D6 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday June 19, 2002 A progressive, entrepreneurial company, located in Oakville and specializing in environm ental industrial products, cur rently requires fulltime: SUPERCUTS NOW HIRING for 0AKVIU.E, BURLINGTON, HAMILTON, MISSISSAUGA & BRAMPTON locations H A IR S T Y L I S T S F / T & P / T In our Chemical-Free environment Opportunities for advancement Excellent benefit package In-store advanced cutting classes Pay-back school incentive program All equipment supplied except shears Hourly wage and commission Kinark Child and Family Services is an accredited children's mental health centre providing services to children and their fam ilies throughout Ontario. Syl Apps Youth Centre is a secure treatment facility for children and youth aged 12 to 18 years. We are committed to providing a range o f services and a high standard o f care for young people and their families. Join us in further developing Syl Apps as a Centre o f Excellence for the treatment o f young offenders. General Manufacturing Labourers If you are interested in becoming part of our team please FA X resume to the atten tion of Steve Miller at 905-847-7175 Food Service Helpers In one of these exciting relief positions, you w ill assist the cooks in the preparation and distribution of meals and snacks to the residential units. Your duties w ill include assembling prepared meals for delivery to the residential and program units, collecting and washing all dishes and utensils, helping with the preparation of, and serving at special/catered functions, as well as providing vocational training to selected residents. To qualify, you must have knowledge of volume food preparation, an HACCP certificate, and experience in cooking, cleaning and sanitation procedures for large kitchens and equipment. A background in a secure residential setting would be considered an asset. C O N TR A C T DRIVERS required to deliver our newspapers & flyers to our carriers in Burlington & Oakville. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Must be available between 7am-2pm. Must have a full size van & cell phone! toll free 1-888-888-7778 ext. 1552 skilled & technical help · K IN A R K A 1 C h ild and BH skilled & technical help office-clerical RECEPTIONIST REQUIRED Must have computer skills, ability to multi-task. Highly professional communicator. Responsibilities: Answering pho nes, g re e tin g c lie n ts , courier, sorting mail, dataentry, general admin, work. Send resum e, salary ex pectations: box # 2118 c/o Oakville Beaver, 467Speers Rd, Oakville, Ont L6K 3S4 inside sales PART -TIME sales person required to run our show room. Previous sales ex perience required. A flare for design is an asset, but not required. Fax resume to (905)825-0492 or email to: info@sol-cor.com retail sales help P A R T -T IM E sales a s s is ta n t re q u ire d a p p ro x imately 20 hours per week, fo r d o w n to w n O a k v ille s to re . R e ta il e x p e rie n c e and know ledge of in terior d e co ratin g an asset. Fax resume to: 905-849-4246 SA LES PER SO N fo r B u rlin g to n k id s s to re . V a rio u s p a rt-tim e hou rs. Resumes in person, Twice the Fun, 3455 Fairview, Tel: 905-639-9105 V V Family · - ^ S e r v ic e s If you are a qualified individual interested in meeting these challenges, please submit your r6sum6, quoting file #SAYC02-19, by July 5, 2002, to Margo W ilson, Senior HR Co-ordinator, Kinark Child and Family Services, 500 Hood Road, Suite 200, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9Z3. Fax: 905-474-1448. E-mail: margo.wilson@kinark.on.ca (MS Word format only). Kinark Child and Family Services supports diversity in the workplace. Only those candidates selected for an interview w ill be contacted. Call Steve: 905-337-5553 email: scrozier@haltonsearch.com DRIVERS ~ CLASS AZ Dry bulk experience preferred. Must have current ab stract and medical to run U.S., excellent wages and benefits. Apply in person, no phone calls please. Oakville Beaver Burlington Post _ The ADULT CARRIERS Reliable carriers wanted to deliver a community newspaper, 3 times a week. Ideal part-time job, good pay. Call Saliya 905-616-5388 2111 Lakeshore Road West MISSISSAUGA, Ontario G tJ O H N/ / JRANT/ e ^ L T ', - ^ o i iic w R E LIA B LE house keeper/ c le anin g lady a vailab le w eekly or biw eekly. 