Oakville Beaver, 19 Mar 2003, A4

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A4 -The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday March 19, 2003 Mayor will give State of the Town address to Chamber Oakville Mayor Ann Mulvale will give a State of the Town Address to the Oakville Chamber of Commerce on Friday. Her address will be delivered during a breakfast meeting at the Holiday Inn Oakville Centre. 590 Argus Road at 7:30 a.m. " We are very pleased that the Mayor had agreed present the State of the Town Address and take questions from the business community." said John Breakey. President Oakville Chamber of Commerce. "This event w ill give the business community of Oakville a great opportunity to receive feedback from the Mayor on a number of significant issues." The event will include a presentation by the mayor followed by a question and answer period. Although 100 business leaders have confirmed attendance, tickets, which cost $25. can still be purchased by call ing the Oakville Chamber of Commerce at 905-845-6613. Milton councillor wants to re-open region-wide smoking bylaw By Jason Misner SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER Milton Regional Councillor Rick Malboeuf says he isn't waiting any longer and is working to get talk of a Halton-wide smoking bylaw started as soon as possible. Malboeuf said he's already con tacted the clerks department about the procedure to bring a motion to council to discuss the creation of a smoking bylaw for all of Halton Region. " We have to deal with it at the regional level sooner or later, so let's do it now," he said. Malboeuf is a proponent of ban ning smoking in public places. He's long-stated he wants a provincewide ban on smoking, and barring that, a region-wide smoking ban. Halton Region's four municipal ities have enacted their own smok ing bylaws. And that's part of the problem, said Malboeuf. He originally wanted to intro duce discussion of a Halton-wide bylaw after Milton council ruled on a draft bylaw that would allow des ignated smoking rooms (DSRs) in bars and restaurants, and for Halton Hills to revise its smoking bylaw. But Milton staff won't have its bylaw ready until at least the end of April, and Halton Hills councillors Monday night passed a smoking bylaw recommendation that would, among other things, ban smoking in establishments by July 1.2004. Malboeuf said, based on the length of time before Milton coun cil votes on a DSR bylaw and Halton Hills smoking bylaw which he doesn't agree with there's no point in waiting. "It clearly shows local council lors cannot deal with the issue and that they're too close to the prob lem," he said. Malboeuf hopes to table a smoking bylaw motion at next month's regional council meeting, which could be April 16. To reopen talks of Halton-wide smoking bylaw. Malboeuf will need an ally and that will likely be Oakville Councillor Jeff Knoll. Knoll requested regional staff a few weeks ago to create a report stating the legal process to reopen talks of a Halton-wide smoking bylaw. That report was released last month. It states only a councillor who voted in 1998 in favour of a region-wide bylaw can table a motion to discuss it again. Malboeuf was on council at the time and voted in favour of it. He said he would table the motion, which would allow Knoll - who wasn't a councillor in 1998 - the opportunity to second it. which means it can be legally discussed and voted on. If a Halton-w ide smoking bylaw is passed by regional council, three of the four area municipalities would have to approve it to became law. Citizenship Test Preparation **Leam A bout Canada ** 7 Saturday Morning Classes · No charge March 22 to May 10, 2003 9 :0 0o mto 1 :0 0p m N A U u N CATM uUC CXSTIVCT SCHOOL BOA ` : Head-on collision injures three The Halton Regional Police Traffic Unit is asking for witnesses to Monday's head-on collision that sent three people to hospital. According to investigators, when officers and fire crews responded to the North Service Road west of Dorval Drive around 6:30 p.m. they found a 2000 B M W roadster in the centre of the eastbound lane with front-end dam age and a 1996 Mercury rolled into