Oakville Beaver, 24 Jul 2002, "Classified", C4

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C4 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday July 24, 2002 The Oakvule Beaver L A -Z -B O Y g * S o f a s S ofas, C hairs and S ectionals o f Starting From U ncom prom ising Q uality and S tyle. A a a a a * An Extraordinary S election o f the Finest C usto m Fabrics. Imagine, G enuine La-Z-Boy at prices that w ill D elight you! \ | 1 | 1 | | QQ Ip I k U U V U I I ] W W W fo r Le ss! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905-845-3824 OR 905-337-5610 FAX: 905-632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm Real Estate 100*135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196« till] h° uses,orsa,e C lassified na Great Livin' Downtown! 1Convenient location near GO Stn · Gorgeous views Indoor po o l & saunas · A ll 2 bedrooms w ith 2 full baths · Newly renovated spacious suites IBrs-JBr+Den ·2 Bn from 1 apartments & flats for rent B u r lin g t o n P o w e r C e n tr e · Q E W & B r a n t S t. * 9 0 5 - 3 3 1 - 7 6 0 0 Circulation: 905-845-9742 auctions, sales tices 240-299· Merchandise 300-385· Auto 400470· Help Wanted 500-570 ` Services 700-795 EH townhouses for rent n s iii townhouses for rent FOR Sale: Centrally locat ed in O akville. Freehold end unit townhouse, 3 bed rooms, 2 decks, side yard patio + garden area, dou ble garage, gourmet kitch en with gas fireplace. $595,000. 416-458-3039. NEW Milton M attam yquiet crescent. 3 bedrm, double garage, C/A, C/V., $$ upgrades. $325,000. 905-875-9151______________ U PDATED B u ngalow O akville. H ardw ood, p ie shaped lot, walk-out base m ent, m o uld ings, m uch more Southern exposure. $299,900 (905)842-9927 M A T T A M Y -2 1 97 M eadowland Dr., 4 bedroom, 21/2 baths, greenbelt, pool sized lot. 2 story FR, up grade oak kitchen, ceram ics, fin is h e d basem ent, new elem. school close, desira ble S treet N. O ak ville. Easy access 407/401/ 403/Q E W . No agents. $479L neg. 905-339-3500 [ I c l private sales A LD ER SH O T- 3 bedrm, 2 bath, detached garage, huge lot with work shed. For more info, call 709253-6261 AVAILAB LE October 6 th Luxury 2 bedroom base ment, Millcroft. Garage , FP, $850/mo. + utilities. Single executive, no pets/smoking. References. 905-335-0892 BURLINGTON 2 bedrooms $825/per m onth all in c lu sive. Close to all amenities. A v a ila b le now, A u gust 1st., and October 1st Call (905)631-1826____________ N E W LY RE N O V A TE D 3 bedroom apartm ent, C/A. $975/month + hydro, avail able im m e d ia te ly . C all (905)469-6118 evenings, (905)301-1450 cel O A K V ILL E : Luxury 1bedroom, air, parking, new broadloom , all am enities, cable, patio. Non-smoker. $725/inclusive. 905-815-0935 W w M furnished rentals BURLINGTON- Furnished/ unfurnished 1&2-bedrooms large, attractive apartments available August 1st. Heat/ hydro included. From $825/ mo. No pets. 905-632-0961 FURNISHED Burlington Luxury! 1&2 bedrooms Im mediate. Short/ long-term. 905-632-8354: 905-632-6189 COMEHOMETV... C U M B E R L A N D V IL L A G E 3270 P ro sp ec t St. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliances · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington M all Area Shelter C anadian Properties Lim ited I A M LOST! M Y NAM E IS MICHAEL BID AUCTION SERVICES PROFESSIONAL AUCTION GROUP IMPORTANT OUTSTANDING AUCTION NOTICE EVERYTHING M IST BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST 900 ESTATES * LIQUIDATIONS * CONSIGNMENTS * * H0LSEH0LD FVRMTIRK * DINING ROOM S U E S * COLLECTIBLES * * BEDROOM Sl'ITE * LIVLNG ROOM SUTE * ART COLLECTION * * GOLD & D U M 0N D JEWELLERY * LADIES R0LEX W tfCH * * SPORTS MEM0RABIUA COLLECTION * SILVER JEWELLERY * * ESTATE COINS * GRANDFATHER CLOCKS * TIFFANY [AMPS * I Catalogue Sale - Will b e so ld in detail w ith no buyers p rem iu m s by. BURLINGTON SQUARE 1460 Ghent Ave. at 760 Brant St. 905 63 9 -4 6 7 7 HEART of Bronte. 50 East St., close to lake/ Bronte Harbour. 1-bedroom , Im m ediately or Sept. $950/ mo. 2-bedroom , Im m e diately $1,095. (+parking) 905-825-0816 2-BEDRO O M S: $850./ mo. (U tilitie s in clude d). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. Rental O ffice Open 11am-8pm, Mon.-Sat. 905639-5761__________________ VERY la rge 2-Bedroom S uites, availab le in w ellmaintained O akville build ings. Close to schools & professional services. Easy access to QEW & 403. 905844-2646 or 905-845-0987 KERR/ Speers, O akville. Clean 2-bedroom, utilities included. $900/mo. parking extra. Immediate. 905-8454615______________________ BURLING TO N. 2-b e d room apartment, $745/mo., Sept. 1st. Utilities included. Quiet building, near lake. Call 9 05 -63 4-80 89 (3pm6pm) NEW bright, cosy, 1-bed room apartm ent, private Oakville home, w/separate entrance. Parking. Aug. 1st. $675/mo. + 905-465-1961. ik 'k -k u tilitie s included Tycourt Apts. 1360 to 1422 Tyandaga Park Dr., Burlington P ark-like se tting near g o lf course & QEW 1-Bedroom , Immed. from $825. 2-Bedroom , Immed. from $918. 3-Bedroom Townhome Aug. from $1145. Call today to view: GLEN A b bey- Third Line/ Upper Middle Rd. Executive Mattamy townhome (free hold). 