www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, May 23, 2014 | 12 F O R T H E L A D I E S Oakville Relay For Life June 20th, 2014 Saints Peter and Paul Parish grounds 1039 Dundas Street West Join the fight against cancer. To register, donate, volunteer or purchase a luminary visit: www.relayforlife.ca/oakville 905-845-5231 FUN EMOTIONAL TOUCHING HOPE PARTY INSPIRING CURE UNFORGETABLE MOVING The seventh annual Ladies Out Laughing (LOL) fundraiser, in support of the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation and Tour for Kids, was held at the Operating Engineers Banquet Centre on Speers Road recently. Jennifer Taylor, left, and her friend Mary Long browse the racks of women's fashions in the Fashion Truck, which made its debut at this year's edition of the fundraiser. Proceeds from the comedy event raising money for cancer help fund cancer research and support services. | photo by Graham Paine Oakville Beaver (Follow on Twitter @ halton_photog or facebook.com/HaltonPhotog) Don't miss this, and other great deals! A breakfast meeting with guest speaker: Don'tmissthis! Visit Follow us: @wagjag Proudly Canadian ArleneDickinson June2nd2014-7:00am-10:00am facebook.com/wagjag $149 FOR 1 WEEK OF GOLF SUMMER DAY CAMP AT ALKEGOLF (A $269 VALUE) Breakfast Seminar Series P R E S E N T E D I N PA R T N E R S H I P W I T H OakvilleBeaver RosanneLongo Also speaking our local entrepreneur... Buy Online: 1 How to buy a WagJag: Go to www.wagjag.com 2 45% off $149.00 3 Receive your deal, tell your friends and enjoy! J U N E 2 - 1 3 , 2 0 1 4 AsLongo's Spokespersonand Contributing Writer,Rosanneisthe"voiceofLongo's".Sheisthe creatoroftheFreshTraditionsblog,aforumfor customerstoshareideas,recipesandcontinuethe conversationsthat inspirecreating memorable foodexperiences. Click buy on the offer and follow the instructions. Brought to you by Scan to Purchase Tickets Date: June 2nd 2014 - 7:00am - 10:00am Venue: BurlingtonConventionCentre 1120BurloakDr.,Burlington Tickets:$90 plusHST Call: 905-632-4444 formoreinfo. or visit: www.metroland.com/arlenedickinson