Oakville Beaver, 16 Apr 2003, B1

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An Oakville Beaver Automotive Feature · To advertise in this section call 905-845-3824 or Fax 905-337-5568 BEST WHEELS Y o u r O n ta r io F o r d D e a le r a n d W a y n e G r e t z k y t e a m u p d u r in g th e p la y o f f s t o b r in g y o u t h e s e g r e a t o ffe rs . 2 0 0 3 Focus 2 0 0 3 Taurus M z u n o T-Zoid Irons and bag. standard (O n trio Pisc*>a9e o r lease o f any n o w 2003 Th iu b · Ljnted t»n* only.) F o c u s Is C a r a n d D riv e r 1 0B est 4 y e a rs ru nn in g.' 48 m onth purchase fina ncing On ALL new In-stock 2003 Taurus, Grand Marquis. Ranger, Explorer, Wordstar and most F-150. 2 0 0 3 F-150 F-Series is Canada s best-selm g In e o( pickups lo r 37 years.1 2 0 0 3 Ranger Ranger ® the best-se«ng co m pa ct pickup in the w o rld ' MINI Oakville proudly presents the w inner of th e ir Test Drive Event - Gini G iacom elli-M clntyre and h er h u sband Scott M cIntyre won a free 6-m onth lease on a M INI C ooper a fte r her ballot was d raw n M onday M arch 31, 2003. In the last few m onths M IN I O akville, along with surro u n d in g M INI dealers, joined together to get custom ers into the M IN I to feel the excitem ent of this vehicle. C ongratulations Gini! o r 6 0 m o n th p u rc h a s e fin a n c in g a n A L L 2 0 0 3 Fo cus. 2 0 0 3 Explorer Explorer is th e b est-se *n g SUV In th e w orld.' 2 0 0 3 W lndstar The o rfy m nr/on to eem a Five StarCrasn Test Rncng n re year* n a row fo r front im pact for botn driver and front passenger n U S Government te s tn g ' Plus n a n o Get g re a t purchase financing PLUS S I.O O O cashback.** i n n Spring clean up and protection for your car (NC)-- It's springtim e and for your car that means it's the perfect tim e to repair the ravages o f winter, to wash away the last traces o f m uddy salt and ice, and to restore your car's finish to a classic, showroom sheen. R inse a n d W ash With every wash, start by rinsing the bodywork thoroughly with clean water before you begin. Then for the wash, use a cleanser designed espe cially for auto finishes. D on't use kitchen soaps or detergents; they can dull the finish o f your car and cause spotting! W ax A good clean w ater rinse will leave y o u r v ehicle g leam ing and ready for p o lishing. Your choice should be a good wax polish, and never wash and polish your car in direct sunlight. R im s a n d T ires The rim s and tires o f your car need beauty attention too. There are clean ers available lhat are specially-form ulated for the wheel requirem ents -- and even one that offers a 3-rainstorm protection. - New s Canada CASHBACK USE TOWARDS LEASE DOWN PAYMENT OR PURCHASE On MOST new in-stock 2003 Ford vehicles. 