MARCH BREAK W 'lil 1 M .S I >.\Y . M A R C I I I ) . 2 i X >2 v>% · 1 '< l.'L 'f ` < >4 Lots to do for kids thanks to Oakville Y March Break at O akville YM CA. 410 Rebecca St., for kids 5 to 16 years old. FUN W IT H C R A F T S 6 -1 1 years, 1:30 -3 :1 5 p.m. cost: $17 per class or $64 for all four classes C reate beautiful spring crafts for decorating Fees include all materials M onday: masks, Tuesday: decoupage, W ednesday: pots, Thursday stained glass. B A B Y SIT T E R T R A IN IN G 11-16 years, cost: $56. Safety, em ergency procedures, practical first aid Gain first hand know ledge of caring for children Taught and adm inistered in accordance with the O ntario Safety League manual on babysitter train ing Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. noon. M onday to Friday, 1 :1 5 - 3 :1 5 p.m. M ARCH BREAK EX TRA VAGAN ZA FO R PR E S C H O O L E R S 2.5 - 6 years. Cost: $16 per day. Children will explore their im agination as they create projects using a variety o f materials. M onday: play clay Tuesday: decorative picture frames W ednesday: paper bag puppets Thursday: fingerpainting Friday: decorative crowns. F U T U R E K ID S C O M P U T E R L E A R N IN G - C A R T O O N C A M P 5 - 8 years, cost: $137. C reate wacky com ics and loony anim ations, design com ic strips and com puter anim ation Monday to Friday: 9:30 a.m. noon. R O B O T IC S 8-12 years, cost: $137 Young engineers build m ov able m achines using LEGO Monday to Friday, 12:30 - 3 p.m. Indoor and outdoor play (w eather perm itting) C rafts and games Special out trip Location: St. Bernadette School. 1201 Heritage Way M onday to Friday. 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Supervised after care is available on site until 6 p.m. for $30 for week. C O -E D B A SK E T B A L L C A M P 9 -1 5 years, cot: $145. Extrem e basketball and m axi mum fun T-shirt included Location: T.A. Blakelock High School. 1160 Rebecca St... M onday to Friday. 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. For inform ation and registration, call the O akville YMCA at 905-8453417. COMMUNITY PROGRAMS W O R L D W ID E SP O R T S CAMP 6 -1 0 years. M onday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. -- 4:30 p.m., cost: $145. Special daily them es centered around sports " Rap" up March Break at video dance party Another March Break with nothing to do? No way! If you are in grade 6. 7. or 8, the Oakville Parks and Recreation Department has you in mind with their "Rock the Ridge" Video Dance on Friday afternoon, March 15 from 1 to 4 p.m. Doors open at 12:45 p.m. at the new Iroquois Ridge Community Centre on Glenashton Drive. The folks from Much Music Video Dance will be bringing their big screens and their videos. Plan for an interactive afternoon with a live vee jay host on screen. Musical content and video selection is age appropriate. Contests and prizes for official Much Music merchandise. Tickets cost S5 per person in advance only. Call 905-338-4250. For further information call Carol Gall, 905-845-6601. ext. 3153. Peter C. McCusker · Oakville Beaver MAPLE GOODIES: A nia E rm a rk a rv a n of O akville enjoys h er pancakes and m aple sy ru p a t B ronte C reek Provincial P a rk S unday m orning. T heir m onth-long M aple S y ru p Festival continues w eekends and M arch Break until the end of M arch. Activities will include tree tap p ing, m aple sy ru p and m aple su g a r candy d em o n stratio n s, wagon rides, educational movies, tours of S pruce L ane F arm house, new born farm anim als to pet, and a m aple products gift shop. Pancakes an d m aple sy ru p will be served on w eekends and d u rin g M arch B reak. T he festival will be open w eekends, and daily d u r ing M arch B reak, M arch 11 to 15. from 10 a.m . - 4 p.m . PRO TEACH BASEBALL March Break Camp (March 11-15) 0 AGES: 9 -1 3 V TIME: 9am - 12pm, Monday to Friday V COST: $150.00 (includes tax & t-shirt) M A R C H BREAK C A M P M a r c h 11 t h r o u g h M a r c h 22 W e invite vou lo view o u r new m o d em facility. Enjoy G roup, Semi & Private instruction by o u r qualified, professional instructors in: Creative fun at Studio PAVAS March Break should offer parents and kids a respite, a change from the everyday. Studio PAVAS will provide exactly that. Parents can relax in the knowledge that their kids are enjoying a week of fun and creativity: and kids can learn everything from tap and hip-hop to musical theatre and painting. Children as young as three years old are invited to tap into their creativity and discover what really makes them tick. "This (camp) gives them an opportunity to try everything. Then, come September, they've discovered the thing they love to do," says PAVAS director Suzanne Zakoo. "They get an hour of each discipline - tap or Irish dancing, lyrical, hip-hop, drama, musical the atre and art. Then on Friday, they perform in the afternoon. It takes your breath away to see what they can do in five days. They are thrilled with what they can do." Children, aged 3 to 5, only attend the March Break camp half-days, and itcan be any where from one to five mornings. Those aged 6 to 14 can select anything from an hour a day to five full days. Prices range from $35 for one half-day to $ 185 for the complete week, which includes two snacks daily and a supervised lunch. "They buikl on what they leam each day," she explains, adding that those who don't want to dance can simply opt for a half-day program. No supplies are needed, just a pair of ballet or jazz shoes, everything else is included. For a registration form and a tour of the studio's newly expanded facilities, visit 2351 Royal Windsor Dr., Unit 1, or call 905-403-9435 for more information. it. /X c t it. it. ~~pLa\f i t . ~[>*an> i t . '~ j) a in t i t . ^ ^ c tilp t it /L e a y n i t . · M odern Jazz · A cting Tap · M usical Hlip ip H op · T h eatre lllroom · Voice B allroom Sw ing · In stru m en tal Latin · P ainting Lyrical · D raw ing Irish · Clay Pilates · P ottery Instruction tor all ages. Day, evening & weekend classes. Now accepting registrations. Y ear r o u n d in s t r u c t i o n . Ballet .March Break & Summer Camps ( To Register Call ) STUDIO i * / \ \y / \ s CALL US T O D A Y 9 0 5 -4 0 3 -9 4 3 5 2351 Royal Windsor Drive, Unit 1, Mississauga 905-974-0734 or 416-339-7543 studiopava$ Events March llth -16th! 1 YOUTHm=r. ~ m Programs for ages M arch Brea March 11-15, 2002 Main Y M C A - 410 R ebecca S». Fun With Crafts 6-11 yrs $ 17 e a c h class $64 A ll 4 classes · Create beautiful spring crafts for decorating · Fees include all materials Monday - Masks. Tuesday · Dec ou page. Wednesday - Pots. Thursday * Stained Glass. - 1:30pm 3:15 p m Community iI n World Wide Sports Cam p 6-10 yrs M o n d a y -frid a y 5:30-4:30 p m · Special daily them es centered around sports · Indoor and outdoor play (weather permitting! · Crafts and games · Special ou t trip · Location: St. Bernadette S.S. 1201 Heritage Way M o n -fri 6:30 - 4:30 p m $145 N ote ; Supervised a fte r Babysitter Training 11-16 yrs · Safety, emergency procetkjres. practical first aid · Gain first hand knowledge of caring for chid en · Taught and administered in accordance with the O ntario Safety League manual on babysitter training M on - fri 10:00 -1 2:0 0 p m M o n -F r i 1:15 -3 :1 5 p m $56 $56 core Is a v a il a b le o n s it e u n t i l 6 : 0 0 p m f o r $30/week. Co-ed Basketball · Extreme basketball and maximum fun · T-shirt included · Location: T A Blakelock1160 Rebecca St.. Oakville M o n -fr i 6 :3 0 -4 :0 0 p m ____________ $145 Cam p Futurekids Com puter Learning 9-15 yrs Cartoon Cam p 5 - 8 yrs · Create wacky comics and loony animations, design comic strips and com puter animation M o n -fri 9:30 - 12:00 p m $ 137 Robotics 8-12 yrs · Young engineers build movable machines out of LEGO M o n -fri 12:30 - 3:00 p m $ 137 March Break Extravaganza for Preschool · Children will explore their imagination as they create projects using a variety of materials. M o n -fri $ 16 p a r child per d a y You w o n 't b e lie ve w h a t w e h a v e LINED UP!!! M onday Tuesday OakvMe PvbOc library. Wood ski* Branch. Is hosting a Short Story/Drawing Contest 2pm Movie Day 10am. 11:30am. 1pm. 2:30pm W e d n e s d a y Princess Karma's Magic Show 11:30am t 2:30pm 2.5 - 6 yrs Monday Tuesday W ednesday Thursday Friday Play Clay Decorative Picture Frames Paper Bag Puppets Fingerpainting Decorative Crowns Y Summer Camps N O W ACCEPTING REGISTRATIONS Thursday SloryHrrve 10am. Colouring Contest 2pm Friday H d 't Crafts 2pm Saturday Irish Dancers 11:30am t 3pm Hopedale Shopping Centre 4 10 R e b e cca S t. T h ird L in e / R e b e c ca H ours: M on-Fri 9:.J0am -4 ):00pm ; Sal l):J0 a m -b :0 0 p m : Sun 12:00pm -5:00pm