905332-8530__________________ YOUNG, hardw orking lady w ith years cle anin g experience can clean your house. Low rates!905-5070155______________________ THE Best European Cleaning Service. Insured. Bonded. Commercial, Resi dential. Liz, res: 905-5750290, cell: 905-921-9237, www.europeancleaning.net 10 years expe rience. Eu ropean c le anin g lady w ill clean your house or office. References 905-866-4937 905- 822-2636 I volunteers HOST Fam ilies Required for international students (of all ages) attending private school. S h ort/long term . Remuneration guaranteed. C all 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -9 8 1 8 or em ail director@ p rinceofwales.ca CommunityNotices Nursery School Looking for a JK alternative? Consider Hopedale Community Nursery School Registration for September 2 0 0 2 has begun! We offer: · 3 yr old programs: 2 or 3 mornings/week · 4 yr old program: 4 afternoons/week · ECE teacher with 2 0 years experience at Hopedale · Small class sizes, maximum 6 : 1 child to adult ratio · Outdoor playground · Convenient location to West Oakville and Glen Abbey Spaces are limited, call today! HVAC Technical Support and Sales Specialist Leading specialty HVAC Wholesaler requires a Technical Support and Sales Professional fo r our Oakville distribution centre. Responsibilities include: · Engineering and Technical Support · Heating & cooling load calculations · O.E.M. Product presentations · Hands-on trouble shooting · Processing Warranty Claims We are involved in many exciting industries which makes this position a very rewarding career. Deaths DOUGLAS, Gordon S te w a rt - (Over 30 years of service to the D epartm ent of V eteran's A ffa irs). Peacefully on Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at the Credit V alle y H o sp ita l, M ississa u g a . G ordon, beloved husband of Helen. Loved father of Marilyn and her husband Dave Shurtleff, Murray and his wife Donna and Debbie and her husband Rob Stoness. Stepfather of Peter and his wife Lucy Buchanan and Jean Munro. Proud and lo v in g grandfather of Susan, Andrea, M ichael, Adam, C hristopher and N ickolas. Stepgrandfather of Cathy, M arnie and Heather. Great grandfather of five. Memorial Service to be held 11 am Friday, June 21, 2002 at the K opriva Taylor Community Funeral Home chapel, 64 Lakeshore Road W est, O a k ville . In lie u of flo w e rs m em o ria l c o n trib u tio n s may be made to the C redit Valley Hospital Foundation: Peel Regional Cancer Centre, 2200 Eglinton Ave. West, Mississauga, L5M 2N1. "A True Gentleman" CONTRACT DRIVERS required to deliver our newspapers and flyers to our carriers in Waterdown Wednesday's & Friday's. Must be available between 7am to 2pm Must be a full size van & cell phone! (No m ini-vans). Send resume to: Box 1911 Call Steve 905-632-4444, ext. 257 email: scrozier@haltonsearch.com c/o The Post, 2321 Fairview St., Burlington, O N LO R 2H5 POST DELIVERY help part-tim e. Saturdays & approx. 2 days/wk. We provide truck/ driver. Some heavy furni ture lifting. Training provid ed. Imm ediate start. Call Sw iss Interiors (O akville). 905-844-3530______________ O A K V IL L E Yoga & W e ll ness C e nte r. Perm anent part-time Mon.-Thurs. 