Oakville Beaver, 12 Feb 2003, C7

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The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e sd a y F e b ru a ry 12, 2003 - C7 EH career training ETiTil career training careers professionals IU careers professionals E ra salon & spa help l& H I office-clerical H, 1982 W W JOB ^ TRAINING · A c c o u n tin g O N S IT E M a ga zin e, a n a w a rd w in n in g M e tr o la n d p u b lic a tio n fo cu sin g on new ho m e & co n d o s ite s in S o u th w e ste rn O n ta rio an d the G reater T o ro n to A rea has an im m e dia te op e n in g fo r an R E A D Y for a change? Stylist with clientele re quired at friendly salon Can 905-681-2656 Receptionist Customer Service Oakville based prestigious international com pany is looking for individuals w ith excellent com m unication skills and personality. M ust be capable of w orking in a fast paced environm ent and handling different tasks sim ultaneously. Experience w ith custom s and shipping is an asset. Company offers full benefits and opportunity for advancement. Foreign languages are an asset. Fax resum e to: (905) 672-5000 sales help & agents sales help & agents RNs& RPNs Staff Relief for hospitals in: Hamilton, Milton, Oakville Selected Provider by Ham ilton Health Scionces. Looking for a new challenge? AD VERTISING S A L E S R E P R E S E N T A T IV E R esponsibilities Include: · P rospecting fo r an d a cqu irin g new a cco un ts · S ervicing and en ha ncing e xistin g a cco un ts · E ffectively pre se n tin g ad ve rtisin g o p p o rtu n itie s to both new and existin g a cco un ts · Preparing fo rm al w ritten and visu al p re se nta tio ns HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE · Office A dm inistration · M edical/ L egal A ssistan t · D ental R eception 460 Brant St. ·P O L IC E FOUNDATIONS Burlington Qualifications: · E xcellent w ritten an d oral co m m u n ica tio n skills · A keen de sire to succee d an d ad va n ce in a fa st-p aced, dead lin e-drive n e n vironm en t · Proven sale s expe rien ce , pre fe ra b ly in the n e w sp a p e r or m agazine in du stry · A bility to m a na ge m u ltiple pro jects co n cu rre n tly · S trong org an iza tio na l and tim e m a n a g e m e n t skills w ith a keen attention to detail · M ust be a te am player · A ccess to a reliab le vehicle is ne ce ssary Be a p a ri of th is a w a rd -w in n in g s a le s te am w ith a h ig h ly a ttra c tiv e c o m p e n s a tio n p a c k a g e , in c lu d in g s a la ry , c o m m is s io n a n d a u to m obile allow ance. Please forw ard y o u r resum e in c o n fid e n ce by F e brua ry 21, 20 0 3 to: Kim S le ssor, G e n e ra l M a na ge r O N S ite M agazine c /o B urling ton Post 50 4 0 M a in w a y D rive, B urlington, O N . L7 L 7G 5 C M M Operator required to write programs, perform statistical studies, report deviations and organize P P A P submissions. Must have PCDM IS. MasterCam. MSA. SPC . P P A P QS9000 and 5 years of automotive experience. Email resume: infoOquesthokJ.com I office-clerical Tiy a new atmosphere. Want to supplement your Income? Enjoy the hours of your choice. Attractive Pay Rates Orientation Program We Have Hours! Contact Us Call: (905) 631-2862 Fax:(905) 631-2842 dbaird@prohome.ca Community Cart Senfces a a member o f the ProHome Croup o f Companies 637* 3415 EBB careers professionals r Enroll I Yt/rv Bilingual (Fr.) Cust. Serv. Rep Perm. P/T, leading to F/T in summer. Excellent phone man ner. Training provid ed. Start Immed. 530 530 \ U B a h r S a d d l e r y in H o r n b y IS L O O K IN G T O A D D A F/T A S S O C IA T E TO O UR TEAM . R e t a il b a c k g r o u n d , c u s t o m s / im p o r t E X P E R IE N C E , A N D E Q U E S T R IA N K N O W LE D G E ARE ASSETS. B e n e f it p a c k a g e , s t a f f d is c o u n t (£ ? ProHome H oalth S ervices teaching opportunities " JOB FAIR Tuesday, February 18, 2003 9:00 a.m -12:00 noon You are invited to attend a Job Fair at an award-win ning landscape construction and maintenance company. We w ill be accepting applications and conducting interviews tor the tollowing full-time positions. · 10 Landscape Construction Technicians · 10 Landscape Maintenance Technicians · 2 Pesticide Applicators · 2 Horticulture Foremen · 2 Maintenance Supervisors · 2 AZ/DZ Vehicle Operators VTcation: Interndtiwial Lafitecapmginc. 