PART< TI(1E 0(.2 Or 3 088118 ln 811881<9 1180118(88 hickens. 878-2215. APP411NTCESHIP 011110411UN11(ESI 0008884 14 8111a8(< 1candidate s.uai0i tn ore< 0rade<13 4and41<8848(1181aptitude. J88< 2314. 104.',m « to 12 8nom. 004(4 004,1811 Li(881184.233 Ar 411111n88^vende8<, 081g.14o81 Ontario8 070 4X5. 4081108011. (MR <117111(8<1<8 a88 devise /111110(01114<711110<1118. 0<11411<8041tir Hrnlby,Ort., L0P1114 . 8(848 , 1111881141 <811hve Imme1ia(e v1«o.81118for ai 1111<81Of10 41811111<(81, 14110 N.C. and cm8 110411114Y,1.j3une1211111.6.30 p.41 118 9.30 <p.41.1or Satu114 Y, 301ne 23114 8.00 0a...111 1000 a441 0041(4(84118111Li mited.23301Armstrong4 Avenue 088118<1o<1Onri.011,11 104X5. 1100111IR18 <(7 and4 10111111 l(Oî<<t-î 448181 te11 and(4 full4141118711Please a<8(11,11111118111 to 1888 Horion Donut I11l1p, 575 Ontario Street1î South,1111EMilton < 7751<Main4 SC E3.,<8Milton. EXPERI11NCED 041111111111811 0411184 011 411 E(17411,88111pre1111101 Cat144 0112352111110îî41 STAOEN11SIOhelpiO4,11111î,11114<1 11111,14111 R d ., Mlton .878164M. a4m. 12 1nom.11 (8<11411 11< 141<14 Ex<01e11r1111101,114 181123< 285 (Toronto)1< Wee Care Daycare Centre 878-7552 H 1. 0- c-, plu, 2 s1so M1.,112î 11111485 15,6,5 pS I 01,,end7,11111111111.iaff 41 011111111(11411i 1101101110W101 P 1l6... 8011-IN4ici, Full ursey programme, fo chldren30 int 114î1415. N0<.t ous sn cks T088118(1 io 878 7656. 877155177. 878481138 WANTED 88..<18. 0<1181111 11o 811841< <11111111(41411in 8711ho11418or<11un71,<1 111<t87<1 ..Il 811<101111 71 MATURE1811<141111<1114 11111 in23e1( home on ThEmporthMe I Wn(Redeecav, 1141111111111(1mature111 111ma 1111111111. b4110' Muîîton S- . ttoring . 8785095 T U TOR 111 3<11l11b1187(11e01114111111-7,17111 187 09 71114111111<11 3111<1 TV111<4 <7&111,11RADIO 11111111111 Careef raining0 WHAT ARE THE IMITS 0F YOUR CAREER POSSmtLrrES? Wha<ever y« 41are d<îng 1111148are 1101 88181111of the 881111111opp<2111fll1es that 841140 you 111(111 Royal 111840 8Rea1 Estate' MMO epreePR6lW7ae aP> re 8tresfé4 tsalias. 110mpefl84011da<d supported as E<xp(ore 111111r1possibi(îîîes wilh cjanadas large1s tbroker ofresidO11llal realestanc 111Phone us11 oday Royal Tmet Corporation of< Canada. 888814 Ris 8(80410Blok«. am ROYAL 84.880<1 1 81148 11 MR TRUST IIwPelSoflal 1001111110 1< <8811 0781I <11<4on 48,11,11 Rro.007111111111410land or 8101d8840848111 lot<8,1111,1'l5141'l<radius1of1Milton11 080<41418 41111188811 1<14 «((38811,110ifer871 524 IPersoahl DEEP PURPLE A noite a.anirwit0.asa"dtle à Cam .0%.pent 1Iw Ubu in our ui pnc-i ht ý 8ette um t18eon the 21ast RAVING A PROBLEM? AL11N160. Tit. 8 9,5n 120 page Carnier Gide g8 ue t taine home for 200 top-payinfll and pan dm41 8111 jobs.4 018810< (88111<14. 