Oakville Beaver, 13 Aug 2003, C07

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday A ugust 13, 2003 - C 7 auctions. sales | OUTSTANDING LIQIIDATION AUCTION NOTICE | n j m n i i v . mi s f w . m u d h » ;u u h i5 S i » a * .T B.I.D AUCTION SERVICES tstwts · Ijg t ID VIIOVS · CONSKAMENTS · · HULSEHQU)RtNTIK· [HUNG R O O MSITES· COUBdMB · BffiHKW SUTI · UUVC R O O MSTTf. · «T onuicnos · 00U) & | dwiond p u n * · [ t o n 4 w j.v t cow m os · spoktc f IM EM O M BnM O OUBCTIO N · SIUH JPJHIfln · ESHIt C O IN S* · a w w n o aoaei · totwi lmkps K-Sllr W H !h e wU H i fan! »«li 00 huwr* pfranuis hr Halton Business Institute Holds FREE Information Session on Law Enforcement Careers Halton Business Institute will host a FREE information session on Thurs., Aug. 14, 2003. 4 p.m. (A lte ra tc tim es also available) T E C H N IC A L D IR E C TO R FOR T H E O A K V IL L E S O C C ER C L U B P U B L I C A U C T IO N FRIDAY. AUGUST 15 AT 7:PM (PREVIEW 6PM) GALAXY HALL 707 475 NORTH SERVICE RD. EAST. OAKVILLE (U-Jdikr Suam SpM i Wra) (MRIOOOrTCMSTOBESOU) N O S > H M t t S ( * PW M I MS* W O T . MKD I T m n v Q a h . \tM . M C l m r n c a» p r r |> U M m i) S O N i Research has indicated an incredible shortage in these fields, and an unprecedented demand for qualified applicants pursuing lucrative careers in law enforcement. Applications are being considered for Sept. 2003. Interested candidates are encouraged to call 9 0 5 -6 3 7 -3 4 1 5 The Oakville Soccer Club. N orth A m erica's largest, is looking for a proven leader in Soccer M anagem ent and Player Development to head its Tecboicat D epartm ent. RECEPTIONIST ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Full time permanent position, in a busy, last paced office located in Oakville (Hwy 403 & Q EW ). Candidate must be multi tasking, have above average computer skills (Word. Excel, Power Point) and have strong written and communication skills. Bilingual (French / English) would be a definite asset but is not essential. Mail, fax or e-mail only. Fax: 905-829-1588 Email: carolb@plnggolf.com PING CANADA 2790 Brighton Road. Oakville, ON L6H 5T4 HBI offers a one-year Police Foundations Diploma Program. This program prepares graduates to enter Police Services. Law and Security. Corrections, Immigration, the Military and Private Investigation. Required Skflh: · Outstanding written, oral communication skills. Ability to interact with and effectively manage coaches while working with Club members at all levels · Analytical abitity, vision and patience · Strong organisation skills & ability to effectively manage large volumes o f work, ability to work on multiple tasks · Excellent communication and listening skills; Good facilitator'presenter · Computer skills (Windows. Excel and PowerPoint) Required Experience; · University Degree preferred. High School Diploma a must · National coaching experience preferred. Provincial experience a must · Experience in Sales. Marketing or Public Relations a phis Salary: The position is a contract position Length o f contract is 3 years with options to renew Salary range to commensurate with the candidate's qualifications and experience Please forw ard your resume tn Confidence to The President o f Oakville Soccer Club c/o Lou Ann Shirley. 504 Iroquois Shore Rd.. *11. Oakviile, ON L6H 3K4 Or E-Mail to Rstum* Q&cenotmao.com (No phmtc colls /dettse) While h y thank all thtne who apply, we will only respond to th o \e under consideration Closing Date August 20.2003 While we appreciate all applications received, only those invited toran interview will be acknowledged. B ot C o n s tru c tio n L im ite d , a G eneral Contractor in Road and Bridge Construction has a one year part-time opening for a I & dektioRS appK Information call 9 0 5 - 4 7 7 - 2 4 2 4 . cart (or sale 1996 T oyo ta T ercel. 