Oakville Beaver, 19 Jul 1991, p. 17

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday. July 19, 1991 - 1 8 'akyille's AUTO GUIDE GST has little impact on used cars If you have the urge to kick a few tires and invest in some new wheels, now is good a time to let loose. That's because new car prices have come down. But what about used cars? You may have heard that if you buy a used car from your next door neighbour, or any other individual for that matter, you don't pay GST. This is true. However, did you know that GST has little effect on the final selling price of used cars bought from dealers? Even though you don't pay GST when you buy a privately-owned used car, and you do when you buy firom a dealer, GST tax credits that dealers receive should be passed along to you in the form of lower prices. In other words, although you pay GST on the full purchase price of the used vehicle, under the GST system this price sh o u ld be lo w er than it w as before January 1. O f co u rse, as w ith any purchase, it pays to shop around carefully for the best deal. The GST Consumer Information Office estimates that used car prices should go up slightly (less than 1%). In time, however, used car prices are likely to reflect the reduction in tax rates on new cars. Leasing and rentals The cost of leasing a new car should go down by 4% under the GST. If you began leasing your car before 1991 you don't have to pay GST until January 1, 1994. W hen you ren t a car, a tru ck or recreational vehicle, the GST applies, regardless o f the length o f rental. The good news is that under the new system, the cost of renting, on average should go down by 3%. Auto R epairs and Servicing Vehicle repairs and m aintenance are taxable. So you must pay GST on parts and lab o u r (e x c e p t w here se rv ic e is co v ered u n d er w a rra n ty ). T he GST Consumer Information Office estim ates that by rem oving the old FST, tax on replacem ent parts will go up by about 1.5% . Since labour was not previously taxed, the impact of GST on your specific repair bill will depend on the breakdown between parts and labour: if it's mainly parts, you won't see a big difference; if mostly labour, you will. Related expenses E xtended w a rra n tie s and serv ice c o n tra c ts, p a rk in g fees, to w in g and emergency service fees, driving lessons, auto club memberships and car wash costs are all subject to GST. Driver's license, registration and plate fees, insurance, loan payments and road and bridge tolls are not. If you would like more inform ation about how the GST affects car prices, call the GST Consum er Inform ation Office toll free at 1-800-668-2122 for your copy of The Goods and Services Tax and your Vehicle brochure. Help your car keep its cool this summer A common situation with summer driving is engine overheating. If your engine coolant tem perature light or gauge shows an overheat condition or you see, smell or hear escaping steam, the engine is in an overheat condition. C ontinued operation o f the engine, even for a short time, could result in a fire or severe engine damage. According to automotive specialists at General M otors o f Canada, don't take charices w ith an o v erh eated engine. If you haVe reason to suspect a serious overheat condition, stop and park the car as soon as possible, turn off the engine and, when it's safe to do so, get out of the car. "The cooling system may overheat if the coolant level is too low, if there's a sudden loss of coolant (such as when a hose s p lits ) or if o th er related problems occur. Overheating, however, may only be a tem porary condition caused during severe conditions such as climbing a long hill on a hot day, stopping after highway-speed drivings idling for Idng periods in traffie-br towing a trailer. If you thijik your engine is starting to o v e rh e a t, turn o ff the air co n d itio n in g ( i f vptir car is so equipped). If y e w ^^s topped in traffic, sh ift to n eu tral. H ow ever, if the condition doesn't improve within a few minutes, pull over, stop and park the car. Let the engine run at normal idle speed for several m inutes. If th e/ overheating continues, turn o ff the/ engine and get out o f the car, thery consult your car owner's manual for p ro p er step s to take or seek professional service assistance. j / We don't have to sell you on the Nissan Maxima. The experts have done it for us. ^ N IS S A N WINNER BEST IN CLASS ROAD 8c TRACK 1 9 9 1 "WORLD'S 1 0 B E ST " CAA wants b etter seatbelts On June 2 6 , 1 9 9 1 , the 3/3/m illio n m em ber, n o t-fo r-p ro fit C anadian Automobile Association (CAA) called on the federal government to ensure that auto makers provide safer, betted fitting safety belts in all vehicles. A ccording to newly, elected CAA Chairm an Bill S e lb y ,//Lives could be saved by requiring vertically adjustable shoulder harness anchorages in all new motor vehicles." Selby affirms that, "Many drivers and passengers who may be shorter or elderly or fairly young find current shoulder belts uncomfortable." In many cases, people place the belt behind their backs, rendering it useless. Others may even put themselves at risk by wearing the belt when it lies across their necks. Over 300 delegates gathered in Jasper, Alberta, including representatives from the Hamilton Automobile Club, this week to participate in CAA's 77th Annual Meeting and vote on a variety o f public policy resolutions. CAA's 1990 Vehicle Durability Survey indicated that safety is the fastest growing concern among motorists today. Concerns for the safety effects of current shoulder belts w ere raised by CAA before the C anadian C ouncil o f M otor T ransport A dm inistrators (C C M TA ) in April and again in May. CAA sup p o rts CCM TA's goal o f reaching 95% seat belt usage by 1995. "`We can help achieve this important goal by providing motorists with safer, better fitting and adjustable shoulder b elts," acco rd in g to CAA P resid en t M ichael McNeil. NISSAN - WINNER OF MORE AWARDS IN THE 9 0 S THAN ANY OTHER CAR MANUFACTURER Y o u c a n 't b u y a d v e rtisin g like th is. B u t w h y a re th e e x p e rts ra v in g a b o u t th e N is s a n M a x im a ? B e c a u se it h a s all th e co m fo rts of a lu x u ry se d a n , a s w e ll a s t h e p o w e r a n d a e ro d y n a m ic s o f a s p o rts car. And <b w ith its ra c e -p ro v e n 3 .0 litre V 6 e n g in e , t h e M a x im a is e a s ily s e p a ra te d firom th e com petition. W ith all th is going for tn e M axim a, y o u 'd th in k it w ould co st a lot m ore th a n th e co m p etitio n . In fact, it co sts less th a n m a n y o th e r lu x u ry se d a n s. A n d n o t o n ly d o w e in c lu d e m o re s ta n d a r d fe a tu re s th a n th e com petition . every M axim a co m es w ith th e N is s a n NoNonsense® W a rra n ty , w h ic h p ro te c ts for u p to six y e a rs o r 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 km *. W h a t else c a n w e tell y o u a b o u t th e M axim a t h a t will co n v in ce y o u to b u y o n e ? W ith th e h e lp o f th e e x p e rts , a n d th e co m p etitio n , th e c a r s p e a k s for itself. fro m 7 00 SALES · SERVICE · LEASING · PARTS · *21,790 [P lu s F r. Del. & All Taxes] Oakville NISSAN. BUY OR CUSTOM LEASE 827-1177 M O N .-T U E S .-W E D .-T H U R S . TIL 9 FRIDAY TIL 6 SERVING YOU FAIRLY SINCE

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