Oakville Beaver, 26 Nov 2003, B 06

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B6 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday November 26, 2003 E 3MAYTAG H V A C DEALER ANNOUNCEMENT Atlantis Inc. To Heating ing Line HVAC Systems C arry MaytagTM & Air Condition in Oakville, ON This patented technology "learns" the ignitor's heat-up characteristics, then adapts the ignition time to the fumace characteristics, resulting in a longer life for the igniter. In addition, the M1010 92% two-stage variable speed fumace has a lifetime entire-fumace replacement warranty. Also available are MaytagTM programmable thermostats, humidifiers and electronic air cleaners to complete the Maytag comfort systems. Atlantis HVAC Systems are pleased to be appointed the exclusive dealership in the Oakville area. Before you pur chase a new fumace, air conditioner or indoor air quality product, ask the experts at Atlantis. For more information on a MaytagTM heating and/or system for your home, call A tlantis HVAC System s at 905.845.4009. To find out more informa tion about M aytag's heating and cooling products, and its Dependability Promise, go on-line at www.maytaghvac.com or visit us at 1040 Speers Road in Oakville. Major components defined as heat exchanger or compressor. Some units require indoor coil o r air handler installation. Maytag is a trademark o f the Maytag Corporation and used under license to NORDYNE, Inc. Atlantis HVAC Systems has been select ed to carry M aytag's heating and air con ditioning products for O akville. MaytagTM heating and cooling products are available only through selected MaytagTM HVAC licensed professionals. Its prem ier line, the M aytagTM M1010 series, carries the best warranty in the industry, with 10-year parts and 10-year labor warranty, an industry first. The M 1010 Series also carries the MaytagTM D ependability Prom ise, which guarantees the replacement of entire unit if a major com ponent failure occurs within the first five years o f own ership.* The MaytagTM M1010 series prod ucts sport a distinctive look - for instance, the air conditioner and heat pump feature a brushed stainless steel full metal jacket and complementary black paint scheme. M1010 furnaces include the SmartStartTM Control Board. Rebecca A bavi, a G ra d e 11 stu d e n t a t W h ite O ak s S eco n d ary School, cam e firs t in in d iv id ual d eb a tin g at th e N ational D ebating C h am p io n sh ip held in C alg ary last w eek. In ad d itio n , W hite O ak s stu d e n t E m ily V an d elaar a n d A bavi p laced fo u rth in a field o f 40 d eb a tin g team s. W h ite O ak s E nglish te ac h er H am ish G u th rie, w ho coached the girls, w as d elig h ted w ith th e ir achieve m ents. Peter C. McCusker · Oakville Beaver Students shine in debating championship First andfourth place finishesfor White Oaks delight teacher By Craig MacBride OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF G oing to the N ational D ebating Cham pionship in Calgary last w eek. W hite Oaks Secondary School stu dents R ebecca A bavi and Emily Vandelaar were hoping to end up in the top half o f the field o f 40 teams. So, when they finished in fourth place, both young w om en w ere pleased with themselves. W hen it was announced, however, that Abavi, a Grade 11 student, had come in first place in individual debating, it was nearly unbelievable. "I w as really, really shocked," she said. As was her coach, White Oaks English teacher Hamish G uthrie, w hen A bavi and Vandelaar called him at 11 p.m. "We just thought w e'd let the m achine get it," said Guthrie, recalling that he and his wife, Terry, were watching a taped television show at the time. "Then five minutes later it rang again, we thought it was bad news in the family, so I answered it." On the other end o f line was Vandelaar, asking Guthrie to guess what place they came in. Not wanting to make the girls feel bad if they did poor ly, he guessed middle o f the pack, to which