Oakville Beaver, 3 Jul 2002, "Classified", C4

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C 4 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e sd a y July 3, 2002 A I T he Oakville: B eaver in J C /v /r\l\V J L L L /£ / Ej I LA-Z-BOYSHiSS S o fas From for L ess ! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905- 845-3824 OR 905- 337-5610 FAX: 905- 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm Classified houses for sale Sofas, Chairs and Sectionals of Starting Uncompromising Quality and Style. ' An Extraordinary Selection of the Finest Custom Fabrics. Imagine, Genuine La-Z-Boy at prices that will Delight you! _ J 3 u r ljii2 to n ^ o w e r ^ C e n tr e ^ _ ( 2 E W ^ £ j} r a n l^ S t^ 2 ^ 9 0 5 ^ 3 3 J ^ 7 6 0 0 _ Circulation: 905-845-9742 OPEN CONCEPT Bungaloft... 1882sq.ft. 3-bed rooms, 5 appliances. Near all amenities... and Mapleview M all. $267,900. S i mon Jackson 905-208-0960 HOUSE fo r sale in W estoak Trails fully detached, close to all amenities. Call (905)330-0426 E E E L · Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169·Rentals 170-196 Leisure Living 200-239»Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 VE N E E R B u nkbed and mattresses, Ikea style with la rg e o ffic e desk $500. Call (905)844-0914 "WHIRLPOOL" heavy duty w asher, white, $350. "Beaumark" almond, dryer $150 *GE* stove $150 905844-9777 K f I I I articles wanted WANTED: Hot tub, 5 or 6 person in w orking co n d i tion. W ill remove. Call Chris 905-510-7378_______ W ANTED W ANTED... 4.5 Q uart food mixer (Kitchen aid or etc.) 250 watt or 300 watt 905-928-0103________ | C < 1 1 1 firewood CLIP Coupon. Get your firew ood now! seasoned m ixed hardw ood. $60 ./ a cord. Delivered. Minimum 5 cords. 1-519-582-4628. P u b lic N o tic e COMEHOMETV... CUM BERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliances · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited TRAWISACTIOiy SEC R ETA R Y BID AUCTION SERVICES I IMPORTANT MAJOR AUCTION NOTICE I EVERYTHING M IST BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST f We have the apartment y o u 're looking for! Required for a large, productive Real Estate Office, the successful candidate should.... Have past experience in a real estate or legal environment and be proficient at fully processing real estate transactions > Have strong clerical skills, be extremely organ ized, detail oriented and capable of multitasking · Be computer literate If you are efficient, enthusiastic, enjoy working in a fast paced environment, if your able to show lots of initiative while at the same time, function well in a team-oriented office environment, we'd like to hear from you All applications kept in discreet confidence. Salary will commensurate with experience. ESTATES * LIQUIDATIONS * CONSIGNMENT * [ * JEWELLERY · ELECTRONICS · STEREOS * LIMITED EDITION ART * * HOLSEHOLD FVRNTHRE · DINING ROOM SLTTES * COLLECTIBLES · · BEDROOM S IT U * LIVING ROOM SLTTE * ART COLLECTION * · ESTATE C0LNS * GRANDFATHER CLOCKS · TIFFANY LAMPS · · SPORTS MEM0RABILLA COLLECTION * LEATHER SOFA SETS [C a ta lo g u e Sale - W ill be sold in detail with no buyers prem ium s by: I ]2&3 Bdrms · Immed. & A ug\ 6 John Street, Oakville 905-845-4751 1 Day Approvals 'Managed by Greenwin Property i BEAUTIFUL 1 - bedrm available im m ediately. Open concept neu tral decor, Backing onto forest, North/ West Oakville. Non-smoker. 905-827-4768 BURLINGTON, Downtown. 1366 Elgin Street. Large 1bedroom. August/1 st. $675/ mo. Parking included. Brant/ Lakeshore. 905-681-3495 CENTRALLY located, wellmaintained, spacious 1-bedroom suite. Must see to appreciate. 3055 Glencrest Road, Burlington, 905-6373921__________ _________ DOW NTOW N Burlington, 1275 E lgin Street. 2&3 Bedrooms. July/Aug. Freshly decorated, spacious, well m aintained & quiet with upgraded fire alarm system for safe highrise living. Call 905-637-0321_____________ W wM furnished rentals FURNISHED Burlington Luxury! 1&2 bedrooms from $1,395/mo. utilities includ ed. Immediate. Short/ long term . 905-632-8354; 905632-6189 DELUXE condo townhouse, 3-years new. Headon Rd., Burlington. 3-bedrooms, 11/2 baths, C/A, untouched basement. Low condo fees. Spotless. $213,400. 905631-7008 No agents please P U B L IC A U C T IO N FRIDAY, JULY 5 AT 7:PM (PREVIEW 6:PM) BURLOAK PLACE On The Lake 2-storey, 2-bedroom unit with 4 appliances! (1 parking space only) | FIVE & SIX BANQUET HALL - NIGHTS ROOM | l l > D l \D .\S ST. EAST. WVrilRDOW N WE specialize in C ondo minium Sales & Rentals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., R ealtor, (905) 333-4347 industrial/ commercial space OAKVILLE Downtown. Retail space approx. 