2 0 0 3 Escape E s c a p e is E n e rg u id e 's m o s t fu e l e ffic ie n t s m a ll SUV fo r 2 0 0 3 .J 2 0 0 3 M ustang M ustang V6 Convertible is th e lowest pncod convertibte in Canada." B e t som e o f o u r b e st deals righ t n ow during the P la goff Payoff. See yo u r local Ford dealers fo r d etails. Built for life in Ontario WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: *0% purchase flnnncng cm most now Ift-atOCk 2003 ford vehicles excluding M-.i3t.sfY). Escape. Th^xtotird, Exposition. Excursion. Eoondno, F-Sotbs above 85CO GVW, Lncdr ix J . Hflrley-DBxWsorvSVT mooote lor a maximum of *8 months to rotad customers, on approved crodil. Or 0% puchase Vuncng on 2003 Ford Focus lor a maximum of 60 months **Pl» mcwo a $1.000 catftiac* salable on the purchase a iwse of all n«w m-stock 2003 Ford vehicles exdjcjng Thundertwd. Eccnolre. F-Sertes Super Duty and abcwe 8500 GVW, Lincoln, and Hartey-DawdsorvSVT modah Taxes are payable on totaf betore casf-back. E.g $20,000 a! 0% annua! percentage rate, monthly caymonts $416.6? ky 48 months. oo« at b cno rtn q tsSO and total to be reoaid is $20,000 Die effectrve rate ol interest is 0%. Down payment may be required based on apcrcMW credit, It a licence oflor s selecioo. i^goteted purchase price may exceed the cash purchase price, and may rssJf n a higher eflectM? interest rate A» p v those fnanong otters exclude frot^r, icence. naurance. adm**straiioQ tees and a i appbeabte taxes.' 2003 Ford Focus. Car and Over Magaaw. t08est Issue. January 2003: January 2002; Janu®y 2001. January 2000 * Mu*tang V8 Convertibte o llto towost priced oonverttote * Canada based on Autodota Marketing System* Inc pnee comparison mcixlng seleciod IridintKes datod March 26.2003. : Rar^or ts ihe Wood's Best-Seflng Compact Truck based on Dffl Gtobal Sates, current as o l Odober 2001 52003 F-Senes e Canada's best settng Line at Picfcups lor 37 veers ba*<] on Marxitocturtys Put^c Month End Retease December 2002.6 Explorer a the best aAng SUV n the worid based on Auto Strateges Hemational Inc CY 2001 3 4cyt 5-speed Escape e tne most fuel offlaent veWcie m <s class baseo on 2003 Fuel Consumption Gude rabngs pubtehec by Natural Resources Canada. Every customer who purchases or leases a new 2003 or nwv poor Ta^us model during March 1. 2003 to Aprl 30. 2003, will recer^e one 6-pece set ot Mizuno T-Zod h re plus Go» Bag at no-extra charge Verctes mtert be dw.ered between spooled tma period Bag may not be exactty as shown. The 2003 W rdstar and Taurus earned the highest front impeci rating for both the diver and front passenger n U S Government NaUxul Highway Traffc Safety Admnstratcn testng {wa** NWTSAccm) Dealer may sell or lease lor lass- Some conditions may aopfy to the Graduate Recognition program Limited timo offers. Oilers may be cancefled at any time wthout notice. Some