The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 15, 2003 - C7 THE OAKVILLE PARENT-CHILD CENTRE. AN ONTARIO EARLY YEARS CENTRE. HAS A MINIMUM 6 MONTH CONTRACT POSITION FOR AN ACTING PROGRAM AND MARKETING MANAGER Key responsibilities in the position include: · Monitor and support and evaluate program stall in the delivery ol our nursery school programs. This includes all licensed programs at our satellite locations · Ensure license renewal process is completed tor all licensed programs · Responsible for the development and implementation of marketing plans to in elude the promotion of all Early Years and licensed programs/ locations · Ensure preparation ot necessary flyers, news releases and program material lor ongoing promotion ot programs and services · Co-ordinate and implement fundraising projects and special events in co operation with the Executive Director · Co-ordinate volunteer support for community and special events. Qualifications required: a post-secondary education in a related field, with a minimum of 5 years post graduate experience in staff supervision and working knowledge ol the Day Nursery Act. Strong computer skills with knowledge of MS Office, database, e-mail and internet use Candidate must be a team pfayer with excellent veital and written skills, demonstrate sensitivity and possess a great sense of humour. Please submit a resume by Friday October 18th. 2003: Attn: Executive Director OENTAL Receptionist O r g anized. com passionate, business m inded fo r busy family practice in Oakville. M otivated experienced in d iv id u a ls to com plim ent q ua lity d e n tis try , in warm a tm osphere. 9 0 5 -8 4 5 1031. Fax:905-844-9922 C E R TIFIE D M edical Lab Technician required to per form phlebotomy in nursing home. Fax resume to 905655-9926 or em ail: com m u n ity la b s e rv ic e s @ s y m or call 905-2429187 ENDO. o ffic e in O qkville looking for experienced as sistant. Mon.- Thurs. Please fax resume to 905-844-4763 Join one of Canada's Fastest Growing restaurant companies JOB FAIR To place an announcement, employment or classified ad CALL 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -4 4 4 0 M on.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. FA X : 905-632-8165 B Y M A IL O R IN P E R S O N : Burlington Post & Flamborough Post 5 0 4 0 M ainway, #1, B u rling ton , O N L 7L 7G 5 USES COOKHOUSE Are you interested in a career with a leading company that offers MOUNTAINS OF OPPORTUNITY? Montana's is searching for Servers. Mne Cooks. O is h a a s h g r^H o s ts and B artendersl for our new location in Burlington. JOB FAIR Thurs. October 16th to Sun. October 19th From 10am to 8pm The Job Fair will be held daily at 'Best Western Hotel' located on 2412 Queensway Dr. (at Guelph Line/QEW in Burlington) O akville Beaver 467 S p eers Rd., O akville, O N L6K 2S 4 Oakville Parent-Child Centre m 337 Kerr St, Oakville. ON L6K 3B7 Fax: 905-849-6377 U n C a r lO We thank all candidates for their interest.however, only those selected lor an interview will be contacted. SLYE Fox Public House re quires Serving and Kitchen S taff. Show us you have the experience and w ell pro vide com p e titive w ages/ winning atmosphere. Come see us at E astw ay Plaza (New / W alkers), fax: 905639-3029. RUDE NA TIVE B istro now h irin g Line cooks, d is h w a s h e rs and servers for our Bronte and Oakville locations. E-m ail resum e to: b ra n di@ rude or fax resum e: 905-4650681 ___________________ PART tim e housekeeping and fron t desk. M ust be available weekends. Part time laundry. Please apply within. Ask for Linda. Motel 6 4345. North Service Road Burlington. ·_____________ SONZI R estaurant, d ow n town Burlington, hiringparttim e dishw ash ers. No e x perience necessary. C all Jeff or James 905-632-6682 JER S E Y S Bar and G rill 1450 Headon Rd. B u rling ton. H iring all positions Start immediately, competi tive rates. Apply within or phooe 905-319-0525 Dana Hospitality Inc. PHILTHY MiNASTYS » w ! c - u ! L iw w < . / H irin g A ll P o s itio n s Management Bartenders · Servers Hostesses · Bussers Cooks · Dishwashers · Security Staff COME T O OUR JOB FAIR)I Saturday, October 18th Apply in person between the Hours of 11 am and 7 pm 1250 Brant St, Burlington salon & spa help salon & spa help M A T E R IA LS H andling Projects Manager required. P revious expe rience nec essary. Relevant technical/ m echanical training essen tia l. A utoC AD 2000 m in i m um. Fax resum e: 905335-6771. HVAC M echanic required tor la st paced com mercial/ residential Burlington prop erty. G as II license and OOP card required. Fax re sume: 905-639-6527 GROWING Autom otive re pair fa c ility in M ilton sp e c ia liz in g in sm all repairs needs reliable, dedicated, team p la y e r expe rienced A utom otive Painting. $25/ hour plus bonus depending on ability. Call 905-875-3248 HVAC Tech nician w anted tor residential service work, B u rlington/ O akville. Must have own truck/ tools. 