The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday May 22, 2002 - B13 BESTWHEELS OAKVILLE Tire air pressure plays critical role The L aurens S outh C aro lin a P roving G rounds o f M ichelin Tire often plays host to som e o f the w orld's m ost expert test drivers, but recently the experts behind the wheel were police, ad m in istrato rs and jo u rn a lists w ho learned first-hand the critical role tire air pres sure plays in braking and vehicle handling. The US N ational Highw ay T ransportation Safety A dm inistration estim ates that nearly half o f all passenger cars on the road have at least one tire under-inflated by 20 per cent. That m eans, if the vehicle placard indicates the correct pressure is 32 psi (pounds per square inch o f pressure) a 20 per cent reduction w ould drop the pressure to about 26 psi. "That seem ingly sm all difference can mean the m argin betw een control and out o f control for the average driver," said Mac D em ere, test driver at the proving grounds, "especially on wet road conditions." To illustrate, M ichelin set up a tire evalua tion test for invitees from the State Highw ay D epartm ent, local sheriffs and deputies and m em bers o f the m edia. The test required the driver to accelerate to 50 m iles per hour and then stop as quickly as possible on a wet sur face. First the test was run with tires at correct inflation pressure, then at inflation pressures 20 per cent below the vehicle m anufacturers recom m endation. "W ith the correct pressure, the tires are in co n tact w ith the road, ev acu atin g w ater through the tread grooves and transm itting the braking force that will bring the car to a halt," said Dem ere. "But when you low er the pressure by 20 percent, the center o f the tread is no longer m aking contact with the road. Basically, your tires are riding on w ater and it takes a greater distance to bring the car to a stop." For some participants, that increased dis tance was as much as seven-feet, clearly illus trating the reduced braking pow er of under inflated tires. The same is true in cornering. The test required drivers to m aintain a steady speed of 50 miles per hour w hile driving around a gen tle curve covered with a puddle of water, sim ulating highw ay conditions after a thunder storm. D rivers had no problem m aintaining vehicle control when tire pressures were at the correct setting, but hydroplaned out o f control when the pressures were dropped by 20 per cent. For more inform ation on tire safety and the im portance of tire inflation pressures and other tire m aintenance, visit http://w w w .m ichelinm / and click on "care and safety." H a lt o r iS e a r c h .o Y r r i ^ .I,j , prtjowQ**-1 V .rl& r , A I a .U iiL · W « - Red Tag Days end May 31st Oakville Toy ta We Do It Right For foul Even dogs have dreams too! !b p C N 3 , -l _ L ,, _____ X -- J J L 4 T im e W inner O fT h eT o y o taC anada "P re sid en t's P m A ward F o r Service Excellence" Avalanche, T-Bird win interior design awards T he C h e v ro le t A valanche and the F o rd T h u n d e rb ird w on top h onors fo r having th e "2 0 0 2 In te rio r o f the Year" fo r tru ck s and cars, resp ectiv ely . The a w a rd s w ere a n n o u n c e d at th e a n n u a l A u to In te rio rs S h o w at D e tro it's C o b o C o n fere n c e C enter. T he aw ard s are p resen ted annually by A uto In terio rs m agazine d u rin g the th reeday S how , w h ic h o p e n e d T u esd ay and ru n s th ro u g h T hursday. W in n e rs w e re p ic k e d fro m six fin a lists se lecte d from m ore than 30 do m estic and im p o rtcars and trucks, all o f w h ic h are a ll-n e w 2002 m odel y e a r v eh icles or m a jo r re d e s ig n s fo r th is m o d e l year. J u d g in g w as co n d u c te d at a series o f auto sh o w s and d u rin g te st d riv es. In a d d itio n to the A valan ch e, fin a lists fo r the T ruck In terio r o f the Year A w ard w ere th e L in c o ln B lackw ood and the H onda CR-V. C ar fin a lists in a d d i tion to the T h u n d erb ird w ere the BM W 7-S eries and the M ini C ooper. T he 2002 A uto In teriors Show , the m ost influ en tial annual e x p o sitio n and c o n feren ce fo cu sed on a u to m o tive in terio r d esign and te c h nology, a ttracts m ore than 6 ,0 0 0 a u to m o tiv e in te rio r d esig n ers and en g ineers. Service & Parts Extended Hours Mon-Fri 