1,000 sq.ft. $1400/mo. plus. 2,000 sq.ft. $2100/mo. plus. Call 905-337-7135. UNDER S4.00per annum, per sq. ft. net. warehouse or light industrial. 50,000 sq. ft. or less. Radiant heat, s p rin k le rs , O .H . cra n e s, loading docks, Oakville lo cation ph. 905-616-8866 BRAND New Sony VCR. Won through Princess Margret loto, s till in the box. asking $95. 905-632-1523 HO TPO INT/ Dishwasher. Excellent condition. $100. 905-319-3286 OVER 1000 ITEMS TO BE SOLD COLLECTIBLES iT iffa n y glass lamps, Satsuma Porcelain collection. Royal Dux. collector plates, w ildlife sculptures, flo o r lamps, Ic lo c k s , decor accent items, flo o r vases, hand made unique nostalgia items, signboards, depression glass, hand made I model ships. CD cabinets, carved storage trunks, Murano Clowns, collector showcases, Limoges, cast iron toys, fountains, die cast collection, iro n planters, garden lacce nts. Laurel & Hardy, W ildlife sculptures. Weathervanes. Limoge eggs etc. I [ I I I [ I | Beautiful Lakefront RE/MAX GARDEN CITY REALTY INC. 5348 Lakeshore 1.2&3 Bdrm Suites From $900./mo. Available July/Aug. Quiet building. New appliances. Laundry on each floor. · Parking. . From $975./mo.+ (905) 633-7150 BURLINGTON 2&3 bed rooms availab le S eptem ber. 3 app lia nces, 1.5 baths. One outside park ing. Near schools, sh o p ping. P a rk-like setting. 905-333-1190.____________ BURLINGTONLuxury tow nhouses: 3 bedroom $ 1 175/m o.; 4 bedroom s $1275/m o. Fam ilyroom , basem ent, yard. U tilitie s extra, parking $40. 9056 3 9 - 0 9 5 0 . ____________ B U R LIN G TO N - Francis, 3-bedroom s, 1.5 baths, Laundry & 2-parking. No dogs. $950/m o. +utilitie s . August 1st 905-578-6996. O A K V IL L E - 3-Bedroom tow nhouse av a ila b le im mediately through Sept. 1st. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Man agement 905-876-3336^_ NE B u rlington- 3 bedrm ., fully fenced yard, garage. Available August 1st. Kathy Chiu Assoc. Broker Sutton Group Result Realty 905332-4111_________ NEW R e novations- A vail able Aug. 15th. 3-bedrooms. Includes 1 parking, $950./ mo.+ u tilitie s . North Bur lington. 905-319-9104 Please forward resume to: June Carter Fax 905-333-5907 Email to jcarfer@rgcmail.com Call 9am-5pm: 905-639-3301 BURLINGTON-Near W alker's/ Mainway- 1-bed room, walk-in closet, eat-in kitchen, patio/ yard, park ing, A u g.1st. $800/m o+ utilities. 905-333-8865 9-PIEC E oak diningroom set, $1300. 7-piece pine bedroom set, $1000. Oak entertainm ent centre, 55W x18Dx48H , $250. Glass top kitchen table set $300 905-332-1739 AIR Conditioner, W estinghouse, 10,000 BTU, 24" wide, excellen t condition. Asking $275/obo. Call Peter, 905-336-8837, after 6pm_ APPLIAN CESFridge. $300. Dryer $200. Both 5years old, good condition. 905-632-9606. BED, All-New King, Extra thick pillow-top Orthopedic mattress set. Still in plastic. C ost $1700. S acrifice, $650. 905-304-5573. BEDROOM suite, brand new 8-pce., solid Cherrywood sle ighb ed, Chest, dresser w/m irror, 2-nightstands. All Dovetail. Never opened, s till boxed. Cost $8,999. sell $3,999. 905971-1777. _________ _ BEDROOM set. black lac quered. 10 drawers. Excel lent condition. Queen size. $350. CaH 905-332-0846 BEDROOM set. 8-pce, cherrywood. Bed, chest, tri dresser, m irro r, night stands, dovetail construc tion. Never opened, in box es. Cost $9,000. Sacrifice $3500. 905-567-9459 BEDS. New. Double, $220; Queen, $240. Complete w/ frame. Futons. Free Delivery. Refurbished VCRs. 17-25" c olour TVs, portable CD players. 905-681-9496. B E D - Q ueen, orthopedic p illo w to p m attress, boxspring & fram e. New, in p lastic. Cost $1125, sell $450. W ill deliver. 905971-3315. CARPET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902 DININGROOM suite, oak. pedestal table, chairs, buf fet, hutch; Queen-size bed room suite; wood kitchen table. 905-847-9275. DININGROOM, 14-pce, cherryw ood. 92" double pedestal. 8 Chippendale chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail construction. Still in boxes. Cost $14,000. Sacrifice $5,000. 905-5679459 DREAMSCREENS- retract able screen doors, disappear when not in use.In stall yourself or we will. Start at $299. 905 -3 3 2 -9 3 9 3 www.dreamscreens.ca FOR Sale- Large Oak fin ish entertainment centre w/ bar unit, 72"wide x 18"deep x 72"high, $200obo. Orbitrek elliptical exercise glid er w /e le ctro n ic display, $175obo. M ountain bike 18-speed, 16" fram e, 2 4"wheels, $75obo. Boys BMX D iablo stunt bike, $25obo. 905-339-3367 FREE E stim ates... Got w obbly or broken chairs? Weak sofa or chair springs? Soft foam ? T ired looking wood finishes?... then call Fields for all furniture repairs and custom wood refinishing, 9-9 daily, 905-632-9090 FRIGIDAIRE stove, white, like new, $275.; Frigidaire washer & dryer, $400/pair. 905-333-8152___________ FU TO N d o u b le h u n te r green w ith fra m e $18 0., box & m a ttre s s (queen size ) brand nam e, o rth o p e d ic $ 4 2 5 ., both brand new , w ill d e liv e r (905) 257-3743______________ HYDRAULIC bed and hair dressing chairs, also hair stations valued at $3000$2000 for $200-$300. Good condition. 