Oakville Beaver, 15 Oct 2003, B02

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B2 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday October 15, 2003 Former finance minister to speak on mental illness Michael Wilson will be speaking about Raising the Profile o f Mental Illness at Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital on October 20. Wilson will speak about his personal experience with mental illness at the OTMH Auditorium at 7 p.m. The former Federal Finance Minister has been a tireless worker for the cause of mental health. Owing to his personal tragedy, the sui cide of his son Cameron, he has commit ted to being a leader in creating aware ness about mental illness and addiction. He has often spoken publicly about the need to break down the stigma attached to mental illness, calling on cor porate Canada to adopt more enlightened policies and urging the general public to confront its prejudices. Wilson's activities in the field of men tal illness, cover a number of organiza tions. He was Chairman of the Toronto Peel Mental Health Implementation Taskforce, one of nine provincial taskforces initiated by the provincial govern ment to draw recommendations from the private sector on the implementation of mental health policy in Ontario. During the presentation, Wilson will share his personal perspective on the topic of mental illness, the activities of the Toronto - Peel Taskforce and the impact of the stigma as well as the bur den of mental illness in the workplace. "We are very excited about welcom ing Wilson to OTMH," said Dr. Jane Gilbert, Chief and Physician Leader of the Health Healthcare Services' Mental Health Program. "Mental illness is widely unrecog- Bronte celebrates Trafalgar Day at Sovereign House The Bronte Historical Society will celebrate Trafalgar Day on Sunday, in honour o f the naming of Bronte. Bronte is not named for the literary Bronte sisters, but for Lord Horatio Nelson whose second title was Duke of Bronte. The celebration will be held at the Sovereign House, 7 West River St., from 1 - 4 p.m. Enjoy hot cider or tea. Victory rum cake will be served in recognition of the British sailors' daily rum ration^ sometimes referred to as `Nelson's blood.' Browse through the local history exhibits, learn more about local place names and then walk the surrounding trails. Artist Don Morrison will encourage children of all ages to try their hand at watercolour. Morrison's and Rod Collard's annu al art show hanging in the North Wing is the final exhibit in this year's A rt on the Bluffs series. The House is at the end o f West River Street, on the west side of Bronte harbour at the top of the hill overlook ing Lake Ontario. Admission is by donation. Trafalgar Day marks the official closing o f the Sovereign House Display Centre for the season. Volunteers will, however, be at the Sovereign House every Wednesday afternoon year round. Calls to the society will be picked up on a regular basis. For further infor mation call 905-825-5552. Mlchael Wilson nized and as a result the severity of the newly diagnosed cases we are seeing is increasing at an alarming rate. Wilson's personal perspective and his experience on the Taskforce will provide for a very interesting evening." Wilson is also Chairman of the NeuroScience Canada Partnership Foundation and Senior Chairman of the Business and Economic Roundtable on Addiction and Mental Health. Members of the public are invited to this special presentation. Please reserve your seat by calling 905-338-4660. W ilson's presentation has been arranged by the Mental Health Program of Halton Healthcare Services and sup ported by an unrestricted educational grant from Janssen-Ortho. Barrie Erskine · Oakville Beaver GHOST WALK: Francine L andry, acting as M ary M cD ougald, d a u g h te r of Col. W illiam C hisholm , will lead p a rticip a n ts in fo u r evening G host W alks hosted by the O akville H istorical Society this F riday and S a tu rd a y at 7 and 8:30 p.m ., sta rtin g at the society's offices and archives a t 110 King St. R eservations cost $12 for ad ults and $6 for children. Call the O akville H istorical Society (O HS) a t 905-844-2695 and leave a message. Also, Dr. C arl Benn speaks about aboriginal people in a re a before 1800s a t O H S m eeting at Knox P resbyterian C h u rch , L akeshore and D unn, on O ct. 22 a t 7:30 p.m. Oakville Independent Schools < OPEN HOUSE Saturday October 25th · 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. o n A celebration of choice A p p le b y C o lle g e Grade 7 - 12 540 lakeshore Rd. W (905) 845-4681 tax: (905) 845-9505 www.appleby.on.ca e-mail: enroK9appleby.on.ca C h is h o lm A c a d e m y Grade 9 to 12 1484 Cornw all Rd. (905) 844-3240 fax: (905) 844-7321 w w w .chisholm centre.com e-mail: info@ chisholmcentre.com <D FERN H IL L SCHOOL D e a rc r o ft M o n te s s o ri Preschool - Grade 3 1167 Lakeshore Rd. E (905) 844-2114 fax: (905) 844-3529 w w w .dearcroft.com F ern H ill S c h o o l Preschool - Grade 8 3300 N in th Une Rd. (905) 257-0022 fax: (905) 257-2002 w w w .fem hillschool.com e-mail: admissions@femNllschool.com Oakville is hom e to an impressive selection of independent pre-schools, elem entary schools and high schools. Each school provides a strong academ ic foundation, small class sizes and person al attention. We enrich your child with opportunities in the arts, athletics, and extra curricular activities. C H R IS T IA N COLLEGIATE C le n b u rn ie S ch o o l Preschool · Grade 8 2035 Upper M iddle Rd. E. (905) 338-6236 fax: (905) 338-26S4 www.glenbum ieschool.com e-mail: admin@glenbumieschool.com K in g's C h ris tia n C o lle g ia te EX PLO R E T H E FAMILY O F OAKVILLE IN D EPEN D EN T SC H O O L S Ami find the alternative where your child will thrive! Grade 9 to 12 528 Bumam thorpe Rd. West (905) 257-5464 www.kingschristian.net e-mail: contact@kingschristian.net M a c L a c h la n C o lle g e |K - Grade 12 337 Trafalgar Rd. (905) 844-0372 fax: (905) 844-9369 ww w .m adachlan.on.ca e-mail: registrar<gVnadacHan.on.ca O akville C h ristia n School |K - Grade 8 112 T hird Line (905) 825-1247 ext. 221 fax: (905) 825-3398 ww w .ocsonline.org e-mail: rlofthouse®ocsonline.org W e s t W in d M o n te s s o ri Grade 1 to 8 451 Lakeshore Rd. W (905) 849-9463 fax: (905) 849-9051 w w w .w estw indm s.com e-mail: gphippenG w estw indm s.com St. M ild r e d 's - L ig h tb o u m S ch o o l JK- Grade 12 1080 lin b ro o k Rd. (905) 845-2386 fax: (905) 845-4799 www.sm ls.on.ca e-mail: info^sm ls.on.ca R o th e rg le n S chool |K - Grade 8 2045 Sixth Line (905) 338-3528 fax: (905) 338-9599 w w w .rotherglen.com O pen House at Sixth Line campus only.

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