4:308:30, Fri. 3:30-6:30. Sat. 95. Sales/ Receptionist. Ex perience with sales, excel lent telephone & com puter s k ills . M ature w ith strong work ethic. Previous applic ants need not app ly. Fax resume attention Joie: 905338-6089._________________ EX TRA S needed fo r film , tele visio n & com m ercials. Call 416-340-7399._________ MARKETING Rep requiredThe Bay (Burlington), In-store photo promo. Great $$$. Call 1-800-747-4903 G EN E R A L Lab ourer/ H andym an- m ulti-talented construction work for H al ton and o u tla yin g a re a 's. Subcontractors term s pre fe rre d . V e hicle, resum e, refe ren ces required . C all 905-878-4328 or fax: 905878-7395 5 3 1 0 0&s p ah e lp iHAIRSTVLfSTSi E X P E R IE N C E D MEDICAL SECRETARY Afttrttof*^Qultf, BuftO u t S im cm jI Buri. WANTED j & Waterdown j »Top pay guaranteed S tarting @ $ 9 .0 0 /h r + comm. & bonusgs »Fun place to work j · Excellent benefits | package | · Paid license fe e s' ! ` Advanced updating I ·Equipment provided | »No clientele required ; · F/T & P/T Positions ! · Flexible Work Hours ! | I ! ! | it aT rm t required for busy Burlington doctor's office. Dicta-typing required. Please fax resumes to: FENCES/ Decks. 2-yr. workm anship guaranteed. Q uality construction. Best prices in town! Ehler Con tra c tin g Inc. 1-800-2164294.______________________ BA SEM EN T renovations. Seasonal sp e c ia ls now a v ailab le. G reat prices. Great quality. Workmanship guaranteed. C all Ed 416937-1673. Call the Registrar at 905-847-1672 Hopedale Community Nursery School 1257 Sedgewick Crescent, Oakville O 'H A N D LE Y , F ra n c e s (n e e P e a ire ) - Past President Ladies Auxiliary Branch 486 Bronte Royal Canadian Legion. Peacefully at Oakville Lifecare Centre on Saturday, June 15, 2002. Frances beloved w ife of the late John F. (S lim ) O 'H andley. Her kindness and generosity w ill be missed by all her many friends. Friends w ill be received at the Ward Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville, (905844-3221) on Thursday, June 20, 2002 from 10 a.m. until time of the funeral service in the chapel at 11 a.m. Interment St. Martin's Cemetery, Smithville, ON. Residential Framing Crews The Reid's Heritage Group of Companies is one of the largest homebuilding operations in South Western On tario, with projects actively underway at a number of sites in Guelph, Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo, Lon don, Collingwood, and Huntsville. 905-639-0824 DENTAL Assistant, C e rti fied required for growing, North O akville Dental O f fice. Full-time. Needs to be frie n d ly , outgoing and a team player. Evenings and Saturdays required. Please mail resume P.O. Box-86033, Oakville. L6H.5V6__________ DE N TA L R e c e p tio n is tFull-time. Experienced, re quired for a busy, fam ily oriented dental office. Abel com puter expe rience an asset. Dr. Paula C assin, 106 Wakefield Rd. #1. Mil ton. ON. L9T 2L8 Fax 905878-0557__________________ PDA for progressive ortho dontic office, m ature s e lf starter for a challenging ca reer opp o rtu n ity . M is s is sauga/ Hamilton Office. Fax resum e 1-905-628-9315 anytime. PDA Level II Assistant re quired full-tim e to join our busy Oakville dental office. No expe rience required. Also, part-tim e Dental Hygienist. Please fax resume to: 905-827-6023___________ D E N TA L R e ceptionist, Tues/ Wed for periodontal offic e . E xp erience with ABEL an asset. Fax re sum e: 905-634-5943; phone 905-681-3240. D E N TA L R e ceptionist needed for orthodontic of fice, experience preferred. A pply: 3077 New Street. Burlington. Fax: 905-6325188._____________________ BRAND new fa c ility look ing for full-time & part-time Dietary Aides and Cooks. Fax resume: 416-780-9947, Attn: Helen Walmsley. SE NK A Spa now renting room for Registered Nurse. Botox, C ollagen Injection, Laser hair removal, Fax resume 905-332-8988________ M ED IC A L R e ceptionist Part-tim e, evenings/ wee kends. E xp erience p re ferred. North Oakville. Fax 905-338-3144______________ ROOM for rent in Wellness Centre. Also looking for an experienced Reflexologist. Full or Part-tim e 