Oakville Beaver, 1 May 2002, A04

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A4 -The O akville Beaver, Wednesday May 1, 2002 Student submissions needed by Friday Halton Region is calling for school project submissions for Visions Canada Awards. Recipients will be recognized at a cer emony at the Halton Region Museum on June 3. All students submitting entries receive a certificate of recognition and a pass to the museum that's located in the Kelso Conservation Area in Milton. To be eligible, a project must have been com pleted during the 2001/02 school year on some aspect of Canada's people, history, geography, culture or society. The program is open to elementary and secondary students from the public and Catholic school systems. Projects selected by teachers or school administrators are to be sent to the Visions Canada judging committee by Friday, May 3. Visions Canada began in the 1970s when Catherine McMartin. a long time teacher, left an endowment for a Halton public board awards program. The catholic board later became a part ner, recognizing students from its board in honour of Robert O'Brien, a noted trustee and chair of the board. Call co-ordinator Karen Bongard at 905-875-2200, ext 23. TABEICLJtND B U Y I, G E T Riziero Vertolli · Oakville Beaver DID YOU GET YOUR VISITORS' GUIDE?: Catching a sneak preview of the O akville Visitors' Guide at O akville Place are (left to right) Susan Coyne, of the Oakville Big Sisters Association, Karen Hewson, of the Canadian C o if Hall of Fame, Janet Buccino, of the Oakville W aterfront Festival and M ayor Ann M ulvale. The handy guide Ls Filled with information about O akville for tourists and residents. Besides a schedule of events for the year, the guide includes infor mation about O akville's restaurants, shopping areas, nightspots, entertainment facilities, tourist attractions and points of interest Look for it in selected issues of today's Oakville Beaver. m Selected FABRIC: M I Stleclcd N O T IO N S: f l H alton L in en O u tlet D e c o r a tin g a n e w b e d r o o m c a n b e e x p e n s iv e B U T n o t a t H a lto n L i n e n Voted Oakville's Best lis e o Step T h e M ilton Fa rm S p rin g · BEMBBtG LINING · W-l-D-E BROADCLOTH · M B A I ·POLTtSTES PRINTS t SOUDS M * SPOfiTSWEM SOUDS · CRAFT PRINTS MTS'S BUTOUT OF KNITS I SPORTSWEAR ^ NATURAL COOftOIHATES ` SHIRTINGS ^ ^ p r in t s t s o u d s 1 W ` LEATHERETTE Selerted H0M( DK: ·JACQUARD PRINTS j ·puuDS*ua*v»m ^ RAFT & HOME DECPRINTS DESIGNER SUEDE LOOKS4 M l, G R I M E ! ' -aaa ·TULLE CIRCUS · S P K IA IT T SOSSORS · v i i v n RIBBON ·C O L L A R S * APPUQUES ' HOOK & LOOP T A P I HANKS ·N E E D U PUNCH BATTING · GATHERED LACE ASST · EYB.ET T R IM · 1 GATHERED 4 FIAT 4 C R A F TS H O W MAY 4TH & 5TH O ver 1 0 0ju rie dcra ftsp eo p le In ti* Grwl Gwlw) fUm, TV \bwmlt Toviti Hill jnd Indnidd biabikx t a b r B U YI, on 2FR ll! W E n tire In -S to re S to c k ! BUY 1 , GET 2 m i! HEM'S H O WITW O RKS: Buy 1f i l metre or unit of selected merchandse at Fabndands Regular Pnoe. and get the next 2 fiil metres or units (ot equal value) FREE! 3 DATS ONLY - MAY 2 -4 E ntire h -S to rs Stock! BURDA PATTERNS In d v id u a lly p ric e d B uy I i t M.S.R. Price. BUTTERICK PATTERNS In d v id u a lly priced. GET 1 FREE! (of equal value o r le ts ) O ffer va lid A p ril 2 9 - May U 2002 N ot va lid w ith any o fte r d s c o u n t o ffe rs ONLY 2.99 ea. Offer valid May 2 4 2002, while quantities la s t Not valid w ith any other discount offers Halton Linen where your decorating dollar goes fitrtber H a n d m a d eq u a lity S a tu rd a y&S o o d a y S u p erio rw o rk m a n sh ip 9m-4p.ii G reat pft id ea sfo rM o m C o u n tryd e co ra tin ga t it'sb ed Lh ee n te rta in m e n t AMskOO 2FIE B e a u tifu lS p rin glo ca tio n ChiltonUnfa1 hrfcujFlII F o o dA v a ila b le <B> Sale in e ffe c t A pril 29 M ay 14, 2002. on se le cte d in-stock m erchandise, w hile quantities last M ost items a v a ila b le in m ost stores Look tor the re d sale tags Sorry, n o s p e cia l orders OPEN SUNDAYS 12-5 48I North Service Rd.W., OAKVILLE (between Dorval Drive and 4th Line) (905) 847-2274 8560 Tremaine Road, Milton, ON Call 1'888'307-FARM (3276) H u y IS ntrth u Hin S, u t i t u Trtnuuiw Rtf. COUNTRY HERITAGE PARK OfUJmvtlru 140 Rebecca St. O AK VILLE 844-7728 M O N. - FRI. 10 A.M. · 5:30 P.M. · SATURDAY 10 A M .