Oakville Beaver, 24 Jul 2002, B3

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday July 24, 2002 - B3 IIE ST It HEE LS I I t k l 11 .1 .E FI pilots visit Honda plant YOUR TORONTO AREA MAZDA DEALERS 2002 MAZDA 626 LX-I4 "...performance designed to impart the spirit of Mazda." T h e C a r C o n n e c t io n . c o m · 2.0L DOHC 16-valve engine · 4-w heel independent suspension · Front ond rear stabilizer bars · Front mud guards · Air conditioning · Cruise control · Centre console · Tachom eter · flM/FM/CD 4 speaker stereo system · Remote keyless entry · Power windows, door locks and heated power door m irrors · 60/40 split folding rear se a tb ack w / centre arm rest · Dual air bags · And over 55 more standard features · $ 3 ,2 9 5 down or trade equivalent on lease. Lease paym ent includes freight and P.D.E. BA R H onda Form ula O ne drivers Jacques Villeneuve, centre, and Olivier Panis, right, tried their hand at assem bling a car during a visit to the UK H onda plant while the two were in England for the British G rand Prix. H onda has produced its h alf m il lionth Civic at the Sw indon car plant in E ngland, w ith a little help from FI drivers Jacques V illeneuve and O livier Panis. The BAR H onda G rand Prix drivers took tim e o ff FI duties at the recent British G rand Prix to help build the m ilestone C ivic, a m int green 1.6SE Civic five-door. W orking alongside the 4300 H onda A ssociates at the plant, the drivers dis covered that H onda road cars are built w ith the sam e care and attention as their G P m achines, only very m uch quicker - a new one rolls off the line at Sw indon about once every 30 seconds! The visit w as a real eye-opener for the FI drivers. "I'd never seen anything like this before," said Villeneuve. "The speed at w hich everybody w orks is quite am azing. It's quite stressful. I thought w e'd get in the w ay but every body seem ed O K w ith us." Panis sim ilarly enjoyed his new experience: "I was very pleased to visit the H onda car plant. It's the first time I've done som ething like this and I really enjoyed w orking w ith the guys. I w as really surprised how quickly the cars are built - 800 cars per day was a big surprise." SECURITY DEPOSIT + N 0 CHARGE EXTENDED W ARRANTY OR NO PAYMENTS ON PURCHASE FINANCING UNTIL 2003 0 % APR + N 0 CHARGE EXTENDED W A R R A N T Y lease from $279 per month/48 months R O H O S ID E ASSISTHNCE P R O G R R H fl R I SA LERDERSHIP M R R R flR TV IlflZOfl nOBILITY PMGMM Hsk abou t our M o b ility Program * * OR CASH PURCHASE FROM $20,995* flsk abou t th e Mazda peace o f m ind prom ise now standard on every new Mazda, flsk abou t our outstanding com prehensive and pow e rtrain w a rra n ty coverage. mazoa www.mazda.ca MAZDA I GRADUATEL PROGRAM I Kia Sedona receives 5-star T he US N ational H ighw ay T raffic Safety A d m inistration (N H T S A ) in recent crash tests o f 2002 m odels has aw ard ed the new K ia S ed o n a M inivan its highest rating o f q u ad ru ple 5-Stars. T he S edona is one o f only 2 vans (along w ith the F ord W indstar) to receive a 5 -star rating fo r driver's front and side im pacts, an d p a s se n g e r's fro n t an d sid e im pacts. "The fiv e-star rating is a m ajor en d o rsem ent o f the quality and safety th at K ia b u ilds into its vehicles," said M ark R yhorski, V P o f M arketing and C u s to m e r E x p e rie n c e fo r K ia C an ad a. "W ith the introduction o f o u r new m odels, o u r w hole line-up w ill in co rp orate the latest technology to en su re the h ighest standards o f d u