905319-3007. CABLE Assembler. Oakville based business requires full time cable assembler. MonF ri., 7:30am -4pm . W ages commensurate w/experience. Fax resum e to: 905-8476858 I office-clerical A Oiv. of the World's Largest Hairstyling Chain Offering Opportunities for: Requires GENERAL HELPtor cafeteria in Burlington location, some kitchen experience required, team player, Full-Time Benefits after 90 days probation, uniforms suppled. Fax Resume to: Exp'd HAIRSTYLISTS · F/T, P/T x OAKVILLE LOCATION x we off® ..... $500-$1000 Signing Bonus Great commissions · Career advancement Flex, work hours · Solid benefit program TO ARRANGE AN INTERVIEW, please call Kym at 905-849-8808. Ext 221 (Formerly Rocky Mountain High) (Formerly Big Star) Tel: 905-319-8555 905-469-2234 Attn: Jason CLASSIFICATION INDEX CU STO M -M AD E draper ies valances, sheers, bed/ ta b le / ch a ir co-o rd in a te s , fabrics, in stallatio n. 11yrs exp. Sherry. 905-634-6706 D e ad lin es: Mon., 5 p.m., for Wed. publication Wed., 5 p.m., for Fri. publication Thurs., 5 p.m., for Sun. publication Special Feature deadlines may vary. P aym ent: We accept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, Am erican Express. Business accounts can be opened with an approved credit application available from your Sales Consultant. CH ECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS to ensure the information is correct. Contact your Sales Consultant within 24-Hours if an error appears. An error in a Fri. publication m ust be reported no later than Mon, 5:30 p.m. CIRCULATION: 905-632-0588 MAIN SWITCHBOARD: 905-632-4444 CLASSIFIED CATEGORIES Real Estate 100-135 170-196 Rentals 140-169 Business to Business 200-239 Leisure Living Community Notices 240-259 & Community Notice Pages 260-269 Public Notices Community Services 270-299 Merchandise 300-385 400-470 Autos Employment 500-570 700-795 Services Business & Professional Directory CNC Programmer Required to program and set up one CNC waterjet table and one CNC machining cen tre in busy Oakville manufacturing plant. Top wages, profit sharing, fu ll benefits, group RRSP and training programs. EXPER IENC ED c le anin g lady, reasona ble rates. Mon -Fn. References avail able Please ca ll 905845-6487 Fax resume to 905-338-3463 STAFF A C C O U N TAN T Oakville based distribution co. has a position available for a well-organized individual with strong accounting skills. Duties include A/P processing, account analy sis and month-end bookkeeping. Ideal candidate will have 2-3 years experience, good inter-personal skills and be able to multi-task in Iasi paced environment. Working knowledge of AccPac Corporate Series and Microsoft Office essential. Forward resumes to: W INDO OR C LASS IC in stallatio n of high quality window s/ doors. Specialty bow and bay. Free e s timate. 905-855-2329 JASON Landscaping Design, Construction. Interlocking. Flagstone. Patios. Walkways. Steps. Driveways. Retaining Walls. Rock Gardens. 905607-4997 REAL ESTATE 100 houses for sate 102 opeti houses 103 private sates 105 twmhouses lor sate 110 apartnertsScondos for sale 112 collages lor sale 115 farms tor sate, rertS w rted 120 out-of-town properties 125 property otXside Canada 130 housing wanted 135 lots & acreages OFFICE A d m in is tra tiv e ; fa s t paced com pany, o r ganized. multi tasker, must have excellent typing skills, e x c e lle n t te lep hone m an ner. e x pe rienced in cus* tom e r se rvice . MS Word* Excel BV qp asset. Fax resum e /s a la fy expe ctation s 905608-8890 RE C E P TIO N IS T8-line sw itchboard for four com panies. filing, multi-tasking, ju n io r p o s itio n 8:30-5pm . Fax resum e to 905-337* 9711 with hourly wage ex pectations. RECEPTIONIST with strong office and A/R skills required for immediate full time posi tion. ACCPAC W indows exp. preferred. Send Re sume to H&H