oondtona app^ Unless specrfcoBy .Haled, afl offers are mutuofy exdusve and cannot be combined See Dealer for delails Dealer transfer may be requred Not ail deafers may have specialy eqjpped models «\ stock. Allow 4-6 weeks for .delivery Ontario FDA. PO. Box 2000. OakviBo. Ontario L6J 5E-5 y di in f 2002 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER 1999 MAZDA MILLENIA S /" 1999 DODGE DURANGO SLT f 1999 TOYOTA TERCEL CE 5 17,900 r A u to m a tic. 2 3 .5 8 6 k m s sM '2 -4 6 75 2 F in . *1 95 P m t. 522 ,9 0 0 Leather, a u to m a tic. 27.344km s. s t# 9 -0 7 3 0 l F in . *249 P m t. \ f 2 1 ,9 0 0 ,, . . . .e . 4 0 .7 4 2 km s, S tk # 9 -7 1 7 9 9 F in . *238 P m t. V ^9O 0 /2 0 0 0 PONTIAC GR. PRIX GT /1 9 9 9 VOLKSWAGENJETTA GLS 2001 LINCOLN LS f 2000 FORD EXPEDITION XLT S 2000 MAZDA B4000 SE E9 A ir^7 1 ^9 7 0 km s. S t# 9 -6 3 8 5 4 S tk # 1 -5 7 0 7 7 . G reen. V 6. 7 9 .7 7 3 k m s A u to , black. 7 2 .6 0 3 k m s. S t# 0 -8 7 2 6 5 Rn. A ir. 6 1 .4 0 4 km s. S l# 0 -4 1193 F in . * 1 5 2 P m t. y s17,900 Fin.a1 95 P m t. V®24,900 F in *269 Pmt V s2 7 ,9 0 0 *299 P m t. V I 3 ,9 0 0 V s16,900 NO PAYMENTS & NO INTEREST `TIL 2004 COM PACT CARS 2001 FORD FOCUS ZTS Stk#1-20298 Stk#1-04906 Stk#0-61515 Stk#0-77539 Stk#0-94454 Stk/G-29793 Stk#0-49101 Stk#0-77539 Stk/0-16608 StMO-23433 Stk#9-13087 45.572 km . 27.581 km . 59.862 km . Green,59,674 km 33,260 km ........... milvKlE-* 2002 CHRYSLER SEBRING Rn Rn Rn. Rn. Fin 1999 JAGUAR VANDEN PLA Stk#9-68081 1 8&>mt Grey. 37,801 km 2000 CHEVROLET SILVERADO * 3 7 ,9 0 0 s ._ fin. I N Q U I R E Pmt. StWO-78364 StklO-13558 Stk#7-30106 Grey. 38,922 km . Silver. 71.151 km White. 93.087 km * 2 1 ,9 0 0 fin *238pmt * 1 7 ,9 0 0 fin *195pml. * 1 1 ,9 0 0 fin. * 1 2 ,9 0 0 * 1 2 ,9 0 0 * 1 0 ,9 0 0 . 1 0,9UU s139pmt S 139pmt * 1 1 9 Pmt. 1 1 9 Pml. Stk/2-6135823.642 km ................ 1 6 , 9 0 0 Fin 1999 CADILLAC SEVILLE STS Stk#9-35301 White, 80,705 kms . 2 3 , 9 U U Fin. 2 /S P irrt. Green ..................... * 1 5 , 9 0 0 Rn. *1 7 4 P m l. 2001 FORD FOCUS SE 2000 FORD FOCUTZTS 2000 POHTIAC SUNFIRE S£ 2000 SAIURN SL2 2000 CHEVROLET IMPALA Stk#0-83158 Stk#9-I6510 Stk#2-65682 Stk#2-73472 Stk#2-48273 . .. ,,,,,, , Fin fin. .............................. 1 2 ,9 0 0 1999 MERCURY SABU IS 2002 CHRYSLER SEBRING LX n n n 139Pmt. . . . . '1 1 9 Pmt. 1997 CADILLAC SEVIUE STS S1M7-22152 n n n 2000 DODGE RAM 82500 1997 DODGE RAM .................. 59 , 9 0 0 1996 JAGUAR XJ6 Stk#6-78201A Green .................... 1 9 , 9 0 0 Rn. 2 1 7 p m l. -- Stk#7-67192 Stk#0-26738 Stk#9-27944 Stk#2-95508 StkW-45674 Stk#0-57511 Stk#0-33049 Stk#1-48303 Stk#0-64595 ^ i l i i H i i H . i ' P T f f ^ ^ *129pmt. CARGO VANS 2001 FORO ECONOLINE E350 34.504 km ........... 