Oakville Beaver, 19 Jul 1991, p. 29

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RF/VIBK Aboutowne Cocp- AnneM. Chong Sates R epresentative M em ber of R & *V *K REAL ESTATE THE OAKVILLE BEAVER l 1 0 0 % Club (B) 3 3 8 -9 0 0 0 (H) 3 3 8 -7 6 5 3 6 0 L ak esh o re Rd. W.. Oakville Friday, July 19, 1991 B everage delivery service Jy OM c.y-A - C O bv\| rU / e i"p jH~ hnds nicne in service sector BY NANCY ALEXANDER Special to the Beaver MILLER REAL ESTATE LTD. (jv r A x y INDUSTRIAL ·COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT DIVISION INDUSTRIAL CONDO · Brand new at $65 sq. ft. · Brand new i Road vated Vendor · 2400 sq.tt. 21 , MEMBER BROKER 467 S p e e rs Road 845-9900 D avid W o o d 's story is becoming a fa m ilia r one in our battered economy. For 37 years the Oakville resident was a successful insurance salesman, looking forward to his retirement years.Then, at the age o f 5 6 , w ith the in s u ra n c e in d u s try e x p e rie n c in g ro u g h tim es, W ood fo u n d h im s e lf d e c la re d re d u n d a n t-- a n o th e r s ta tis tic o f the widespread recession. L ik e m any in h is shoes. Wood did all he could to find another job in the industry, but cam e up em p ty . S o , with bills to pay and a strong aversion to any k in d o f g o v e rn m e n t a s s is ta n c e . W ood ad m its he ju s t began " c a stin g aro u n d " fo r an alternative career. He e v e n tu a lly cam e up with an idea fo r his ow n b u sin ess which he calls "Crocka - d ia l" , a hom e d e liv e ry s e r v ic e fo r beer, wine and liquor. A d m itte d ly , i t 's quite a departure from the insurance business, b u t W ood s a y s h is v e n tu re seem s to be catching on, and as an a d d e d b o n u s , i t 's h e lp in g h im g e t in sh a p e . " H a u lin g a co u p le c a se s o f b eer up a flight o f stairs can g iv e y o u a re a l workout," he quips. W ood c re d its h is s is te r-in -la w fo r the initial idea. She knew o f a sim ilar business b e in g ru n in th e B eaches a re a of Toronto and suggested he check it out. B a s ic a lly th e service works like this. A customer calls in his order for beer, wine or liquor. T here is a five dollar charge for the first item, a one dollar c h a rg e fo r each additional item, and a one d o llar charge for e a c h d if f e r e n t sto p required For instance. if the custom er orders a c a se o f b e e r an d a bottle o f wine, it will c o s t h im a to ta l o f se v e n d o lla rs in delivery charges, plus GST. A s an a d d itio n a l s e r v ic e . W ood w ill deliver cigarettes and m u n c h ie s (th e sam e ra te s a p p ly ), an d he a ls o re tu rn s th e empties and allows the c u sto m ers full c red it for them. Customers must be able to produce proof of age an d id e n tif ic a tio n u p o n re q u e s t w h ich W ood d u ly re c o rd s o n th e order form. T his isn 't ju s t a fo rm a lity . A s Wood is quick to point o u t, h is b u s in e s s is closely m o nitored by th e L C B O a n d th e L L B O , an d e v e n h is a d v e rtis in g m u st g o th ro u g h rig o ro u s checks. In fact, he says, the C rock-a-dial business was no ovem igfht set up . It to o k h im fo u r m o n th s to g et c le a ra n c e fo r h is b u s in e s s fro m th e LCBO, and th a t in c lu d e d a c ro s s C anada police check, and checks on all his b u s in e s s a n d c re d it re f e re n c e s . F in a l approval came through in January and W ood has been operating the b u s in e s s o u t o f h is hom e since then. H is UPGRADED OFFICES - $6 NET · Prestige N. Service Rd. · 21 private offices ·5000 ) sq.ft. ·QEW visibility AUTOMOTIVE PLAZA - $6 NET · Drive thill bays · Interceptor drains - 70% leased ·1841 lo3779sq.lt. OFFICES! 