4 speed m anual, radio c a s sette. 137,000km s. e x c e l lent co n d itio n , c e rtifie d , asking $5800. 905-842-4890 1997 P o ntiac S u nflre o rig in a l ow ner Fem ale D riven M ust se ll quick, leaving town. 140.000km. E-tested 905-332-6063 A cco rd EX V6. take over lease $3500 dow n, $ 43 0.08 (taxe s in) 24 months remain. 2-door, silver. 6 CD changer, sun roof. spoiler, fu lly loaded, auto w ith tractio n control, 55K remain Extended war ranty 905*842-8914 help wanted H alton Business Institute Job Site Administrator in Oakville. Applicants must possess the follow ing : general cle rical experience, computer knowledge, ability to multi-task, excellent organizational and communication skills. Please forward your resume to: Caroline Browning FRESH FACES needed All age s/ size s for m ovies, fashio n show s, catalo gue work $20-$90rtir 905-3365455.___________________ RENO V ATI O N com pany requires person e x p e ri enced in q arpen trv and d ryw a ll. O a k v ille / M is s is sauga. Call 905-825-5740 careers professionals 505 careers professionals 510 D E T A ILE R / R u s lp ro o fe r required full-tim e for busy Burlington shop. Must have valid d rive r's license. C all 905-634-1879 Bot Construction Limited 1224 Speers Road Oakville. ON L6L2X4 Fax: (905) 827-0458 Email: caroline@botconstruction.ca We thank all candidates tor their interest, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. 2001 H onda International Careers TEACHING ENGLISH Thousands of new jobs monthly! The College of Applied Linguistics is offering a 5-day intensive TESOL Certificate Course at Sheridan College Aug. 20th-24th A Heritage o f Quality, Built One Home at a Time Since 1978 Experienced Lift Truck Mechanics or Mechanics looking lor a change to work on lorklifts. License not required Excellent wages & benefit pkg. Fax resume to: 'W I N E YARDS E S I A IE W I N E S 2000 P ontiac S unfire. au tomatic. certified, e-tested, 4 door, cd p layer, silver. 86.000km s. $8900 obo 905-469-1063______________ 1999 Mercedes E430- mint c o n d itio n . F ully loaded lu x u ry / sa fe ty featu res Black 80.403km Asking $49,000 905-844-4367 1996 S a bel LS- G reen, cloth/leather seats- 4 door, keyless entry. A n ti-theft Power e v e ryth in g . ABS. A /C . 3.01 4V -6 C ylinder 137.000km. Excellent con dition. Must see' $5,500. 905-827-3002_____________ 1988 T oyo ta Camry. 311600K a/c. as is $506 905-829-2554 ___________ C U S T O M E R S E R V IC E M ANAGER The Reid's Heritage Group ol companies is seeking a qualified candidate lor the role ol Customer Service Manager who will oversee all aspects ol our Home Service Department. Reporting to the Operations Manager, you will be responsible to administer our complete Warranty Service Program. You will ensure that a high degree ol customer satisfaction is maintained lor our New Home Purchasers, as well as our Rental customers. You will oversee and direct a team of Customer Service Representatives internally as well as in the field. The successful candidate will possess the following qualifications: · A thorough knowledge ol the Ontario New Home Warranty Program: · A minimum of 5 years experience with residential construction and service: · Excellent interpersonal and communication skills; · A proven track record in difficult customer relations issues; · Superb organizational skills and the ability to work well under pressure. The Reid's Heritage Group ol companies is one ol the largest homebuilding and development companies in South Western Ontario, with projects actively underway at a number ol sites in Guelph. Cambridge. Kitchener. Waterloo, London, Collingwood and Huntsville. Please fax your resume by August 22nd, to 519-654-9746 Attention: Human Resources Supervisor Please, no phone calls. Only those applicants selected lor an interview will be