Oakville Beaver, 26 Nov 2003, A 01

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Mercedes-Benz Q.E.W. & Dorval Dr. w w w .o a k v iN e b e a v e r.c o m ^ . I L L E B E A V E R NORT A Metroland Publication Vol. 40 No. . v 'S M O S T AWARDED COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER " U S IN G .,C O M M U N IC A T IO N T O B U IL D B E T T E R C O M M U N I T I E S ' WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2003 5 6 Pages $1.00 (plus GST) S h e ll H o u s e d e v e lo p e r f ile s w it h 0 M B By Angela Blackburn OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF The developer w ho w ants to build 1,000 apartm ents on the 10-acre lakefront land w here Shell H ouse used to stand, has taken his case to the O ntario M unicipal Board (OM B). "T here has been a referral to the O M B ," con firm ed Palm Place D evelopm ents Inc. developm ent m an ager Patrick Berne, Monday. T he referral w as m ade last w eek and Bem e said he received the legal paper w ork on it Friday. T hat was the sam e day the new O ntario Liberal governm ent said it intends to change O M B rules. T he O M B is a provincially-appointed higher court that can overturn local planning decisions. Right now, a developer can appeal to the O M B 90 days after filing a develop m ent application with a municipality. T he Liberals w ant to change that to 180 days. A developer can also appeal to the OM B w hether or not its application is considered "com plete" by the m unici pality. T he Palm Place application -- filed w ith the Town o f O akville on July 18 -- w as deem ed "incom plete" by the Town on Oct. 10 because num erous back ground studies were missing. "W e're doing this to put tim elines to things, otherw ise it could take forever," said B em e, adding Palm Place D evelopm ents will continue with the required studies to com plete the appli cation, and will continue reporting to the Town. Shell H ouse burned dow n several years ago. It sat on a nearly 10-acre par cel o f land on the bank o f Lake Ontario, south o f L akeshore R oad, east o f Burloak Drive. The land is now ow ned by a num bered com pany that operates as Palm Place D evelopm ents Inc. "T he appeal was ju st received on Nov. 18. The Town has 15 days to sub mit to the O M B and then the OM B will get back to us with a (hearing) date," said Town corporate com munications m anager Lori A nn Com eau. Palm Place D evelopm ents submitted tw o possible planning scenarios for the 1.000 units -- four, 20-storey apartment buildings or num erous lower-rise build ings. Each scenario would add up to 1.000 units. Tow n m anager Joann Chechalk told the Beaver earlier this month that "a ton (S ee 'C u rre n tly' page A5) Woman charged in collision that killed Sikh leader An E verett w om an has been charged w ith careless driving in connection with a three-vehicle collision that killed a leader o f O akville's Sikh com m unity attending a religious cerem ony at a tem ple on Bronte Road last month. Tarsem Singh Sian, 63, o f Creekside Drive, w as killed w hile making a left turn into the Halton G urudw ara on B ronte R oad ju s t south o f D undas Street around 7 p.m. Oct. 25. S ian 's T oyota w as struck from behind by a H onda and knocked into oncom ing traffic w here it was struck head-on by a northbound cube van. S ian w as ru sh ed to O akvilleTrafalgar M em orial H ospital w ith vital signs absent and succum bed to his injuries several hours later. The driver o f the H onda escaped with m inor injuries and the driver o f the cube van was uninjured, according to Halton Regional Police. Sian's wife, H arbhajan Kaur Sian, 61, w ho w as a passenger in the Toyota with her husband, suffered a broken arm and injured ankles. Sian was on his way to attend to cel ebrate the Bandi Shord Divas at the Gurudw ara. Sian w as a founding m em ber o f the O akville Sikh Cultural Association in 1979 an d help ed build the tem ple w hich opened in 1995. A fter interview ing several inde pendent w itnesses and review ing other statem ents, H alton Regional