905-6338704______________________ O A K V IL L E D e nta l o ffic e looking for an enthusiastic and dynamic CDA or PDA for part time hours. Please fa x re su m e to P a u la at (9 0 5 )8 2 9 -3 0 7 2 o r e m a il paula@dentists.ca Graduation ! I | We require experienced framing crews for the Cam bridge, K/W area immediately. Rates are competitive. Contact our Construction Manager John at 519-220-8064 ! Call 90 5 -3 0 8-6 1 1 8 ! UPHO LSTER Now. Free foam repla cem e nt on all orders placed before June 30/02. D iningroom chairs start $20. Fabric available. Free estim ates. 9 0 5 -3 8 8 9954; Toll-free: 1-866-7994440 C U STO M -M AD E d ra p e r ies valances, sheers, bed/ ta b le / c hair c o-ordina tes, fabrics, in stallation. 10yrs exp. Sherry- 905-634-6706 P H E N IX , B e rth e V ic to rie (B e tty ) - A fter a lengthy illn e s s on Friday, June 14, 2002 at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Betty, beloved mother of Deborah Robin and her husband Ron and the late Vicki Ann Phenix. Private family interment at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. 525 50% C O M M ISSIO N- Hairstylist required. Burlington C o iffu re is lo oking fo r an experienced hairstylist with own c lie n te le , please call Angela at 905-639-2412 or 905-634-2944______________ HAIRSTYLIST (experienced) required fo r upper level beauty salon and spa located on Upper M iddle/ W alker's Line. G uarante ed salary +percentage. Call 905-3175206 or fax resume 905-6397445______________________ FT/PT es th e tic ia n with nails & electrolysis experi ence. N eeded from July 10th. Fax resum e Senka Spa 905-332-8988__________ F U LL-TIM E R e ceptionist, Make up artist & Jr. Stylist/ A ssistant wanted for O ak v ille salon. R e tail e x p e ri ence an asset. Drop re sume off at: `Woman" 128 Reynolds Street, Oakville or Fax 905-282-9954 office-clerical office-clerical $ 1 0 0 .0 0 REWARD!!! FOR FINDING THE PROFESSIONAL Energetic, detail-oriented individual required for GENERAL OFFICE WITH RECEPTION RELIEF. Permanent fulltim e position at busy automobile dealership. Dealership experience preferred. Please fax or drop off resume with handwritten cover letter: Pet Groomer WE'RE LOOKING FOR. Burlington Toyota (1993) Inc. 1249 Guelph Line, Burlington Attn: L. Neville · Fax: 905-335-4048 Only those selected for interview will be contacted. PR IVATE swim m ing le ss ons, one on one For July/ August. Programs run eve ry 2weeks. NLS & Instructor C e rtified . Badges w ill be given out. Please call to reserve 905-842-6705 Scott O 'Neill Congradulations on achieving your Law Degree LLB from the University of Western Ontario Love M om , Dad and Brett LOST & FOUND I n M e m o r ia m Contact Vanessa 905-855-2100 Ideal working situation PT/FT help needed for busy la ndscaping com pa ny. Person with pick-up an asset. C all 905-845-0000 after 6pm A B S O LU T E LY fre e info on line. W ork from home. $25-$75/hr. Part/ full-tim e. C all 1-888-246-962 4 or www. 123takecontrol.com OFFICE ASSISTANT : F/T DAYS: Entry level position. General office duties. Must have good telephone manner, computer skills, college diploma. Hourly plus benefits. SEND RESUMES TO: ControlChem Canada Ltd Fax: 905-319-0438 Email: kherrell@controlchem.com No calls please. Only qualified candidates will be contacted. H S / OAC GRADS Summer Work $18.05 Base/Appt · · · · Cust. sales/service No Exp. - will train Scholarships avail. Conditions apply AVEDA CONCEPT SPA Be your own boss or work for me EXPERIENCED Estheticians Registered Massage Therapists Nail Technicians Any Wellness Services Found Something? Place your "Found"ad FREE of charge. Burl. & Flamb. 