Oakville Beaver, 2 Apr 2003, C7

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday A pril 2, 2003 - C7 cart for sale 1994 Mercedes C280 Ex cellent condition. $13,000 Can 905-730-1500__________ 2001 Nissan Sentra SE w/ sports extras, best rated compact- low kms. extended warranty. Sacrifice $18,000 O.B.O. 905-330-5145 1992 M azda Protege im maculate. 5-speed, spoiler, upgrades, grey in te rio r, green. New parts. Car guide Best buy. $3395 certified, etested. 416-801 - 1 117. 1984 MAZDA GCL, 2-door. 5 speed, light blue. S un roof. Good condition. Ask ing $550 as Is. C all 905845-0613 1996 Neon, low km im m aculate $5,500 O .B.O . CaH 905-844-7157_________ 1991 Honda A ccord EX. auto, a/c, pw. pi, cruise, ex cellent condition, e-tested. $3250 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -6 2 8 7 after 6pm or message. C anadian T h era peutic C o l l e g e Burlington Technologies Inc. a world-class Q S 9 0 0 0 registered organization that manufactures aluminum die castings for the automotive industry is currently seeking: T h e U l t i m a t e Professional Training S ports Injury Therapist o r Reg' d M assage Therapist HEALTH, SAFETY A N D E N V IR O N M E N T A L C O - O R D I N A T O R Reporting to the Operations Manager, you w ill have responsibility for tw o operating divisions ensuring the co-ordination o f the Environmental Management System, Health and Safety Program, and all continuous improvem ent activities relating to Health, Safety and the Environment. You w ill participate on the lo in t Health and Safety Comm ittee and act as a resource person for Company training projects. You bring a m inim um o f 2 years health, safety and environm ental experience in the autom otive industry and you have a College D iplom a or University Degree in science or engineering, and a w orking knowledge o f I50/Q S 9000 and IS014001 standards. W e offer a com petitive salary and an excellent benefit package. Please submit your resume to: Burlington Technologies Inc. 3267 Mainway, Burlington, O N . L7M 1A6 (FAX) 905-335-4679 mls@burltech.com BUDDS' BMW, w ith a lm o s t 3 0 y e a rs o f sa le s /s e rv ic e e x p e rtis e , is s e e k in g c u s to m e rfo c u s e d p ro fe s s io n a ls to b e c o m e p a rt o f o u r o u ts ta n d in g te a m . * y V )% : ' can 905.632.3200 760 Bran: St.. Burlington. ON © I WORKING EXPERIENCE! CAREER OPEN HOUSE MON. APRIL 7,8:00 PM Financial Assistance Available (It Eligible) w w w .canadiantherapeutlccollege.com S e r v ic e W r it e r s Tactful, confident, and accountable, you w ill ensure fast and efficient client service as you process orders and advise custom ers on the use and care of vehicles. You m ust be com puter com petent and able to com m unicate S hift into high gear w ith a c o m p a n y on the m o v e l O u r e nvironm ent is people-friendly and productive. Please ap ply in w riting, to: DENTAL RECEPTION COURSE C o m p u te riz e d · C e rtifie d E v e n in g s - S ta r t A pril 1 6 th iU R U N G T O N TECHNOLOGY INC. BUDDS' BMW An international company has an immediate need lor a sell motivated/ career driven: 1998 W lndstar Lim ited. Immaculate luxury. Loaded/ le a th e r/ power. 166,000 hwy. kms. $9900 416-7460616; 905-827-4054 1996 Astro van, 91K. certi fied. e-tested. All power. Tow s 5.500lbs. O rigina l Owner. Excellent! $9,800. 905-825-8779 Information Technology ~ Administrator Burlington O ffice Reporting to the North American VP of Operations, you will be responsible for trou bleshooting LAN and WAN issues (multi-continental), administering and maintain ing SQL Server. Exchange Server. Windows 2000 and Citrix Winlrame servers, and Virtual Private Networks. You w ill also be required to maintain network and sys tems security and backup procedures, as well as provide hardware and software support to end users. The ideal candidate for this ` hands on' role will be trained in Network Administra tion, along with a minimum ol 2-3 years ol related professional experience. Your technical skills should encompass expertise in the responsibilities listed above. II you are a team