267A AebideSt. 1088. ,Tono11114Cad: rt.(416) 877-365tu- da. ABUS11D and 4 41id? For he111ll 1418788555,. 214 urciifine1l0 for<11 Ail 141114111 1111l Hllon 22221 H1,1r11Monda44y1ThAI114.y, 094a.- 12 111111110Pm144P11m111111441& Th111114y 7 DIAL A DATE For 1ai the1 dates1 1151 114 PR1 EGNANT- and need h11110e114 îllBrhright. 8251216 s Fr al WOMENPhyscalloremtiwalyabsed4 cofDEMO SALfhep rupha Ete o di vu Hrae f-qsportDAhLX 811111 robeDI D4EMI18CO SALE 84 HONDA CLX1118ur. 6 84 MAABB GTC 129E-203 GUELPH Sm SALES * SeR e* F ne11711113k1 1111.5 SOC 7 8 54 2111100< 11 19841FORD1511120,0001km_1<4114,03car11 c YI " der. 01111u1om a II, 08m0, 11111411 111111487Cali 87 11d ,n -l or 1171 30 Ss 1302, 111 1 5130.11p(181 r_ 1 54,le 1111 412,2<18780<51< 19<0PONT 111071Grand 411 - 411Va 11V61 c nd t g el ce" Ced011117 85,0412<8 19,76 CUT1LASS S 'd 1188 881 11PB1,78PIN, 1975 111111E 4R 11-c'a1511141.4 11881 i. Recreatlon Vehices Cor n & EtC"ckou ineyer knowlingly rModee« H1%TiVDA linf 32 BanaSt, Mkla M Campers, Tra((ers & Motor Homes 1ARDTOP 11487101111111 c o 1111,10 ,1111< * - and4van -eMotofo 0Ca 1111110,0601122 AULS MARINE. ACTON aIO Business Opportunftl.s IT15 1148,h8 1048 11<4 11o(ear11< ,M a800 44118848bu~811or e«pi840 MI,911 11110<8811Market11o88n118, . lEar78 341 Ecloy 195)Frt nf 11io. O-91 mhe Canadjut Clunopeon, Wed., June2b, 1984 87 Far Yoar Naao ulty U" Car NOMlC <F DISSOLIT0,i PRIVATE 0881ca-6ae8t48811 aok<tU <808 sèe IIIIIII! S11111111111lr FOR88M 14( 48 o 8fer p 8g14léoussurrouriillites er ta~ th mae oi CAte Avd*m of 1 844<11 4allesbWwmm Hhi 25 &4M06-1131.80 8 "TteCo81.Mw for the purpoee mod 48ld ee24th dey of1O0- S160 4t1t8des ON 880It(88.»41811 188118, 4air bmVir ow*$ml o,183, p1(484 a 8t o q14ra 8888819 4 4y <4184 SORE ni 488r38ln.o 8818<1, "CanadaFSusncelle Cororations1Ac». and4a ECAIFT UETATE - MLTOW 17aM OF M WE< 488 Icte of inter 448fr<disolve illeusci h the isait inute88<88401 a GO<»M. N11s4t14et 881"u-. 1 chat0ct u08 r dte of dm chr,4M4q hou aeutur, flin. 088.4-8811=484.8<88 N. 9140 08118<88 -1M.And8888481 cke881118<-184 rieis, .8o. ten - 3,348 <11114888,11111180oft 8<41ciai(448mm488<18(484 8th Po". Tt".1-3 achat8811810 0hm m 88881- 500 Branle St. Milton 8M823289 8n notice1aller1811<4cime1the 8018 < of 1th 1e W.4. 4As0(<g *148.08.1Pli-ma.SM* the pe81111s 8814(84 t0eretc. 0411111regard14o the 1977 COUGA8. 447,11848,011 whte l inter cla8188 1(4f18841 .11 e or41p88orao hasdm tiie. PVATE&11111 111, ne1*1141111 11<11t(114. 088? 4fai.877.4W17 D< 1M1~ 211411 <418 18 ( 110141 î 1 814111 11 19'76 OAT11UN hatchâc04 10 , e t=fr 1. 