905- 632-4440 Oakville 905- 845-3824 Fax: 905-632-8165 In memory of loving husband and father, T e r r y L . Ja m ie s o n November 2,1952 - June 20,1992 A million times we've needed you, A million times we've cried. If love could have saved you, You never would have died. If we could have one lifetime wish, One dream that could come true, We'd pray to God with all our hearts, For yesterday and for you. Sadly missed, Forever remembered.... WHITE, Donald Johns (Don) - Went home to be w ith h is Lord on June 13, 2002 at the O akville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital in his 71st year. Beloved husband of Marge. Devoted father of Dr. Jonathon D. W hite and h is w ife Xium an of M alaysia; the late Jennifer Ruth: and Dr. Janette E. W hite and her h u sband W illia m C ra w le y of C o lu m b ia , S ou th Carolina. Proud Grandfather of Aien, Rowan and Jessamine. Brother of Douglas of Hampton, Ontario. H is 35 years as an educator and p rin c ip a l were predominantely with the Halton Board. A Memorial Service w ill be held Today, Wednesday, June 19, 2002 at 11am at the Calvary Baptist Church (1215 Lakeshore Road W). If desired, please consider a d o n atio n in D on's name to the C alvary B ap tist Church, Oakville. For me to live is Christ and to die is gain. low Afwaifs & Forunr, Susm, C isa & (f/M 'an Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Those with claims against the RAMHARACK SHAWN RAMDEEN ESTATE, late of Oakville, Ontario, Production assmebly line worker, who died on August 9, 2001, are notified to send full particulars to the undersigned by July 22 2002, after which the Estate will be distributed with re gard only to claims received. Dated at Hamilton, June 18, 2002 THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY 46 King Street, East, P.O. Box 710 Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3K7 Estate T rustee Sales/ Marketing Assistant Seeking assistant for Sales Manger for a small but growing Mississauga office. Computer knowledge a must. Knowledge of French an asset. M on.-Fri,, 8:305pm. Duties include: answering phones, taking and processing orders, assisting national sales manager, market planning for 2 locations and overseeing sales & marketing for both locations. Planning annual com pany seminars & training sessions. Remember w ith a Call Now! Cal! 905-842-8045 worklorstudents.com/on Magazine Publisher requires Phone Linda 905-631-0801 Burlington Please fax resume to: 905-607-4954 or email: renee@courage.ca P/T Distributors Light delivery of magazines. Must have car. 2-4 days/mo. Utility Clerk/ Outside Photographer 2-4 days /mo. Must have car. Will train. Leave message @ PRODUCT ASSEMBLERCRANE ATTACHMENTS We are lo o kin g fo r a perm. F/T product as sem bler. Ideal can didate has knowledge of simple hydraulic & electrical circuits. Exp. in fitting or heavy pro duct assembly. Ability to work unsupervised & as part of a team to en sure on time shipment ot product, lift 50lbs. Fax/email resume to: 905-827-3665 or P/T Administrative Position Required by Private Golf Club Private golf club in Oakville requires an enthusiastic, detail oriented person to carry out a variety of duties in a fast paced environm ent 2 -3 days per week. Service to our membership is a top priority along with the ability to handle a number of tasks at one time. Experience in M icro so ft Word and Publisher is a must. If you are interested in this opportunity, please fax your resume: 905-845-0096 Articles For Sale Under $100. $ 12.00 donation 1-888-939-3333 toll free · 24 hours a day / 7 days a week www.cancer.ca plus GST Wednesday and Sunday Call 905-632-4440 Oakville Beaver or Fax 905632-8165 Canadian Cancer Society Society canadienne du cancer ^ veterinary help 905-337-9400, extension 23 LfFEG UARD Required for Burlington residential com plex pool, July 1st to La bour Day weekend, approx. 