player, are looking for a challenge, and support a culture of open communication at all levels, then we want to hear from you! The right individual will enjoy the friendly and open environment in our Burlington office. We offer a competitive salary with benefits. Interested applicants are invited to forward their resume and cover letter to the attention of Human Resources at hr.resumes®sympatico.ca Halton Business Institute 460 B rant St., B u rlin g to n , ON c/o Ad-Link Advertising 478 Queen Street East, Toronto, Ontario M5A 1T7 Fax: (416) 366-6200 e-mail: resume@adlink.on.ca 905- 6 37-3415 Registered & Approved as a Private Career College I N T E R N A T I O N A L SAIO N & DAY SPA Office Clerk Must be energetic, self-motivated, strong organizational skills, prolicient in MS Word & Excel, some knowledge ol Access P/T flexible hours Fax:905-844-5127 cllpa@ on.aibn.com Before April 4, 2003 P/T O ffice A ssista nt- 3-4 days/W k., flexible daytime hours. Required for rural Burlington business. Must have good telephone man ners & com puter e x p e ri ence. Send resume to Turf System s- 2025 G uelph Line suite 412, Burlington. ON L7P 4X4 No phone calls please. HUMAN R esources A d m in istra to r required for A.S.P. Security Services. Excellent renumeration and ben efits package. Fax re sume: 905-333-3537. O a k v ille T o w n C e n tre We are seeking high-energy and talented team members. · R .M .T . · Esthetician · Stylist F/T 8 > P/T CAREER OPPORTUNITIES complete w ith competitive salary + commission + excellent benefit package! For info, call Barb at 905-338-3333 or fax resume: 905-338-9561 Join Burlington's #1 Golf Shop as AD M INISTRATIVE A s sistant required for finan cial services office. S e lf starter who can work with little supe rvision, has knowledge of Windows 98 Experienced in investment/ Insurance an asset. Parttime contract position with opportunity of permanent em ployment. Fax resume to 905-335-0486 MORGAGE U nderw riter a ssista n t required PartTime (evenings & Sat.). Ex perience necessary. Con tact Carmen. 905-632-3793 F/T Manager Must possess great customer service & sales skills; have extensive knowledge ol golt equip.; high level of leadership & exc. communication skills. Pro Goll Burlington 4031 Fairview St. NE comer ot Walkers EXPERIENCED M origage Underwriter required full-tim e. Burlington office Personable and custom er service oriented 905-308_________________ 4860 I T ] 11*1 drivers DRIVER wanted fo r stone slinger truck! DZ or AZ. Call Gabrielle 905-338-3105 or fax resume 905-338-1929 WORLDHEADACHE A L L I A N C E The World Headache Alliance is an international um brella organization uniting the efforts of 36 non-medi cal member groups in 26 countries to reduce the bur den ol headache disorders worldwide. Its operational offices are located in Burlington Ontario. Su n r is e A ss ist e d L iv in g Is som ething m issing from your career? M aybe it's the w orthw hile feeling you get from serving others. Fulfill your calling at Sunrise Assisted Living. We set the standard for assisted living for seniors. Water Meter Installers Wanted Canadian Water Services (CWS) are looking lor cer tified water meter installers or plumbers, to join our existing learn of installers working in Halton Region. Consideration will also be given to candidates with a background in general handiwork or plumbing, with lull training and certification provided by CWS. Work is provided on a 'payment per install' basis and installers must provide a suitable vehicle ol their own. All work is pre-booked by CWS. Work is avail able 8am to 8pm 6 days a week, with some evening and Saturday work being mandatory, on an agreed rota basis, when necessary Typical payment lor a basic 40-hour week is between $1,000 and $1,200 There is no cap on potential earnings as long as quality installations are main tained. II you are interested, please fax your resume to: M r Chris Jay, Senior Projects Manager fzssij C W S Canadian Water Services I I Oshawa. -3 Fax Number: 905-743-9057 Development Officer required for lull-time sell employed contract. An or ganized, energetic