rab ility and qu ality in the vehicles w e m ark et in C anada." T he 5 -star ratin g is d eterm in ed by sub jectin g the veh icles to a frontal im pact test at 56 km /h (35 m ph) and a side im pact test at 62 k m /h (38.5 m ph) to d eterm in e the level o f injury th at m ay be sustain ed by the front and rear o ccu p an ts o f th e vehicle. T est results fo r a fro n tal crash sh o w ed that d riv er and front p assen g er w o u ld have a 10% o r less ch ance o f serio u s injury earn in g a 5 -S tar ra t ing. T he side im pact test co n d u cted at 62 km /h (38.5 m ph) resu lted in a 5% o r less ch ance o f serio u s injury to fro n t o r re a r se at o c c u p an ts also resulting in the co v eted 5 -S tar rating. T he frontal and side crash tests are p art of N H T S A 's N ew C ar A ssessm ent P rog ram (N C A P) that p ro v id e s c o n su m e rs w ith sa fe ty inform ation about the tw o m ost d an gerous injury-causing crashes. Oakville O akville M azda 1291 Speers Road (905) 8 2 7 -4 2 4 2 GRADUATES GET AN A D D IT IO N A L $ 7 5 0 OFF PURCHASE OR LEASE. t 0% Purchase Financing the monthly pay_ _ ________ __ __ __ t h s a v a ila b le on th e 2002 Mazd' 6 26LX-I4. Finance exam ples: for $10,000 ot t. T. T. 0% P urcha se _____ Fin a n cin g /3 6 ...jn r to pu rch ase fin a n c e o ffe r s . No in te re st m ent is $ 277.78 fo r 36 m o n th s. C .0 .8. is i $0 fo r o to ta l o f $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 . No paym ents fo r 181 ays a ft e r pu rch a ser ta k e s delivery o f a p a r tic ir __ ch a rg e s will opply during th e f ir s t 150 days i_. , -----------____________ ibinod N ego tia te d price may e x ce e d cash - in te re st m --^ifegsgsfth e te rm o f th e c o n tro c t. and the pu rch a ser w ill repay principal and onthly . . . e ff e ______ te re s t ro te . See your dealer fo r d e ta ils. */* * O ffors a v a ilpu rch a se p rice if a dvertise d fin a n c e o f f e r is s se e le c * te -- d1 , ond1 may resu lt in o higher c t iv e ` X -1 4 and re ta il le a se s only. 'P u rc rch h a se price o ffe r s e xclu d e freigl fre ig h t and P.D.E. o f $895. le o s e paym ent able on new cash p u rch a ses of 2002 Mazda 6 2 6 L _b 1. le. 1 _ Total .---------l. : ation a: th s . O ther le a se te rm s ava :i ila lease ob1lig fie th e 2002 Mazda 626 IX-14 (m odel « - i lu d e s fre ig h t and P^D.E. Leases are based on 48 p F41S52PR00) is $ 1 6 ,6 8 7 . w hich in clu de s down paym ent o f $ 3 ,29 5. 2 0,0 0 0 km per year m ileage allo w a nce a pplies; if e x c e e d.................tional e d , a dd ition a l 8C 8< per km a pp lies. L ice n se, in su ra n ce, re g istra tio n , ta x e s and o th e r de a ler ch a rg e s e x tra . Dealer may sell/lease for less. O ffe rs a vailab le fro m July 3 . 2002 for lim ite d tim e only. O ffe r ava ila b le w hile q u a n titie s la st. Lease and Fina nce O .B.C. fo r q u a lifie d custom ers-only. See your dealer fo r d e ta ils. G le n le v e n C h ry s le r A n n o u n c e s THE CHRYSLER 2002 SUMMER CLEAROUT mMimUMUta HYUNDAI C r O O L SUMMER DEALS! Our biggest sales event of the year! Don't miss these exceptional offers on our lineup of award-winning cars. But hurn/ ciim m er clearout ends soon. Dodge Caravan 2002ACCENT O W IW P T1 INVENTORYI " Canada' s # / Sub-Compact!" Blowout! lease F R O M· m ^ MSRP $12,395" m ^ $0 D O W NPER MO./ 60M0S. FREIGHT AND P.D.E. & SECURITY DEP. INCL. D ow n S ecu rity Paym ent D eposit o $o Chrysler 300M DARE TO COMPARE! V s. E cho b a s e ` Price advantage $1,663 Vs. Rio