Oakville Beaver, 4 Apr 2014, p. 5

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Town seeks input before beefing up private tree bylaw by Julia Le Oakville Beaver Staff 5 | Friday, April 4, 2014 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Community consultation will begin later this month on possible revisions to the private tree protection bylaw. The review will aim to boost protection in order to preserve the tree canopy in Oakville. After hearing a brief staff review of the bylaw, Oakville council asked for community input and recommendations. The first public meeting will be held April 23 from 7-9 p.m. in the Black Box Theatre at Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre, 2302 Bridge Rd. A second meeting will follow on April 24, from 7-9 p.m. in the Bronte/Palermo Room at Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Rd. Staff has proposed some improvements to the bylaw approved by council in 2008 to support a greener community and a healthier environment as set out in Oakville's Official Plan, dubbed Livable Oakville. The changes include regulating trees 15 centimetre in diameter at breast height (dbh) and larger through a modified tree permit process. Another is a permit fee that works on a scale basis. Yet another is establishing stipulations for canopy and tree compensation. The current bylaw allows tree owners to remove any tree less than 20 cm dbh -- and up to four trees totalling less than 76 cm dbh annu- ally. That's done without a permit, but through a Town notification process. The system was initially created to provide a level of removal control on private lands while discouraging excessive removal, encouraging land owners to recognize the value of trees in the community and foster tree replanting. Chris Mark, Parks and Open Space director, said, for the most part, the current bylaw is wellinformed and has been well-received. However, "no one could predict the level of activity associated with the notification process nor the impact it would have on our canopy cover." "Now that it has been in place for five years, it is time for a review of both its performance and application," he said. Oakvillegreen Conservation Association President Karen Brock told council Monday night she was shocked to learn how in five years, almost one per cent of Oakville's urban forest canopy has been removed through the Town's notification process. Currently there are no requirements for landowners to replace the value of these healthy trees, said Brock, who delegated to share the Oakvillebased environmental group's support in many of the initial improvement suggestions to the bylaw. She continued much has happened over the last five years, including significant growth and new development in the north and intensification to mature, well-treed neighbourhoods. Severe storm events like December's ice storm and tree mortality due to pests like the emerald ash borer (EAB) have also impacted Oakville's tree canopy, she added. "EAB alone is threatening 10 per cent of Oakville's canopy," she said. "All of these things reminds us of the pressure humans and Mother Nature are putting on our tree canopy." Brock continued the Town's goal to achieve 40 per cent canopy cover by 2057 is admirable, but she questions if it's realistic with the continued net loss taking place. "We need to know the facts," she said. "A recent loss and damage of Oakville trees in the ice storm has provided even greater incentive for citizens to re-examine how we can best protect and enhance the canopy and trees that remain through strengthening the private tree bylaw." Oakvillegreen Conservation Association has already submitted several recommendations on how the bylaw can be improved and plans to submit more recommendations in the coming weeks. Oakville's tree canopy currently sits at 20.1 per cent. Those who are unable to attend the public meetings can provide comment by emailing privatetreebylawreview@oakville.ca. For more information, visit www.oakville.ca. PLEASE ORDER IN ADVANCE TURKEYS CANADA GRADE A $ 69 /lb. Fresh Free Range 3 A boneless Black Forest Smoked Ham, pre-sliced, then glazed with your choice of Honey Mustard, Orange Marmalade or Canadian Maple and decorated with fruit. The Electric Fireplace Shop 6 Hurontario St. Miss. 905-278-7337 · We Carry Inserts & Mantel Packages · Wall Mount & Recess · Custom Mantels Starting from STARTING $ $ AT 99.00 499.00 Over 60 models on display. Largest in GTA Visit our website theelectric replaceshop.com Hwy 10 lakeshore Rd. The Academic Edge + Travel NJC is a Canadian, independent high school located in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Students in their pre-university year (Grade 12 & AP) develop rapidly through inspiring academics, extensive travel and enriching cultural exposure. NJC graduates possess the knowledge, confidence and independence to lead their own lives and others in making a positive difference in the world. Limited space for September 2014 Neuchâtel Junior College | Founded 1956 | Co-Ed | www.njc.ch Canadian Office | 1.800.263.2923 |

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