35 hrs/wk. Fax resume 905639-1748_______________ ARE you looking for Work? Job C onnect in Burlington gives Participants em ploy ment and/ or Training op portunities. Call the YMCA at 905-681-1140___________ 2-3 M anage r/ S upervisor positions. Must be self mo tivated, eag er, and enjoy w orking w ith students. English & ve h icle a must. 647-283-6053______________ C U STO DIAN /s e t up p e r son at a ctive A ldershot Church 15/hr weekly. Ref erences. C all 9 0 5 -6 3 2 1233 Leave nam e and phone number. PART-TIM E R eceptionist/ V e terin ary A ssista n t re quired afternoons, weekeneds. A pply in person to 2319 Eighth Line or fax re sume to: 905-257-1929 Bridal Show Bridal Show or e-mail: sharfras@idirect.ca TlhifHyttom. inside sales Full-Time Night Shift Premium night shift wage Paid Training Benefits Available Savings Program kinshofer.net M ECHANIC required fu ll tim e fo r m odern, clean Burlington automotive cen tre. Diagnostic and general repair. A bove average wage + benefits available. Call Rex at 905-336-2266 INSIDE SALES Burlington Post A M e tro la n d C o m m u n ity N ew sp ap er E xciting op p ortun ity fo r self-m otivated in d ividu a l wishing to work. Creativity with attention to detail and excellent com m unication s k ills necessary. Flexible hours. Good telephone / communication skills essential. Fax resume to: Lyn Underwood, Sales Manager « Call or Fax resume: 905-338-1966 or apply in person: 2316 e * J2 3Q )£ ^ 33 ig Q III 10 01 ® Auto Body Person Experienced body repair person for busy Collision Centre. Full unibody experience mandatory. Excellent wages and benefits, call 905-689-5283 905-632-9162 Royal Windsor Dr. Oakville (at Ford Dr.) J A K E 'S G rill & O yster House. Join the C re w !Immediate openings: F/T & P/T prep & line cooks, p/t evening dishwashers. En joy good wages, great at m osphere & c h allen ging p ositio n in busy kitchen. Bring resum e/fill out appli cation: 950 W alker's Line (beside T ra velodge.)905639-4084_________________ B E N N Y'S Deli, fu ll or p a rt-tim e help. M ust be available weekends. Apply 8am-3pm, 1455 Lakeshore (at Brant). Excellent wages! LIGHT ASSEMBLY REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY (Female/ Male) OAKVILLE & MILTON locations 01 C OK 5 j j 530 sales help & agents ESItl sales help & agents w oi ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE We are an established Publishing Company w ith an opportunity for aggressive dedicated salespeople. If you have a proven track record of success in sales this could be the position for you. We have opportunities in both junior and senior roles. We offer salary plus commission, car allowance and benefits. We also offer a great opportunity for advancement. Please send your resum e to: Box # 2 1 1 6 C/0 The O akville Beaver 467 Speers Rd O akville, Ontario L6K 3S4 a r = Comfortable, clean environment. Fulltime. Long-term $ 9 -$ 1 0 /H R .* 5 3 « Days & afternoons. Own transportation required. Call Anne at M.P.S. C A LL Centre Representa tives wanted for expanding Salon & Spa. Some e x perience preferred. Fax re sum e: 905-337-0331 or drop off 700 Kerr St. lower level care of Diana (Oakville), resume @donatogroup.com R E C E PTIO N IS T required full-time for busy real estate office . Should possess p leasant pers o n a lity , know ledge of com puters, able to work with minimum supe rvision. Real Estate experience an asset. Apply: Sutton Group About Town, 1235 Fairview St. B urling ton, or fax: 905-681-8121. 3 0.2 t f i V) 8 U SEND THIS FORM FOR YOUR 2 FOR 1 ADMISSION COUPON BY FRI., AUG. 23, 2002 Send to: National Bridal Show s c/o P rem ier C onsum er Show 467 Speers Rd., Oakville L6K 3S4. Fax: 905-337-5571 | 905-272-2354 ACCEPTING Applications. Our National Co. is seeking 12 F/T Ind. Applicants must have c/s exp. Pays $350.$750/wk. for Int. Call Cherayl @ 416-621-058 5. No telem arketing / no door to door. H O U S EK EEP ER / Cook m ature, responsible , e x perienced live-in or out for 2 adults & 1 great 8yr.old boy; weekdays (rare wee kend) in beautiful country estate, 25min. North of Bur lington. M ust lik e dogs. Reply w /refe ren ces, fax 519-856-0221. A I