6 MONTHS FREE - Brand new, $10 net. 6 mo. free · 3 year lease · Prestige N. Sen/ice Rd. · 3000 to 3 fi 8000sq.lt DOCK LEVEL IND. $ 4 NET · Speers Rd. ·4815sq.lt. >10% Office finish · 2 dock level doors OFFICE TOWER - $ 1 3 GROSS · Speers Rd. · Underground parking ·1 0 0 0 to 4 0 0 0 sq .lt · Builder finishes lor you M3 INDUSTRIAL - $3 .50 NET · Wyecroft Rd. brand new · 2085 sq.ft. to 10.505 sq.ft. · 10 Office & wide wide bays M3 FREESTANDING · Industrial ·Wyecroft Rd. @ $3.50 net · 10% air cond. offices · dock and drive in doors M3 DOCKS 6 4 1 9 SQ.FT. · Wyecroft Rd. · Your choice of floor drains · 10% to 50% offices · From $3.50 net 1 00% COMMERCIAL Speers Rd. Entertainment plaza ·1125-8000sq.lt. @ $12 net · Builder finishes lor you · Parking · Freestanding 3000 sq .lt available...Call! STRIP PLAZA - FROM $ 1 3 .5 0 NET · Busy Speers & Kerr ·950-2815 sq.ft. · 70% leased · Beauty salon wanted PUBLIC HALL SPACE · N. Service Rd. Dofvai. from $7 net · Plenty of parking · Fronting Q.E.W · 9913 sq.ft. PRESTIGE INDUSTRIAL · From S5 net. up to 40% retail · 1299.1434.1922. 2105sq.lt. · All have drive in doors · Some have air cond. PRESTIGE INDUSTRIAL - $5 NET · 10% office on the QEW/3rd line · 1810. 2745 sq.ft. · Best unit fronts N. Service Rd. · Drive in or Dock doors N. SERVICE RD. RETAIL $8 NET ·1458.3175. 4234 sq.ft. · 40% showroom area · Backlit signs · Back drive in door M5 CONDO FROM $11 0 SQ.FT. · 100% finished · 2000 sq.ft. new · Flexible office sizes · Drive in doors, excellent parking INDUSTRIAL LAND · Mississauga/Oakville border · Good frontage · Good for recycling plant · Moments to QEW for $230.000/acre FORD PLANT · Industrial < § > $275.000./acre · 4.75 or 9.5 acres · Seconds to QEW · Waiting for your plan OUTSIDE STORAGE M3 · $5 net. 3255 sq.ft. · 12x14 door · Outside storage - rare · 3 years new 100% FINISHED @ $ 4 NET · Speers 2 storey · Approx. 5600 sq.ft. · New carpet, paint · Think about it! Dave W ood of Crock-A-Dial: filling a need o n ly e m p lo y e e is a retiree w ho w orks as his dispatcher. M o st of h is cu sto m ers tend to be the elderly o r infirm , o r th o s e w ith o u t access to a car He also gets calls from people throw ing parties w ho h a v e ru n o u t o f s u p p lie s an d d o n 't w a n t to d riv e to th e s to re a fte r th e y ' ve been drinking. A lth o u g h th e num ber o f custom ers h a s b e e n b u ild in g ste a d ily , W ood sa y s his biggest challenge is still to win the trust o f seniors who tend to b e w ary o f le ttin g s tra n g e rs in to th e ir h o m e s . To c o m b a t this, he says he would gladly give seniors the names o f some o f his elderly customers who c o u ld v o u c h fo r h is service. "I like to do w h a t I c an fo r th e (Photo by Riziero Vertilli) 100% FINISHED < g > $8 GROSS · 2000 sq.ft. upgraded · Fronts Speers · Plenty of parking · Third Line & QEW UPPER MIDDLE COMMERCIAL · 1100 or 2300 