contacted. www.reidsheritagegroup.com ENTH USIASTIC? SELF M O TIV A TE D ? Looking To Be Part Of A Customer Focused Sales Team? (Evenings · weekend) Call 1-888-246-6512 www.INTLcollegeof linguistics.com 905-319-3530 HIGH q u a lity ground s m aintena nce firm seeks fu ll-tim e personnel. Year round position with benefits a va ila b le Box 1972 c/o The Burlington Post, 5040 Mamway. B u rlington. ON L7L 7G5 __________________ t l M s a lo n & s p a h e lp W e are looking lor MOTIVATED am : ENERGETIC Sales Representatives lor our BURLINGTON location Must be capable of working PART-TIME Days, Evenings and W eekends as required. Retail Experience An Asset. Wine Knowledge An Asset. But Not Requited Orientation and Training is Provided. Please drop off your resume before the close of business August20i 2003 at: Vineyards The Wine Shoppe Receptionist/Office Assistant (Part-time) Gateway Freight System s requires an energetic and responsible individual to assist in front desk, clerical and light bookkeeping duties. T his is a part -time position (2 5 -30 hours per week) and is offered on a live month contract basis to cover a parental leave. W e offer an excellent office environment and a competitive hourly wage Please send your resum e in confidence to: Gateway Freight Systems Inc. 201-1235 North Service Road West Oakville. ON L6M2W2 SPORTS MINDED? Our co. is seeking energetic individuals looking for advance ment opportunities. $500. weekly. Call Kevin at 905-319-4242 MACHINE operator for Acme G ridley screw m achin es A pply to: A n thon y Screw Produ cts C a ll 905 -82 7fax: 905-827-6881. Inside Fortino's, 2025 Guelph Line Burlington, ON While we thank all those whoapply, we will only respond to those under consideration andask thatno response be made by phone. 1989 Accord- 2-door, 300k. used daily, many new parts $650. as is 905-847-2219 2001 Honda Civic LX. 2 dr. 5 speed. A/C. CD. pw. pi. remaining warranty. 26.000 km. silver $15,500 Call 905319-1588._________________ ES TH E TIC IA N . P e d ic u r ist. M anicurist needed for busy Spa in upper Oakville Please cai Mana 416629-2896 EXPER IE NC ED Estheti cian & hairs ty lis t required for busy N orth O a k v ille ha* salon Call 905-338-2099 15 LONG TERM POSITIONS A V A ILA B L E !! Milton/ Oakville /Burlington We are looking for experienced W E L D E R S · G R IN D E R S L IC . F O R K L IF T O P E R A T O R S Please send your resume to office-clerical O AKV ILLE company look mg for a mature permanent p e rs o n - a ua ran tees 20 nrs/wk. flexible hours Pleas ant personality with excellent com munication and organ izational skills. Good typing s k ills w ith accu ra cy and exce lle n t com puter kn o w ledge Fax resume to: 905844 6959._________________ F/T B o okkeeper - A c counting Assistant. Contra cting company looking for a detail oriented person Indi vidual must be coachable. able to m anage m ultiple projects and work indepen de n tly 2-3 years e x p e ri ence w ith Q uickbooks/E xcel a m ust. Fax r6sum 6 Attn Karem 905-844-3917 or email: kriee@spectranet.ca Attention: Human Resources Fax:905-842-5407 Email: hr@gateway1rt.com 1995 Honda Civic LX. auto.. 4 -door. A/C New brakes, battery. Great shape $6000. Certified. 905-632-7884 2001 Half VW Passat- As sum e lease $300/m o. 23 rem aining months buy out on june 30th/ 2005. Down payment of $3000 required, s e lle r w ill pay the lease transfer fee. Will consider trade on 7 passanger van or SUV. (O a kville ) 905334-7609______________ 6880 THE C leaning C om pany requires domestic cleaners, p a rt-tim e le ad in o to f u ll time. days. Must nave own tra n s p o rta tio n . O a k v ille / B u rlington. Brent. 