Vandelaar said "higher." "O h good for you guys, you were in the top half," Guthrie said. "H igher," Vandelaar responded, continuing the game until they got to the top five. Guthrie was floored. And then Abavi was given the phone and told Guthrie her news. "I really wondered if I was sane, sober and aw ake," Guthrie said. `T erry and I danced around the living room. "It's one o f those things you alw ays dream about. Every coach wonders, will I ever coach a national champi on," he said. Up against the best debaters in the private and public school systems across the country, they didn't expect such success, especially since Abavi and Vandelaar had only debated together on two previ ous occasions. The pairing obviously worked out well, though. "We both have different styles," said Abavi. "We raise different arguments." A ccording to the judges, their individual styles worked well together, getting them through the four sets o f debates on Saturday, into the quarterfinals and then the semi-finals on Sunday, before being knocked out by the team from Quebec that went on to place first overall. A bavi's first-place individ ual effort was a result o f her personal marks through the six debates she took part in adding up to more points than anyone else at the competi tion. She gives a lot o f credit to Guthrie. "H e's coached me for a few years," said Abavi, "and he's put a lot o f effort into me personally." A lso a m em ber o f the M ississauga Canoe C lub, practicing daily there, Abavi had thought about dropping debating from her extra-curricular activities. G uthrie, however, found a way to keep her on the team. "I'm glad he did," said Abavi. "It's a pretty good extra-curricular activity to have behind you. It gives you the ability to dissect what other people are saying to you." Abavi apparently has a gift for that. Attending a regional tournam ent shortly after returning from Calgary, Abavi again claimed top spot. Rania Saghir, also a W hite Oaks stu dent under G uthrie's tutelage, placed third. presents.... Getting into the Holiday Mood w ww.opl.on.ca Y o u r o p in io n c o u n ts ! w ith the award-winning Oakville Children's Choir · Opportunity to shop for unique gifts for the holiday season · Bring an unwrapped gift for a child to be distributed through the Salvation Army to a child in need T h e G le n A b b e\ B ra n c h L ib ra ry is e x p a n d in g . Tuesday, December 9, 2003 Oakville Conference & Banquet Centre 2515 Wyecroft Road, Oakville (South of QEW at Bronte Road) 5.30-6.45pm Networking & Shopping 6.45- 9.00 pm Dinner, followed by Choir Cost: $37.45 for members/$48.15 for non members (includes GST) Share your ideas and opinions to help shape the new Glen Abbey Branch Library. Information meetings will be held on Sunday, November 30th, 2003 at 2 p.m. or Tuesday, December 2nd, 2003 at 7 p.m. You are invited to share your ideas with the staff. Pre- payment required, deadline for dinner registrations is December 5,2003 OAKVILLE Please kindly RSVP in person at the branch, or call 905-815-2039. Glen Abbey Branch Library 1415 Third Line Sheridan students win gold Sheridan Institute o f Technology and Advanced Learning students earned a gold medal in a recent academic competition. » Nina Choi and Michelle Cinapri won the gold in the m ark et-' ing m anagem ent division at the 2003 O ntario C olleges Marketing Competition. Cinapri also joined Meghan Price to : take top spot in the entrepreneurship category. The efforts o f ' Choi, Cinapri and Price, all business faculty students at Sheridan's Trafalgar Campus, helped the seven-person Sheridan I marketing team an overall bronze medal showing. Teams o f students are pitted * against the clock and other schools to * solve real world marketing challenges. * Sheridan students won medals in four o f I the 11 events, which are judged by indus- i try professionals. * The event was held earlier this month J at Peterborough's Fleming College. PUBLIC LIBRARY w a y to <^o ! UWO Leaders