04= Cana" 4n 4111division,2 0bath. 30114î110,,11 luth, îp4«d, 90,00 mils. Phne 35-58" FR 3, Mllio, Ont larg lotpave1 driv, gaage $4.50 11199 H V ' ,,1forSIv1044, 088<' 81881(11159)39-401 W 01ower1 01111111, tilt 1111011111( 8(14184 11141 <8,848 . 111 Wanted to Refit "12. WAN11 foi118811411141In(8Milton8,4140(10111for111- ASKING $69,500. 111100cars11& 1trucks11for11sale.1 Cali<GaTry 870111ble f am IV of fiv, Ca 14l876 7641or1876. 1111,111888451 1 8441178-a379. 14384411111117111 THREE bdoohn( 1 Y04 bath, compl(0î 11111<1114 11111CHEV t ort pi 010 0 -VB auto, p. 3 B811000011f0 aou161o fo nt11 441 18111011 2 11111111 <1, n 111on(large1111114loiinquiet 1884 11111111,114& 011411<1. 0(411& white 81111111,114ca p Jly1 Mltn7 orHalln HHS,4t-4or ural enti 11 4114 11,51off 1ain 4111<in1Ation 9179 B1SI NESS(8AN a4141411,1 king1,1 fol3 or 4 011111 1980 C111EV M i 8411 4 C 1.0o, 111 8111811111, 41141(0111 0111110111111Septembr187 orT 1111101150 Poverbrke, 7,W lsraias lcetiied 1 Cl]84 174(E miq)or(59)92 5fl853-1165 1078 110110 11,0,11, 4111 1,1,118 14118784233844 WAN11110 11 cent 1141<1 11111 0,11 11garage< amer7600flP - barn11<n41r $M<4per11 11163771(714aller151141 EN R 1W ANTED t1110081 S 411 41111488011,44111 Luxu1y 3 ab1884huear. Gcn l80orf.8.ily lot hin15 ,1d1 radius of Mot1411111 111871111111 Large mitater, Cèle8S".7111 ef'.<12 noon. 1984 VAW.cAmpE M. For Reat F01 5Ie -114 0011l11. 2511acres457<114411<land ON SALE#F40Wl CLASS AMECHAN(C 891,M84 1ll 416 769 64391 WANTED PRI1VATE 14large1four1188 4 4111111411011117 -ni111871301746 N,<1Ag 11 4871121 11111014d ., Asking 1487,1 C11 1 31 3 BEDROOM CONOOMINIUM WNE,-fyuhv adtat'ssmy /CD USED d:h-.h- 1111ud1d " 9903 ht11,-e 184111 .18714l41 81 RABS48 .488411 1411881pý 0088 90 CHEVETTE 4î8141<i,1110(11 yA<oî84O0.341111 SOBMW 3019TH COR7T M O 40W Sb 840 1401146040(41141141pkg 41A na rma 80 ACCORD 4 0OR4-<EXECUMTVENOM SFOR1 REfiT 8In0 the11<metta0 111Ontrio 1141448 At19M. 98 MUSTANG aunnoti One in1urbain844188. 4 the (0 48inthe rurl 400 C1oper337; <04 1in1the4marier 211t8 79 RABIBIT 20<OR.1DIESEL a88«4of04411108041- 8o814id«.( for sent« (81141 and phem411481et1the4 11114<818 78 HONOA CFIC81sol 481414 0-8ci,1r<1y114-88..4.4bR. Municipal add(8811lin the1Province8of1 8810 181111111184884NOTICE 0F INTENTION 55 iMBY£Y 0A1AN 1148111 TO DESIGNATE 20u AXENOTICE 1041 4the 41114 ici o fineCor rigm U0(TWm UnLa. *31131 oftheTo,, <11of8,11111 1111<1141 Io on- 4de 11.1a the <742111. 