1-888367-8204 WAREHOUSE Help- Temp ending November possibility permanent. Hours are from 1am -7:30am . M on-Friday. $10.17/per hour. Must be reliable , able to follow d i rection, lift up to 70lbs con tinually Apply in person to P u ro la to r C o u rie r 3455 Mamway M ainway Burl or fax 905336-3230 LANDSCAPE Maintenance company seeking experien ced (m ln. 3yrs) crew members. Top wages, profit sharing, benefits after ly r . Fax resume to 905-823-6708 (Mississauga) Autom otive Sodexho Dietary Aides & Cooks Sodexho has full-time & part-time opportunities in a NEWLong Term Care facility located in Oakville; all shifts available. Each ol these positions requires 1-3 years experience W e offer competitive wages uniforms & benefits. E-mail resume to: recruiting@ sodexhoCA.com or fax: 905-632-7114 W IN CH ESTER Arm s at Appleby Ln. now hiring full time Bartender & part-tim e S e rvers. Fax resum e a t ten tio n M ike or M ich e lle 905-634-2770 Detailer Fast paced body shop needs self-motivated detailer. Automotive knowledge & valid drivers license re quired. Good wages 8 benefits Call 905-689-5283 OK TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (BURLINGTON) Requires Car Tire Installer Immediately Must have at least one year experience in performance wheels/tires. Call or fax rfcumfi: Call: 905-333-9990 Fax 905-333-4263 consultant8308@ todays.com or fax: 905-681-0827 TODAYS <^D Glidden Paints 1995 Ford T a u ru s - good condition, blue. auto.. 200K. E-tested. $2150 obo. 905 336-8450. or cel: 418802-0553. 1988 Toyota C o ro lla ' 4door Sedan, gray. 1-owner 340.000km. automatic, run ning condition. As is $800 905-332-3534 1993 Tempo- 4 dr.. auto, a/ c. 123K. c e rtifie d , w ell m aintained. $3000. 905333-1683_________________ COOK/ SUPERVISOR/ MANAGER (2 positions) Energetic, customermotivated person look ing to develop in a lood service managem ent position. Strong cook ing background and computer experience is necessary. Formal lood service education required. Monday-Friday, Days, e-mail resume to: lewisfoods® lewisfoods.ca Career-Minded AccountantsCome Join The Industry Leader! F/C BOOKKEEPER............. T0S2QW STAFF ACCOUNTANT...........TO $18/HR ACCOUNTING CLERKS........ TO $14/HR 1998 G rand P rix. SE. 107.000km , fu lly loaded, auto, cert, e -te ste d . exc. cond. $8,900 call 905-6175494 1992 Nissan Maxima, auto. 170.000km . fu lly lo aded, mint, no rust. cert, e-tested $5200 call 905-617-5494 garage a storage space INSIDE storage space re qu ire d fo r 1980 Cam aro Z28 car. Call Randy. 905335-9254 after 5:30pm STORAGE units available downtown Oakville. Excel lent for sm all contractors. 24 houraooess. 416<330-2952 OAKVILLE Landscape Firm requires Full-time Experienced Leadhand in new construction of walkways, retaining walls & gardens. Must have valid dr. licence. W age negotiable. Fax resum e: 905-257-3399 J A N IT O R / gen e ra l laborour- Sat.. Sun & holidays8am-4:30pm & 4:30-10pm. Min. lyr. experience House keeper- Sat.. Sun & holidays 4-8pm. Contact Mark Porter The Oakville Club Fax 905845-3186- mporter@oakville club.com___________________ accouniemps 'Specialized Financial Staffing" Call to inquire about our excellent benefits program Ph: 905-319-9384 Fax: 905-319-2095 burlington@accountemps.com Seeking a permanent part-time person for O akville location. Duties include selling paint and related products to our retail and trade customers, merchandising, mixing paint and cash related duties. Previous retail experience considered an asset but not necessary. Must be available to work flexible hours. Drop off resume to: 500 Speers Road, Oakville, On Attn: Melanie or Harold HE AV Y Truck S a le s p e r son. Must possess great interpersonal skills and de sire to succeed. Busy envi ronm ent. a fanta stic lo ca tion. com petitive draw, bo nus plan. Forward resume: Alliance International Truck Sales Inc.. 1190 South S e rvice Road. O akville, O n ta rio L6L 5T7 Fax: 905 -33 9-07 99 E-m ail: alliance.int@sympatico.ca NEW company specializing in a service for private home sales and rental properties. Must be internet savvy and possess exc. phone skills. M eet Sunday Aug. 17 at Golden Griddle. 