905-845-0294 IM A C - 350 MHZ G3 Pro cessor 192 RAM, software package. Asking $800. 905-315-9557____________ NEED a Computer... Don't Have Cash? The O riginal IBM PC, just $1. a day., no m oney down! U nlim ited AOL & in te rn e t free for 1 year! The Buck a Day Com pany, call 1-800-772-8617. www.buckaday.com RCA 54" TV, wide screen, rear projection, downsizing home- no room. New con dition. Paid $4,000. Asking $1250. 905-335-0310 SAMSUNG fla t screen TV's 27", 20" & DVD player all for just $999 or a $1 a day..no money down! The Buck A Day Co. 1-800-3328318. www.buckaday.com SOFA & love seat, $250. M aytag w asher & dryer, $600. Misc. lamps, pictures, m irro rs, dressers and desks. 905-332-8271 SPAS.. Spas... Spas Bro ken partnership forces sale, over 30 spas still in wrapp er. Must be sold at cost or below. 905-567-9459 TE A K 3 PC w a ll unit $5 0 0 ., ov a l te a k c o ffe e table $75., teak end table $50., taupe sofa bed $500. Call 905-257-9621 TEAK coffee table, tile top 52" long x 28" deep, $100. O'Sullivan com puter desk, 60" long x 20" deep, 2drawers, mini tower and cd storage, $100. 9 0 5 -6 3 2 6445. ___ _________ TEAK D inning room set. Excellent condition. Table/ 6 chairs buffe t & hutch. 905-690-1142 MATURE male orange tabby, fixed & declawed. Free to good home. 905333-0677_______________ M INIATURE sm ooth dachshunds. Pure-bred, 6 weeks old. Beautiful black and tan. Call Jola 905-6171776 I cars for sale 1991 FORD Tempo auto., good running condition, 2door 193,000 kms., as is, $500 obo. 905-319-9115. 1999 Corolla LE. Auto, air. 72k, one owner. $13,000. Call 905-631-9578 ____ 1997 Dodge Neon, 2/door, sport, fac to ry spoiler, 5speed, red, excellent con dition, certified, E-tested ok. 7,800 Call 905-336-6587 1993 Pontiac Sundbird SLE- W hite. Lady driven. 217K hwy driven. Cert. & emissions passed. $2600 obo. 905-528-3979 _____ 1984 C adillac- "S e villeloaded, carriage roof mod el, 11 OK., all original, good condition, $5,000. Uncertified. 905-631-8552._______ 1989 Honda A ccord L X Iblack, 250K, body in really good shape. E-tested, $800/obo. 905-633-9878 1999 Saturn- $85 0 0 -obo. Auto, 4 dr. A/C, Cert. Bur lington 905-617-4389 1999 Hyundai Elantraauto, A/C, cruise, PW, tinted w indow s, 96K. $11,900. 905-847-8814 day. 905849-3676 evenings 1992 Mercury Topaz- runs well, needs body work. Best O ffer! C all 9 0 5 -33 9-04 89 after 5pm 1992 T B ird SC- Fully loaded, blue, 130K. Asking $6200. Call 905-331-6354 JEWELLERY -arge selection o f ladies & gents 10-14 k t gold diam ond I and genuine stone rings. Earrings, bracelets, designer I watches, pearls, pendants, sterling silver, gold coins. Estate I |m in t sets, bank notes, silver dollars, proo f dollars etc. Health Care Personnel Required Located near the intersection of Hwy 407 & 5 (S/E corner of Walkers Line & Dundas), in N. Burlington, Urgent Care Canada In c.'s new Halton fa c ility is scheduled to open late July 2002. Services provided by UCC include; large Urgent Care Centre on main floor (7-days/week), Family Practice on 2nd floor & Specialist Care on the 3rd floor. This new work envi ronment is modern, open & paperless. UCC is current ly accepting applications from exp., enthusiastic & high-energy individuals for the following: FURNITURE Hand made desks, consoles, m irrors, hall tables, salon Ic h a irs , occasional tables, dining table & chairs, china Icab inets, oak dining table & chairs, vanity & stool, tables, French commodes. Consoles, trunks, dressers, tables, la c c e n t items, selection o f iron accents, quilt stands, ferns Ita b le s, washstand. tilt wine tables, leather sofa set, dining room suites. Q uilt stand, marble top consoles, chim ing grandfather clocks, pine tables, sleigh beds, bedroom suites, armoires. I I [ I I I I I FOR rent- new work /office units. 2188 Queensway Dr. For info call 905-577-3377 DOWNTOWN O akville o f fice space. 