sq.ft. < § > $13 net · Builder assists to finish · Trafalgar/Upper Middle se n io rs," he adds. "I put their beer away in th e frid g e o r sto re it fo r th e m an y p la c e they like." R ig h t now, W ood is looking to expand in to B u rlin g to n te r rito ry w h ich has also been given to him by th e L C B O .H e needs someone to take on the delivery chores. A n y o n e in te re s te d should c a ll C ro ck -adial at 847-5887. SPEERS RET/WAREHOUSE · Unique dock level loading · $8 net. 40% showroom · Busiest area ol Speers. 3500-5800 sq.lt. · Pylon and building signage SPEERS STOREFRONT OFFICE · 2000 sq.ft. new · $8 Net · Leased · Builder finishes for you. MORDEN - OFFICES · 1250-5000 sq.lt.. Iloor not poured yet · Excellent ground Iloor access · Choose office layout · $14 gross at Dorval/Speers HOPEDALE OFFICE SUBLET · Penthouse floor with elevator · 3400 to 6800 sq.ft. $5 net · Tastefully upgraded · Acresof parking LAKESHORE KERR CORNER · Belore it's gone · 850 sq.lt. comer ·$1000 per month · Free parking BRONTE/SPEERS PLAZA · 1500sq.lt · Pet food store wanted · Next to vet ·$14 net BRONTE SPEERS INDUSTRIAL · 1250sq.lt. · Drive in door · Unique small size · $5 net DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE · 2400 soft., very reasonable rent · 2nd Floor fronts Lakeshore · 100% finished open concept · Try your offer, we will finish Canada Trust LnJ R ealty (a n o d a Trust Realty Inc./Realtor C o u n try w id e Open Houses TOWN CENTRE REALTY1INC. * * BEST BUY SPEERS OFFICE · 692 to 2518 sq.ft. · $5 net · Ground floor · Motivated Landlord ·T iy your offer! SHERWOOD HEIGHTS RETAIL · Flexible sizes Irom 800 sq .lt · Builder finishes lor you Only plaza in the a ·Retail ail $20 net. Offices $12 net AUTOMOTIVE ON SPEERS · $6 Net. 2800 sq.ft. · 2 Drive In doors · Pylon signage on Speers QEW /3RD LINE LAND · Just listed. 6.8 acres, fronts N. Serv. Rd. · M6 Prestige Industrial Commercial · Good frontage and visibility · $460,000 acre · on Interchange KERR ST. BANQUET HALL · $1800 per month · Approx. 3500 sq.lt. · Bar. stage, kitchen · Free parking in rear QEW OFFICES, ONLY $ 1 3 GROSS · 1000 to 2000 sq.ft. fronts QEW · Extensive windows · Unique turret design SUNDAY, JULY 2 1 s t OPEN HOUSE SUN. 2-4 P.M. · 4-bdrm. 2-storey · Stunning new rec. room · New listing. Just $259,900 · SCOTT DENTON, Sales Rep. 338-2201 on pager 1011 UPPER MID01E R0. OAKVILLE INDUSTRIAL CONDO @ $ 6 9 SQ.FT. PRICE $334,900 $359,000 $378,800 ADDRESS 1432 Stationmaster Lane 1653 Greenbriar Drive 92 Holyrood Avenue TIME 2-4 p.m. 2-4 p.m. 3-5 p.m. ASENT LINDAKING* MARGARET McCARRON* HEATHER FENTON* · Speers new 2000 sq.lt. · Drive in door · Basic electrical included · Below builders price JO H N VAIL SPEERS/DORVAL INDUSTRIAL · $4 net. ideal central location · 2900 sq.ft.. end unit, good parking · Drive in door Associate Broker B.A..C.M.A. Top Producer June 845-9900 $ 7 0 0,0 0 0 GAS BAR & REST. Family business opportunity · Development potential ·1.7 acres across form GM plant · S t Catharines location. $ 1 8 7 ,5 0 0 QEW FRONTAGE · Commercial lot. 3.85 acres · Zoned MB2 - lnd./Comm · Building permits available · Oakville/Burlington Boundary 338-2201 * ' 'Broker "A ssociate Broker `Soles Representative _________ GISELA L. BENKE, S ales Rep, 845-9900

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