Oakville Beaver, 26 Dec 2003, Editorials, A 6

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A6 - The Oakville Beaver, Friday December 26, 2003 467 Speers Rd,, Oakville Ont. L6K 3S4 (905) 845-3824 Fax; 337-5567 Classified Advertising: 845-3824, ext. 224 Circulation: 845-9742 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER i IA NO L IV E R Publisher N E ILO L IV ERAssociate Publisher T ER I CA SA S Office Manager M A N U E LG A R C IAProduction Manager JIL LD A V IS Editor in Chief K E L L YM O N T A G U EAdvertising Director RI3ER0 V E R T O L U Photography Director C H A R LEN EH A L L Circulation Manager R O DJE R R E D Managing Editor THE OAKVILLE BEAVER IS PROUD OFFICIAL MEDIA SPONSOR FOR: I MjcroUnd Prating. P ubW w g & Dotrtxjong L B . n c h U H E n te rp ris eN e w s .B a rn *A d v a n c e .B ra m p to nG u e rd o n . B u rlin g to nP o st. B u rtn g to nS h o p p in gN e w s .C a le d o n E n fle rp n s e .O tyP a re n tC o tn ^ iD O lW n o BC o n n e c tio n . E a s tW iM n o r. E flnA d « a W C o in « ryR o u te s .E W * c c t« in iB p e n d e n t/A c to nF re eF Y e s s .H s m s to nD m m .H u ro n ta B u s in e s sT lm a iU n d s a yT h isW e e k .M a rW a m E c o n o m is t4 0j6h in e Mi S u n .M d ttn < V P e n e ttn O a m p c n .M « o nS rc « * » 3N e w s H^ w ^ LCOM ,'AGON ir Times. NewmerVeVAuora Eta -Banner. NonmrtwrtancJ News. North Vor* Mirror 0 * w * BMver. CMcv«e Stopping News. O s h W flk V ^ m ^ Q e rm s K jn P o rt P w ryThs Week. O w e n S o rt T rtx m e .P a lm e rs to nO tw rw r. P rte rtx ro u g hT h e W e e k .P w o nC o u n ty G u d e .R ic h m o n dM * T T > o m h * » V » u tfi« i U b e ra l. S cu to ro u ^M n o r. S » o u fN * e A M jrM g eT rfc u n e . F o re v w Y o u n g .C ity o fY o r V G u a rd o n *aat Recognized for Excellence by O ntarioC o m m u n ity / T r v A C w w fan C o m m u n ity N ew sp ap ers A sso ciatio n N tw spapmA uocubon 1 lalto n H ealth care YHCA | oakvlllt galleries! W J ·< £ 1 i T h e0* v * >IM o na n dO istv t -- ~ c a n Jir&MFund C A M fin d * 2 S K S uburbanN ew spapers of A m erica TV AUCTION § H PUBLIC L IB R A R Y LETTERS TO THE EDITOR W a s t e o f t i m e t o f i g h t w a r e h o u s e p r o p o s a l P r o - H O O P P s le t t e r w a s m is le a d in g What is council doing? I attended a public meeting on this issue and it was my understanding that the application from HOOPP complies with all the current zoning rules. It was also clear that only the small amount of "impulse noise" was the problem as the noise from idling and starting of trucks would be less than that of the QEW anyway. So why is council wasting time and money fighting a legit imate proposal. Wouldn't it make more sense to change the zoning bylaws to be more effective than to fight a developer that is rightful ly complying with the by-law. Can we all say waste of time? Forget the OMB fight, use the money to plow my street four months of the year, put it toward roads or do something useful. Lets not waste money on personal campaigns of coun cillors and a few residents. I guess this is why the Mayor wants more time to review building proposals because the staff are busy barking up the wrong tree. What is council doing? DAN PEARSON Re: Letter to the Editor, Future tenant questions story, by John H. Mulholland, Dec. 17. Shame on you. I have never seen a letter to the editor with so many inaccuracies. You obviously have looked at the drawings and to say that only 26 docks are facing north, you must be referring to building "A." Do you honestly believe that the truck noise and pollution from the many bays of buildings "B" and "C" won't reach our homes? Sound travels sideways, too, you know. You