Brampton's Ivon Fournier (middle) is the grand prize winner of Black & Decker Complete Workshop through Metroland's Grand Prize Workshop contest, sponsored by Black & Decker. From left to right are Brett Moves, Director of Marketing, Power Tools and Accessories, Carrie and Ivan Fournier and their son Julien and Ken Nugent, publisher of The Brampton Guardian. Congratulations also goes to the following winners of the 20 Bullet Laser Levels also sponsored by Black and Decker: H. Stewart, Orillia; Mrs. M. Klein, Thornhill; Ms. B. Lachance, New Lowell; Dorothy Billinghurst, Toronto; Peter Banning, Toronto; Pauline Philp, Toronto; Michael Bonk, Oshawa; Charlie Ruscica, Richmond Hill; James See Holland Landing; Derek Wylie, Thornhill; Gordon Church, Oshawa; Glen White, L i Carol Tabuuti, Mansfield; Patricia Stainton, Orangeville; Don Kearney, Mississauga; Date L Ben, Milton; Stephen Gelmen, Thornhill; Fred \ Ames, Whitby; Ken Wlson, Etobicoke; Raymond Young, Markham. T h a n k y ou to th e following d o n o rs w ho have given new a n d in c re ase d gifts of $ 1 ,0 0 0 a n d over to U nited Way of O akville's $ 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 S p ro tt C hallenge.* We're only a t 6 5 % o f goal so call U nited Way a t 8 4 5 - 5 5 7 1 to d ay ! Gregory & P atricia Bailey, B ruce R. B irm ingham , P eter & D orine Bloem en, Peter & Sonia Brom ley, N ancy Brow n, The B u m s Fam ily, C harlie & Sallie Caty, Giles C o n ten t, Bill & Gill Cooper, H ugh & D iane Cope, Ed & J a c k ie C righton, N elson C u sita r, Ray & Louise De Rose, M ichael A. D eG roote, Mr. & M rs. P eter B. E dm onson, J o h n & C a th e rin e Faller, J a s o n & T a ra F arrell, Dr. J o h n F a sk e n , Tony & S u s a n n e G abriel, S h aw n G a rre tt, G ina G ehlert, Larry G. G reen, B rian & J u lia H an n a, S u s a n H an so n , Steve H em phill & C arolyn C ade, The Naylor G roup, Peter & P atti H natiw , J o h n & D oreen ~ CORRECTION NOTICE To our valued customers: We apologize for any inconvenience caused by an error in our flyer dated November 21 - November 27. The Pengo 40-Pack CDR (sku# 10033234) is limited to one per customer, no rainchecks. This information was inadvertently omitted in our flyer. CORRECTION NOTICE To our valued customers: We apologize lo r any inconvenience caused by an error in our flyer dated November 21 November 27. · Product: D-Link Wireless Router (SKU:10020391). This item was inadvertently advertised without rebate information. The listed price of $69.99 is the net price after a $50 Mail-in Rebate. The in-store price for this item is $119.99.SKU:10020391 Y o ii don't hare to be a Millionaire... To shop like one! We sei beautKul upscale now& used furnishings on consignment at a fractal of regular prices. Featuring a fine selection ol Bedroan Suites, Dining Room, Oiandeiets, Tables, Accessoties, Wal Units & Armoires, Soias, Rne Art Children's Fumture, Lamps, Area Carpets, Custom S EstateJewtay Gaiden & Outdoor. Ones indude DeBoers. Gfcbaid, Thomasvie. Ethan Allen, Art Shoppe among others. O f trading network allows us to sell your furniture quickly at a fair price without the inconvenience. /4C 4 Mm M e tro ta n d P rin tin g , P u b lis h in g and D is trib u tin g L td . H obbs, W illiam & D o n n a Hook, C h arles & D ian a H ow ard, Mr. A. Rolph H u b a n d , B ruce H u n te r, V era WATCH FOR OUR SPRING ISSUE OF THERE'S N O PLACE UKE HOME COMING TO YOUR DOOR APRIL 28-30, 2004 Ja n d ric ic , J o h n Je lin e k , Ian L. J e n n in g s , Paige, J u lie & J e ff Knisley, 21 a n o n y m o u s H a lt o n S e a r c h . c V m * A - K d o n o rs a s o f Nov. 2 4 /0 3 . Watch fo r G - Z donors next week. 451 Wyecroft Road Oakville 905-815-1949 Without yo u , there would be no way. (B etw een 4th L in e & D orval) www.tradinqplacescanada.com ** · >y v r * . To register: phone (905) 338 1771/fax (905) 338 3018 e-mail anneday@companyofwomen.ca t H /f , 'iW iW tit .

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