A2 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday April 16, 2003 M o r r is o n H ouse APRIL FLATWARE EXCHANGE ANY FLATWARE PURCHASE* WHEN YOU DONATE 10 OR MORE PIECES OF YOUR USED FLATWARE! Thirteen deaths in Ontario linked to SARS (Continued from page A1) "These are the tools w e're using to control the spread o f SARS," said Dr. Nosal. So far 13 Ontarians, all of them elderly, have died because of SARS. There are a total to 236 SARS cases in Ontario. M inistry o f Health spokesperson John Letherby said stringent hospital rules in Greater Toronto, including Halton, remain in place indef initely. He said the unstable SARS situation means directives prohibiting or restricting hospitals from allowing visitors, performing elective sur gery and clinics will be assessed on a day-to-day basis to determine if any should be lifted. M eanw hile, 22 acute-care patients have moved into Oakville Lifecare Centre. By the end o f yesterday, 11 more were scheduled to have moved in. "They have no SARS whatsoever," Letherby said. The facility is a 206 bed capacity. Students call for world peace A ll used F L A T W A R E W IL L BE D O N A TED TO TH E H ALTO N Wom en s Pla c e , A S H E L T E R FOR W O M E N IN N E E D . (Continued from page A1) conflicts will bring a brighter future to the citizens o f warravaged countries after a series of injustices such as the dictatorship, the sanc tions and the war," said Mann. "At the same time, we are angered by the suffering inflicted by unjust and illegal wars that could have been averted by allow ing for peaceful mediation or nego tiation. Equally, we share your disappointm ent that overwhelming world opinion for peace cannot stop war," said O 'Hara. "Let us rededicate ourselves to a world of peace, o f justice and sustain ability based on global coop eration with meaningful rules. Achieving such a world lacks the drama and photographs of war - but it provides a security that lingers long after the cameras have left." Stephen Dankowich, from the Oakville Community Centre for Peace, Ecology and Human Rights, was one of the several guest speakers at the rally. `T he theme of this rally is `no more war.' Yes, we must focus on humanitar ian relief. We must focus on peace. Canada is the sixth largest arms exporters and one of the biggest sellers of war," said Dankowich. "We must give humanitarian relief. British armed forces trained here in Canada on how to bomb Iraq, over the heads of the Inuit. We must say, as humanity, no more nuclear weapons. When are Canadians going to realize that we have to work for peace? Let's start acting as real peace keepers." "The students got here at 9:30 a.m. to set everything up and to shovel the snow off the stage. In the early stages, there were teachers that weren't very supportive. The hardest part had to have been the fundraising. These guys have been great. They've all really been on board." said Robertson. "Low Back/Neck Pain?" ' cannot be combined with any other offers. 2 8 3 LAKB8HORK RD. E . Do w n t o w n O a k v il l b T e l : (9 0 5 ) 8 4 9 -1 8 2 2 iv lE Oakville, ON - If you suffer from Low Back or Neck Pain, then you need this free report th at reveals everything you should know before you take another aspirin or even think about surgery! You don't have to suffer anymore! To order your free report call toll-free 1 - 8 8 8 - 4 9 2 - 3 0 7 1 24-HOUR RECORDED MESSAGE Saturday, April 19f:h Financing from % up to 60 m onths on new vehicles No payments till October 2003 on pre-owned vehicles. O.A.C. Make Your Egg-cellent deal & CRACK AN EGG to win up to $500 off your Purchase! EVERY EGG WINS ... It GUARANTEED f a * on virtually all new 2003 vehicles T O W N E . \ \ S : 5 4 7 Trafalgar Rd. Oakville Hwy #5 (Dundas) 2 .j < /> * North Service Rd. Q.E.W. Lakeshore Rd. "S y- C H EVR O LET O LD S M O B IL E 905-844-2320 J