Manufacturing 4330 Mainway Drive Burling ton. O ntario L7L 5R7. No phone calls please I O RCHID H elix. Canada s la rge st DNA te s tin g com pany requires custom er se rvice re presentative. C a ndid ates w ill be e n e r g e tic . e x c e lle n t w ritte n / oral communicators. Prev ious e x p e rie n c e / French know ledge are assets. Fle xib le hours. M -F. F o r ward CV/ handwritten cover letter: 1200 Speers Road #36. Oakville. L6L2X4 Community Notices Garage Sale Oakville PIONEER FAMILY POOLS 2115 South Service Road W., Unit #1 Oakville. Ontario L6L 5W2 (No phone calls please) Bookkeeper/Office Manager Oakville manufacturer requires Bookkeeper/ Office Manager with solid accounting back ground to manage day-to-day operations of small office environm ent. Must be highly or ganized with attention to detail, have super v is o ry e x p e rie n c e an d be c o m fo rta b le learning new software applications. Salary, profit sharing, full benefits, group RRSP. MOVING/ GARAGE SALE Sat. Oct.IB Sam 1023 Trailview Dr household contentsQu.maple 6pce bdrm; Child's 4pc pine bdrm: Computer/desk sta tion: book shelves., ph# 905-825-1339 Fax resume to 905-338-3463 A full service human resources firm. We are now accepting resumes for temp., contract and perm, positions in: Deaths PETTITT, John Henry - It is with great sadness the family announce the passing of John on October 10. 2003. at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Predeceased by his wife Norma. Dear father of John and his wife Susan of Dorchester. Grandfather of Jennifer and Katie of Toronto. Uncle to Don Leslie. Anne Noble. Barb Butler and Bryan McLeod. Brother-in-law to Betty McLeod. Family and friends joined the Pettitt family at the Ward Funeral Home. 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville, for a reception prior to the service on Tuesday. Interm ent follow ed at Prospect Cemetery. Donations would be appreciated to the Canadian Diabetes Association. WEIDMAN. Genieve P.- Peacefully on Saturday. October 11.2003 at the West Oak Village in her 88th year. Genieve. beloved wile ol the late Edward Weidman. Dear mother ol Geraldine (Gerry) and her husband Alan Wight. Grandmother of Melinda and Jenniler. Great grandmother ol Mary-Kate. Sarah. Jack, and Lindsey and Jessica. A celebration ol Genieve's life will be held 11am Thursday. October 16th, 2003 at SI. Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca St., Oakville, followed by a reception at the Church. Cremation. Interment to follow in Chelmsford. Massachusetts. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the VON Alzheimer Services Seniors Day Program. 2370 Speers Road. Oakville, Ontario L6L 5M2 or St. Paul's United Church Memorial Fund, 454 Rebecca Street, Oakville, Ontario, L6K 1K7. Funeral arrangements entrusted lo Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home. WYATT, W. Malcolm "Mai" (Retired employee of Ford Motor Company)- Peacefully on Monday, October 13. 2003 at Allendale Nursing Home. Milton in his 73rd year. Beloved husband of Barb. Loving father of Lesly, Rick, Lynn (husband Rob) King. Lisa and Dave (wife Lindsay). Grandpa will be sadly missed by grandchildren Adam, Sammy Jo. Rick, Morgan and Justus. Mai was a lifetime member of Border Cities Lodge 554. A.F. & A.M.. Windsor. Ontario. A Funeral Service will be held at the Oakview Funeral Home. 56 Lakeshore Road W est (one block east of Kerr) Oakville on Thursday, October 16, 2003 at 1:30pm, with visitation from 12:00-1:30pm. Reception to follow in Oakview Arbor Room. Private family interm ent at a later date. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Alzheim er's Society or to a charity of choice. Customer Service Management Accounting Administration Purchasing Sales & Marketing Bilingual Human Resources Email: · Fax: 905-338-0409 O UTBO U ND SALESExcellent earning potential. Highly supportive manage ment. Rapidly growing local com pany. O utbound sales and T ele m a rk e tin g (a p pointm en t b o o king only) P o s itio n s a va ila b le Fax resumes with cover letter to 905526-1884 Bilingual/Non-Bilingual Sales & Marketing Position SafetyCare Inc is an international company which produces and sells its own range of Safety Training Videotapes. CDroms and Manuals. Working out ol our Burlington Ontario Office, we provide companies throughout Canada with quality aids lo help train their staff in health & safety. This is a telephone sales position which involves sell ing our products to existing customers as well as de veloping new business Previous sales experience is not a prerequisite, but the applicant must be self-motivated and have the desire to succeed in a competi tive sales environment. We have two positions to fill. We need one fully bilin gual salesperson to continue developing the Quebec market and one salesperson to further develop our market outside of Quebec. This is a salary and commission position with poten tial lirst year earnings ol S30.000.00-S40.000.00 If this position interest you please Call Ed Aasman at ONCE UPON A CHILD Requires experienced and flexible sales stall < for Oakville & Mississauga locations. Includes: Evening/ weekend & day shifts Fax resume by Oct. 31s t, 2003 to: 905-607-4113 LA Cache- Burlington, Mapleview. A leading retailer of unique children's, ladies' apparel is seeking: FfT & P/ T sales associates. Candi dates m ust have stron g sales a b ilitie s , custom er service, teamwork. Fax re sum e to: 9 05 -68 1-29 09, www SAFETYCARE INC. 905-631-6070 EXPERIENCED SALES ASSOCIATE Oakville Area Store offering full time Salaried position for a enthusiastic professional seeking a career In Fine Jewellery Excellent interper sonal and strong computer skills are an asset. Apply by Friday October 24th Resume & Cover Letter Attn: Todd Williams, 905-815-8845: todd.howardwilliam s@ DENTAL ASSISTANT Required Mon.. Tues. & Wed. in progressive periodontal driven practice in Downtown Oakville/ Hygiene Coordination essential task Please lax resume with hand written covering letter to: 905-842-5476 A NEW Telephone Directory in the Halton Region requires R N needed tor busy urgent care clinic. Occasional evenings & weekends. Flexibility & computer knowledge a must. SALES REPRESENTATIVES - Salary +comm + car allowances - Sales experience required InMemoriam WISHLOFF, Ed In memory of my best friend, Ed Always remembered. Please fax resume 905-842-8599 D E N TA L R eceptionist** Full-time, daytime. Mon-Frl, O akville office. Ideal ca n didate has 3+ years experi ence in den ta l re c e p tio n / adm inistration, with dental com puter experience. Mul ti-tasking, self-sta rter with exce lle n t com m u nicatio n skills. Mail resume to: Box# 6419 O akville Beaver 467 Speers Rd L6K 3S5 O ak ville ON._____________ D E N TA L A s s is ta n t re quired full-time. Some Sat urdays/ evenings. Certified w/excellent communication/ people s k ills . Please fo r ward resume to: Dundas & Neyagaw a Postal O utlet Box30011, 478 Dundas St. West. Oakville. Ontario L6H 6Y0 Send resume to: c/o Oakville Beaver, Box 2140, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville. ON L6K 3S4 535 hospital, medical, dental 535 ho<pftal. meoicai. oentai m iii 14 ..I.I VO N H A LTO N Requires regular part-time Family Services Alcoholics Anonymous If y o u d rin k , th a t's y o u r b u s in e s s If y o u w a n t to q u it, T h a t's O u rs ! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 U N 's to work in' THE VISITING NURSING PROGRAM Fax Resume to 905-827-3390 to the attention of Joanne Baxby MERCHANDISE 300 market basket 301 towers&defivery 302 farm service 303 horse supplies & boantng 304 Christmas gifts 305 poiAry investor* 306 furniture 307 dotting 309 bargain centre 310 articles for sate 311 bicydes 315 articles wanted BUSINESS TO BUSINESS 316 vendors wanted 140 investmenttusiness prop. 320 garageyard sates 145 nduslnaicommercial space 324 arts & crafts 150 offices business space 325 auctions 155 stores for sate, rent Swtd 326 warehouse sales 156taxdredory 330 firewood 159 investment opportwties 335 Christmas trees 160 business opportunities 336 woodstoves. fireplace 161 franchises 340 antiques & art 162 insurance 345 baby needs/kids klassified 163 professional drectory 348 restaurant equipment 164 tax & financial 350 industrial equipment 165 mortgages, loans 352 farm equipment 166 accountants 353 appkances 167 office/industnai equipment , 355 coriputer & video 168 business service&personais 356 computer service & repair 169 computertitemel services 360 tv, sound systems 365 musical instruments RENTALS 370 pet supplies, boardrig 170 apartments S flats for rent 375 photography 172 furnished accommodation 380 swap & trade 173 furnished rentals 385 tickets for sate 174 short tern rentals AUTO 1/5 apartments & fiats wanted 400 cars for