1000 sq.ft. (Aug./1st) Reasonable. Parking. Lakeshore Rd near Harbour 905-844-4161 Burlington Towers 1, 2 & 3 Bdrm S uites 905 * 639*8583 www.ontim.com email: btowers@ cogeco.net BASEMENT A p a rtm e n tsuitable for couple, no pets. Available August 1st. $850/ mo +half utilities. Referenc es. 905-844-2317. GENERAL ITEMS Limited edition art o f The Group o f Seven, accent and decor art. Port. Stereos, cordless phones, framed sports I m emorabilia; water fountains, 36x48 grand foyer m irrors. la n d various accent sizes, all from Italy with museum Ifra m e s. Cast iron accents, A.J. Casson serigraphs with |E state Seal (last known w orks o f artist). Electronics and e. Many more items, too numerous to mention. ` NO BUYERS FEES OR PREMIUMS ARRIVE EARLY - VERY LIMITED SEATING Terms: Cash. Visa, MC. Interac as per posted & announced, additions & deletions apply. Inform ation: call 9 0 5 - 4 7 7 - 2 4 2 4 w ww.proauction.com for m ailing list I I I I I | Reception · Registered Nurse Billing Clerk · Medical Assistant Nurse (Pediatric Exp) · Controller Call 1 -866-310-1113 or visit our web page at www.urgentcarecanada.ca I__________________________________________________ 1 general help wanted I general help wanted 1 MONEY Problem s? G ar nishees? Too marvy p a y m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 6 3 1 0600 I mortgage, loans NEED a m o rtg a g e fa s t? Below bank rate. 1st and 2nd, New, Renewal, Resi d e n tia l o r C o m m e rc ia l Mortgages. Past poor cred it, bankrupt, self-employed, Equity financing. Quick ap proval. Call 416-410-0629 or 1-877-305-3727 (7 days/ wk.) Guaranteed financing. CALL REDWOOD 1-800328-7887 1-yr 4.55; 5-yr 5.97, ARM 1.74. Also equity m ortgage program s, re gardless of income or credit. BURLINGTON. Main le v el duplex, 2-bedrooms, di ningroom , 4 appliances, la rge backyard. A u g .1st. $940./m o .+ u tilitie s . No pets. 905-637-5548 510 ACTORS / MODELS Summer filming has begun. Toronto production is exploding. Scouting new people, (no experience needed) w ith d ifferent looks, shapes and sizes, (newborn to senior) for Comm ercials, TV Shows, Movies, Catalogs. MTB will be holding Auditions in your area on Wed. July 10th by appointment only. Audition fee of $34.50 +GST is refundable if you do not qualify. To schedule an audition phone 519-2490700 between 9-5pm M odel and T alent Bureau is a member of BBB of Mid-Western Ontario. BU R LIN G TO N - Large 2bedroom (825 sq.ft.) Clean quiet building near down tow n. Parking. $795/m o. Call Annie. 905-634-5885. BURLINGTO N. 2-bdrm. Clean, quiet, well-m aintained. Excellent central lo cation. Parking, from $779/ mo. +hydro. August/ Sept. (No dogs) (905)664-2659; (905)572-7631____________ ALDERSHOT (west Bur lington) newly renovated bachelor with full kitchen, available July 1st, $625 + hydro 905-633-8547_______ OLD O akville, basem ent apartm ent. W alk to GO. $695/m o. inclusive. Park ing, Air, Single mature non smoking person preferred. Aug.1 Mike 416-719-6175 KERR/ Lakeshore, O ak ville , 1-bedroom second floor. $695/mo+: Burlington Mall, 2-bedroom s, ground floor, 4 appliances. $860/ mo+. 905-632-5690 Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor O A K V ILLE - 2&3 bedroom in trip le x building. All amenities, laundry, parking, im m ediate. $925/m o. + electricity. 905-845-9088 www.places4rent.com OAKVILLE. Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Bachelor, July, $780/m o.; 1-bedroom, July/Aug. $925/ mo.; 2-bedroom, July/Aug., $1040/mo.; 3-bedroom, Im m ediate, $1225/m o. (+ parking) 905-844-9006 OAKVILLE: Bronte. 1&2 bedroom from $950/mo. in cludes heat, hydro, parking, lo cker, A u g .1st. Clean, quiet building. 9 0 5 -8 2 7 8 2 2 8 . _______ 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur lington. 2&3 bedroom apartments available July/ Aug. From $945/m o. 905632-0129 GRANDE Regency; Fabu lous upgraded 1-bedroom penthouse. C/A, balcony, pool, exercise, security, 5 appliances. No smoking, no pets. $1200/mo. Aug./Sept. L.D avies R.E., 9 0 5 -3 3 3 4347 TRAFALGAR/ QEW: from September 1st. 2 bedroom + den, 1.5 baths, 5 ap pliance s. c orner unit. $1300/mo includes utilities and parking. 905-842-1964 BURLINGTO N, Grand Regency. 1- bedrm., solar ium, 5 appliances, a v a il able August 1st. $975/mo. Call 905-878-1198 BURLINGTON, The Palace: 2-bedrooms, 1.5 baths, 5 appliances, parking, 24-hr Security. Non-sm oking. August 1st. 905-632-1913. FOR Rent- 2-bedroom , ground floor condo in Glen Abbey. $1200/mo ^utilities. August 1st. 905-337-1754 DOWNTOWN Burlington: Superb Penthouse, pano ramic lake view! Impecca ble' decor, 2-bedroom s + den, lib ra ry , terrace. No sm oking. P refer no pets. $2700/m o. S e p t.1st or sooner. Call L.Davies R.E., 905-333-4347____________ f ! u i houses for rent LOVELY 3-bedroom bun galow , central O akville, walk to lake & shopping, air conditioning, ensuite laun dry, large fenced yard, ga rage and all u tilitie s for $1225.00 for main floor only (basem ent separate) non-smokers, no pets. 905825-3568 RENT to Own options or 0 Down Program based on credit & earnings v e rifica tion. Contact Jay Nelligan, Associate Broker, Re/Max Escarpment Realty, Realtor, 905-639-5258; creativeopts@quickclic.net DETACHED 4 level side split, 4 bedrm , 1.5 bath, main floor den/ office, fin ished lo w er level. A v a il able Sept. 1st. Long- term lease available. $1300 + utilities. Isabelle Rae, Roy al LePage R ealty Sales Representative. 