarordoy or 10:30 ond 3 pm.,-tlorgamesawil tbplayed ai Frosoen Parkr oritiretheurna gorsg Sudyai 10.30 are. ai lire park, Tirree ruenero frore tire Milneare carme r our ay r celot nsda I 1wSanet 8 Breeda Steeniruf hneied 28 secoedo off he on course recordteorn e 1319bye grls' race in 29 mintes and 25 seconds. Hec ime brue the recoed tuor men runers ai anyt lerel le ruis race. ouonger sister Rachrel Oeeniro asel ual-donc yihreioec asosieran ingrls' t2andaundec and wonte erace iraedrly. Ase le r2 and onder, un rire boys' srde, nillMal- faitlranaa31:45te pturethe race. Mlton Miner Ho:e iret- ro nrg foe a coachr ru bondli laTieTan ursinonckey betee frirhe 1ro 5 soasan. lnleresleducoachresareuasbedroe ui a reure la Bon 37, Miltron. A decisien a enpeuted lu ha ceacirdhefre Jaly i. . .-A as er tUiversity oundat-. MAC came throngh iramreegond ceits inlis oust erre Phutu hy Jonenuegsîrum Haehsg Ceerpant- ThsWeeireed? Mire tham r iicar Motel. a fîmpion 5 a rts P WednesdapJunen2S 194