51 5 , 9 0 0 fin. 1 7 4 p m t. 2002 FORD TAURUS 2002 CHEVROLET IMPALA , 1997 LEXUS LX 450 2000 FORD EXPEDITION XLT 1999 UNO ROVER DISCOVERY II 2002 FORD ESCAPE XLS Black. 72,974 km . , . ft_ n Stk#1-72542.46.000 km ............* 2 9 ,9 0 0 2001 CHEVROLET G2500 CARGO fin 324pmt. 1 1 ,9U0 « « « *« 129 Pml Pmt. White, 34,451 km , . 1 0 , 9 0 0 fin. 1 8 5 p m t. Green, 30,254 km . . 1 9 , 9 U U fin. 2 1 / Pmt. 137,719km............. * 2 7 , 9 0 0 Rn. 2 9 9 Pmt 65,214 k m .............. 2 7 , 9 0 0 Rn. 2 9 9 p m t. 75.976k m ............... * 2 4 , 9 0 0 Rn. 2 6 9 P m t. 2000 CHRYSLER NEON 2000 CHEVROLET MALIBU 59.330km ............ Green. 59.674 km Stk#1-06293 White.56,459km . 2 2 , 9 0 0 Fin. 249pmt .. * 2 5 ,9 0 0 Fin .............................. ` 1 0 ,9 0 0 Rn. ' 13,900 n n n *1 19 1999 CHEVROLET MAUBU 2000 0LDSM0BILE INTRIGUE GLS S tk*0-41776 77,294 k m $ . . . . 2000 FORD E350 StWO-62187 White, 56.019 km Fin. Pin. 152 Pmt. Pmt. Stk#9-00537A Green, 30577k m . .. l d , 9 U U Fin. l0 2 P m t. 1 0 ,M U U Fin. 1 8 5 Pmt. 2000 PONTIAC SUNFIRE SE ..10,900 *1 1 9 1997 CHEVROLET LUMINA Stk#7-51966 n n n n n n , ___ *279pmt 259pmt. 2000 FORD SUPER VAN E350 Diesel.95,000 km...................... * 2 3 , 9 0 0 fin. 20,900 fin. 227 Pmt. 2000 FORD FOCUS SE 60,810 k m ................. 87,571 k m ................. B lu e ......................... 9 , 9 0 0 Fin. 119P m t. 2000 JEEP CHEROKEE Black.70,819km . . 1 5 , 9 0 0 Fin. 1 7 4 P m t Blue,31.556km . . . ` 9,900 8 ,9 0 0 Fin. Fin. 119 Pml. 1 0 7 Pml. -- Stk#2-27031 Stkffl-08873 Stk#1 -39357 n i ii 111 *227pmt . 2000 FORD WINDSTARLX Stk#0-88730 69,756 k m 2000 HYUNOAI ACCENT 6S 1999 HONDA CIVIC SE 2002 CHEVROLET CORVETTE CONV 2000 LAND ROVER DISCOVERY II 1 0 , 9UU Fin 1 52Pmt. ...............................* 1 0 ,9 0 0 Fin n n n 19,796 k m ............. 6 4 , 9 0 0 Rn.iHOUintPmt. ................................* 2 0 ,9 0 0 Fin 3 2 ,9 0 0 fin 355Pmt *2 3 8 Pmt. 2000 DODGE CARAVAN SE Stk#0-33579 Stk#0-00194 White, 87,889 km . . 1 4 , 9 0 0 Fin. 1 63Pmt. silver. 69,750 km . Blue. 60.232 km Blue.72,243km 1 3 , 9 0 0 Fin. 1 5 2 p m t 1 4 , 9 0 0 Fin. 1 3 , 9 0 0 fin. 1 6 3 Pmt. 152pm t 2000 FORD MUSTANG GT 2001 CHRYSLER SEBRING 2000 FORD FOCUS ZTS , 2000 F0R0 EXPLORER Green ....................* 2 1 ,9 0 0 fin. 68,862km 72,122km * 1 1 9 Pml. - 2000 FORD WINDSTAR 2000 FORD WINDSTAR LX Stk#0-70636 IM P O R T S & E U R O PE A N 1998 MAZDA 626 LX Stk#8-54728 Stk#2-62195 Stk#3-61134 Stk#0-36327 Stk#9-58518 61,446km ........... 25.967 km ........... Blue.63.695km . . . 1 4 , 9 0 0 Fin. 1 6 3 P m t White, 40,370 km . . 1 2 , 9 0 0 Rn. 139 P m t. 117.334k m .............. * 1 7 , 9 0 0 Rn. 1 9 5 p m t 2001 FORO EXPEDITION XU ............ 2 8 , 9 0 0 Fin 3 1 2 Pmt ............ * 1 7 ,9 0 0 Fin 1 2 ,9 0 0 2 1 ,9 0 0 Rn. Fin. 1 3 9 Pmt 238 Pmt StkO-29762 Stk#9-24395 2000 CHEVEROLET BLAZES IT 2002 CHRYSLER CONCORDE LXI 1999 TOYOTA COROLLA 75.848 k m ....... 