Oakville Beaver, 1 Jan 2003, C6

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C6 -The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday January 1, 2003 Take care when choosing good home repair company The story of a driveway paver who was found guilty of unfair business practices when working for consumers in Sarnia and London, Ontario, and who consumers from Belleville to Woodstock say took advantage of them, serves as a caution to people who want paving work done this year. The resurfacing work was done so badly that one owner's vehicle sank into the asphalt, when it was parked. A roofer recently pleaded guilty to the charges under Ontario's Business Practices Act, which involved taking deposits for up to half the total esti mate of roofing work he failed to complete for five Ontario families. How can a consumer choose a good home repair company? Rob Dowler. Director of the Marketplace Standards and Services Branch at the province's Ministry of Consumer afid Business Services says companies that offer a much lower price than the competition may use inferior materials or skimp on proper installation techniques. While a warranty will probably be offered with the paving or roofing, it may be useless if the company cannot be found later or goes out of business. Some legitimate companies may solicit work in a neighbourhood if they have a few jobs there already. However, most consumers say they are satisfied with work done by paving firms they have found on their own or through references from friends rather than by companies that happen to be working on their street that week. The ministry does receive some complaints from people who have dealt with reputable firms, paid fair prices and still received poor results. Dowler says these are usually the easiest complaints to resolve, because the firms will honour their warranties to protect their good names. To help consumers, avoid difficulties with resi dential repair jobs, the ministry offers these tips: Start by contacting a few companies. Ask three companies to look at the job and give you a written estimate. Never accept an estimate over the tele phone or without the contractor inspecting the area. Many consumers find they get good service when they deal with local firms. If repairs are needed and the company's equipment is far away, you may have trouble enforcing the warranty. Ask for references and check them if the compa ny hasn't been personally recommended to you. If it has been recommended, but the work was done more than a year ago, check to see if the firm has changed hands. It may be necessary to call new ref erences. Most roofing and paving problems will surface within a year after the work is done, so if work done last June is still in good shape, chances are it will last. Expect to be asked some questions. The compa ny should want to know your requirements in terms of the quality of materials. In driveway paving, they'll ask whether or not heavy vehicles will be parked on the driveway and the age of the house. Owners of new homes are often advised not to have driveways paved or major landscaping done until two years after construction, to give the ground time to settle. Make sure the estimate includes all the work to be done. Whatever the project, make sure it is fully hammered out in the contract. If a company asks for a very large deposit, or the price sounds too good to be true, find another com pany. Fly-by-night operators may disappear with your cash. Never sign a blank contract. Does the person who arrives at your door with printed business cards and prepared contracts the company always represent a legitimate company -- perhaps not. those materials may just be part of the attempt to deceive you. When you are ready to sign a contract, make sure all the prices are broken down, and that the materials and work specifications are spelled out. Always get a written contract before the work begins and make sure it includes the name and address of the contrac tor. Ask about the warranty. Make sure it is clearly spelled out in writing. Most reputable pavers offer one-to-three-year warranties and roofing materials are generally insured for five to 15 years. For information on this and many other con sumer issues, visit the ministry's Consumer Services Bureau website at www.cbs.gov.on.ca. Peter C . McCusker · Oakville Beaver S E R E N E W IN T E R S C E N E : Gairloch Gardens in winter. Explaining the Three Step Rule Question: What Is M eant By The Builder's Term "The Three Step R ule?" For a home with a basement or crawlspace and a wood floor