m ulti-tasker with outstanding problem-solving capabilities and people skills re quired to develop and manage proiects. research and draft funding proposals and business plans, and work in co-ordination with Chief Operating Olticer. First class written and verbal skills in English essential. Additional languages an asset. Candidates must have internet savvy, be computer literate and willing and equipped to work Irom own (home) office on PC plat form. Occasional international travel required. For application package, please visit: www.w-h-a.org Closing date: 11 April 2003. We thank all candidates lor their interest, however, only those selected lor an interview will be contacted JOBS. Work 15-25 hours/ week earning $300- $600/ week. Fluent English re quired. Call Jim, 905-6319720, Burlington ALZHEIMER'S COORDINATOR SALES MANAGER/SALES PERSON MAINTENANCE COORDINATOR Location: Sunrise o f B urlington In addition to a highly com petitive salary, w e offer exceptional grow th opportunities and a generous benefits package. For consideration, subm it your credentials through our Web site: www .SunriseA ssistedl.iving.com . Equal O pportunity Employer. · K inesiologists* RPNs · Phlebdtomists w a n te d as PH YSIC IAN 'S ASSISTANTS in new m edical o ffic e at Glen A shton and T ra fa lg a r, O akville. F ulltim e + b e n e fits . W ill tra in rig h t a pplicants. Interview required. Start May 1, 2003. AZ DRIVERS Needed tor petroleum and LPG bulk delivery. Must have clean CVOR abstract, driver abstracts criminal record search. Full & part-time positions available Tel: 905-840-7777 Email resume: drrodmd@ yahoo.com X-Ray Technician (Registered) Alternoons/Evenings Burlington (UCC Bldg) & Oakville clinics OAKVILLE FACILITY CONTROL SYSTEMS SOFTWARE DESIGNER A utom ation T ooling S y ste m s C utting-Edge A utom ation State-Of-The-Art T ech n o lo g y Innovative Id eas T h at's w hat w e 're about.... S ettin g N ew S tan d ard s In AUTOMATION ATS is an in du stry le a d e r in th e d esign , d ev elo p m en t and su pp ort o f ad vanced a u tom ated m an u factu rin g system s, p rovid in g so lu tio n s that d eliv er fast payback for ou r c u sto m e r s w orld w id e. W W W . AZ Drivers OAKVIUE based transport co. requires local & long distance hwy drivers for Canada & U.S. LTL. truckload & show freight. Must be well-groomed with a prolessional attitude. 3 years exp. and clean driver's abstract. (Owner Operators welcome to apply) Call Brett or Dave at 905-465-1889 or 1-888-837-5557 Design and im plem ent PLC controls program to customer and project specifications. · Debug and troubleshoot PLC programs during system integration stage and on-site installations. · Diplom a/Degree in Engineering, specializing in electronics, electrical or controls technology. · 3+ years o f hands-on experience in programming and troubleshooting w ith current PLC hardware and programming software, preferably in an industrial automation environment. PA RT-TIM E m ature sales p osition in O akville c h ild ren's b ou tique M ust be Wextole. Fax 905-845-8918 PE RM AN ENT fu ll-tim e p ug m ill o p e ra to r w anted. $12.50/hr bonus. No ex p e rie nce necessary. Job Involves liftin g 501b bags. Must be able to follow clay form ulas. Apply in person: P o ttery Supply House. 1120 Speers Rd.. Oakville Fax: 905-849-0001. email: bsmythOpshcanada.com LA N D S C A PE c o n tra c to r now hiring. *lf you have tal ent and experience to bring to the table and want to be paid fo r it then le t's talk*. Just construction. Located In Georgetown serving Tor on to / H a m ilton to S h el burne. Fax resum e: 905702-8486 or call 905-7029878 LA B O U R E R / D river w ith clean driving record need ed to ass is t in rem oval, lo adin g & tra n s p o rtin g of electronic equipment. Must be able to pass Police Se c u rity C learance. Some o v e rn ig h t trip s . Reply: Box# 1950, Burlington Post, 5040 M ainw ay. U nit f1 . Burlington ON L7L 7G5 L ] M salon & spa help computer & IT H I computer & IT EXPERIENCED F/T Den tal Receptionist required for large dental office in Oak ville. This