2000sq.ft 3-bedroom /master bedroom has ensu ite jaquzzi and lounge, 2.5 baths, gas fireplace, lawn and snow maintenance in cluded. Luxu riously fin ished, double drive/ ga rage, etc. $2300/mo+. Ref erences required. 905-3011437 905-847-0387________ FRESHLY Renovated! Brant/ QEW, Burlington. 2bedroom, Aug. 15th, $850/ mo. (utilities extra, 1 parking included) 905-319-9769 O A K V IL L E - 3-Bedroom townhouse availab le im mediately through Sept.1st. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Man agement, 905-876-3336 RIVER OAKS Executive townhome 3-bedroom. 2.5 baths, c/air, finished base ment, $1600/mo. -futilities. Aug.15th. John 416-941-5980. BURLINGTON, Bluefields Drive, clean, bright 2 bed room m aisonnette tow n house. Laundry. No dogs. August/Septem ber. $895/ mo.-f 905-336-7207. 2-BEDROOM + den con do townhouse, W est Bur lington. Mint end unit, new carpet, skylight, 5 applianc es, garage, fenced rear, walk to GO. A u g .1st. $1195./m o.+ utilities. Call W arren Hill, T rafalga r Property Management, 905-338-1130, Ext.36 O A K V IL L E - N.E., execu tive, 3yrs. old, 1735sq.ft, 3bdrm, 2.5 bath, appliances, c/a, Ravine, Sept/1 st. $1850/m o+ u tilitie s . 905338-2607_________________ 4-BEDROOM +den, South east B urlington. Finished basem ent, 3 appliances, garage, C/A, 1-1/2 baths. Immediate. $1450/mo. 905549-9992._________________ B U R LO A K / Lakeshore. Im m aculate 3-bedroom , $1,300 /m o.f utilities. Aug. or Sept. R eferences. No dogs. 905-333-5506, Ext.75 NORTH B urlington, 3bedroom end unit, 3 baths with ensuite, firepla ce (wood), finished basement, wet bar, patio, 5 applianc es, $1395/m o.+ utilities. Aug. 1st.905-333-5506. Ext.71 BURLINGTON 2&3 bed rooms availab le Septem ber. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths. One outside park ing. Near schools, shop ping. P ark-like setting. 905-333-1190._____________ PROSPECT PARK- Quiet private location. 2- bedrm., 1.5 baths., $995., incl, heat. 905-631-9748 _______ BURLINGTON executive. Ravine lot, 3-bedroom, 2.5 baths & finished basement, 6 appliances, fireplace, pa tio, balconies, indoor pool, whirl pool & garage Avail able August/1st $1600+ utilities 905-332-6877 P U B L IC A U C T IO N O AKV ILLE. Room. Suite s tu d e n t. S hare k itc h en/bath. Near Sheridan/all a m e n itie s . $ 4 5 5 ./m o. in clusive. Sept. 1st. 905-3376722 shared accommodation BURLINGTON- by Spencer Smith Park, em ployed, responsible adult wanted, $400/mo. inclusive. Smoker okay. 9 05 -63 7-90 72 Immediate. HWY#5/ Guelph. Share 3bedroom home w/nonsmoking. fem ale. Private bathroom, F/P, furnished, parking. $450/mo. +1/2 utilities. 905-319-7556.________ BURLINGTON non-smoker to share townhouse, full house privilege s, near shopping, bus. Immediate. $450/m o. First/last. 905631-7392_________________ O A K V ILLE South. Share comfortable updated home. Beautiful yard w/deck, parking, $525/m o.+ Nonsm oker preferred. Im m e diate. 905-465-1961. Please, if you see me, please call my mom, she is very worried about me. Her name is Laura and her num ber is 905-331-0077, 51-3480 Upper Middle Rd., SATURDAY, JULY 27 AT 7:PM (PREVIEW 6:PM) THE HOLIDAY INN BURLINGTON 3063 SOUTH SERVICE ROAD (Guelph Line & QEW) OVER 1000 ITEMS TO BE SOLD JEWELLERY I Large selection of ladies & gents 10-14 kt. gold diam ond I la n d genuine stone rings. Earrings, bracelets, designer | |w atches, pearls, pendants, sterling silver, etc. A rew ard is offere d fo r m y safe return! (U pp er M id d le / W a lke r's area) COLLECTIBLES 9- 19Litre glass Carboys, used. $99/all. 9 0 5 -6 3 7 5427_____________________ BABY item s- good condi tion, Has everything from cribs to clothing. 905-3318144_____________________ B IK E S - 2 children 22" Raleigh bikes (18spd. & 15spd.), both $100. 905825-9290_________________ BU N K BED S- with built-in drawers, closet & shelf. $80. 905-844-7423________ DINING room table and six chairs great conditon $50 905-336-5271 or 905336-5451__________________ FREE: used deck lum ber 2"x6" 6' long, 80 pieces. Call 905-637-7007._________ LITTLE Tykes slide and picnic table, excellent condition $60. 905-637-5189 REFRIGERATOR & stove, harvest gold, both in good running order, $100/for both. 905-333-6773________ STOVE, G.E. very good condition, $100. Call 905825-5316. ____________ W ARDROBE with m irror doors & drawer. Measure ments 3 6 "x65"x22". $50/ firm. 905-633-8540 W ASHER / D ry e r- Kenmore. Very good condition, almond. $100/pair/Firm FREE E stim ates... Got wobbly or broken chairs? Weak sofa or chair springs? Soft foam? Tired looking wood fin ish e s? ... then call Fields for all furni ture repairs and custom wood refinishing, 9-9 daily, 905-632-9090______________ FRIGID AIRE G allery ce ramic top convection stove, black colour, barely used. $800 obo. 905-338-9563 FUTON d o u b le h u n te r green w ith fra m e $18 0., box & m a ttre ss (qu e e n size) brand nam e, o rth o p edic $42 5., both brand new, will deliver (905)2573743_____________________ GARDEN furniture, $125. 2 tables,$60/ea. F illing cabinet, $50. Office desk, $100. Framed art work. 905-338-2837 KENMORE fridge & stove- $700. Pool table, 4 1/2x9, 1" slate, $2000. All excelient condition. 