structure you should step up three steps to the main floor from grade level. While the three steps is arbitrary, the point is that the wood floor structure should be well above grade level so it does not rot. z U, W 04 While lower-volume toilets cost slightly more than standard fixtures, the savings on your water bills will easily justify the upgrade. Question: What Is The Cost Benefit O f The New 'Economy' Toilets? K A T E 'S Replacing large-volume toilets with 6litre/flush models can result in a saving of more than 70 per cent of water per flush. Cover the underside of the countertop above the dishwasher with galvanized metal to protect it from humidity. If you have a real estate ques tion for Kate's Komer, please contact: Kate Vanderburgh, Sales Representative for Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd., Broker, 905-338-3737 office; katevanderburgh @sympatico.ca o i4 Question: A ny Tips When Installing A New B uilt-In Dishwasher? Helpful Tips for a Stress-free Showing PREPARING FOR A SHOWING You've just received the phone call from your real estate agent - prospec'purchasers want lo view your hom e - w ithin the hour! Panic sets in -- how can I gel the house ready in such a short tim e? T he answ er? Plan ahead and avoid the last-m inute panic. Here are som e tips to help you m aintain your sani ty while your hom e is on the market. Try to develop a system w hereby you are able to pick up and be prepared to show your hom e in a reasonable period. T his m eans doing certain things in advance. For exam ple, first thing in the m orning ensure that all beds are m ade and bedroom s are tidy. Dirty dishes should im m ediately go into the dishwasher. D evelop a "pick-up-as-you-go" routine and enlist the help o f all fam ily m em bers. This way, when a show ing is scheduled you are m ore prepared and less hassled. T ID Y E A C H R O O M . G o th ro u g h ea c h room in clu d in g sta irs and h a ll w ays. P ick up n ew sp ap ers, to y s, clo th in g and d ish e s. C le a r an y u n n e c e s sa ry c lu tte r from k itch en an d b a th ro o m co u n terto p s. T H E B E D R O O M S . B eds sh o u ld be m ade first th in g in th e m o rn in g sin ce th is is n 't so m e th in g that you w an t to be ru sh in g around d o in g at th e last m o m en t. T H E K IT C H E N . E n su re that all c o u n te rto p s are cle a n an d free o f clutter. D ish es sh o u ld be w ash ed and put aw ay o r lo ad ed in th e d ish w a sh er. T he sink sh o u ld be c le a r an d sp a rk lin g . W ipe d ow n ap p lian ces. C L E A N A I R . A dd air fresh en ers to c lo se ts, b ath ro o m s an d th e kitchen. Be ca re fu l to k eep k itch en o d o rs fresh . A help fu l h in t: A d d a tab lesp o o n o f cin n am o n to a pot o f w a te r and sim m er on the sto v e fo r a few m in u tes p rio r to th e sh o w in g - d isc a rd ju s t b efo re they arriv e - th e aro m a w ill linger. T H E S E A S O N S A R E - A -C H A N G I N G . C h a n g e w ith them ! If th e w e a th e r is co o l and dreary , a w arm , cozy fire is the answ er. O n the o th e r hand, if it is w arm an d m u g g y o u tsid e , the air conditioner sh o u ld b e o p eratin g . T H E BA TH RO O M S. som e fresh tow els. Keep them clean, sparkling and clutter-free. Add SET T H E STA G E. H ave so m e p leasan t, relax in g m usic play ing so ftly in the b a c k g ro u n d . T H E E N T R Y WAY. T h is is a p ro sp ectiv e H /1 I I p u rc h a se r's first and ia s t im p re ss io n o f y o u r ho m e. Be su re it is a fav o u ra b le one! C h eck it often. By p rep arin g well f o r y o u r sh o w in g s y o u w ill m in im iz e th e stre ss. Christopher Invidiata, sales representative fo r R e m e m b e r, h o m e s R e/M ax A boutow ne Realty Corp., Realtor. th at sh o w th eir best ten d to sell faster an d fo r a b etter price. INVIDIATA T F A \l Ic A rl Prepare fo r each showing........ L E T T H E R E B E L IG H T . Turn lights on in every room . T his includes clos ets and storage rooms. Light provides an open, airy feeling and adds w arm th on gloom y days. O P E N A L L D R A P E S A N D B L IN D S . "Let the sun shine in!" M axim ize the room iness by allow ing as much natural light as possible into your hom e. For more information, please contact Christopher Invidiata, Sales Representative fo r RE/M AX Aboutow ne Realty Corp.. Realtor at 905338-9000 or visit the team website at u n tv. invidiata. com . YVONNE ANDERSEN* JERRY BOCCHINFUSO* BRUCE BORGSTROM** SUSAN HADDAD . MILLER REAL ESTATE LTD. 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