Oakville Beaver, 16 Apr 2003, A1

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Lawnmower Service DO IT NOW! | Easter Premier hosts y Egg-citement provincial handballers S ection d C UR RENTP O W ERM AC H IN ER Y IN C . 1661 Ukeshore Rd. W. Mississauga -8224211 S ports M erced es Benz (ifc'.W.«, Dorval Dr. I C A 'S M O S T A M e tro la n d P u b lic a tio n V o l. 4 0 N o . 4 5 AWARDED COMMU w w w .o a k v i l l e b e a v e r .c o m W E D N E S D A Y . A P R I L 16. 2 ( X ) 3 4 8 P c lg C S $ 1 . 0 0 (fjll I S G ST ) Second Halton SARS case suspected By Jason Misner S P E C IA L T O T H E B E A V E R A second suspected case o f Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) has been identi fied in Halton. Last week, a Burlington ed to follow it. Lamothe said. adult was placed in home "We have a format from isolation - where they them we want to follow," he remain - with symptoms of said. "We want to be consis the mysterious pneumonia tent with the information like illness. going out." So far 8 1 Halton residents Regional officials, who wouldn't iden have been dis tify the first charged from case or a cur " Suspect cases are quarantine and rent condition less than 10 certainly a concern to of that patient, remain under are being even us, but we're especially quarantine. concerned with any more guarded H a l t o n O f with this sec probable, since they're M edical ond suspect ficer o f Health the most significant case. Dr. Bob Nosal, and most severe." said the Region J a m i e Lamothe, the · Halton Medical Officer w on't be re health depart o f Health. Dr. Bob Nosal leasing news ment's com about suspect m u n ic a tio n s cases. He said officer, said the Region is the Province will have the following protocols set out information and the Region by the Province's SARS will provide that information emergency centre - a coordi to the media, if asked. "Suspect cases are cer nating body in the Greater Toronto Area established to tainly a concern to us, but contain the outbreak - for we're especially concerned releasing information about with any cases that are prob SARS patients. The opera able, since they're the most tions centre is only releasing significant and most severe," SARS numbers and nothing Dr. Nosal said. else. Minimal information The Region's health about the first suspect SARS department will only dis case was released because it close that a patient is sus was the first such case in pected to have SARS. but Halton. he said. won't identify in what Dr. Nosal stressed that municipality the person quarantine must be taken resides or their age. seriously and said everyone in Halton under quarantine The SARS emergency centre format isn't a directive has been cooperative. and the Region isn't obligat(See 'Thirteen' page A2) Site for emergency shelter on the horizon By Kim Amott S P E C IA L T O T H E B E A V E R Peter C. McCusker · Oakville Beaver Nancy Tavares helps h e r son, K than Paulos, place his hand p rin t on a b an n er at the Students 4 Peace rally at C oronation P ark , S atu rd ay afternoon. Students rally for peace Jennifer Grieve S P E C IA L T O TH E B E A V E R Inquest called nearly two years after construction workers' deaths A coroner's inquest is being held into the deaths of two workers killed in a construction accident on June 19, 2000. Jose Alves and Darren Leon were killed when a crane col lapsed and fell on them while they were working at a con struction site in Oakville. Under the Ontario Coroners Act, an inquest must be held in the death of any person who dies while working at or in a construction project. The inquest begins June 9 at the Holiday Inn Express, 2525 Wyecroft Rd. The inquest is expected to last approximately 10 days and hear from about 20 witnesses. A small turnout of partici pants did not discourage the organizers o f the Students 4 Peace rally at Coronation Park on Sunday. "The turn out is what 1 expected." said Callie O'Hara, one of the St. Thomas Aquinas Grade 12/OAC International Law Class students, who organ ized the rally as a class project. The Coronation Park stage was decorated with signs pro moting peace, and the Olive Branches, a newly-formed group com prising of St. Thomas Aquinas teachers, sang various songs to advocate peace. Handpainted peace candles, food and drinks were also available to purchase. "Proceeds will be going to the Goodwill in Oakville," said Jake Mann, from the Students 4 Peace group. "Invitations were delivered to every high school and church in Oakville, as well as the Halton Police [and several other organi zations]," said Beth Robertson, teacher of the Grade 12/OAC International Law Class at St. Thomas Aquinas. O 'Hara and Mann delivered the opening address, explaining St. T hom as A quinas students Callie O 'H a ra and Ja k e M ann helped organize the Students 4 Peace rally. the reasons for the rally. "We chose this class project as our seminar topic, because we felt