position does re quire a few evenings and every other Saturday. Den tal computer experience is essential Please call 905827-6102 or fax resume to 905-827-4235, provide daytime number for contact. CHIROPRACTIC office in O akville seeks highly or ganized assistant with great com puter, m ath, phone m ulti-tasking skills. Must have compassion, positive a ttitud e, w illing ness to serve others. If you're looking for more than a job call 905-257-6792 9am8pm by April 7th PHARMACY Assistant re quired part-tim e/ fulltim e Pharm acy experience an asset. Kroll system. Good wage, great hours. Fax re sume/ cover letter to 905336-8509 CHIROPRACTIC Assistant, outgoing and flexible, req uired immediately for enjoy able. busy Burlington office. Fax resume: 905-315-8863. DENTAL A ssista n t/ H y giene Coordinator to over see Soft Tissue M anage ment Program. Required for southeast M ississauga office. HARP certified. 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (Monday to Thursday). Energetic person w ith excellent com munic a tion skills. Experience necessary. Fax resume: 905-897-6047 FULL-TIME IT PROFESSIONAL Fax resume to: 905-572-6860 MATURE individuals who are interested in working w/ children or adults w/developm ental d is a b ilitie s in the Halton Region Provide parent relief or teach new skills. PartTime/ flexible. Parent direct ed program . Health Care profe ssio n a ls welcom e. Starts $10.50/hr Fax 905849-6980, email h s s d s tn . net, phone 905-849-8000 CHRISTO PHER Terrace R e tirem ent Home. 3131 New St., Burlington. ·Mak ing a Difference RN/RPN P n days/evenings. We offer flexible scheduling & com p e titive wages Com puter experience an asset. Must love seniors Come join our excellent nursing team. Fax resum e: Laurie Johnston, 906-632-6074_____________ M ED IC A L DIRECTOR required for Hampton Ter race Care C entre in Bur lington C ontact the Admlnistrator 905-631 -0700 FU LL-TIM E E xperienced Certified dental assistant is re-quired. Please call Dr. R. Peeling. 905-681-7791 M ust have 2 years experience. Microsoft Office, Oracle and some Hardware knowledge a must. Database and CAD knowledge an asset. West Oakville loca tion. CONTROL SYSTEMS HARDWARE DESIGNER · Complete electrical design packages including detailed schematics, cable routing diagrams, and panel layouts. · W orking knowledge o f A u to C A D as w ell as the ability to keep abreast o f leading edge technology. · Diploma/Degree in Electrical Design. Engineering or equivalent. · 3+ years o f control systems design experience, preferably in an industrial automation environment. Fax resume to (905) 847-7476 or email to hr@metalstamping.net 525 office-clerical 525 office-clerical INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN · B uild, install and troubleshoot electrical w iring , electronic components, hardware and equipment on robotic w orkcells and industrial automation systems. · Plans installation from blueprints, sketches, specifications and installs all electrical and electronic devices. · A Certificate o f Q ualification as an Industrial Electrician o r equivalent. · 3+ years o f electrical experience, in a machine building o r robotics industrial automation environment. OFFICE CLERK Full lime, Long term in Oakville. Afternoon shift 12:00-6:00 p.m. Requires excellent computer, key boarding. organization and communication skills as well as dedication, a strong work ethic and tact. Duties include data entry, information tracking and close communication with outside organizations. Excellent wage and benefits package. Call Gord, DZ DRIVER required for local cartage company, 3 to 5 years Clean abstract. Fax w/resume to: 905-301-4778; Fax: 905-309-5285 gordupper@uniquepersonnel.com 905-827-4009 Complete details available on our web site. Careers section. For immediate consideration, apply on line at: HAIRSTYLISTS needed lor busy salons in Burlington and Oakville. Clientele not necessary Great training program otters tremendous opportuni ties. Call Salon Venere at 905-847-1222 or Fax: 905-847-3847 www.salonvenere.com RMT and Esthetician inter ested in rental