state: "These docks are well over 1,000 feet from the nearest homes." Again you are referring only to build ing "A" and completely leaving out the other two. According to HOOPP's archi tect these buildings are within 120 meters of the existing properties. I'll leave you to translate that into feet. Since, it appears, you have not both ered to attend the Dec. 4 information meeting or the Dec. 16 Site Plan Committee meeting, all the facts regard ing noise, waste-water management, light ing, garbage pickup, alternate designs, etc. are not at your disposal, so maybe you should do a little more research before writing one-sided opinions in the newspa per. W.A. MOTT (S P A C E A G E S H E L V IN G ) ln -H o m e Consultations A F A M IL Y M E T I V , Incredible Antiques & Fine Arts Auction T n e r lc a n I t a lia n E a te ry HP V E D IN N E R Monday December 29th at 10:30 a.m. Preview Dec 28th 6-9:00 p.m. and day of sale from 8:30 a.m. cm... up M .. lit up \ r OUR OW N "CAT 'N THE HAT Will BE HERE TO ENTERTAIN EVERYONE 1 Kick off New Year's Eve at Eastside Mario's! R ES ER V E T O D A Y ! 3 LIMITED SEATINGS A V A ILA B LE 4 :3 0 P M 6 :30 P M - 8:30 PM At the Agricultural Hall Milton Fairgrounds Robert St.. Milton Featuring: Top quality Victorian to early 20th century furnishings, table, floor and ceiling lighting rare Aladdin lamps. Victorian cranberry, Georgian period silver, Georg Jensen, paintings by B .W . Leader, E .B isson. F .A . Verna et.aL Jewellery, Shelley, flow blue, Moorcroft. Royal Doultoa Nippon, R . Lalique, numerous figural mantle clocks, 18th c. Dutch wall clock, 1769 map of Canada rare crocks, cast iron door stops, banks, and many more rare and sought after items. 350 quality items to be sold in numerical order For fun listing &photos go to .com Burlington ...................(9 0 5 )3 3 3 -1 3 2 2 WWW. e l f a www.auctionsfind.com/medley Term s: Cash, Cheque, Visa Interac. No Reserves No Buyer's Premium For Sale info, by fax or phone: , A M C THEATRES WINSTON CHURCHILL & Q.E.W. M i s s i s s a u g a .................... ( 9 0 5 ) 5 4 2 - 0 3 5 3 (905 ) 829-3233 Jon Medley Auctioneer 905-878-2647 vmrixtmwcittir. Winter Golf Lessons A t D iM a rc o B u rlin g to n \ Like A Pearl, The N ew est A m o en a Is B re a st F o rm One-of-A-Kind # from all the advertisers on this page « ···. in tr o d u c in g T W A ® C O N T A C T * L I G H T T h t L IG H T W E IG H T ATTACHABLE, TOO? ADD I C e r tif ie d P r o f e s s i o n a l M e m b e r w ith CGTF Canadian Golf Teachers Federation Centre You'll know it when you see the "pearls" on the back - the secret to it's stays-put, holds-dose fit. Underachievement? · Attention span is short · Difficulty organizing & completing work Come in today for a fitting and make yours a life of lightweight comfort and attachable confidence. c d M o e r i h Neurofeedback and learning strategies can provide a lasting improvement. Director Lynda M. Thompson, Ph.D., Co-author with Pediatrician William Sean of O N LY FR O M The AJ)J). 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Thank you. · Barkley Design Copy & Print · Provincial Trailer Rental · Mike and his team at the Oakville Home Depot ' · Dimples the Clown · Matt and his team at Payless Shoes - Wal-Mart Plaza · Mathews Trucking · Keith at Vanguard Trucking · The Ontario Trillium Foundation A t th is tim e o f th e y e a r C o m m u n ity L iv in g O a k v ille w ish es to rem e m b er a n d to th a n k o u r m a n y p a r tn e r s ; p a s t, p r e s e n t a n d fu tu r e w ho m a k e C o m m u n ity L iv in g p o ssib le th ro u g h o u t th e c h a n g in g seaso n s o f e v e ry yea r. I

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