Police laid a charge o f careless driving against Danielle Pearson, 20, o f Everett. She is sch ed u led to ap p ear in Burlington Provincial offences Court on Dec. 10. Photos by Peter C. McCusker · O a k v ille B e a ve r Y oung A lexa B row n (w ith h e r m o th e r H e a th e r) co uld h a rd ly co n tain h e r ex citem en t fo r th e a n tic ip a te d a rriv a l o f th e s ta r a ttra c tio n a t th e S a n ta C lau s P a ra d e in d o w n to w n O ak v ille on S a tu rd a y m o rn ing. F o r m o re p ic tu res o f th e S a n ta C lau s P a ra d e see F ocus p ag e C l . HE'S HERE: INSIDE Focus .............. ......... B1 Artscene.......... ........ Cl Sports............. ........ D1 Classifieds........ ......... D5 Business.......... ........ D8 Fui DdKm: Marie's Work Wanhouse. Michael's ( / Canada Partial DriKcn : Sport Chek. Sport Mart, Century 21 Miller food drive marks 21st anniversary By Howard Mozel OAKVILLE BEAVER S1AFF For m ore than tw o decades, Century 21 M iller has held a C hristm as food drive for the Salvation Army, draw ing only enough attention to itself to get the jo b done. W ith this y ear's event on Saturday, Nov. 29, it's tim e for a welldeserved pat on the back. "It's extraordinary that a com pany has been doing this all these years w ith out fan fare," said S alv atio n A rm y spokesperson Wendy Perkins. "Now, in their 21st year o f the drive, it's tim e to celebrate their efforts." A ccording to ow ner Bill Miller, the annual food drive - w hich over the years posed its share o f challenges - has been worth all the effort. "T his com m unity has been very good to me, my business and my fam i ly," he said. "I d o n 't think there's a bet ter w ay to give back." C entury 21 sales represen tativ e M ary Kay M cCoy, w ho has co-ordinated the drive since 1989, grew up in Oakville and says even residents o f affluent com m unities fall on hard times. "So m any fam ilies have needed help," she explained. "People get sick, lose their jobs. The Salvation Army helps no m atter w hat." A case in point is N atalie (not her real nam e) who, with her husband and three children, have been forced to use the Salvation Arm y foodbank after life dealt them a series o f financially crip pling blows. "It's hard to go there," said Natalie, w ho has all the proper docum entation in order to start a daycare in her home. "I alw ays felt other people needed it more than m e." N atalie's husband - w ho was in a car accident - w orks at tw o low -paying jobs that barely make ends m eet at the best o f times. Last year, one em ployer sud denly stopped w o rk ers' C hristm as (S ee 'V o lu n te e rs' A4) Special Tbuch Senke, Akxanian Carpet, Ijindo IJghting, Staples Business Depot, TheBag, Canadian Tbv, Guan&anfkugs, Little Caesar, MAMMeat Shops, Party Packagers, \ppleby Matt. Salvation .Army, Sheridan Nurseries, Sleep Factory, Square One Shopping Centre, White Rose, Ijquidatkn World, Black Photo, Sears Canada (Support Your Local Carrier) SVLC DELIVERY For homedririrry A customer service call (905)845-9742 Mon.. Toes.. A Thux 9 am. -6 p.m.. WW AFn.9 ajn 8 fun. or Satuniay 10am. - 4 pjn Fornewsubscriptions, call (905) 845-9742 or subscribe online @nMyv.oalnHlebefnrr.com TARGETED F L Y E R D E L IV E R Y · B Y B Y P O S T A L A R E A D E M O G R A P H IC S Liesa Kortmann · Special to the Oakville Beaver C e n tu ry 21 M iller o w n e r Bill M iller a n d sales re p re se n ta tiv e M a ry K ay M cC oy hold u p th e S alv atio n A rm y food d o n atio n b ag s th a t ca n be fo u n d in to d a y 's Oakville Beaver. fit 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 5 0 & . · Large selection of frames · Doctor's appointment arranged ·W e accept all vision care programs Top Brand Names - All Frames Storewide with purchase of your Rx lenses Space Optical invites you to come in and see all the new latest styles in eyewear. Visit us for personal and prompt service. 3PJU2 XPTSW 1 ITafalgar Village 125 Cross Ave. Mon 9 - 6 · Tiw.. W «l, Thure. 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