7:30am-9:00pm Saturday 7:30am-6:00pm 2 0 0 0 S a tu rn S L 1 78,214 km, 4. dr. auto, air, p.w., p.m., p.I., keyless entry, tilt, cruise & more. Stk.3533 1 9 9 8 T o yo ta S ie n n a C E 3-door, auto., air, p.w., p.m., p.l., tilt, 1 owner. Stk.3613 *19,995 s 18,995 · Express lube, No appointment necessary and If the service is not completed in the time promised, it's free) No charge shuttle service to work, home or shopping, in the Oakville area 1 9 9 9 T o yo ta C a m ry X L E 1 9 9 8 T o yo ta S ie n n a L E 3dr, auto, air, pw, pm, pi,tilt, 1owner, 102,108km. Stk.3613 Toyota sponsors choral event Toyota Canada Inc. (TCI) has announced it will sponsor the Toronto International Choral Festival "The Joy of Singing within the Noise of the World." TCI is the Official Vehicle Sponsor of the festival and is Presenting Sponsor of the Tokyo Philharmonic Chorus concert on June 19, at the Toronto Centre for the Arts. This concert is the Canadian debut of the Tokyo Philharmonic Chorus, featuring two works by celebrated Canadian com poser R. Murray Schafer. Under the direction of conductor Chifuru Matsubara, the chorus will present the world premiere of Schafer's Imagining Incense and the Canadian premiere of the composer's Vox Naturae. "Toyota is delighted to be a part of The Joy of Singing and, in particular, to intro duce Japan's fore most choral ensem ble to a Canadian audience," said Yoshio Nakatani, Chairman of TCI. "The fact that the choir will, in turn, introduce Canadians to two new works by one of this country's best-known and most innovative composers truly makes this a cultur al exchange of the highest order. I am looking forward to a wonderful evening of music." The Joy of Singing within the Noise of the World is the third Toronto International Choral Festival and will feature a var ied program of 34 concerts between May 31 and June 4 door, auto, air, pw, pm, pi, tilt w/cruise, keyless entry, 1 owner, 78,214km. Stk.3533 *19,995 *18,995 Argus Automotive Ltd. d < i Serving Oakville for over 25 years · AC · Brakes · Suspension · Tires · Transmission · Engines · Tune Ups · Computerized Diagnostics · Exhaust Complete Car Care to Foreign & Domestic And don't forget the excellent coffee! 1 9 9 7 T o yo ta Tercel C E Auto, cass, wheel covers, 1 owner, 76,644km. Stk.3494A 1 9 9 8 T o yo ta C o ro lla V E 4dr, auto, air, cass, 1owner, 45,752km. Stk.13054-A QEW *9,450 T o v o t a Q u a l i t y F *13,495 o r T h e N e x t M Speers i l l e n n i u m "AUTOMOTIVE S E R V IC EW ITH A D IFFE R E N C E " o 1 '" J " 1 egg) T O Y O T a k v i i i e 1091 SPEERS RD., OAKVILLE 905842-8400 V I S I T U S A T O U R W E B S I T E A T w w w . o a k v ille t o y o t a . c a A -- -- SALES DEPARTMENT HOURS: MON. - THURS. 9:00 A.M. 9:00 P.M. FRI. 9:00 A.M. · 5:30 P.M. SAT. 9:00 A.M. · 6:00 P.M. 'All vehicles are plus $100 administration fee, license and taxes. M&M Meats Gift Voucher Take a Test Enter our d ra w to w in a W e ber BBQ Drive & enter d u rin g M a y & Jiiine 2002 * to win a w h e n y o u purchase or ___ lease a new pr Fiesta BBQ! used vehidd I 1 1 1 P tiTilI Eiiip I lllljjm jl i with every new or used car purchase or lease. BBQ may not exactly as shown Canada's 4 selling minivan. 2002 Dodge Caravan Now for the first time ever on our most popular Caravan, Dodge introduces the Quad Convenience Package. Includes CD Player, Quad Seating and Remote Keyless Entry. SE 28D Features Include: · 3.3L V 6 engine - 180hp · 4 -S p eed autom atic tran sm issio n · A ir co n d itioning · M ultistage driver and front p assen g er airbags · Speed control · 7 P assen g er seating · Pow er w indow s, locks and m irrors · Sentry-Key® th eft d eterrent system 22, 2002. Distinguished pro fessional, amateur, church, community and ethnic chorus es from around the world will join Canada's best choirs, orchestras and soloists in con certs that include over 20 premieres and debuts, includ ing works specially commissioned for the event. More informa tion on the festival can be found at Many colours and large selection of vehicles to choose from. For an additional A y a month step up to the Quad Convenience Package including: See dealer for details $1 Q 175 W y e c r o f t R o a d , f ix / e s t a r LOCKWOOD C H R Y S L E R O a k v ille 3 Sr £Sr £Sr 33r 2001 Five Star Certified Dealership 905 . 845.6653 (between Kerr & Dorval) 17 years in the same location.