8 - The Oakville Beaver, F rida y M a rc h 8, 2002 Youth Employment I Strategy Jeuncssc Mayor's expenses drop for 2001 following coundl pay hike (Continued from page 1) year of service for many of the new councillors first elected in the municipal election of 2000. They collected the pay hike and also filed expenses. In fact, while only two of Oakville's dozen councillors, along with the mayor, filed expenses for 2000, they all did in 2001. "Expenses include atten dance at conferences and semi nars, as well as reimbursement for Internet services and cell phone expenses," reported Western. Low spenders were Councillors Kevin Flynn, Tedd Smith and Keith Bird, who registered only $733. That was for cell phone reim bursement. Councillors Kurt Franklin and Fred Oliver took their $773 tab up to the $1,000 mark for reimbursement of Internet serv ices. Top spenders were Janice Caster and Ralph Robinson who logged just over $4,000 each. Much of their tab -- over $2,900 -- was for attendance at the annual Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) conference, which was held last May in Calgary. Clocking just over $2,000 in expenses were Councillors Allan Elgar, Jody Sanderson, and Janice Wright. Sanderson filed over $2,200 for attending the FCM confer ence in Ottawa on Feb. 7-10 as well as for cell phone and Internet reimbursement. Elgar filed $2,600 for attend ing FCM conferences in Ottawa and Toronto, as well as council lor training and a Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing Foundation for Change confer ence in London. Councillor Jeff Knoll filed $1,276 for attendance at two conferences, one in Mississauga and one on Municipal Value Assessment, in addition to cell phone and Internet reimburse ment. Meanwhile, Hardacre filed $51 to attend the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) conference in Toronto, as well as cell phone and Internet service. At the same time, Wright claimed $1,100 to attend the same conference as well as $381 to attend an FCM conference in Toronto, along with cell phone reimbursement. Mulvale clocked just under $7,400 in expenses, $7,000 of it for the annual lease of a car. In fact, the mayor's expenses dropped in 2001, falling to $7,400 from $9,800 in 2000. While the 2000 tab included attendance at the annual confer ences of AMO and FCM, Mulvale said that as president of AMO, her way was pre-paid to those conferences. The associa tion also shells out for her gas bills. And once again, the mayor had one of the lowest benefits claims, since she's covered by a benefits package through her late husband. Mulvale, along with Town councillors serving as Halton Regional councillors, also receive an additional $18,500 in regional salary. They are Flynn, Oliver, Bird, Elgar, Knoll, Franklin and Mulvale. AH told, the Town of Oakville coughed up just over $377,000 in salaries for the mayor and councillors. Town coffers paid another $47,(X X) in benefits and just over $29,000 for expense tabs. In all, some $454,000 was paid out by the Town. Sum m er J o b s IM P O R T A N T N O T IC E T o E m p lo y e r s S u m m e r C a r e e r P la c e m e n t s is a w a g e s u b s id y p r o g r a m t h a t e n a b le s e m p lo y e r s t o h ir e s t u d e n t s 'd u r in g t h e s u m m e r f o r a p e r io d o f 6 t o 1 6 w e e k s . P r i v a t e , p u b lic a n d n o t - f o r - p r o f i t e m p l o y e r s a r e in v ite d t o s u b m it t h e ir a p p lic a t io n b y: A p r il 2 , 2 0 0 2 * T h e o b je c tiv e o f t h e p r o g r a m is t o p r o v id e s tu d e n ts w ith w o r k e x p e r ie n c e r e la te d t o th e ir fie ld o f s tu d y . A p p lic a tio n s w ill b e e v a lu a te d b a s e d o n t h e q u a lity o f t h e e x p e r ie n c e o f f e r e d , lo c a l a n d r e g io n a l p rio ritie s a s w e ll a s a v a ila b le b u d g e ts . T o a p p ly o r t o f in d o u t m o r e a b o u t t h is p r o g r a m , p le a s e c o n ta c t y o u r n e a r e s t H u m a n R e s o u r c e s D e v e lo p m e n t C a n a d a o ffic e o r c a ll 1 8 0 0 9 3 5 - 5 5 5 5 . In te rn e t: w w w .h r d c - d r h c .g c .c a * P le a s e n o t e t h a t t h e a p p lic a t io n d e a d lin e f o r t h e N o r t h w e s t T e r r i t o r i e s a n d N u n a v u t is A p r il 9 , 2 0 0 2 . ^ I t I Human Resources Development Canada D6veloppement des ressources humaines Canada Canada H o .lio n R e g io n v J W A Partnership That W orks! N O T I C E T O T O W N O F O A K V IL L E C IT IZ E N S A R E Y O U IN T E R E S T E D IN JO IN IN G O U R T E A M A S A M EM BER O F T H E D E V E L O P M E N T C H A R G E S A D V IS O R Y C O M M IT T E E ? The Council of the Regional Municipality of Halton invites you to becom e a m em ber of the Development Charges Advisory Committee for a term to expire on N ovem ber 30, 2003. T here is one (1) ratepayer position to be filled to represent the Town of Oakville. Appointm ents give Halton residents a chance to volunteer their skills to help run Halton Region. Regional Council wishes to ensure that this com m ittee reflects the diverse nature of its community and invites all residents of the Town of Oakville to consider this opportunity. The purpose of the D e v e lo p m e n t C h arg e s A d v is o ry C o m m itte e is to review the methodology and assumptions used in formulating Halton's developm ent charges policy, provide critical analysis and policy advice regarding Halton's developm ent charges policy and to provide input on recom m endations dealing with any proposed developm ent charges by-laws or am endm ents. The Com m ittee's primary focus has been to review the econom ic/cost and benefit of providing reductions/exemptions for non-residential developm ent charges. A minimum of one m eeting per month (2-3 hrs) will be held during regular business hours at the Halton Regional Centre. Additional hours m ay be required for sub-com m ittee involvement and/or technical review. For more information call M ark Scinocca, M an ager of Developm ent Financing, ext. 7043. The Administration and Finance Interview Com m ittee will recom m end a qualified candidate for this position to Regional Council. A p p lic a tio n fo rm s a re a v a ila b le in th e R e g io n a l C le rk 's D iv is io n , b e tw e e n th e h o u rs o f 8 :3 0 a .m . a n d 4 :3 0 p .m . o r c a n b e e -m a ile d to y o u b y re q u e s t a t c rim m in s p @ re g io n .h a lto n .o n .c a Own ii( , k M 9 1 1 f L This Summer Be Your Own Boss! With the help of your local Small Business Enterprise Centre/Business Self-Help Office, start your own company and reap the rewards making up to $3,000! Learn from the Pros. Work for yourself. Make money. For more inform ation on how to make this summer work for you. contact your local Small Business Enterprise Centre/Business Self-Help Office: Halton Region B usine ss Development Centre Ext. 6300 -- Website: www.haltonbusiness.com Completed application forms must be submitted to the undersigned no later than Wednesday, March 20, 2002. Interviews will be conducted on Friday, M arch 22, 2002. T in a A g n e llo R e g io n a l C le r k Deadline for Applications: April 2, 2002 Summer Company ^ _ J © O n ta n o 1151 Bronte Road, Oakvi 9 0 5 - 8 2 5 -6 0 0 0 Toll free: 1 - 8 6 6 - 4 H TTY 9 0 5 - 8 2 7 -' nr v isit o s at: v /w w .rca i