of space in new ly renovated esth e tic salon. M onthly or com m is sion based 905-333-4958 SERVICE CO-ORDINATOR Required by HVAC Company in Mississauga Responsibilities will include: answer customer service calls, scheduling customer service contracts, dis patching/ communicating with technicians and cus tomers, assist with ordering parts for technicians, etc. Candidates should possess strong interpersonal com munications skills, be a sell starter, work well under pressure, have some computer knowledge and be fa miliar with the HVAC industry. Please fax resume to: atsa u to n ia tio n .co m CAR Rental Jockey (Wash, vacuum , drive) F ulltim e. Clean driving record, hon est, punctual. O akville. CaU 905-337-9373_________ TELEM AR KETIN G peo ple needed for fund raising. Top guns or rookies. Day or night... from your hom e. Hourly wage or com m is sion in cash w eekly. Call 905-681-1612 ____ LO T A tte n d a n t- full-tim e, good organizational skills, enthusiastic individual for lo t position. Includes car wash, interior/ exterior de tailing in fast paced show room/ Service Department. Subm it Resume to Jim Fletcher or Ian Thompson Burlington Mazda, Walkers Line 905-333-0595 or fax 905-333-9333______________ G ARDENERS who enjoy helping others required to service our clients. Suitable for early retirees. Seniors for Seniors 905-572-6162 general help wanted general help wanted www.jobsats.com general help wanted general help wanted Looking tor a fast paced. fun, friendly environm ent then we want you to be part of our team 510 m il 510 F/T & P/T POSITIONS CUSTODIAIU/CLEANER FULL-TIM E POSITION M o n d a y th r o u g h F rid a y R esp o n sib le fo r the s u p e rio r ca re and m a in te n a n ce o f both th e in te rio r a n d som e e x te rio r a rea s o f th re e b u sy fa cilitie s. C la ss G va lid D rivers' lice n se required. ACTORS A Models * Extras Sum m er lilm in g has begun. Toronto Production is e x p lo d in g . S c o u tin g n e w p e o p le (n o experienced needed) w ith different looks, shapes and sizes (new born to senior), fo r Comm ercials, TV s h o w s , M o v ie s C a ta lo g s . A u d itio n fe e , $34.50. refundable if you do not quality. MTB w ill be holding auditions in your area on Mon. A p r.7 th by ap pt o n ly . C all 5 1 9 -2 4 9 -0 7 0 0 or book online: w w w .m odelandtalentbureau.com We offer: >Flexible schedules · Above average wages Paid breaks · Paid training > Free uniforms · Benefit Program avail. ' Staff incentive programs > Regular performance reviews 905-820-2777 sales help & agents sales help & agents Please forward resume to: Ms. Mac Camp, Smith's Funeral Home 485 Brant Street, Burlington, L7R 2G5 Please no faxes or em ails 530 530 in Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted JOBS AVAILABLE Production work in the MILTON area. $11-$12/hr. All shifts available. Fax resume to: EXPER IE NC ED Body Repair Person or A ppren tice. Milton location. $1000/ wk for right person. Fax re sume: 905-875-1157 or call 905-875-3248._____________ A grow ing com pany in a n iche m arket, seeking an entry level person. Must be computer literate, have ba s ic und e rsta n d in g of m e c h a n ic a l and e le c tric a l functions and be self m oti vated. Growth potential for the right candidate. Fax re sume to 905-335-1116 LA N D S C A P E com pany requires lawn maintenance staff FT/PT M u tt have at le ast 2 years experience, and va lid driv e rs license. Fax resum e to: 905-331* 0021 Attention Linda DEBT C ollectors. National agency is seeking e x p e ri enced collectors. Competi tive sa la ry and e x c e lle n t commission plan, ms Botelho 1-888-248-9615 ext 3000 We are growing at 'Essence O f Nature Spa & Salon Now Hiring F/T & P/T B ahr S add lery IS LOOKING TO ADD A H ornby TO Shift Supervisors & Assistant Managers EXPERIENCE REQUIRED F/T A SS O C IA T E O U R TEAM. OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT Apply in person to: 5051 Harvester Rd.,Burlington Located at corner ol Appleby Line & Harvester Rd,. ph # 9 0 5 - 6 8 1 - 1 8 4 1 Exp. Hairstylists & Estheticians Please call Nancee al 905-681-1772 1035 Brant St. Burl. R e t a il b a c k g r o u n d , c u s t o m s / im p o r t E X PER IEN C E, AND EQUESTRIA N KNOWLEDGE ARE A S S E T S . CANADIAN TIRE Oakville North is looking to fill the following positions: C o m p e t it iv e w a g e s , B e n e f it p a c k a g e (905) 878-8885, F a x (905) 878-0190 EARN EXTRA **C A $H ** Earlymorning deliv ery of newspapers in BURLINGTON. Exc. commissions. Reliable vehicle required. Call Boris, FILL CREW Permanent Part-time. Mon.