C4 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday O ctober 15, 2003 WAL-MART TIRES, BATTERIES AND SERVICES W E SELL FO R LESS everyday! W in te rm a rk M a gn a C rip HT P re m iu m w in te r Radials i U 1 6 R A P I Tiny gap, big difference A little means a lot in the case of sparkplug `gap'. If it's off (too wide or narrow) you'll usually get hard starting, loss in engine pep and reduced fuel economy. New spark plugs are inexpensive and can make a big difference in the way a vehicle runs. The `gap' refers to the very precise distance between the tip of the electrode (see illustration) and the point on the ground post that's closest to the electrode. The following illustrates what `gap' is and how it's adjusted. ADJUSTMENT TOOL (`gapper'): A small slot fits around the ground Area post. Prying up narrows the gap. of detail while prying down widens it GAP: Your owner's manual specifies the sparkplug type and correct gap, which is measured millimeters or in thousandths-ofan-inch increments. W heel R im s ( M u l t i -f i t ) For cars and light trucks. Black. #1005282/331/345/2147 FEELER GAUGE: A thin strip of metal the same thickness as the required gap is slip between the electrode and the ground post Using the adjustment tool, the gap is either widened or narrowed until the feeler gauge is barely able to slide between. each EVERY DAY Also available: 15" <17.97 16" 49.97 17" 52.97 ae includes many strips of metal in different'thicknesses. If the right thickness does not exist, a combination of different strips can be made to achieve the right thickness. Thickness of each strip marked in inches or millimeters. NW = N a rro w W h ite w a ll WS = W h ite w a ll A vailable in sto re s w ith a u to m o tiv e s c e n tre s only. XL = Extra Load C O P Y R IG H T W H E E L B A S E C O M M U N IC A T IO N S B W = B ia c k w a ii 2003 MAZDA MRV DX WITH CONVENIENCE PACKAGE 2 0 0 3 BEST M INIVAN "Wheels HIGHEST IMPACT PROTECTION RATING POSSIBlf * · 3.0L 200-hp V6 engine · Air conditioning · Steering wheel audio controls · 2nd row Side-by-Slide,M seats and 3rd row Tumble-UnderTM seat · Dual sliding doors with power windows · Power locks and door mirrors (heated) · Cruise control $ m m . ES model shown 22,995 60 rn m iA M m i n iu m . n o : cash purchase from A TEST-DRIVE...A VICTORY LAP...SAME THING H urry into your M azda Dealer and test-drive one o f our aw a rd -w in n in g 2003 vehicles. They'll turn a simole trip around the block into a w inning experience. M OTORING 2003 MONTHS TEST-DRIVE THE ALL NEW 2 0 0 4 m CM W TMf YCM a Z D a ^ i GS-14 · 160-hp 2.3L 14 engine with VVT · OpHonal 22 0-hp 3.01 V 6 engine with V VT · 4-wheel disc brakes w ith ABS · 16" wheels · Traction control · Power locks, w indo w s & m irrors (heated) · A M /F M /C D 4 speakers and 2 tweeters stereo · Tilt and telescopic steering · Remote keyless entry · Cruise control · A ir conditioning · Lease paym ent includes freight and P.D.E. *, r .y y lease from WINNER Of OVER 50 INTERNATIONAL AWARDS Purchase Financing for A 2003 Cargvide Best 8uy " B e S tB U V " * The Auto Guide 2003 2 " * 2 8 9 - $0 per m onth/48 months with $2,99 5 down payment AND MSRP from $24,295' security deposit 36 months' * 1 IN fl 6 CAR COMPARISON TEST** 7 CARSDRIVER 2003 MAZDA PROTEGES w ith a ir c o n d itio n in g cash purchasefrom from cosh purchase · 16" alloy wheels · 4-wheel disc brakes w ith ABS · Cruise control · Remote keyless entry · Power locks, w indow s & m irrors · lease payment includes freight and P.D.E. 0 ____________________ |W lease from from lease OR I Purchase 48 per m onth/48 moaths with $3,995 down payment $100 s199 OR - $19745 S' lease from 2003 MAZDA MX-5 MIATA · Power door locks, windows and mirrors · Front and rear stabilizer bars · Rear glass w indow with electric defogger · Power-assisted 4-wheel disc brakes · NARDt* leather-wrapped 3-spoke steering wheel · Lease payment includes freight and P.D.E. No payments for AND Purchase Fnanang for M O N TH S on Purchase Financing" or $ 0 7 0 K j j np CASH PURCHASE FROM $24,995* 48 months' per m onth/48 months with $ 3 ,9 9 5 down payment ujiieie Good Seruice Is R Fact Hot Just fl Promise) Our pre-delivery commitment means every new Mazda is checked out, gassed up and fitted with floor mats. Roadside assistance program Mazda leadership warranty. 12 91 SPEERS ROAD. OAKVILLE 9 0 5 .8 2 7 .4 2 4 2 www.oakviilemda.com GRADUATES GET AN ADDITIONAL CASH AWARD OF UP TO $1,000 TOWARDS A PURCHASE OR LEASE. t O S Purchase F ie a n c m g /W months l i i n W on new 2 0 0 3 M oicfo vehicles. 0 % Purchase F'inancing/60 months it available only on new 2 0 0 3 * P V . finance examples: lot $10,000 at 0% Purchase financing tht monthly payment is S20J.33/SIM.67 (of 41/60 cnanlhs. CO.I. MAZDA is SO for a total of Si 0.000 Other finance rotos available O ffers cannot be combined. Negotiated price may exceed cash purchase price offer if advertised finance olfer is selected, ond may result in a higher effective interest rote, f t N o paym ents foe 6 moaths only applies to Purchase Finance GRADUATE o ffers on new 2 0 0 3 M X -5 M ia ta a id 2 0 0 3 / 2 0 0 3 .5 M U D A S P E E O Protege. Ho interest charges will apply during the first I SOdays of the finance contract Alter this period intacest starts to occrga and the purchaser »dl repay principal and interest monthly over the term of the contract. " / " O ff e r s PROGRAM a vailable an new cash purchases e f 2 0 0 3 , P rotegeS , * * - 5 M ia ta , M P V DX (U A D Z 7 3 C A 0 0 ) and re ta il leases ouly. Lease payment includes height and P.O.l Purchase price and MS*P offers exclude freight and PD.E. ol S92S for cors and S I,125 for tracks. Total lease obligation foe the 2 0 0 3 ProtegeS (DSTS53ACOO) is SI 3,797 including deem payment ol S3,995 ond security deposit al $250 Total lease obligation lor the 2 0 0 3 M X -5 M ia ta IL2M53VI00I is $17,737 including d o n payment ol $3,995 and a security deposit of $350 20,000 km per year mileage ollo«ace VpHes; if exceeded, additional ·< per km applies 25,000 km leases aha ovailoble license, insurance, registration, taxes and other dealer charges extra Dealer may sell/leose for less. Dealer order may he necessary Offers available from Odobor I, 2003 far a Imited time only Lease and Finance 0JLC. lor qualified customers only See your dealer lor details. »Ma>do Protege IX - Cm and Driver No I 2002 H June 2002 - Cor and Driver eee 19902002 Tests conducted on 2003 Maido MPV. Highest rating passible lor front driver, passenger, side and rear import protection by the U.S. HHTSA.