905689-2712_________________ M ICROWAVE G oldstar, 1000-watt, $85; roll down blind 7'wide baby blue $75; dusty rose blinds w/double header valance, $400; Tif fany lamp, $75. 905 -33 16742._____________________ M O V IN G -E V E R Y T H IN G m ust go before July 31st beautiful modern furniture, w h o le a p a rtm e n t fo r $4,800 /obo. 1yr new black 3-piece leather set bought $3 ,500, g la s s -to p dining set/off white leather chairs, 27"TV/stand/VCR/large/spe a kers, iron c o ffe e & end ta b le ,m iron bed queen s iz e /m a ttre s s (9 0 5 )3 3 8 3322_______________ MOVING sale: Antique French Provincial loveseat & chairs, diningroom , oak kitchen set, colonial bed room, lamps, tables, orien tal carpets, appliances, ex cellent condition. 905-6347571______________________ MOVING. Household contents: living/ dining, en tertainment centre, 13* TV, dressers, desks, filing cabi nets, etc.... 905-331-8321. M OVING: Kenmore s e lf cleaning oven, excellent condition, $450; child's light maple bedroom set, 7pce. $400. 905-331-5207. NEED a Computer... Don't Have Cash? The O riginal IBM PC, just $1. a day., no money down! Unlim ited AOL & in ternet free fo r 1 year! The Buck a Day Com pany, call 1-800-772-8617. www.buckaday.com OFFICE desks, chairs, fax m achines, p rin te rs,sca n ners and photocopier, any reasonable offer accepted, please call 905-312-8758, ext. 300 QUALCOMM QCP 2760 cell phone. Alm ost new. $35. 905-690-6623_________ SAMSUNG fla t screen TV s 27", 20" & DVD player all for just $999 or a $1 a day..no money down! The Buck A Day Co. 1-800-3328318, www.buckaday.com SC O O TER O p tiw a y F o r tre s s th re e w h eel pow er scooter, bath chair- toilet se a t 1 po le p u ll up (905)845-4615____________ SOFA and 2 chairs, rust brown, wool, w ell made, $150. obo. 6ft. bookcase, microwave, 905-331-5395 SPAS.. Spas... Spas Bro ken partnership forces sale, over 30 spas still in wrapp er. Must be sold at cost or below. 905-567-9459_______ S P E C IA L IZ E D Epic road bike $900 M ongoose m ountain bike $900, both for $1,600/obo. Call (416) 892-7390_______________ STEREO SYSTEM techn ics stereo system with Cerw in V ega sp e a k e rs and stand. 5 disc CD player, dual c a sse tte , do lb y pro logic surro und sound re ceiver $600 or best offer. Call (905)525-5678 STOVE, H otpoint s e lf cleaning, white, 6-yrs. old, excellent condition, $250. Call 905-333-7199. THERM O PANE 2 window s, 40 "x5 8 " 905-847-8318. new Call iTiffany glass lamps, Satsuma Porcelain collection, Royal I lD ux, collector plates, wildlife sculptures, floor lamps, Iclocks, decor accent items, floor vases, hand made unique 1 nostalgia items, signboards, depression glass, hand made I model ships, CD cabinets, carved storage trunks. Murano Clowns, collector showcases, Limoges, cast iron toys, | (fountains, die cast collection, garden sculptures. 905-335-3001 E-m ail: tycourt@ sympatico.ca for info. TERRIFIC 2-bedroom , Beach Blvd., eat-in oak kitchen, livingroom w/bay window, deck, A u g.1st., $650/mo. +hydro. 905-6342883._____________________ CE NTR ALLY located, well- maintained, spacious 1-bedroom - August. Must see to appreciate. 3055 Glencrest Road. Burlington, 905-637-3921_____________ BURLING TO N, Headon Road. 2-bedroom upper, balcony, a/c, appliances, $800/m o. +utilities. A u g .1st. Suit single girls. 905-827-5542. OLD O akville. Beautifully m aintained, very clean, quiet building downtown. Step out to shops. Bachelor, $750.; 1-bed room from $985; 2-bedroom from $1250./mo. No lease. 905-845-8254 (leave message) PROSPECT PARK- Clean quiet w ell m aintained building. Large modern 1bedrm. $795., incl. utilities. 905-631-9748 _ _______ BURLINGTON- Lakeshore/ Guelph Line. Immaculately renovated. 1-bedroom apart ment. Separate entrance, parking, Avail. Aug/Sept. No sm oking/ pets. $800/mo. +hydro. Contact Bryan 905637-4877(9am-5pm) or 905971-3002._________________ BU RLING TO N- Large 2bedroom (825 sq.ft.) Clean quiet building near dow n town. Parking. $795/m o. Call Annie, 905-634-5885. BU RLING TO N: Large 1bedroom basement apart ment, S e p t.1st. Separate entrance, w a lk-in closet, Non-sm oker. King/Plains. $800/m o. in clusive. 905333-6540._________________ DOWNTOWN Burlington: Large 2-bedroom , A/C, parking, included Sept. 1st. $975./mo.+. Call 416-4203952 or 905-842-9275 BRONTE H arbour, Spa cious 2-bedroom suites available. Heat/ hydro in cluded. From $1235/m o. 905-825-9616, 9am-6pm DOWNTOWN Burlington, 1275 Elgin S treet. 2&3 Bedroom s, August/ Sep tember. Freshly decorated, spacious, well maintained & quiet with upgraded fire alarm system for safe highrise living. Call 905-637-0321 O A K V ILLE Downtown. S pacious im m aculately renovated 2-bedroom apartm ent. Parking. On Lakeshore Road / Kerr Street, from $1100/m o. + u tilitie s . Im m ediate. No pets. 905-337-7135. FURNITURE I Hand made desks, consoles, m irrors, hall tables, salon Ichairs, occasional tables, dining table & chairs, china Icabinets, oak dining table & chairs, vanity & stool, tables, I French commodes. Consoles, trunks, dressers, tables, (accent items, selection of iron accents, quilt stands, ferns tables, washstand, tilt wine tables, leather sofa set, dining Iro o m suites. Quilt stand, m arble top consoles, chiming Igrandfather clocks, pine tables, sleigh beds, bedroom | suites, armoires. I | PORT CREDIT Townhouse - 3 bedroom, 2 bath, walk ing distance to lake, back ing onto park, fin is h e d basement, appliances, un de rg ro u n d parkin g, low cond o fees. $18 5,00 0, 905-278-8820 - No agents please "EM PRESS" across from Burlington Mall. Near QEW/ GO. 1-bedroom , ensuite laundry, 24-hr. security, un derground parking, 10th flo o r balcony, lakeview . $1100/mo. inclusive. Oct.lst. 905-633-7415; 905-634-8678. HAM ILTO N upscale 3bedroom +++ townhome on Chedoke G olf Course. Rent $ 1 ,675/m o. Sell $214,900. 