905-3353042____________________ TR A FA LG A R / QEW. 3bedroom sem i (upper). Double parking, app lia nc es, la rge yard, a/c, July 15 th ., $1 ,450/m o. inclusive. 905-845-9279. BURLINGTO N- Semi, 3bedroom , 2.5-bath, big fenced yard, ceramic, 5-appliances. $1500/mo. +utilities. No pets. Avail, immediately. Call 905-638-0500. S/E O akville- renovated 3bedrm bungalow . Spa cious yard & deck. Julylst. $2200/m o. -(-utilities. Call Carol 905-338-9063 O AKVILLE R entals- 3bdrm court location. Aug.1 $1700/mo. Furnished short term 3-bdrm, Sept.1 $2350/ mo. Mr. Shorney ReMax A boutow ne Realty 905338-9000 FOUR bedrooms, 4-washrooms, fam ily room, walkout-basem ent, double ga rage available now $1,800/ month Call (905)825-2901 H O US E fo r re n t, 3 B e d room s, 2 washroom s, fin ished basement, with dou ble garage. Good location. Available im m ediately, no p e ts $1 5 0 0 + u tilities(905)564-0134________ HOUSE for rent in W estoak Trails, fully detached, close to all amenities. Call (905)330-0426 ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $925+ 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Mgmt O A K V IL L E New 3-b e d room T o w n h o u s e ,2 -1/2 bathrooms. Third Line/Up per M id d le Rd, 4 a p pliances. Available immediately $1.425.(905)827- 9584 careers professionals careers professionals SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT A leader in the outdoor products requires a self motivated individual who demonstrates initiative, diplomacy and strong problem solving skills for their office in Oakville EXPLOSIVE GROWTH Ask about our S tudent Scholarship P rogram . Motivated communicators required. Paid by piecework. Compensation enumeration type work. No experience necessary. W e train accepted applicants. Call Human Resources for interview Requirements · Coordinating, organizing and managing the day to day scheduling for the president. · Managing projects, assignments, and related business development activities · Preparing reports, presentations and proposals · Drafting and proofreading letters and documents · Coordinating travel arrangements BRONTE H arbour, S pa cious 2-bedroom suites available. Heat/ hydro in cluded. From $1235/m o. 905-825-9616, 9am-6pm ·HO USE-LIKE" Living in Low-rise Townhome/ Apts! 2&3 Bdrm s, 1-floor & 2s torey designs. Ground flo o r units w /w a lk-out to landscape patio! Freshly painted, refinished hard wood, new appliances- All for you! Tyandaga Terrace, 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr., 905-336-0015; 1460 Tyan daga Pk Dr. 905-336-0016 Burlington Post & Oakville Beaver e-mail - classified@haltonsearch.com Internet: www.burlingtonpost.com www.oakvillebeaver.com HEART of Bronte. 50 East St., close to la ke/ Bronte Harbour. 1-bedroom , Im m ediately or Sept. $950/ mo. 2-bedroom , Im m e diately $1,095. (+parking) 905-825-0816 mr /4 rooms for rent 4 wanted Q ualifications: 1999 Jeep Grand C h ero kee Ltd. 4.7L., V8, burgun dy exterior, tan leather, fully loaded. $27,700. 905-6372450.___________________ 1998 GMC Safari green, auto., bucket seats in front, tinted w indow s, $10,500. Must sell. 905-330-3289. 905-525-5948 BURLINGTON 1-room, unfurnished, cable, parking, share bath/ k itchen / LR/ yard. $400/mo. Immediate. Firs t/la s t. 905 -3 3 1 -4 5 6 7 evgs. ROOM for rent. Furnished room in e xecu tive hom e, many extras, pool all in clusive. R esponsible Indi v id u a l. $45 0. T ra fa lg a r/ Upper Middle.(905)338-5956 CLEAN and private home East Oakville, non smoking professional commuter pre fe rre d , in c lu d e s p riv a te bath and p a rk in g . C a ll (905)845-6374 W* c l j j motorcycles HONDA C lassic 1978 CB750K, 4-cyl., electric & kick start. 42K original, new rear chain, battery & recent general check. Nice look ing, reliable, quick. $1,650. 905-634-3448 Tycourt Apts. 1360 to 1422 Tyandaga Park Dr., Burlington Park-like setting near golf course & QEW 1-Bedroom, Immed. from $825. Call today to view: bedroom s availab le immediately, Starting $450/ mo. ea. All Inclusive. Great lo cation, near shopping, bus & schools. 905-3338867. 