the fence on the north of the Q EW . The Oakville Fire Department extri cated the two male occupants of the B M W - the 23-year old driver and 26year old passenger. both of Mississauga - as well as the 38-year old Mercury driver. A ll three were taken to OakvilleTrafalgar Memorial Hospital where they were treated for serious injuries. The initial investigation has revealed that the B M W had been trav eling westbound on North Service when it entered the oncoming lane and struck the eastbound Mercury. Any witnesses are asked to contact Halton REgional Police Detective Constable Steve Martin at 878-5511 ext. 5169. LEA R W G YourlJnk to the Future A d u lt Le a rn in gC e n te r·1 7 1S p e e rs R o a d ,O ak ville Register Now LINC/ESL Office (9051 849-7555 GOODBYE WINTER: Noel Grey, of Mississauga, enjoyed Tuesday's warm temperatures by shedding her coat and walking down Lakeshore Road in dow ntown Oakville. . rO O N IE FLYER EVENT! FINAL DAYS! GREAT BUYS FROM $ 1-2 Huge Special Selection' P O LY ES TER /C O TTO N P R INTS 115cm wide, assorted designs O u- Reg 5 98 m NO W 2 00 m Special Selection1 B R O A D C LO TH 115cm wide Polyester/cotton assorted colours O urR eg 3 9 8 m N O W 2 0 0m Special Selection1 IN TER FACIN G Assorted types Indvidually priced NO W 2 00 m Special Selection1 M A N U FAC TUR ER 'S B U Y O U T of KN ITS &SP O R TS W EA R 115-150cm Assorted jerseys, fleeces, interlocks, ribs Prints & solids O urR eg 7 9 8 & 9 9 8 m N O W 3 0 0m Special Selection1 CRAFT/QUILTING PRINT C LEA R A N C E 115cm 100% cotton & some blends, in assorted designs Individually priced N O W 3 00 m Soecial Selection* POLYESTER SOLIDS 150cm wide Light & medium weights asstd colours Our Reg 10 98 m NO W 3 00 m Special Selection! 100% C O T T O N P R IN TS 150cm Our Reg 9 98 m N O W 3.00 m Special Selection1 A R C TIC LAMBSKIN FLE E C E SO LIDS 150cm 100% polyester Assortedcdoi»s OurReg 14 98-16 98 m N O W 5 00 m Antique bottle sold for $1,500 And have a Ball! The old aqua-coloured bot tle up for silent auction at Wastewise Community Resource Centre was turned over to the successful bidder Saturday. The Acton man, who did not want to have his photo taken, paid $1,500 for what is believed to be a torpedo bottle made prior to 1867. The bottle, which was brought into the recycling facility by another Acton man. has been in the auction since Jan. 29. He had picked up the bottle at a construction site on Lakeshore Road and Navy Street in Oakville more than 20 years ago. He said the bot tle had been buried under about eight feet of soil at the ,site. which used to be the loca tion of an old hotel. The first bid was $2. but as bottle collectors learned the antique was up for auction, the bids increased up to $500, and following some media attention, they escalated even higher to $600. $700. $1,000, then $1,400 and finally $1,500. Debbie Smart of Wastewise said they were " absolutely surprised" by the amount of money paid for the bottle. "To have one particular item go for that much kind of H O M I D (C from T O O N IE ! Special Selection' VERNA VOILE SOLIDS 150cm wide OurReg 8 9 8 m N O W 2 00m Special Selection' CLEAR VINYL 140cm wide 3 gauges Our Reg 3 49-5 49 m NOW 2 00 m Special Selection! DRAPERY SHEER C LEARO UT 150cm wide Large assortment OurReg 12 98 m NOW 3 00 m Special Selection! COLORADO UPHOLSTERY ENDS 140cm Our Reg 12 98 m NOW 4 00 m Special Selection' DECORATOR PILLOWS Our Reg 7 98 each NOW 5 00 each Special Selection' PILLOW FORMS 20" x 20ready to cover* Our Reg 9.98 each NOW 6 00 each Special Selection' SPARKLE ORGANZA 150cm wide OurReg 14 98 m NOW 7 00 m D A N C E S T U D IO S Swing into Spring! The hardest part is making the call to get started. Call Fred Astaire Dance Studios today. Jump and Jive tomorrow. JUMP &JIVE SW ING SPECIAL Bottle found in O akville 20 years ago. blows us away," she said. She added people who come into Wastewise are still talking about the bottle. "This thing has put us on the map." she said. Previously the most money a silent auction item had brought in was a steamer trunk that went for $180. however, bidding on a clock currently up for auction is at $215. Smart is thankful to the man who