905-528-4944. GRANDE Regency; Fabu lous upgraded 1-bedroom penthouse. C/A, balcony, pool, exercise, security, 5 appliances, No smoking, no pets. $1200/mo. Aug./Sept. L.Davies R.E., 905-333-^347 DOWNTOWN Burlington: Superb Penthouse, pano ramic lake view! Impecca ble decor, 2-bedroom s + den, library, terrace. No sm oking. Prefer no pets. $2700/m o. S e p t.1st or sooner. Call L.Davies R.E., 905-333-4347_____________ l l w l houses for rent I I I [ GENERAL ITEMS I Limited edition art of The Group of Seven, accent and Idecor art, Port. Stereos, cordless phones, framed sports Imemorabilia; w ater fountains, 36x48 grand foyer m irrors. land various accent sizes, all from Italy with museum Iframes. Cast iron accents, A.J. Casson serigraphs with lEstate Seal (last known works of artist). Electronics, (phones, TVs, etc. Manv m ore items, too num erous to mention. ' NO BLYERS FEES OR PREMIUMS ARRIVE EARLY - VERY LIMITED SEATING Terms: Cash, Visa, MC, Interac as p er posted & announced, additions & deletions apply. Information: call 9 0 5 - 4 7 7 - 2 4 2 4 w w w .proauction.com for mailing list I I I I [ WE specialize in C ondo minium Sales & Rentals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., Realtor, (905)333-- 4347 INVESTM ENT property for sale 2 storey O akville office building. Approx. 11,000 sqft Close to QEW and GO station. Multi ten ants. fully leased @ aver age $17.00 P.S.F gross. Asking $829,000 Trafalgar (O akville) Realty Inc. Jim Lachapelle 905-338-1130 Ext.24 industrial /commercial space O A K V ILL E Downtown. Retail space approx. 1,000 sq.ft. $1400/mo. plus. 2,000 sq.ft. $2100/mo. plus. Call 905-337-7135._____________ UNDER $4.00per annum, per sq. ft. net. warehouse or light industrial. 50,000 sq. ft. or less. Radiant heat, s p rin k le rs , O H. cra n e s, loading docks, Oakville lo cation ph. 905-616-8866 N E W LYR enovatedfor rent 1, 2 & 3 bdrm. apart ments. Close to all am eni ties. $1050 to $12 75./mo inclusive. Parking extra. Im m ediate occupancy. 205 Queen Mary Drive 905844-9670 LAKE Muskoka, near Bala. 3-bedroom +bunky, dock, canoes, Aug.19-Sept.2 for $3,000. 905-257-8872 after 6 pm. Rental Bonus LIMITED TIME OFFER 1 Outdoor Parking $ 1.00 (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bachelor from S709* 1-Bdrmsfrom $869* 2-Bdrms from $979.* 12` S pringbok aluminum boat with 10hp Honda mo tor and trailer, gas tank and oars. $1750, must sell. Ex cellent condition. 905-6320068, Burlington. 17-1/2" cedar strip run-a bout, 70hp Johnson, newer trailer, fiberglass hull. Needs varnish. $2995. 905 -60 1-64 85; 905-3314807______________________ f J r t l l lost & found FOUND- Full set of keys in the area of W inston and Foxbar Rd. Includes 1 Chrysler key and Ford key + 4 other keys, Scottish emblem .905-637-0973 FOUND: C alico- Walkers Ln./ Upper Middle Rd. We call Alyx. Please call 905637-7325____________ _____ FOUND: Grown tabby w/ w hite. N. Service Rd./ Guelph Ln. We call Alyx. Please Call 905-637-7329 FOUND: Fem ale tabby, Mapleview Mall area. Call 905-639-3847 LOST: brooch antiquetype sunburst made up of seed pearls & gold- Sat. July 20th, we think on Tho mas St (west side, north of C olborne). Reward. 416862-6432. 370 I pets, supplies boarding 510 general help wanted House 4 Rent B ra n t- 1 b lo c k N. 4 0 7 , W e s t s id e GOLDEN R e triever pups, Championship bloodlines, excellent temperment, hips/ eyes clear, ready to go Aug.21st. 905-338-9280. 1111 cars for sale 1997 Honda C ivic red 2door coupe, 5-speed, CD player, new tint, certified, em ission-tested, $9,000. 905-637-1781.__________ CO NV ER TIB LES VW, 1986- 1987. Priced to sell! Tops perfect. Mechanically great shape. Safety/ e-tested. Average $3250/ea. 905-639-7570._____________ 1995 Pontiac S p itfire certified, E-tested, 150K, new tires, excellent condi tion $5000/obo. 905-336-8424 1985 Ford Tempo, certified E-tested, A/C, great condition. $1800 905-570-4866 1993 Bonneville 120,000km, green, PS, PB, PW, 3.8L, V6, great condition. $4000 neg. Call 905-825-8413___ FOR Lease: 2001 Hyundai Elentra, auto, air, etc.. Take over 32 months remaining on lease, perfect condition, only 18K, excellent value, all upfront costs paid. 905469-4294______ ____ 1991 Honda Accord LX gray, 4-door, auto., great condition, no rust, $2,650. Call 905-335-0162._________ 1997 A u d i- A4 quattro, sport luxury, black, leather, 5 speed, $18,500. will cer tify. (519)853-3698, even ing^______________________ 1997 C a v a lie r- 5 speed, CD, tint, 99hwy Km's, ex celle n t cond ition, $7700, certified & E-tested. 