1-2 m shared accommodation · 3-5 years experience as an administrative assistant · Excellent Knowledge of M icrosoft Office, Power Point, Word, Excel · Excellent written and verbal communication skills · in English/French an asset · A bility to make good judgments in a fast paced environment · Ability to handle extremely confidential and sensitive information · Excellent organizational abilities · Strong ability to manage priorities and multitask · A high energy and fle x ib le personality that is adaptable to change · Experience in the sporting goods industry would be a definite asset Please reply in confidence stating your salary expectation to: Vice President Operational Excellence Fax: 514-645-9899 JO IN O U R TEA M ! Our Busy Circulation Department is looking for a full-tim e hard working enthusiastic individual to assist the Circulation Manager. Computer knowledge and good communication skills are essential. Hourly wage to commensurate with experience. P le a s e fa x resum e to: S teve C rozier D istrib u tio n D ire c to r- 905-337-5557 Oakville B eaver TIM Hortons is looking for a fulltime afternoon Super visor & F/T Bakery Person. Experienced preferred but willing to train. Please ap ply in person to 2355 Tra falgar Rd or call between 7am-4pm 905-257-1294 I salon & spa help office-clerical BO O KKE EP ER /S E C R E TARY/RECEPTIONIST for sm a ll o ffic e , 5 ye a rs e x pe rie n ce , team and c u s tom er oriented, businessv is io n 32 e x p e rie n c e an asset, pleasant personality. Fax resume to: (905)2574614 REAL Estate Assistant re quired. m ust have valid RECO license, experience preferred, support role to busy Associate Broker, sal ary & bonus position, team environment. Send resume to wmuir@eyesurf.net RECEPTIONIST/ Data Entry/ A/R. (Fulltim e). Downtown O akville office requires a conscientious individual with excellent telephone manners and accurate keyboarding skills. Call Ted/ Dianne, 905SI 5-8303 An o p p o rtu n ity to be part of a lm o st 100 years of outstanding service in a unique setting.... Our private, m ulti-sport and social fam ily club requires an ACCOUNTANT Fulltime, salary + performance bonus position that is responsible fo r the accounting, payroll/ benefits needs of the Club and is an integral m em ber of the Senior Management Group. A positive, cheerful disposition & a proactive, service a ttitude co m p lim e n t the successful candidate's dedication to high standards. Rental Bonus LIM ITED TIM E OFFER 1 Outdoor Parking 17' S tarcra ft, 50HP Evinrude (1994) + 4.5HP. cover, trailer, life vests, fish finder, $4900. 905-333-0732 lost & found FOUND- black & white cat in the Fairview/ Drury Lane area. We call 'Stormy" 905637-7325______________ FOUND- O lder, sterling, ladies ring, near Hampton heath and Lakeshore in the Park. 905-379-6369 EXCITING CAREER OPPORTUNITY with Oakville's Premier Salon & Spa 905- 3 3 5 -3 0 0 1 E-mail: tycourt@ sympatico.ca for info. GEORGIAN Apartm ents. 1.2&3 Bedroom s. July/ Aug./ Sept. Heat/ hydro in cluded. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 905-6390456, M-F: 9am-4pm, 6:308pm *______ REBECCA/ Third. S p a cious 2-bedroom ba se ment. Separate entrance. Close to schools, pub lic transportation, 4 applianc es, gas fire p la ce . C/A, share large yard. Suites coup le/ sm all fam ily. $1 ,050/m o. includes u tili ties, cable, laundry. July 1st. 905-815-9020 CANADIANA. Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1,2&3 bedroom s availab le July/ Aug./Sept. 5220 Lakeshore, Burlington. 905-632-5486. VERY large 2-Bedroom Suites a vailab le in w ellmaintained O akville build ings. Close to schools & professional services. Easy access to QEW & 403. 905844-2646 or 905-845-0987 PROSPECT PARK- Clean q uiet w ell m aintained building. Large modern 2bedrm. $850. incl. utilities. 905-631-9748 OLD O akville. B e autifu lly m aintained, very clean, quiet building dow ntown. Step out to shops. Bachelor, $750.; 1-bedroom from $985; 2-bedroom from $1250./mo. No lease. 905-845-8254 (leave message) OAKVILLE. QEW / T ra fa l gar. 1-bedroom from $839/ m o.*; 3-bedroom from $1039/m o.* W ell m ain tained building. Nellie, 905339-2028. (` in clude d 2% prompt payment discount) Other required skills, attributes & designations: · · · · Designated a C.A., C.G.A. o r C.M.A. o r equivalent; Comprehensive Excel Spreadsheet fo r W indow s knowledge & experience; Experience u iin g accounting software; Preferred related experience in a hospitality, restaurant and or recreation management environm ent including point of sale systems; · Familiarity w ith JONAS club management software system and ADP payroll software is a bonus; · A bility to provide effective leadership in all areas of responsibility & contribute to an enjoyable w ork environm ent fo r all employees: · Knowledge of com puters/info, technology w ith troubleshooting experience. IM A G ES I N T E R N A T I O N A L SALON & DAY SPA $ 1.00 (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bachelor from $709* 1-Bdrms from S869* 2-Bdrms from S979.* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Tel: (905) 845-9502 Now Hiring F/T & P/T Hairstylists (Min. 3 yrs exp.) Permanent ` (2% prompt pay. disc.) BACHELOR apartm ent, basement. Suitable for one person, private entrance. Non-smoker, no pets. Oakville.$690/mo.905-845- 3756 TWO bedroom, great Bur lington location, heat, w a ter, 2 parking included. $975./m onth. available Sept. 1st. 905-634-0697 2-BEDRO O M apartm ents a va ila b le J u ly / Aug. from $895./mo. Conveniently lo cated W oodw ard/ Guelph Line, Burlington. 905-6324265__________ _ _ 2-BEDROOMS: $850 / mo. (U tilitie s in cluded). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. Rental O ffice Open 11am-8pm, Mon.-Sat. 905639-5761________________ BACHELOR basem ent apartm ent, separate en trance, parking. All ameni ties in cl. on bus route. $695/mo. Call 905-332-4674 CUTE, q uiet basem ent bachelor, central Oakville, w alk to go, private en trance, parking, lease, suite one non-smoker, referenc es, $650. F irs t/ la st 905845-1036. _____ EXPERIENCED E u ro pean home daycare, Glen Abbey area, has limited full/ part-time positions in clean loving environm ent. In f ants- age 5. 7am-5:30pm. Hot nourish meals, crafts, activities, lots of interaction. Reasonable rates, receipts a vailab le. References upon request. Please call Maria after 5:30, 905-8278192____________________ THE Halton C hild Care Providers Association off ers support and a chance to network with other pro viders through workshops and outings. New members always welcome, free refer ral for parents. Burlington 331-9372.________________ MOTHER of two available to care for your child in my B rant H ills hom e. Large fenced backyard in non smoking family friendly en vironm ent. E ducational play, crafts, special outings, balanced nutrition. Receipts a vailab le. Sept. s tart. 8mos.- 4years. Call Kather ine, 905-332-5300 I babysitting BABYSITTER required Dundas & Third Line. Stud ents only fo r summer, 8:30am -3:30pm for 10 & 7yr. old. 905-469-4241^ AN occasional bab ysitter w anted for 10 m onth old girl. Must be available day tim e and e v e n in g hours. Dundas /S ixth Line area. Call Sharon 905-257-4718 p m holistic health Salon & Spa Asst F/T & P/T Forward resume in confidence by July 5/2002 to: Mark Porter, Gen. M gr, The Oakville Club, 56 W ater St, Oakville, On L6J 2Y3 Fax:905-845-3186 Ph: 905-845-- 0231 E -m ail: m porter@ oakvilleclub.com Estheticians Please call Judy at 905-8 49-9 87 6 HA IR STYLIST (experienced with existing clie n tele). For beauty salon & Spa. Located on Fairview St. 905-681-2582 SALESPERSON w anted for B u rlington ce llu la r phone industry. Part-time, hourly wages, commission +bonuses. Fax resum e: 519-623-3841_____________ TR AVEL CO NSULTANT Burlington. Min 5 years, ex perience, proficient in G ali leo, proven sales record, E xce lle nt orga n iza tio n a l skills. Full-time position of ferin g generous fin a n cia l package. Call 905-526-9638 ABSOLUTELY fre e info on line. W ork from home. $25-$75/hr. Part/ full-time. Call 1-888-246-9624 or www. 123takecontrol .com LITTLE C aesars now h ir ing all in -store positions. Full/ part-time. Please apply at 2441 Lakeshore Rd., at Bronte Rd. Tel: 905-8277778_________ HELP w a n te d - positions available: Esthetician, Hair dresser & Reception. Please drop resume at 258 Main St. E., M ilton, Total Skin & Body Spa. HS / OAC GRADS Summer Work $18.05 Base/Appt » Oust, sales/service · No Exp. - will train · Scholarships avail. · Conditions apply C a ll N ow ! Call 905-842-8045 workforstudents.com/on OAKVILLE practice re q uire s H yg ienist fo r ma tern ity leave com mencing September to August 2003. Candidates must possess strong perio background and in terpersonal skills. Submit resume to: Dr. Vito Gallucci, 250 Wyecroft Rd., Suite 8, O akville ON L6K 3T7 Attn: Wendy Del Col EXPERIENCED home decorating seam stress re quired for referral business. Must be a self- em ployed seam stress and have a good understanding of the english language! Please fax resume & references to 905-338-8937____________ THE Womans Club Fitness and Spa are looking for Ki n esiolo gist Cert. Trainers and CAT(C) exciting c li ents, ample opportunities contact Joanna W allace 905-849-9696____________ LOOKING fo r a live-in cleaning couple for mature up scale apartm ent build ing please fax resume to: 905-632-8506 FU LL-TIM E H a irstylist & Jr. Stylist/ Assistant wanted fo r O akville salon. Retail experience an asset. Drop resume off at: "Woman" 128 Reynolds Street, Oakville or Fax 905-282-9954 Full-Tim e SNACK BAR STAFF WANTED Experience an asset. Apply in person: > .V > Y KIDS/ Teens & Petites F/M all ages for Spring/ Sum mer work in fash io n /h a ir show s, m ovies, catalog work. $20-90/hr. 905-3365455.