11111<4111<(lands4 and tors LMd.a MILTON 411111111111411114et11 the11114111142111(1 municipal4141111111111 awfl Honde gh ehohVcoinhm agýd s.poeto crýrIadhsoia T., GEORGETOWN s<011i,101< 0151 peope1100 0111111(01151111 Act101 019M, R 450 Chapter 1337 Mac1L11411 1114111114(0L14 11(80114118114871411 Municipal4< 44411881 78 HiqO<8<y 25,Twn "AM a .21 111REASONS FOR TmHE 11110110010 0110011 *f ReCreatlon Vehicles <00(8 for rent in 1111111111111111418use1of1it This101building . 4 1111on04he881141411 Style of 1111and884 i <111<1114$225. 878 76M, A81108t. is a lar4ge. 1414 881111811444411 <1114111111111<11878<1992.8788111(11 Calil878 33043<84828ver,8118<44< <8thtra 111à<8114( 14118in 173110110117540 lh ferrin8444i1048411 111111E 11for11101 40011111.87411ly12W13square1111 he04841981C..o. box1 Low la 871114 exce111lent conitio.1 12W111 a1 878 141417571 The 1Cr-1 egW11 .d88884101111111181111..der<8i1. M=oulss &Townhouoss For Rent 14811 18588<080 the 1. <8141 FO01 Sale-11<1144 1T11 200X<, -y01 411114con0of10the 7111141111, in 1410 (1801111440< 8<18 31111 411,114111114CatiI878 7127 1<0( 4 BEDROOM 11<8711 11<me,11 iSubdivision111 chat1MfîW"n -Iu<8the f40188 011ifi7 <010< (<I 1country111S11,114A<4,140îo3111111 112o1p111 Tchwn ofMi101111notice4ofhis b, hier objection <111 HONDA 1111288 1,30011 417184,, 0 lhorse111111141s11114 40111878193851 111the8811117111844488411411<111<41110<8<8<a S100 8781703 Il, 15 p m-- a15 <78 k18 , excellent condition. l< ,8 81 878 (11111211111 AA t7,Ii-rd.dec11111,111110( 1l114Se rî<0ce the Council(1of1the <1111411411 ino 39 110 1111411<171 h r0e118711 0,11111 the411 T-1 o Ml 41940.261fe th maret.e 1 1141 7 jut<3 Sof1 -1 8531340 alkf0,914.4h toewM aTVAKE, 1 011, 11<2,40111 -JL .k Tm Almnw E CW 121 Il21878 11113375 77la111Ontario. 0 1<. e 01110 4860 ly undersold) SERaiont <iaL9T49Tw fMeo RO M ,11 coar .1 ai.bi1 -n2C4 da hom 85À 2551 OTICE <00581<î1111(1188î711111111, es 878 9,W<8alite, 4130 OUTAIU 9008U8MT ia. C1 4117817635 bui* (111114,41CO"1lCTORS @* Ol ndustriel & CotMMercillPropdbs Dýrý6. E711C1Dr0ury S111o, 250OnRSINSTAIENTOF THE 21a,.11141111South, MILTON,011(4<788<4.1n 4-PLEX IN COUNTRY T>WSUO JOTE 711 18<11101 14111 1 A A, n11for11111 4,11 <111111 4104 a- C<111l11111111 3- -l hin ltnanc m 1,30a mhly pe-JUNE 29,19M - the1 10003111<884(853-1165 ï111 53 111188,4 1111<SouthGuelph01114<7o, STO RE STORES 1511101 <1881 8 1884 haha u86t....d JLY 177 . 104 ait1801111orn4men, <1811 8486 peo 8 7498 25 M aM lin5eblnem U *mectSt public.1Tender cl994m Guelp Guelph0'OntarioTemsçom See 114888884818 6.1131 or12l75404 5MoreTown of Millon1on Page SM Ministry cirhidnCohga fFHeavy EquIpmient 04<68 <18.38Schoel REQUIRES ACCOMMODATION FOR STUDENTS FOR SEPTEMBER 1984 i1IlkE~I~<WJ, please cati: ~, dIMeU8i~878-357 18 8230 a V RA M 6V Y M 1 E bellons June 29. 1904 G ci N bý Tl N sý A -ç M c-1 0