donated the bottle and intends to send him a tax receipt for what was paid for it. " We appreciate any antique donations for the silent auc tion," she said. She would love to get more items like the torpedo bottle donated as all money raised in the silent auction goes toward the operating cost of the facility. She said in 2002 their rent increased by $20,000 a year, and the money raised from the bottle covers one month's rent hike. 10 H O U RS lor $20 N ewadult students only 225 Lakeshore Road East, 2nd Floor Downtown Oakville 1 block west of Trafalgar Rd. (Entrance from both Lakeshore Road and parking lot oft Church Street) 905-842-3797 email: OakvilleFADS@aol.coni L O O N IE P A T T E R N S A V IN G S ! E X C L U S IV E M E M B E R S ' O F F E R ! M A R C H 1 8 -2 2 O N L Y ! In tir # In .S ta r * S to d i! NEW LOOK PATTERNS $1.00 each Umit 10 pet Member whie quanttes last, for valid aub Member? orty Offer not valid with any otter dtocount offers Memberships on sde now alfd u ced rates Fufl datais m-stor*_______ Special Selection! A S S O R TE D S U ITIN G EN D S Special Selection' Crepe, suiting & coating ends SCROLL i STRIPE JACQUARDS Asst'd contents may include wool & 150cm Our Reg 16 98 m NOW 7 00 m wool blends Our Reg 9 98-14 98 m N O W 4 00 m Special Selection! BLANKET F L E E C E PANELS 60"x48" Assorted designs Our Reg 24 98-32 98 panel NO W S6-12 panel ...And ch eck out our Huge Assortm ent of CLEARANCE TABLES For 24 hou r info coll 1 - * M - 7 8 0 -0 33 3 or visit our w e b site at w w w .fa b rk la n d .ca $2 m $3 m $4 m 8 4 4 -7 7 2 8 O PEN SUNDAYS 12-5 140 R e b e c c a S t. O A K V IL L E LA-Z-BOY F U R N IT U R E ® GALLERIES B U R L IN G T O NP O W ERC E N T R E Q i.W&B R A N TS T R E E T ·(9 0 5 )3 3 17 6 0 0 M m F ri9o m 9c m 5 A 9 m 6 p m ,S u i.l0 o i> 5 p m 9/ou re fTfioitec/ Remember when... · Louis St. Laurent was prime minister? · Ford opened its plant in Oakville? · Population of Oakville was approx. 10,000? Flood alert (Continued frompage A1) At the moment, major flooding problems are not anticipated. However, the break-up of ice cover w ill increase the risk of flooding at locations where ice jams occur. Higher than normal stream flows and slippery conditions associated with the spring melt w ill result in potentially dangerous conditions along all streams, as well as unsafe ice conditions on all watercourses and ponds. Children should be alerted to these dangerous conditions and their outdoor activities supervised. The flood safety bulletin is in effect through Friday of this week. Conservation Halton's watershed includes 17 creeks that flow into Lake Ontario. The area includes most of Halton and portions of Peel, Hamilton and Puslinch. The public can direct any inquires to Ray Gunther. CH's manager of water shed engineering services at 905-3361158. ext 253. or Gary Hutton, C H 's director of marketing and community relations services at 905-336-1158, ext 233. W IN N E R ! Laura Lackner of Toronto is the lucky winner of a 2003 Volkswagen New Beetle awarded on 97.3 EZ Rock with Mike and Christine. Laura filled out a ballot at the International Autoshow in February and won a New Beetle from Volkswagen Canada Inc., 97.3 EZ Rock and Metroland Community Papers. A B O V E : Laura Lackner of Toronto with Mike and Christine of 9 7 .3 EZ Rock. LEFT: Laura Lackner with Eric G re go ry of Volkswagen C a na da Inc. Whether you do or whether von don't...you are invited to join in a unique celebration in downtown Oakville. 1953 is the year that Swiss Interiors opened its doors... 50 years is something to celebrate! If vou agree, please join us at our open house: T h u rsd a y A pril 3 rd 5 p m - 8pm · R e f r e s h m e n ts · F r e e G ifts · E n te rta in m e n t0 · L o ts o f D ra w s ` Music bv Peter M athers Mayor Ann M ulvale w ill l> e in attendance to acknowledge this special milestone wheels Drivers wanted. ifirjenr/fM/c tv to e /c u tn e .. ./to i/io ifu fio /i /x 'y iu /x 'i / ^Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing Ltd. /4 f 4 2 1 7 L a k e s h o r e R d . E ., (9 0 5 ) 8 4 4 -3 5 3 0 w w w . s w is s in t e r io r s . c o m

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