3485 Har vester Fid.. Burlington 6pm pm. ww w.Alproperysales. com & w w w .A lpropertyren tals com One Great Cook with experience P/T & F/T available Must enjoy working in a high volume restaurant with a great team, higher than avg wage Please apply with resume to: The Abbey Grill & Orr House Sports Bar & Grill 270 North Service Rd. Oakville. L6M 2R8 Fax: 905-338-5802 514 salon & ·pa help 514 | *P« hetp Sllon & A Oiv. of the World's Largest Hairstyling Chain Offering Opportunities for: Service Electricians SALON MANAGER · F/T Exp'd HAIRSTYLISTS · F/T, P/T < O AKVILLE LOCATION < 8 I opportunities Y VM CAi/(M »dto EXECUTIVE Assistant: Pro vide management and ad m in istra tio n service s for grow ing B urlington office Successful candidate must be h ig h ly org a n ize d and have e x ce lle n t com puter sk ills. P revious o ffic e e x perience w ith A/Rs. A/Ps, expense form s and invoic es essential. Send resumes to: hum an_re sources@ pnmacy.ca JOBS AVAILABLE Production work in the MILTON area. Recruiting Lifeguards & Swimming Instructors Are you at least 16 years of age? Do you have all current certifications? Do you have outstanding customer service skills? Are you a team player? Day. evening & weekend shifts available Please forward your resume to: Nancy Nunes. Aquatics Supervisor YMCA of Oakville, 410 Retecca Street. Oakville. Ontario, L6K1K7. Email address: nancynu@oakville.ymca.ca Required by Naylor Group Inc. lor immediate work. PLC experience preferred with 309A License. Top wages and benefits. WE OFF® $500-$1000 Signing Bonus Great co m m ission s · Career advancement Flex, work hours · Solid benefit program TO ARRANGE AN INTERVIEW, please call Kym at 905-849-8808. Ext 221 A business career o p p o r tunity w ith fu ll trainin g for serious entrepreneurs. Ex- · ce lle n t incom e p o te n tia l. Call 416-716-7658 BU SIN E SS D evelopm ent C o-ordinator. W orking w/ sales, implementing/ co-or d in a tin g M arke ting Lead Generation programs. Re quire d skills: Enthusiasm , computer skills, organized, ple a sa n t telep hone m an ner. Send resume, in fo r mation letter/ salary expec tations: P.O. Box # 1973 c/o The Burlinaton Post. 5040 M ainw ay. B u rlington. ON L7L 7G5 C H IL D C A R E A S S IS T A N T S The Oakville Parent-Child Centre an Ontario Early Years Centre has an excellent opportunity lor parttime Childcare Assistants working with infants, tod dlers and preschoolers in our early years and nursery school programs. Minimum 12-15 hours per week. Start date will be the week of September 8th Qualifications: EC E Diploma or related experience. Please forward resume by Monday August 15th to: 337 Kerr St, Oakville. ON L6K 3B7 Fax:905-849-6377 fN Attn: Executive Director n p j O n t S f l O Fax Resume to: Randy Reid 905 -338-8369 S P A / Hot T ub S ervice T ech nician req u ire d fu ll tim e. Knowledge of Gecko and B alboa equipm ent considered an asset. M ini mum 2 years e x pe rience required. Fax resume: 905634-4262______________ MAGNOLIA HOUSE spa salon boutique Growing business requires individuals for the following positions: Creative Hair Stylist, Esthetician, Registered Massage Therapist Successful candidates must have the follow ing: Certified or Registered w/min. 2 yrs. exp., exc. interpersonal & comm, skills, high energy/team player. We offer new facilities & very competitive pkg. Please fax your resume to 905-689-1057 o r Email info@magonoliahousespa.com S11-$12/hr. All shifts available. Fax resume to: No phone calls please. F U LL-T IM E sales help required, please bring re sum e to Rob M cIntosh Chine Mapleview Centre. PROPERTY MANAGER Required immediately F/T salary +bonus The Oakville Club Mark Porter 