- Fri., 9am-2pm. Must be a computer literate, detail oriented self-starter. HCR 416-622-7258 or Tel: 1-888-411-1660 FITNESS Source O akville is seeking Part/ Fulltime re sponsible people to work in a high-energy and c h a l le ngin g sales position. H ighly self-m o tiv a te d , strong people skills. Fitness background would be ben eficial Please fax resume to 905-815-0120 or Email Steve @fitnessource .ca H h ih h ttb H A E L E C T R IC IA N Licenced required in O ak ville. Comm ercial/ residen tial experience. Please fax resume to: 905-844-5955. FR AM IN G C a rpe nte r re quired m ust have 2 years expe rience & own tra n s portation. C all 905-3361791 Leave message. GARDEN CENTRE Seasonal Part-time. (With the possibility of Full-time hours). Days, evenings & weekends, (varying shifts). Must be detail oriented with horticultural knowledge and/or experience. Forward applications/resumes in person by April 11/03: (No phone calls please) 400 Dundas St. E., Oakville (Corner of Dundas & Trafalgar) or Fax: 905-257-9218 Dynamic, exciting, committed to uncompromising customer service... W e nee d to p -n otch p e o p le to help us. Currently we are looking tor part-tim e Associates In these areas: SEARS 905-333-4977 GREENHOW Tree Service is looking for Arborist/ Clim ber. Requirem ents: Forestry Technician/ Arborist Diploma or related field Candidate should have 2-3 years related experience; starting wages range from S15- $25/hr. Fax resume to: 905-648-8077 or e-mail to: infoQheritagegreen.on.ca COUNTER S a les/ W are house person needed for Irrigation/ lighting distribu tor in B u rlington. Lan d scape/ Irrigation and ship ping/ receiving experience preferred. Must be fluent in English, have excellen t custom er service skills, able to lift up to 50lbs. Fax 905-639-7675 HARDW ORKING, reliable person required for swim -, ming pool installations and landscape work. Must have own tran sportation . Resumes can be faxed to 905-335-1404 « W HITE Rose Home and Garden, 4265 Fairview St, B u rlington. H iring for spring. Now accepting resumes. Must be available days, evenings and w ee kends. No faxes or phone calls please Electronics & Hardware You're helpful. Iriendly, energetic & have a history of providing excellence in customer service. We offer a good compensation & benefits package and a chance to work with a successful & progressive retail team. Interested? please apply in person : Mapleview Mall 900 Maple Ave. in Burlington The Human Resources Department located near Catalogue on the upper level Applications accepted March 2 8 -April 11th Sears Canada Inc. is an equal opportunity employer hopital. medical, dental Main Lumber Inc. Order Desk General lumber, trim knowledge/ customer service skills an asset. Handyman (M/F) Jack-Ot-AII-Trades S 20 -$2 5/H ou r Skilled in: Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical, Ceramic, Painting, Wall paper, Drywall, Plaster, Floor covering + others. Flexible hours Receive 1st cheque by Friday. FT/PT Must have own tools, reliable transpor tation +10 years exp. Call Mr. Arthur 905-578-4405 or 905-826-0655 LA N D S C A P E c o n s tru c tio n / m aintena nce people needed. (Burlington loca tion) Experience/ drivers li cense needed. Students welcome.Call 905-632-3565 PA R T-TIM E driv e r, days, dow ntow n O ak v ille store. Vehicle supplied Suit m a ture person. $9.00/hr. cash. Paul 905-845-2031 Hostess/Receptionist Wanted Ballanlry Homes in Oakville has part-time positions available. Office hours are through the week 1pm til 8pm.. weekends 11am til 6 p m , $10/hr. If you're vi brant, well-groomed w/excellent communication