905510-3473_________________ 1977 Bertone Fiat- 2 seater conve rtible, original 34,500 miles, red in colour, excellen t condition, new tires & battery, Firm $2750. Call Lou 905-279-5669 1989 CUTLASS Supreme good condition, auto., 2door, CD, A/C. power wind ows, power locks. $3,000 obo. 905-633-9058_________ 1999 Infin ity G20T, 5speed, all options, silver, black leather, "Bose" ster eo, sunroof, dealer se rv iced balance w arranty 84,km $17,900 905-845-5151 1997 Taurus Wagon, load ed, built in cel phone, certi fied and E-tested 117,000k. $8,900. Call (905)257-2642 1991 N issan S tanza, 5 spee d, a /c ,A M /F /M CD, power windows, certified, excellent condition/ $4000 (905)849-0514 after 6pm 1990 H yu n d a i S onata, 16 2 ,0 0 0 km s, c e rtifie d , em is s io n passe d. V ery good condition $3,000/obo (905)257-3242 Spacious and well maintained highrise. M ost newly decorated! Some with lake view. Tel: (905) 845-9502 *(2% prompt pay. disc.) Beautiful Lakefront 5348 Lakeshore 2-B drm · $975./m o. Available September Quiet building. New appliances. Laundry on each floor. Parking. New windows, ceramic, hardwood, cupboads. 5-bdrm , 2 Ivgrm., 2 baths, 2 kitchens. A/C 4 Epic chrome rims + 4, 60 series tires, universal fit for Nissan, Honda & Toyota. Excellent shape, less than 800km on tires. Over $1500 value, asking $850. 905844-1018_________________ A-ONE condition, off white sofa, $300. Bedroom set, $300. Sofa & love seat, $250. Occasional tables, $50. 905-825-3580 AIR Conditioner- (window) Kenmore 8000 BTU, $225. 905-845-3507_____________ ANTIQUE chandelier (100 crystals), large umbrella/ coat rack, brass/ oak/ bevelled mirror, 42x72; antique desk; antique marble top hall table; a ntiq ue-style m irror; Wedgewood china 8-place setting (" C o untryw are" ) white tone-on-ton e, extra pieces, cost $2,300, asking $1000. Days. 416-828-5557; 905-335-6845 after 6pm. B E A U T IF U L solid w alnut desk 35"x76"Lge, with swi vel chair. Also a 17" color Mag Monitor. All like new. V alue over $3200 asking $900 call 416-809-7676____ BED, All-New King, Extra thick pillow-top Orthopedic mattress set. Still in plastic. Cost $1700. S a crifice, $650. 905-304-5573. BEDROOM suite, brand new 8-pce., solid Cherrywood sleighbed, Chest, dresser w /m irror, 2-nightstands. All Dovetail. Never opened, still boxed. Cost $8,999, sell $3,999. 905971-1777._________________ BEDROOM fu rn itu re - 2twin beds, 2-writing tables, dresser, m irror, sofabed, loves eat, dining table& 4chairs, bookshelf, TV/VCR/ Stereo rack. C ontact Kay forapp't. 905-331-9410 BEDROOM set. 8-pce, cherrywood. Bed, chest, tri dresser, m irror, night stands, dovetail construc tion. Never opened, in box es. Cost $9,000. Sacrifice $3500. 905-567-9459 BEDS. New, Double, $220; Queen, $240. Complete w/ frame. Futons. Free Delivery. Refurbished VCRs, 17-25" colour TVs, portable CD players. 905-681-9496. B E D - Queen, orthopedic pillow top m attress, boxspring & fram e. New, in plastic. Cost $1125, sell $450. W ill deliver. 905971-3315._________________ BOBBY Orr Boston Bruins je rsey, autographed in wood display case with glass door. Call 905 -63 45934._____________________ CARPET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902 CHERRY M ahogany p ia no/ C irca 1912/ Up-right grand. All original, excel lent cond ition. $3800. 905-469-4484_____________ COUCH, 6-mos. old SklarPepplar, taupe tones- won't fit; Lawnm ower 1-yr. old Murray 4 h.p. engine; twin boxspring. 905-319-7010. DIAMOND engagem ent ring for s a le - bought at Spence Diam onds with original appraisal, bought for $4000, selling for $3000. Serious inquires only, 905-203-2180 DININGROOM, 14-pce, cherryw ood. 92" double pedestal. 8 Chippendale chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail construction. Still in boxes. Cost $14,000. Sacrifice $5,000. 905-5679459______________________ FIREPLACE insert, Lake wood, air tig h t w /fans, $300; 55gal., aquarium $150; 200 in terlo cking bricks, $50/all. 9 0 5 -3 3 5 6078._____________________ FORMAL livingroom & di ningroom set. o riginally from DeBoers. Best offer accepted. 905-469-4487 MANU FAC TU RING com pany looking for daytim e production worker. Heavy manual labour is involved. Please apply in person, with resume to: 359 Wheelabrator Way, Milton G ENERAL M aintenance person required fulltime for manufacturing plant in Mis sissauga. $11 -$12/ hour. Fax resume: 905-820-9988 A T TEN DAN T/ Car w ash er required for Volvo of Oakville. Must have clean drivers license. Send/ fax resume to the attention of Service Manager 905-825-8802. CLEANERS, part-tim e evenings, required in C a m pbellville area. Must have own transportation. Please call 519-659-3369 KENNEL help needed. W eek-ends/ week-days, must have own transporta tion. Must be able to handle large group of dogs inde pendently. Please call 905_ _ 257-5927 OUTGOING Sales people for the Bay Mapleview. Talk to families about portraits. Earn $100/day commission or more. W e'll teach you how. 1-800-747-4903 CAREGIVER for elderly woman. Live-in Mon.