Oakville Beaver, 19 Jul 1991, p. 5

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Police issue warnmg in. wake of burglaries It m ust provide more than a few chills to wake up and discover some one's been prowling through your house while you've been asleep. And in the wake of six such inci dents in Oakville this week, police arc warning people they shouldn't try to be heroes if they are awakened by burglars. "The potential of somebody getting hurt in this situation, at night, is far greater," said Halton Regional Police Det. Sgt. Roy Smith. Smith advises that if the situation occurs, residents should remain quiet, call 911, leave the 911 line open and. if possible, try to glean a description of the intruder. "If I were a lady home alone or with children in ihe house. I'd lock myself in the bedroom if I could," advised Smith. Police are also issuing a call to resi dents to secure their homes at night, despite the hot weather. T h ie v e s had a h ey -d ay on H untingdon Trail Monday, breaking into three homes and stealing purses v all while families were sleeping. O ne break-in occurred som etim e between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m. at a single dwelling home in the Clearview subdi vision where four members o f a family were inside asleep. A p icn ic tab le w as used to gain access to a rear window which had been left unlocked, said Smith. A purse, its contents, minus a small a m o u n t o f c a sh , w ere la te r found dumped out on a neighboring lawn. Two other break-ins also occurred on Huntingdon Trail. One happened sometime between 2 a.m. and 6 a.ra. while two persons were asleep inside. Entry was gaiora through an open w indow at the>6ack o f the house, said Smith. A pproxim ately S/tOO in cash and credit cards were rcoorted missing. Police were unrible to determine how entry was g ain w to the last home on Huntingdon Trail. Police sriid contents of a purse and k n a p sa d r w ere found em ptied on a neighbpnng lawn. Approximately $150 in cam and the knapsack were stolen. Three other sim ilar break-ins with ifmost exactly the same circumstances 'o c c u rre d in G len A bbey on Montgomery Drive and Mayfair Road. "T h ey 're alm ost duplicates of the others," said Smith. In one instance a retired gentleman was home asleep when someone entered his residence thrcmgfi an unlocked patio door. Approximately $ 5 0 in cash was stolen. / Pol ice's aid $115 in cash and $ 30 in cash was stolen from two other residences where again, thieves ransacked downstairs areas for visible purses and wallets, took the items outside, dumped their contents on the lawn and fled with the cash. In those instances, police said a couple were asleep while a family of three was asleep in the other. _ THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, July 19, 1991 ^ J A ilS S lS & A U G A GARDEN CENTRE FLORIST Mon.-Frl. 9 a m -9 p m Sat 9 a m -6 p m Sun. 9 im .-6 p m C.I.L. Golfgreen 9K GW EED & FEED Sale FAST GRASS Reg. *11" Special Germinates in 5 to 10 days Winter hardy. Blends well with other grasses Beautiful Mini Carnations $099 bunch Reg. *21.99 FINE QUALITY PLANTS, FLOWERS A GARDEN PRODUCTS A beautiful way to brighten your day! Fnttston D vflO H While quantities last £ £ j 3225 Winston Churchill Blvd. Mississauga, Ontario 8 2 0 -9 7 8 9 u 58 SI Tridon Oakville plant about to shut down (C oat'd, from pg. 1 make it," said Chadbolt. This is com pounded, she says, by the fact that w hen tim es w ere good, many workers bought homes and cars that still have to be paid for. Sandra Wilson o f Tridon's computer and cleri cal staff told of one woman who got a quick lead on a job only to find that 375 other people had already applied. Wilson went on to say that former Tridon w orkers are very em ployable since many have enrolled in courses covering everything from computers to CPR. Still, those looking for help may not take that into consideration, she says. "I f you go into a store (fo r a jo b ) they don't really care if you have facto ry work," she said. W ilso n h e rs e lf su ffe re d an arm injury but Tridon still found her a job within the company. She doesn't expect to find the same kind o f sympathy "out there." Proulx said many of the workers fall between the ages of 35 and 55, making potential employers reluctant to spend the time and money to re-train them. Chadbolt believes mature workers have much to offer. Most of them, she says, are dependable and take less pregnancy leave. JO B INTERVIEW S Proulx said she's had a couple o f job interview s but with her duties at the plant there just hasn't been time to look. She makes a point of saying, however, that some salaried employees lost their jobs too and have been doing their best to help their hourly counterparts. "In a strange way," says W ilson. "It's brought management and us closer together." Added Proulx: "Yes, but it's a sad way o f doing it." SUNSHINE SALE WIND-UP G A R V E Y 'S LEVOLOR LIMITED TIME ONLY.. S A L E Unbelievable prices for blinds. Custom made by Levolor. the leading name in window fashions. Includes lifetime warranty. A L L 72 " and 1" R IV IER A BLINDS C R Y S T A LE P L E A T E D AND S Y M P H O N Y AND S E L E C T E D V ER T IC A L FABRICS OFF OUR BRAND-NAME SUITS, SPORTCOATS AND CASUAL WEAR! M ID N IG H T M A D N E S S ! d o i h m "h T A K E T H I S O P P O R T U N I T Y T O S A V E , & ... E X P E R IE N C E T H E L E V O L O R D IF F E R E N C E E le g a n t W in d o w F a s h io n s w WINDOWS * BRUCE F re e professional installation included MEN'S^SHOPS 827-1876 Downtown Oakville 183 L akeshore Rd. East 8 4 5 -8 9 1 1 Downtown Burlington 3 8 9 B rant St. 6 3 9 -6 1 6 5

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