905-845-0231 X201 Fax: 905-845-3186 mporter® oakvilleclub.com M E D IC A L C lin ic O pera, tio n s M anager: R e cruit, manage and train staff for our netw o rk of m edical clinics throughout Canada. Provide leadership for dayto -d a y o p e ra tio n s. Work with executives on strategic plans M edical clinic man agem ent e xpe rience e s sential. Send resumes to human_resources@primacy ca B e l l i ! ! drivers AZ D rive r w anted U.S. runs South and West coast. Reefer experience a must. Call 905-336-5313 DRIVER. F/T. local d e liv erie s, sm all dum p truck, clean G licence. Please call 905-257-6366 HCR 416-622-7258 or Tel: 1-888-411-1660 Body Shop Exciting opportunity to work in a new heavy truck collision facility in Oakville. Painters, Bodymen and Preppers TIME FOR TYKES requires an School age child care Supervisors & Assistants Hiring FT/PT Staff With good customer service skills. Apply in person: 2410 Lakeshore Rd. West, Oakville LA N D S C A P E com pany requires hardw orking in d i viduals with minimum 2-yrs. e xpe rience in la ndscape in d u stry , m achine o p e ra tors. Must have valid driv er's license and own trans portation. Fax resum e to 905-319-8500 or call 905319-7771. Email to: solivef3(j2>coqeco-ca G ENERAL Labourer, must have good d riving record, sm oke-free enviro nm e nt. Some night work. Call 905828-7301. Rttponsibte/ltexiblf individuals required to wort in our before and after (s<rt shita) school age child care programs in the Hamilton/Burlington area schools. Programs provide care for children aged 5 to 12 yean, before and after school, on M days. Otristm * holidays and March Break. Requirements: Must be 18 ye an of age & h a w previous coaching/supervisory experience, ie. Lunch room Supervisor, girt guide/boy scout leader, sports coach. K E. Child & Youth ot Recreation diploma applicants welcome. needed fulltime. Competitive wages and a clean, new working environment. Contact Scott Howard. Tel: 905-339-1638. Fax:905-339-0799 HIRING R N 's, R N A 's, R P N 's & LAB TECHS to complete insurance medical exams in Burlington, Oakville and surrounding ar eas. Venipuncture experience and own car are essential. Freedom to make your own schedule and hours. Fax resume to: Tammy Shinton 905-335-0979 E.C.E. Teacher For interview, please call 905- 842-4800 Thistleoaks Child Care ECBs & responsible indv.'s with a love for children & teaming required for various FT & PT positions SUPPLY TEACHERS ALSO WELCOME Fax Resume 905-842-3197 PART-TIME French teacher needed fo r sm all priva te school in Milton. 10-l2hrs/ wk at hourly rate. A great job fo r a re tire d teacher, miltonacade my@bellnet.ca " -----------1558 Fax:905-693-15 EX PER IENC ED , honest, reliable, dependable clean ing lady available to clean your house or apart-m ent. Margaret. 905-575-7678. rQT iQ U A L IT Y XQT Quality Truck Centre Inc. is a one stop Heavy Duty Truck & Trailer Repair & Complete Collision Body and Paint shop in a new 40.000sq.tt. building with the I atest equipment and has just become Ontario's largest Traction Heavy Duty Truck & Trailer Parts Associate. W e are currently looking for top performers to join our team in the following capacities: · Licensed Bodyman · Sandblaster/ Prep Person · Parts Counter Person ( Heavy Duty parts experience necessary) · Licensed Technician · Apprentice Technicians ( 4th & 5th Year) We offer an excellent compensation package, full benefits, boot and tool allowance, apprentice school program and an opportunity to be part ol progressive team II interested apply in confidence. 