___________________ CO NVENIENCE Store hiring Full-Tim e & PartTime for all shifts. Call Mariana at 905-617-7094 DRIVE Clean Em issions Tester, fulltime. Experience preferred, but not nece s sary. Call Scott, 905-3350353, fax: 905-335-3878. _ NEED Extra Cash$$$? Try T e le m a rke tin g . W ill train D ays/E venings. Students welcome. Start $9./hr. Flexi ble hours (905)849-8335 or (905)849-8525(Oakvi Ile) AC TO RS/ MODELS Scouting all ages, shapes, and sizes for film/ advertis ing industry. Audition fee of $39 (includes photo) is re funded if you don't qualify. StarQuest will be at Holiday Inn E xpress H otel, 2525 Wyecroft Rd, Oakville Thurs July/4th from 5:00pm-7:30pm G as F itters 8 < A C M echanics DENTAL Assistant, C e rti fied required for growing, North O akville Dental O f fice. Full-time. Needs to be frie n d ly, outgoing and a team player. Evenings and Saturdays required. Please mail resume P.O. Box-86033, Oakville, L6H.5V6_________ NEX Health Team RN/ RPN full-tim e/part-tim e po sition required. Preference to candidate with IV experi ence. Please fax resume to Dianne: 905-637-7850 RECEPTIONIST- Part-time, experienced, Receptionist position available for Oakville Dental O ffice. Please fax resume. 905-529-2314 H Y G IEN IS T, part-tim e, needed for modern preven tive based dental practice in O akville. Please call 905-844-8406____________ HYG IEN IS T, part-tim e, busy Oakville practice. Call 905-825-2344 holistic OFFICE space available at Massage Therapy clinic in busy gym in Oakville. Per fe c t o p p o rtu n ity to b u ild practice for motivated ther apist. Full treatment room facilities provided in 5 yr. established business. Call (905)337-8822 Denninger's 699 Guelph Line Burlington EXPERIENCE W indow & Door In s ta lle r required. Must be able to work inde pendently. Fax resume to: 905-333-0724 For residential service Top wage & vehicle provided. Please fax a copy of certification and resume to: 905-681-8300 I office-clerical FU LL-TIM E A d m in istra tive Assistant. Reception, o ffice duties. Full know l edge of MS Office is essen tial. Experience with data base m aintenance, Corel, real estate based programs an asset. Deliver resume in person. Davies Real Estate 2100 O ld Lakeshore Rd., Burlington. No phone calls please.__________________ OFFICE adm in. Full-tim e. Real Estate experience re quired. Em ail Resume to wmuir@eyesurf.net i t - k i t -fc N E W LYR enovatedfor rent 1, 2 & 3 bdrm. apart ments. Close to all ameni ties. $1050 to $1275./mo inclusive. Parking extra. Im m ediate occupancy. 205 Queen Mary Drive 905844-9670 2-BEDROOM in well main tained low rise, Kerr Street, Oakville. Parking. $859/mo. Aug. 1st. 905-257-1669. PRIME Downtown B u r lington, Upgraded 1.2&3 Bedroom Apartments. Scenic views. Beautiful grounds. 477 Elizabeth, 905-634-9374; 478 Pearl, 905-632-1643 TW O bed ro o m garden, apartm ent, East O akville. R e nt n e g o tia b le in e x ch a n g e fo r m a in te n a n c e and custodial duties. Ideal for retired couple. A v a il able early August. Tel. 905849-6000 ext. 10, or e-mail Bobbie Hill: sbeofc@idirect. ca GUELPH Line area. 4bedrooms, 1,5 baths, recroom, garage, $1030/m o. Appleby Mall 2-bedrooms, recroom $989/m o. 905632-5690, A lbert M cD o nagh Ltd., Realtor LEGEND tow nhouse. Lakeshore/ Burloak, 3-bed room s, 4 appliances, air, available A ug.1st., $1675/ mo. -i-utilities. 416-806-9663. NORTH B u rlington- Im maculate executive condo minium townhouse, almost new. Quiet area. Large 3bedrm. Master/ ensuite. 2.5baths, ceramics. No pets/ smokers. $1430/mo. Augustlst. 905-319-2176 AUTOMOTIVE PAINTER Full-time experienced. BC/CC knowledge & 5-years minimum exp. mandatory. Great wag es. Full benefits. Fully equipped busy collision centre. 'Excellent Working Conditions" GUIDED m editation M on day evenings 7-9pm $10.00 per person. Enjoy deep relaxa tion reducing stress, muscle tension and fatigue. Experience internal harmony promoting creativ ity problem solving and healing For more info call Mary 905-631-9619 905-689-9812 P/T Help wanted for vend ing business, 3 days/ wk. Milton area $10/ hr. Please ca ll 905-825-6123 ext. 7222

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