519,900 Rn. Black. 93,543 km .. * 2 0 ,9 0 0 Rn 58237k m ............... 1999 F0R0 MUSTANG 1 9 5 Pmt 299pmt 20O P m t. 2000 FORD WINDSTAR U Stk#0-12338 1999 LAND ROVER DISCOVERY II Stk#9-03116 Beige. 54.356km -- 20 00VOLVOS80T6 Stk#0-31831 StWO-65164 Stk#0-74770 Stk#0-19638 Stk#2-89743 Stk#2-67981 StkfO-62324 M l |1 I ' e -- 5_ 7 , 2 9 , 9 U U fin. 3 2 4 Pmt. 2 7 ,9 0 0 fin. 2000 0LDSM0BILE SILHOUETTE Stk#2-24724 Stk#0-78778 Stk#0-16950 Stk#9-00534 Stk#9-78901 Stk/9-61050 54.559km............. 2 0 , 9 0 0 fin. 2 2 7 p m t. *217 Pmt. *227 Pmt. SOQfl Fin. 2 9 9 p m t. 1999 CHEVROLET BLAZER S1W9-09508 Stk#9-15585 Stk/7-75765 White. 74.100km . . 1 8 , 9 0 0 Fin 2000 VOLVO S70 1999 MAZDA 626LX 79.349km...............` 2 7 , 9 0 0 96,805 k m 2000 PONTIAC MONTANA 2000 PONTIAC MONTANA * 2000 JAGUARS TYPE 4.0L 2000 LINCOLN LS V6 1999 GMC JIMMY SLT Red, 36,127km___ 1 9 , 9 0 0 Rn. *217P m t. Black....................... * 1 7 , 9 0 0 Fin * 1 95p m t. 40.552 k m .............. 1 6 , 9 0 0 fin. 1 8 5 Pmt 55.124 k m ............... * 1 7 , 9 0 0 fin. 1 9 5 Pmt Blue White ............. 1 2 , 9 0 0 fin. 1 3 9 p m t. .................. 1 3 , 9 0 0 fin. 1 52 Pmt. 1 5 , 9 0 0 Fin. 1 7 4 Pmt 1 3 ,9 0 0 1 ,9 0 0 Fin Rn 1 5 2 Pmt *230Pmt *3 88 238 Pmt. Pmt. ...............................2 1 , *JUU Fin , VoO Pm t 1997 NISSAN PATHFINDER 1999 ACURA 3.2TL Stk/9-04529,92,222 km .............. 52 Stk#8-57094 Stk/7-00475 2000 JAGUARS TYPE 4.0L 2002 CHRYSUR CONCORDE L . . . 5- _ Qn_ nnn . . . 1999 FORD WIN0STAR 1999 FORD WIN0STAR LX 1999 PLYMOUTH GRAND VOYAGER 61.029k m ..................o 4 , 9 U U Fin. 6 1 1 Pmt. 21.801 k m ..................2 2 , 9 U 0 Fin. * 2 4 9 P m t Brown, 36,339 km .. 4 0 , 9 U U Fin. WQUiREPmt. 139.272km .........' 2 U . 9 0 0 Rn. 2 2 / P m t Stk#0-78393 Stk#0-03805 Black. 75,004 km . .* 3 5 ,9 0 0 Fin. Blue, 64,146 km ,,~ P ICK U P S 2000 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 58,889km.............. * 1 5 , 9 0 U fin. * l/ 4 P m t . Burgundy, 50.309 km * 2 4 ,9 0 0 Fin. 1997 SAAB 900 SE TURW 2002 CA0IUAC SEVIUE STS 2000 CADILLAC D EVIUi 2 1 ,9 0 0 fin. 2000 CHEVROLET SILVERADO *269pmt. Blue. 80.367 km 'No payments & no interest til 2004 on approved credit, max $20,000. All payments are quoted bi-weekly, payments including taxes & interest and $0 Down. Licence extra. Call dealer lor details. Offer til April 20,2003. automotive superstore SUPERSTORE w w w . a u to p a rk s u p e rs tore E m a il: in fo @ a u t o p a r k s u p e r s t o r e -431 5 N o rth irvice R o ad B u rlin g to n 905-331 -8500 B etw een A ppleby and W alkers Off the Q E W in B urlington Lino T o ro n to ITHE DRIVIN G FORCE WHERE SELECTION I IS EVERYTHINGI

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