8050 Lawson Road, Milton On L9T fax 905-876-1719 rhPw itt © x q t c r .cQm Training Available. I office-clerical BOOK-KEEPER, must have Q uick Books exp.. Please fax resume to 905-469-1064 or call 905-469-1063 C H IR O P R A C TIC O ffic e We re q u ire an a c curate, d e ta ile d p e rson(s) with good com puter and phone s k ills to handle our fron t desk (1-F/T or 2-P/T posi tions). Evening and Satur day hou rs req u ire d . C all 905 -51 0-76 87. betw een 12:30 and 7pm AD M IN IS T R A T O R f u ll time. 3-5 years, small office experience, excellent com puter skills, construction in dustry know ledge an a s set. Fax 905-828-0365 O A K V IL L E com pany seeks C u stom er S ervice Rep w ith C all C enter & C om puter expe rience. Must be able to work flexi ble hours. Please fax re sume to 905-844-9787 Resumes to Karen Westwick: 500 Drury Lane, Burlington, ON L7R 2X2 Tel: 905-632-5000 X6261 Fax: 905-333-1767 e-mail: karen_westwick@ymca.ca X -R a y T e c h PLUMBING Repairs. New In s ta lla tio n s , alte ra tio n s. Basement drains, bathrooms, drywall. fram ing, tiling. No J o d Too Small. Frank. 905639-3874. (Registered) Drivers / Owner Operators HOUSE OF FLOWERS in downtown Oakville. Full-Time Multi Site Clinics (Benefits available) YMCA ^ We b u ild t u o n g k id i. *tn>ng f a n u l m . u r o n g t o m m u m u c * ^ DAVES A Handyman. Til ing. Framing. Plumbing. Dry wall. crown molding, doors, baseboards. Specializing in total Bathroom Renos. 905335-8835 requires W " Fax resume to: · · · · Needed Immediately! ·76</mi (US) 2200-3000 mi/week Future dedicated! Paid base plates & permits All bridge tolls paid! 96 or newer w/Tandem axle tractor w/ sleeper req'd. (800)467-6016 an experienced Floral Designer, min. 3-yrs. design experience. 4-5 days a week. No Sundays or evenings Call Heather 905-845-7573 or fax 905-338-3591 C A SH IE R S& A tte n d a n ts. F u ll/ P a rt-tim e. R e lia ble, w ill tra in . A p ply: Maple G rove Esso. 541 M aple Grove Drive, Oakville. C A S H IE R - P a rt-T im e for year round golf range in O akville. Must be neat in appearance w/cash experi ence. able to m u lti-ta s k , work various shifts. Karen M cC allum 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -6 1 2 0 Betw een 10am -2pm or Drop/ send resume to 1516 North Service Rd. E. O ak ville. L6H 7G4_____________ R E TIR ED ? J ust want something parl-time to keep you active? We are offering a 3day per/week position to ca rry out cle a n in g /m a in tenance of sw im m inq pools. O utdoor seasonal w o rk re q u irin g d riv e rs l i cense. Fax resum e: 905845-9571 Email: targetcorKS) idirect.com GUARDIAN Drugs (Oakville) requires Sales Associate, full or part-time. Fax 905-8459481 CO M PAN Y ROUTE S A L E S M A N Canada Bead Company Ud. is a leading Canadian manufacturer of flour based products with sales and distribution across Canada. W e have a position avail able in the Hamilton area lor a Company Route Sales man. This position will involve the delivery (via truck), distribution and merchandising of bakery products to an existing base of customers This posi tion offers a strong compensation and benefit pack age If you consider yourself a dynamic and energetic self-starter with excellent communication skills then please forward your resume Must be available for night shift/early morning and have the ability to drive a 5 ton truck. Previous experience in a route/ sales environmegt would be an asset but no required. 905- 572-6860 PA RT-TIM E position for m edical o ffice A ssista nt. Must have M edical O ffice A ssista n t D iplom a or e x perie nce. W illing to work fle xib le hou rs A p ply to Box#6415 O a k v ille beaver 467 Speers Road. Oakville Ontario L6K3S4 D E N TA L H yg ienist re quired for busy Oakville of fice. Fax resume with salary expectations 905-827-6023 Attention: Chris. KINESIO LO G IST required for m ulti disciplinary O ak v ille C lin ic. Pax resum e: 905-337-1912. P/T WEEKEND HOUSEKEEPER lor luxury retirement residence in Burl, to provide general housekeeping services. Previous exp in comm. &/or residential clean ing definite asset. Ability to work well with seniors a must. Extra hours avail, lor vacation coverage. Fax resume to Glenn Hill. 905-333-0596 1 M oving // Packing, do m estic/ International. Free w a rdrobe s w h ile on site. Urgent jobs welcome. 