- Fri. Housekeeping, admin, meds, hygienic care. Con tact Kathy, 905-921-5619, leave m essage; Fax re sume: 905-333-6374 TRAVEL Agent. Burlington minimum 1 year exp e ri ence. Apollo required. Full time. Fax resume 905-681 -2114 BEST OFFER 905-634-7878 IM M AC ULATE 3-bedroom detached home in North Burlington. Close to all am enities. $1250/mo + utilities. Available Aug/15th Call Barbara 905-632-9338 ALDERSHOT- 3-bedrooms, hardwood floors, parking, separate entrance, A/C. R eferences. $900. No smoking. Available Aug.1. 905-637-6547 BURLING TO N. Available S e p t.1st. 3-bedroom , fin ished recroom , hardwood floors, garage, la rge lot, near schools/ QEW/ GO. $1300/mo. -(-utilities. 905827-0368._________________ HO PE D A LE/ Sedgew ick. 3-bedroom, oversized dou ble garage, air, A u g .1st., $1800/mo. -(-utilities. Maple Leaf HMC Inc. 905-842-8383. O A K V ILLE 3-bedroom 2bath sem i, 5-appliances, large kitchen, garage, fin ished basem ent w /fireplace, Sept/1 st $1400/mo. -(utilities. 905-849-1162. BURLING TO N West. Available S e pt.1st. 2-bed room bungalow , 4 ap pliances, c/air, $875/mo. + u tilitie s . R eferences. Call 905-527-5394._____________ NORTH Burlington 4-bed room, 2.5 baths, C/A, C/V, near all am enities, double garage $1990/mo + utilities A va ila ble anytim e. 905335-3465_________________ BURLING TO N historic home. 3-bedroom s +den, appliances, firepla ce, Lakeshore Road, $1200/ mo.+ Pets okay. Call 905333-1759._________________ LARG E executive 4 bed room house. Com m uters .dream . Close to Toronto and H am ilton. W alking distance to Schools. 4 bathrooms, main floor fami ly room eat-in kitchen, for mal living room and dining room, p rofession ally fin ished basement, 2 car ga rage, 5 appliances. $2400/ mo. 905-876-4090__________ BURLING TO N, New/ Pinedale. Pool, 3-bedroom, fish pond, garage, air, 10minute walk to GO train, Aug.1st. $1500/mo. -(-utili ties. Maple Leaf HMC Inc. 905-842-8383._____________ 3 bedroom bungalow, fin ished basement, Hopedale Mall area. Septem ber 1st, $1300/mo. 905-844-3770 RENT to Own options or 0 Down Program based on credit & earnings verifica tion. Contact Jay Nelligan, Associate Broker, Re/Max Escarpment Realty, Realtor, 905-639-5258; creativeopts@quickclic.net BURLING TO N. Spruce/ Appleby 3 bedroom house, finished basem ent, (2bdrm., familyroom), 2 baths, near GO, schools, Mall. No pets. $1400/mo. -futilities. 416-537-7364_____________ DOWNTOWN O akville, GO; Large, freshly painted, 4-bedrooms, study, 3 bath rooms, C/A, pool, In-law suite. Immediate. $2,000./ mo. 905-338-0622 O A K V ILL E off Kerr St, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, garage, fenced yard, 4 appliances, gas stove, C/A, gas fire place in family room. Nonsm okers/ No pets. R efer ences. $1450/mo. plus util itie s First/L ast. A va ila ble October 1st.(905)842-4036. LOOKING for professional to share one office with 3 C /A 's, T ra fa lg a r /Q E W area. Call (905)334-6931 MONEY Problem s? G ar nishees? Too many pay ments? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 631 -- 0600______________________ [ J v l mortgage, loans C A L L REDW O OD 1-8003 2 8 -7 8 8 7 , e x t.321 1-yr 4.55; 5-yr 5.90, ARM 1.74. Also equity m ortgage pro gram s, re g a rd le s s of in come or credit. NEED a m ortgage fast? Below bank rate. 1st and 2nd, New, Renewal, Resi dential or Comm ercial Mortgages. Past poor cred it, bankrupt, self-employed, Equity financing. Quick ap proval. Call 416-410-0629 or 1-877-305-3727 (7 days/ wk.) Guaranteed financing. Call 9am-5pm: 905-639-3301 O A K V ILL E - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large Renovated 1&2Bdrm. New appliances, windows. From $845./mo 905-844-5474___________ O A K V ILLE . Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Bachelor, July, $780/mo.; 1-bedroom, July/Aug. $925/ mo.; 2-bedroom, July/Aug., $1040/mo.; 3-bedroom, Im mediate, $1225/m o. ( + parking) 905-844-9006 O AKVILLE- Trafalgar and QEW. Completely renovat ed, with dishwasher. Build ing is very clean and Quiet. 1, 2, & 3 from $1,070/m o pkg. incl. Call Carol at 905844-7332 ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 3& 4 Bdrm from $925+ 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 F/T Live-in nanny wanted to provide TLC for 2 child ren. Non-smoker preferred. Call 905-331-8562_________ LIVE-IN N anny- Reliable non-smoker for 2 children. Valid drivers license & ref erences required. Call 905-257-5574______________ LIVE-IN Nanny to help care for 3 children (5,4,1). Various s p lit hours. Glen Abbey. 905-465-0469. LIVE-IN nanny required for 9 month baby boy & 9 yrs. girl. Starting Oct 1st. 905-319-2320 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Am elin Property M gm t G EORGIAN Court Es tates, King/ Plains Rd., Bur lington. Large 2&3 bed room tow nhouses, full basements. Call 905-632-8547 N.E. B u rlin g to n - 2 or 3 bedrooms, availab le Au gust 1st & Sept. 1st. C/a, parking. Kathy Chiu, Asso ciate Broker, Sutton Group Results Realty, 905-332-4111 Animal Hospital L o o k in g fo r a new ca reer? We have a position for you! We require a ve te rin a ry re c e p tio n is t fo r our sp ecialty hospital in O a k v ille . P re v io u s exp. an asset. R e s p o n s ib ili tie s in clu d e c le rica l du tie s w ith b a s ic u n d e r s ta n d in g o f v e te rin a ry services. Resumes to: Bronte Road Animal Hospital, Attn: Bonnie LAKEFRONT Burlington! Large clean 2-bedroom apartments available Aug./ Sept. 2338 Lakeshore Rd. Call 905-637-3447.