skills and want to work in a lun fast paced environment. Please forward a cover letter & resume to: 30 Wertheim Court, Unit 3, Richmond H ill, Ontario, L4B 1B9 or lax to 905-707-1023 Attention: Office Adm inistration; Regarding Part-time position in Oakville. Sales/Estimating General experience with lumber take-offs for residential construc tion/some sales experience required. Fax: 905-845-3384 or drop oft resume 485 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville. ON PA R T-TIM E w ith the potential to Full-Time. Driver/ w a rehouse help. M ust possess drivers license & clean drivers record. Bur lington. Please fax resume 905-639-3771 W ALM AR T: O vern ight stockers, Inventory control associates & Unloaders. 7 day a v a ila b ility a m ust. Also seeking tem p ora ry garden associates. Apply at courtesy desk. Hwy 5/ Tra falgar Rd., Oakville. P A R T-TIM E assignm ent, XML Software Developer to ass is t sm all C o nstruction Contractor in the develop ment of an Information sys tem for Company's project implementation processing Fax resum e to 905-8459571 or email to targetcon O direct com L y L i office-clerical A M ississauga-based mar k eting firm is seeking an enthusiastic executive as sistant who has strong or g a n izationa l skills. P ro fi cient with MS Office and 5 years experience. Please e-mail resume stating sal ary expectations to: dtherien © mtegram.net Only those deemed successful wtH be contacted.________ PART-TIME 3 days/ week R esponsible person w ith boo kkeepin g jo b costing , custom er s e rvice e x p e ri ence for small east Oakville office. Must be able to work in a computerized environ m ent using Q uickbooks, M icrosoft O ffice including E xce l,A ccess, W ord. Fax resume: 905-845-9571; email: targetcon @ldirect.com Please apply in person: Monday - Friday, 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. 2420 Lakeshore Rd. W., Oakville or 548 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville J A K E 'S G rill « O yster House. Join the C re w !Im m ediate openings for F ull-tim e Dishwasher, M on.-Fri. (days), part-time dishwashers and Full-time S ervers for days & eve n ings. Enjoy good wages, great people & a fle xib le schedule C all 9 0 5 -6 3 9 4084. Doug or Jamie._______ COME jo in us where your id eas are w elcom ed and encouraged! The Deacon's Bench Cafe. Roseland Pla za needs P/T cooks/ serv ers. We are small but offer respect and appreciation to all employees Apply 3029 New Street, Burlington. F U LL-T IM E / P art-Tim e Dietary Aids required for lo ng-term care centres in Burlington & Oakville Fast food restaurant experience an asset. Fax resumes to 905 -25 7-98 83 A ttn: Su zanne_____________________ RUDE NATIVE Bistro now h iring dishw ashers, prep cooks & line cooks for our Burlington location. Em ail resum e to: brandi@rudenative.ca or fax re sume: 905-465-0681 STEPPING Stones C h ild care Centre- hiring energe tic. caring, qualified ECE, fo r preschool positions. Special needs experience an asset. Also seeking Part-tim e assistants. Fax resume 905-842-6186 EEE1 medical, dental hopital, CAREGIVERS NEEDED Travel in rural com munity providing personal care and household management. · PSW Certificate · Nursing Students Welcome HIRING FOR MATURE experienced cle anin g lady available. A lternate Thursday a fte r noon. References a v a il able on request 905<335-6160 CALL-A-M AID for all your cleaning needs Homes/ of fices Bonded/ in sured. Servicing Burlington. Oak ville. Waterdown. 905-3791131:905-464-6052 H enry's Lawn and Garden Requires LAWN MAINTENANCE WORKERS F/T, experience preferred, but w illing to train. Salary to relied experience. M inimum starting rate $10/hr. Call 905-878-2488 OAKVILLE & FLAMBOROUGH AREAS Mornings, Evenings. Weekends, Stat Holidays. Apply tc Community + Health Services Canadian Red Cross 3210 Harvester Rd., Burlington Fax 905-632-3513 · An EO.E DECKS/ Fences. Retired am bulance worker. Pres sure Treated or Cedar Quality Workmanship Great Rates. Eric 905-319-9926 Fax 905-878-1098 on page B4

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