905829-1282. 1-866-666-1313 1A 2 men & truck. St9+/hr., tra ve l included. "No m ini mum* a vailab le! R eliable, insured. 905-793-7565 Truck Mechanic W e presently have openings for experienced heavy truck mechanics & 4th & 5th year apprentices. W e offer an attractive compensation package including benefits & good working conditions. Qualified ap plicants are invited to submit their resume in con fidence to: Service Manager, Stoney Creek Mack 330 South Service R d. Stoney Creek, Ontario L8E 2R4 or lax: 905-664-7054 PART TIME RECEPTION position opening up in Septemberlor evenings androtating Saturdays Experiencerequired. Drop off resume in person at Reception Desk Attn: Sales Mgr. Burlington Hyundai Brant Street & Plains R oad 905-633-8815 O FFICE A d m in is tra to rF ull-T im e. G eneral o ffic e a dm in istrator for sales o f fice in O akville. Skills re quired: word, excel, phones, s c h e d u lin g , filin g . Fax resume to: 905-338-7541 CU STO M -M AD E draper ies valances, sheers, bed/ ta b le / ch a ir co-ordina tes, fabrics, in stallatio n. 11 yrs exp. Sherry. 905-634-6706 Canada Bread 6645 Tomken Rd. Unit 18 Mississauga, 0NL5T2C3 ENJOY C leaning? Join the M olly M aid te a m l No nites. no weekends Train ing p rovid ed. C a ll 9056 8 1 -7 4 8 4 ________________ DO U B LE C o hort gettin g you down? If you are plan ning to w o rk th is ta ll, we can help. C all the YMCA Job C o nnect Program at 905-681-1140______________ SU BW AY 3315 Fairview St. Near Future Shop Now Hiring FT/ PT. We are look ing for experinced individu als to jo in o u r team . W ill pay $7.50 or more. Apply in person or fax resume 905681-9906 HERE WE GROW AGAIN Hom estead is seeking a mature resident couple to a ssu m e re spon sibilities at one of our H am ilton locations. Experience in a m ulti-unit residen tia l b u ild in g is required in both b a sic rental office p roce dure and light m aintenance duties. II yo u teel yo u have the qu alification s to fill th is p o sition we invite you to se n d your resum e by fax to: 905-523-8858 Please quote reference number N 2 2 5 M G A S F IT T E R · F/T Required for service & installations of both resi dential and commercial applications. Applicant must be self-motivated and have a G2 gas license. We offer a.company vehicle, uniform allowance and benefit package. Wage commensurate with experience. Contact Shelley: Tel: 905-878-4821 · Fax: 905-878-5591 PREP Cook.' Line Cook FT/ PT a va ila b le (experien ce an asset). FT Wait staff re quire d. A p ply in person, ask fo r Mike. Q B's, 4460 Fairview, Burlington. 905637-9797_________________ BENNY'S Deli, full or parttime help. Must be available weekends. Apply 8am-3pm. Lakeshore R d .(at Brant) Excellent wages' THE H anging T ree R e s taurant. 484 Plains Rd East Burlington; requires F/T & P/T cooks, full/part-time wait staff Apply in person. P/T NIGHT HOUSEKEEPER lor luxury retirement residence in Burl, to provide general housekeeping services. Previous exp. in comm. &/or residential clean ing definite asset. Extra hours available for vacation coverage. Fax resume to Glenn Hill. 905-333-0596 AIRLINE pilot & wife living on G eorgian Bay Island, available for house sitting. November 15th- April 15th. 416-407-9281 PIAN O & T heory. E xp eri enced & Q u a lifie d Royal Conservatory of Music Jean How ard. B.A. 9 0 5 -3 3 5 5059 Tyandaga Area Bailey Heating & Cooling Ltd., Milton BO O K KE EPIN G for sm all businesses. We offer serv ices for clients that do not re q u ire a fu ll-tim e b o o k keeper. C o nta ct C arole 905-331-9092

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