________ BASEMENT A p a rtm e n tsuitable for couple, no pets. Available August 1st. $800/ mo +half utilities. References. 905-844-2317. ONE bedroom. C entral Burlington, clean, quiet building. Suit adult. $750 / mo. available S e pt./ Oct. 1st. 905-634-0697 TWO bedroom, C entral Burlington, clean, quiet building. Suit adults. $975./ mo. available Sept./ Oct. 1st. 905-634-0697______________ BRONTE. Private en trances, 5 appliances, jacuzzis, gas fireplaces, a/c, walk to lake. No pets, non sm oking. Parking. 2-b e d rooms, 2 bathroom s, loft, skylights, Aug.1st, $1375/ mo. -(-utilities; 2-bedrooms, $1200/mo. -4-utilities, immediate. 416-993-1622._______ O A K V ILL E : 190 Kerr, at Rebecca. Renovated, Large suites. Walk to everything. New security system. 1&2 bedrooms from $845/mo. 905-845-1777______________ W ATERDOW N: John St. W alk to Everything. New Appliances, New Windows. Comp. Reno. 1, 2& 3 Bdrms starting at $770. Util. Incl. (905)689-1647, 905690-4454__________________ BURLING TO N. 2-bdrm. Clean, quiet, w e ll-m a in tained. Excellent central lo cation. Parking, from $779/ mo. +hydro. August/ Sept. (No dogs) (905)664-2659; (905)572-7631_____________ SPACIOUS 1.2&3 Bed rooms. Freshly painted, bright. C om petitive rent. Burlington high-rise. W ellmaintained. Convenient lo cation. 905 -33 3-98 46, Noon-8pm 431 Martha St., Downtown Burlington. 1&2 bedroom w/balcony, $795/$850mo. Includes heat, water, park ing. First/ last required. 905637-2820 or 905-631-8460 ASK about our parking special! O akville. QEW / Trafalgar. 1-bedroom from $839/mo.*; 2-bedroom from $939/mo.* 3-bedroom from $1039/m o.* W ell m ain tained building. Nellie, 905339-2028. (` included 2% prompt payment discount) 1-Bedroom Available Aug. 15th Call Now 905 Burlington Towers 1, 2 905* & 3 639-8583 Bdrm Suites 639*8583 BURLINGTON Lakeshore Road and Brant Street. Large, bright and com pletely renovated with lots of storage. Clean and Quiet building. 1, 2 & 3-bedrooms starting from $899/mo. Call Stella at 905-681-8506 TY AN D AG A Area House Apartm ents. 2&3 Bdrm, Im m ed./ August. Situated on private, park-like grounds. Freshly decorated 1&2 storey with w/o to private cedar patio. Tyandaga Terrace, 1460 Tyandaga Pk Dr., 905336-0016; 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr., 905-336-0015 O A K V ILL E , near new YMCA. 3-bedroom s (c a r peted), mainfloor of house, hardwood, share laundry, $1350/mo. +utililties. 416726-6996._ _ _____________ CANADIANA. Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1,2&3 bedroom s availab le July/ Aug./Sept. 5220 Lakeshore, Burlington. 905-632-5486. BRANT St., Burlington. 2& 3 bedrooms from $950, in cludes 1 free outdoor park ing, utilities & cable TV. To view call 905-639-1960 REFINED Tenants for 1&2 bedroom suites in luxury buildings close to Burling ton M all. C all the "P rin cess", 905-639-8009 or "Regency" 905-681 -8115 2-BEDRO O M on Kerr, main level w/own entrance, 14ft ceilin gs, August 1st. $950/mo. 905-257-1669 BU RLING TO N M a ll- 2bedrooms, ground floor, 4 app liances, $860/m o+. Kerr/ Lakeshore, Oakville, 1-bedroom second floor, $695/m o+; 905-632-5690 Albert McDonagh Ltd. Re altor GEORGIAN Apartm ents. 1,2&3 Bedrooms. July/ Aug./ Sept. Heat/ hydro in cluded. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 905-6390456, M-F: 9am-4pm, 6:308pm w w w.onfim .com email: btowers@ cogeco.net QUIET FAMILY LIVING! 2418 Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 3-BEDROOMS EXPERIENCED p r o v id er offering childcare in my S.E. Burlington home. Day tim e or evening hours available, full or part-time. 905-333-6723_____________ C H IL D -C A R E in-home atmosphere. Sept-July. Lo cated in Glen Abbey, bet ween Third and Fourth Line. Day-care and home child care experience. 905827-9324_______________ EXPERIENCED daycare, full-time available. Lunch es/ snacks, fenced yard, TLC, infants-2years. Nonsmoker, references, 905SI 9-9604 before 9pm. Steele or Chris Peebles: Fax: 905-825-0133 DRY C le a n in g - Presser, C leaner, Counter, Exper. 770 Guelph Line. Burling ton. In person or by fax: 905-522-5785____________ TIM Hortons is looking for a fulltime afternoon Super visor, f/t counter help and f/t night shift person. Experi enced preferred but willing to tra in . Please apply in person to: 2355 Trafalgar Rd. or call between 7am4pm 905-257-1294_________ TIRE Person wanted for passenger & light trucks, 13 yrs. experience. Excellent salary & benefits. W ell-es tablished company. Call or apply in person: O akville Tire & Auto C entre, 905847-6000. I PRIME Downtown Bur lington, Upgraded 1,2&3 Bedroom Apartm ents. Scenic views. Beautiful grounds. 477 Elizabeth, 905-634-9374; 478 Pearl, 905-632-1643 BURLING TO N. 383 St. Paul Street: 2-bedroom , $825/m o. Includes heat, hydro, parking. For ap pointm ent, 905-634-6903. Well- maintained by Jordan & Williamson W ATERDOW N. Upper duplex in village, loft bed room +den, 4 appliances, 2-car parking, 1/2 yard, $695/m o. + u tilitie s . Suit couple. F irst/ last. R efer ences. 