sale 180 condominiums lor rent 405 cars wanted 185 houses for rent 410 trucks for sate 190 townhouses for rent 415 trucks wanted 191 housing wanted 420 vans, 4 wheel drive 192 rooms for rent & wanted 425 sports cars 193 roomS board avail Swtd 430 antique cars 194 shared accommodation 435 motorcycles 195 retirement living 440 auks pais. stfpiesSrepairs l96halls&lodges 445 auto leasing, rentals LEISURE LIVING 446 auto financing 200 vacation properties 447 driving schools 205 rentals outside Canada 450 auto care 208 bed S breakfast 455 garageS storage space 209 cottages lor rent 460 insurance services 210 mohle homes Sparks 465 automotive plus 470 heavy duty equpment 211 mobile homes 212 recreation vehicles HEIP WANTED 215 campers, trailers, sites 500 career training 225 camping equipment 501 career counceingS resumes 230 sports equipment 503 career training feature 231 aviation 505 careers 232 boats S supplies 507 employment agenaes 233 snowmobiles 509drivers 234 pools & supplies 510 general help 235 resorts, camps 511 retail opportunities 236 travel 512 summer employment 237 hobbies & crafts 514 salon & spa help 239 women's column 515 skied S technical help 520 computers IT COMMUNITY NOTICES 525 office help 245 births 529 inside sates 246 adoptions 530 sates help&agents 248 birthdays 532 retail sates help 249 coming events 535 hospital, medcal. dental 250 engagements 536 veterinary help 251 forthcoming marriages 537 holistic health 252 marriages 540 hotel restaurant 253 ahniversaries 541 part-time help 254 graduations 545 teaching opportunities 255 announcements 550 domestic help wanted 256 deaths 555 domestic help available 257 obituaries 556 house cleaning 258 in memoriam 565 volunteers 259 cards of thanks 570 employment wanted PUBLIC NOTICES 575 talent wanted 260 tenders 261 legal notices SERVICES 262 public notices 700 home improvements 263 car pooteTranspcrtason 701 demolition, blasting 264 education 702 garbage rem ovaW ing 704 plumbing 265 kst S found 705 handyman 267 companions 706 chimney cleaning, repair 268 personals 707 electrical services 269 support groups 708 masonry & concrete COMMUNITY SERVICES 709 carpentry 270 nam ieslvHVout 710 paintings decorating 271 mothers helpers 715 moving S storage 272 nursery schools 718 carpet cleaning 273 daycare available 720 drapes S upholstery 274 daycare wanted 725 dressmaking tailonng 275 babysitting 730 flooring carpeting 276 private tuto's chools 735 gardening, landscaping 277 music S dancing instruction 736 tree service 278 registration 737 stump removal 279 tutoring 738 lawnmower sales, repairs 280 lessons 740 snow removal 282 places of worship 746 courses 284 esthetesbeauly services 750 appliance repairs 285 health S homecare 753 party services 286 seniors services 760 service directory 288 fitness services 790 home decor'your home 289 party services ADULT 290 catering 292 wedding planner 900 dating services 905 adult entertainment 293 astrology 910 massages 294 psychics 295 liaison services 296 amusements, dubs Call: 905-632-4440 297 bingo or 905-337-5610 298 funeral directors Fax: 905-632-8165 299 cemetery plots cleans o u t yo u r closets, basem ent or g a ra g e ? WHAT A G A R A G E SALE A d inThe O a k ville Beaver! F rid a y e d itio n reaches 4 3 ,0 0 0 hom es in O a k v ille a n d y o u r cost is as lo w as *$ 3 1 .5 0 + gst. ( te rm s & c o n d itio n s a p p ly ) For in fo , and to place y o u r ad in th e Friday e d itio n , ju s t call th e Classified D ept, a t 905-845-3824, M on.-Fri., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m . DEADLINE fo r Friday e d itio n is W ednesday a t 5 p.m. If y o u r G a ra g e Sale is ra in e d o u t y o u w o n 't g e t so a ke d if y o u b u y o u r Rain P ro te c tio n f o r an a d d ito n a l $5.! N o tify o u r o ffic e a n d w e 'll re -ru n th e sam e ad, w it h a d a te c h a n g e , a t n o c h a rg e w it h in th e n e x t 2 w e e k p e r io d . N o te : Y o u r ad also a p p e a rs o n - lin e a t h a lto n s e a rc h .c o m F o r s e r v i c e , y o u r c l a s s i f i e d a d s . If you c a n 't afford to be tied up on the phone, save time. Use the Burlington Post/Oakville Beaver fax line. Indicate ad size, classification and the days and newspapers you would like it to run in. We will take it from there! If you have any Questions about faxing your ads, call us at 632-44-40 today! F A X : Q O S -6 3 2 -8 1 6 5