-6 P.M. · SUNDAY. 12 A M . - 5 PM. S1.00 OFF ONE ADMISSION WITH THIS AD WE ALL JUGGLE THE SAME RESPONSIBILITIES. WE LIVE WHERE YOU LIVE.TM l l a n i to 1 1 p m Thomasville 6 pc ( h ern Bedroom Suite. Vmaretto Finish .reg.$ 14,900 Mow 9 pc Dining Room, Cherry/Maple Finish ...................................... reg.$10,240 Now 9 pc Dining Room Suite, Cafe Au. y Lait Finish o ff o ff o ff o ff o ff ....................................reg.$18,100 Vow (Q/S), Medium Oak Finish ....................................reg.$17,880 Now 5 0 / U o f f 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% o ff 5 pc Bedroom Suite, Wrought Iron Canopy Bed 9 pc Mahogany Dining Room, Mahogany Finish ...................................... reg.$ 18,580 Now 7 pc Mahogany Bedroom Suite, Mahogan) Finish ...................................... reg.$ 16,900 Now S t a n le y K U H N IT U R F . ^ 7 pc Bedroom Suite, Cream Finish .reg.$l6,659 Now Were all busy meeting life' s deadlines and commitments. As your good neighbour agent, I can lend a hand with your insurance so you can concentrate on the rest of your life. Count on me for all your car, home and life insurance needs. Call me today. Andrew Heideman, Agent 2828 Kingsway Drive 2nd Floor Oakville, ON Q/S Kilimanjaro Bed, Rattan Twill .........................................reg.$7,180 Now 5 0 ^ Rattan Dining Table, 4 Chairs .........................................reg.$8,}80 Now 5 0 /O o ff Dark Brown Leather Sofa .........................................reg.$4,580 Now 5 0 / o o f f 2 Matching Chairs CAO/ reg.$3,580 ea. Now 7 pc Oak Bedroom Suite, Medium Oak Finish 7 pc Bedroom Suite, Cherry/Maple Finish ,reg.$7,100 Now 50% o ff 7 pc Cherry Bedroom Suite, Light C Cherry Finish h en r fiirnh ....................................reg.$ 17,270 Now 5 0 / O o f f 7 pc Oak Bedroom Suite, Light Oak Finish ....................................reg.$15,925 Now 9 pc Cherry Dining Room, Cherry Finish 50 5( /O o ff 50% 40% o ff reg.S 11,200 Now 5 U /o off ......................... reg.$18,560 Now off 50% o ff CENTURY Large Curio Cabinet, Washed Oak Finish fc -D R E X E L H E R IT A G E ! 6 pc Bedroom Suite, Rich Walnut Finish .................................... reg.$22,975 Now 9 pc Dining Room, Rich Walnut Finish .................................... reg.$24,725 Now ..................... reg.$8,495 Now Chest, Neoclassic Style o ff 5 0 % off 50% off 50% ......................reg.$3,585 Now Chest Serpentine Front 5 0 % off ......................reg.$4,295 Now 5 0 % off Many other collections are available for this sale and now reduced 30% or more. All floor m odels must be sold c o m p lete as is. N o special orders will apply. N o holds. All sales are final. Must be delivered w ithing 14 days Sold as first co m e basis. Sale d oes not apply to previous purchases. 905-829-0018 andrew.heideman.bdus@ statefarm.com STATI FARM N everBeforeIn Our Ilisten IlaveW eIladaSaleThis Bin Join Vs On Our Moon Lite Madness Sale - Refreshments Served _______________________________ W _______________________________ LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOUR STATE FARM IS THERE. INSURANCI statefarm.ca F U R N IT U R E G A L L E R Y 1 7 5 D I E P P E R D . t S t. C a th a rin e s , O N 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 8 0 - 5 5 5 3 Hours: - Mon.-Wed. 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Thurs. & Fri. 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.. Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. w w w .fu rn itu re g a lle ry .c o m Take QEW to Niagara St. exit, fo llo w South S ervice Road to B un tin g Road, le ft u nd e r Skyway B ridge to D ieppe Road, tu rn le ft (N orth Service Road) State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company · Canadian Head Office: Scarborough, Ontario 2530 73

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