Base More luggage capacity More front legroom & shoulroom Cargo cover · Tachometer Front & rear mud flaps variable intermittent wipers Height adjustable driver seat Driver seat lumbar support · · · · · · · · · Longer wheelbase for improved stability Fully independent rear suspension Body-colour body-side mouldings Driver seat lumbar support Cargo cover Tachometer brake fluid warning light variable intermittent wipers better fuel economy 1More luggage capacity ' More rear headroom · 60-40 split rear seat 1 Remote release fuel filler door Trunk ajar warning light · · · · · · · · Longer wheelbase for improved stability More rear headroom Fully independent rear suspension vs. semi Rear anti-roll bar (or improved handling Body-colour bumpers & body-side mouldings Remote control exterior mirrors Height adjustable front seatbelts Oil pressure, trunk apr & brake fluid warning lights · · · · · · · 0 O r u p to p u rch ase fin a n c in g NO PAYMENTS FOR 90 DAYS' ON SELECTED MODELS. 2002ElANTRAGL $3,000 Cash Savings o n s e le c t e d m o d e ls . Chrysler Intrepid SE Chrysler Sebring Sedan LX f f DARE TO COMPARE! V s . C iv ic D X More power (140 vs. 115) More torque (133 vs. 110) More headroom & legroom More shoulder room anti-roll bars mud flaps · Body colour exterior mirrors, body side mouldings and door handles Airbag occupancy sensor · Hieght adjustable Front seat with lumbar support · · · · 60/40 split rear seats Rear cup holders 1CO player Rear child safety locks 1tachometre 1Door ajar warning light 1Brake fluid warning light 1Variable intermittent wipers 13year/60,000km · · · · · · · · · · · More front legroom More front shoulder room Rear gas pressurized shocks Front & rear mud flaps Body colour exterior mirrors, body side mouldings and door handles Airbag occupancy sensor Hieght adjustable Front seats with lumbar support 60/40 split rear seats Rear cup holder Trunk ajar warning light Variable intermittent wipers Financing up to 48 mths. ffl C a s h p u r c h a s e fo r Cash purchase for *19.988 or lease this vehicle for W* * am onth for 48 m onths. J U U With 0,224 downpayment f J or equivalent trade. PlusS 300security deposit and $850 freight. F o r a n a d d it io n a l *21,988 a month lease a |j% M N/l I I 2002 Sebring LX plus the 28J Sport Image Package HYunDni "DRIVING IS BELIEVING 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 K M W A R R A N TY 5YR / ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 24H R S T T As* About Our or lease this vehicle for a month for 48 months. 3,099 downpayment JUU With S3.099 trade. f n H or equivalent trade^ Plus $350 security deposit deposit k W W Plus H50 security and $950 freight F o r a n a d d it io n a l VTI I 2002 Intrepid SXT Ip 1 I W JA · a month lease a Grad Rebates *See dealer fo r de tails Leasing programs available from Hyundai Financial services based on 2002 accent GS 3 door, 2002 Elantra. $155per month fo r a 60 month w alk away lease. $179 for 48 mos. Down payment of S0/S1995. security deposit $0. Freight and PDE fo r Accent, Elantra included. Taxes, license and $350 acquisition fee extra. 20,000 km mileage allowance per year applies. Additional km charge of 0.10. See Hyundai of Oakville fo r details. I Ih- M f tc ' to Ic j u o» IHIV HYUNDAI Of BAKVIUE 1 0 7 1 S P E E / J S ROAD (Ju s t W e s t o f 4th L in e ) G l e n l e v e n C h r y sler <: it i( V s I. I it · tlfiur l%l I) i> O o I) (. I i ) <. · J I I l* 2388 ROYAL WINDSOR DR., OAKVILLE 905-845-7575 www.qlenleven.com

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