that it would be appropriate at this time to celebrate the idea of peace. So many people in so many countries are subjected to war everyday, whether it be war with another nation or a war between the people and their government," said Mann. "W henever war occurs, human rights are violated, and people live in fear constantly for their own lives and their fami lies. Everything we have been subjected to recently, whether on TV, on the radio, in newspapers or on the Internet, deals with the pros and cons of war." said O'Hara. "We felt that the idea of peace was not being given the recognition and consideration that it deserved, so we put on this rally as a demonstration that peace is an option, and war is not the only answer to problems throughout die world." "Like many people, we have conflicting emotions in regards to how countries attempt to achieve peace. Certainly, we are relieved to see the end of violent conflicts throughout the world. Hopefully, the end o f certain (See `Students' page A2) An Oakville site for a regional emer gency shelter could be chosen within the next several months. Regional staff are actively looking for a property to become home to the Oakville's first permanent emergency shelter, and Mayor Ann Mulvale believes a short-list of potential sites will be considered by regional council prior to its summer schedule. On Monday night. Oakville council endorsed the final report o f the Emergency Housing Advisory Group, which outlines the criteria to be used in selecting a location for the shelter. It also offers advice on the operation of a shelter, as well as the planning process and public consultation to accompany a site selection. The advisory group, o f which Mulvale was a member, is calling for the establishment of a 20-25 bed facility to start, which could later be expanded to a maximum o f 40 beds. The shelter will provide short-term emergency housing for male and female adults, as well as 16- and 17-year-old youths. In most cases, shelter will be provided for up to 30 days, with special provisions allowing unique individuals to be housed for up to 90 days. Ward 6 Councillor Kurt Franklin described the report as "a quality prod uct that will help us address the problem of homelessness in our community and in the region as a whole." The creation of the advisory group came about following a public outcry last June, when the region and the Salvation Army, which will operate the shelter, proposed locating it on a site on the Eighth Line in the Iroquois Ridge area. That site was eventually withdrawn, (See 'Region' page A3) Editorials................ A6 Business.................. A8 Focus.......................Cl Classifieds................ C5 Sports......................C8 Best Wheels.............. B1 Easter....................... D1 Update...................... D2 DELIVERY For home delivery & customer service call (905) 845-9742 Mon.. Tues.. & Viurs. 9 a.m. 6 p.m.. Wed. & Fri. 9 a.m - 8 p.m. or Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. For new subscriptions, call (905) 845-9742 or subscribe online @ www.tKikviUebeaver.mm Partial Delivery : Christmas tree liqhts may shine toniqht for last time on Patricia Drive Jennifer Grieve S P E C IA L T O T H E B E A V E R For 26 years Jack R oberts lit up his Patricia Drive residence a t C hristm as tim e with an elaborate com puterized display. The Christmas lights on Patricia Drive will light up tonight (Wednesday) in honour of Jack Roberts. 71, who died Saturday. For 26 years Roberts set up an elaborate computerized light display outside his Patricia Drive home attracting thou sands of visitors from far and near. His children Cam Roberts and Judy Roberts-Hunt sadly admit they may not be able to continue the tradition. "Wednesday night and Thursday, may be the last time to see the lights," said Cam. "So anyone who wants to get one last crack at them can see them." "It's a tribute." said Judy. Besides his two children Roberts was survived by his wife Doreen and five grandchildren. A funeral service will be held at Oakville Funeral Home on Thursday at 11 a.m. he will be buried during a private cere(See `Annual' page A7) Sport Chet, Eitvimnmemal Design, Rona Horn and Garden, Mississauga Booster, Guardian Drugs, Holland Park Gallery, Home Depot. Dr. Green Lam Care. The Bay. Little Caesar of Canada. National Sports Centre. F. M. Industries. Ethan Allen. Color Your World, Pharma Plus Product AgrKtnont #05-201 RAMADA® INN & CONVENTION CENTRE O A K V I L L E Come See The Difference 905*845*7561 8%" Dodge P Caravan RIDE R ID ERIDE f i v e s t a r f t · * · # C ertified O akvA eW O O O· 2001 · 2002 · 2003 h/e Star C ertifiedD eatefbhip Top B ra n d N am es - All F ra m e s S to re w id e with purchase of your Rx lenses Space Optical invites you to come in and see all the new latest styles of eyeglasses. Visit us for personal and prompt service. 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