905-689-5297 evgs. 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur lington. 2&3 bedroom apartments available Aug/ Sept. From $945/mo. 905632-0129__________________ NEWLY renovated 2/3bedroom apartment, Start ing at $820/m o. +hydro, park setting, Oakville. Call 905-338-6473. $999./m o. + 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. 905-639-9212 O A K V ILL E - New townhome for rent. 3-bedroom, 2.5 baths, large lot, C/A, C/ V, 5-appliances. Avail. August/30th $1600/mo + utili ties 905-338-3476 leave message__________________ FRESHLY painted 2-Bedroom townhom es. H ard wood floors, finished base ment, 1-1/2 baths, Brant/ Prospect, Burlington. No dogs. A ug./Sept. $999./ mo.+ utilities/ parking. 905639-7805 to view___ OAKVILLE Luxury 3 bed room to w n h o u s e , 2-1 /2 b a th ro o m s . T h ird Line / Upper Middle Rd/ Highway 5. 4 appliances/A/C. Avail able Septem ber 1st. Call (905)827-6959 AFTER SCH OO L care needed for 11& 8yr. old in your home or mine starting Septem ber. Florence M eares (M illc ro ft) area. 905-319-2615 ______ SEEKING childcare for our infant. Full-time starting Septem ber eithe r our home/yours (would consid er nanny share), would also consider a short term ar rangement (Sept.-January). Located in Glen Abbey (Third Line & Abbeywood), non-smoker. 905-465-0169 babysitting TEENAGER for occasion al bab ysitting. F airfield School area. Must live in Aldershot. $6/hr. 905-5268633 WASHER & d ry e r- 1yr. old. Beaum ark, stacking, excellent condition, $800. 905-331-8751____________ W ASHER / Dryer, white. E xcellent condition, 24" white stove, 30" stove, gas dryer & electric dryer. Call 905-335-2059._____________ W A TE R -S K I life ja ckets, boa t and tra ile r & fu ll tarp, 16ft Kodiak Bow Rider, 7 0H P Evin R ude m oto r (905)845-- 4615 WHEELCHAIR- new $1900, used 1 month, will sell for $900. Small to medium adult size. 905-844-3586________ UCC Pharmacy Inc. Walk er's Line & Dundas is now hiring: Pharmacists, Tech nicians & Cashiers. Excellent benefits. 1-866-310-1113. i T f | 1 * 1 drivers MOVING com pany re quires experienced Driver. Experienced people need only apply. Call 905-847-9638 CLASS AZ DRIVER Oakville m obile m ix concrete/top s o il/ disposal co. 5-6 days weekly, M in. 2-yrs exp. w/clean abstract. Mechanical a bility an asset. Able to handle physical work. Wage depends on exp. Call (905) 338-2550 LITTLE Caesars now h ir ing all in-store positions. Full/ part-time. Please apply at 2441 Lakeshore Rd., at Bronte Rd. Tel: 905-827-7778 ASSISTING M anage rperm anent full-tim e p o si tion. Min. 5yr. retail experi ence. Apply or fax resume to: Flowers By The Dozen, 901 Brant St. @ Fairview, Fax 905-681-0591__________ DIVERSE entry level po sition with tool and industri al supply business. Inside Sales. Must have good keyboarding skills and strong willingness to learn. Please fax resum e com plete with work related ref erences: 905-338-0412. BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! BURLING TO N Company requires furnished accom modation for single male for six m onths s tartin g Sep tember. Central Burlington or on bus route. Call Jean 905-681-9292 during busi ness hours. PART-TIME Edith Court 1-Bedroom, $740. Avail. Aug. & Sept. 2-Bedroom , $845. Avail. Sept. Includes utilities. Parking Available TUTORING available. Q ualified teacher. August program. Specializes in K to grade 5. Call 905-6316198. Sales Associate Paint/ Wallpaper We train! Forward resume: Attn: M ary-Anne C l I T l articles wanted V V V w V B U RLING TO Nlarge, furn ished room, cable, quiet, dow ntow n/ YMCA, male preferred, private en trance, $385/m o. Vacant. 905-632-1333._____________ OAKVILLE 1-room for rent Aug/1 st. Washer and dryer, Non-sm oker, parking in cluded. Please call 905849-4233_________________ FURNISHED bedroom, utilities, cable & parking in cluded, $375/m o. Francis Rd., Burlington. Call Mike, 905-632-4694 CAREGIVER live-in 2-3 day's weekly for senior in South Burlington. Certified, experienced. Excellent position. 905-333-6217. CERTIFIED R eflexologist and Reiki Master available for treatments in your home. Please call Sue 905-690-1142. Q UALITY private care available by reliable, hon est and qualified English P.S.W. Call 905-617-8239 (leave message) 905- 690-1896 O A K V ILL E 2-Bedroom available S e p t.1st. $995. Includes heat, hydro, park ing. Quiet building, Bronte Rd./ Lakeshore area. Close to everything. Steve 905827-6783. W ANTED A ll- Jew ellery, China, S ilver, Crystal, sewing m achines... Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Moorcroft, Quilts, Glass, collecti bles, estates. John/Tracy, 905-331-2477 Color Your World 245 W yecroft Road, Oakville, ON L 6K 3Y 6 AVONFree training. Work full or part-time. Free g ift when you jo in. Call 905-331-6205._____________ PRESS O perator required ASAP. 3 shifts, $10/hr to start. Location in M ilton. Call 905-272-2354 GUELPH Line area. 4-bed rooms, 1.5 baths, recroom, garage, $1030/m o. Call 905-632-5690, Albert Mc Donagh Ltd., Realtor. KITTENS- 2 males, black & white, all shots, neutered Call 905-331-5473

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