1114 Lower Base Line (Trafalgar Rd & 407) Hornby (Milton) L0P1E0 Phone: 905-876-3000 Fax 905-876-0400 E-mail: intland@netcom.ca It you are unable to attend, please mail, e-mail or fax your resume, making reference to this Job Fait and which position you are applying for The Burlington Post, a division of Melroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing Ltd. is accepting resumes for the position of Attn: Lynn De Luca Email: Ideluca® afcas.com In Your Com m unity Since 1975 Fully Accredited by CCHSA Join Our Growing Team Today! f =#« * v Fax:905-847-5038 (9 0 5 ) 8 7 8 -8 8 8 5 , Fax (9 0 5 ) 8 7 8 -0 1 9 0 Bilingual (Fr.) Cust. Serv. Rep Perm. P/T Evenings. Mon-Thurs., SERVICE MERCHANDISING REP FULL-TIME POSITION AVAILABLE. Required to call on Home Depot stores in Southern Ontario. Entry level position Salary, car allowance, benelils. Experience helpful but not necessary. We will tram. Reply with a brief resume to te Qualified E.C.E. /Rec. Teacher needed lor non-profit Childcare belore & af ter school program. Full-Time hours Must have excellent pro graming skills w/a love for arts/crafts/sports. Excellent salary & ben efits. II interested Call Fax:905-632-1121 Email: kslessor@ haltonsearch.com 4:30-9:30 p.m. Excellent phone man ner Training provid ed. Start Immed. H A V E your home cleaned the way you would like by extremely clean, hard working European ladies. Reasonable rates' Call 905-689-7602 N o te lep ho ne c a lls p le a s e W e th ank a ll a p p lica n ts fo r applying, how ever, o n ly th o se s e le c te d to r a n in te rv ie w w ill b e contacted. Attn: Lynn De Luca Email: Ideluca® alcascom general help wanted 510 general help wanted 510 general help wanted Fax:905-847-5038 C L E R K / Receptionist (ex perienced) Mature. Need ed for busy health care of fice. Bronte area Mon days & cover for holiday times. Fax resume to 905827-1538 C O L L E C T IO N Agency requires fulltime Collector, downtown Oakville Suit mature individual with su perior people skills and a strong background in col lections Wo will tram en thusiastic individual. Bene fits Call Tod or Dianne: 905-815-8303 _____________ O F F IC E Assistant. Family run business looking for in dividuals) with good wo/k ethic and strong computer skills. Full-time Fax re sume 905-845-4665. Attn: Tony______________________ B IL IN G U A L (french) Parttime office help, flexible hours. Fax resume to 905844-6678 or e-mail gabriella&ga bts.com B U R L IN G T O N law firm requires experienced Liti gation Assistant Competi tive wages and full benefits. Fax or Email resume to Pam Teckoe @ 905-6398017 or pteckoe©fdhlawyers.com E N T H U S IA S T IC , ener getic self-starter required part-time as Chiropractic office assistant. Oakville clinic. Please call Tues. or Thurs. 3pm-7pm, 905-3381986 MCDONALD SALES & MERCHANDISING Fax 905-855-8559 e-mail: email@mcdonaldsales.com H A N D Y Andy- plumbing, oloctrical. plastering, small repairs, reasonable 905333-8228 A L L home ronovations: basements, bathrooms, kitchens, ceromic tiles, painting, etc Best prices. Froe estimates 905-5107709 SEARS CATALOGUE DELIVERY Paperman Distributors has a route for you. · If you live in Oakville, · Have a valid driver's license · A reliable vehicle · Storage with easy access. Please call (905)271-2752, betw een 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. Elizabeth at 905-847-3077 Altev Grill Requires a professional Chef busy Oakville location part-time Experienced pre ferred but not necessary Apply in porson The Coach & Four. 2432 Lakeshore Rd W est. Oakville B U R L IN G T O N Housokeeper required for 2 hours per/day. 4 days per/week Call 905-637-6872 $200 signing bonus C U S T O M -M A D E draper ies valances, sheers, bed/ table/ chair co-ordinates, fabrics, installation. 11 yrs exp. Sherry. 905-634-6706 SPECIAL FEATURES WRITER Reporting to Ihe Director of Advertising, the Special Features Wnter is responsible for the editorial cont ent and layout ol in-paper features, as well as any special publication created by the Burlington Post. The ideal candidate will have strong writing and edi torial skills with a proficiency in both Microsoft Word and Quark. Familiarity with a Macintosh-based plat form is preferred. This position requires a personable individual with excellent organizational skills and the ability to man age multiple tasks while on deadline. A flair for corporate communications & familiarity with print advertising would be an asset. Creative input is encouraged. The ability to work with minimal super vision, as well as in a team environment is essential. Apply in person: 270 N. Service Rd. ® 905-338-5800. C H IL D C A R E centre seeking full-time cook Knowledge of C a n a d a s Food Guide, ordering supplies, creating menus and willingness to work with young children. Fax resume. 905-469-9577, or email to. jennifer O monkeybtzz.ca Experienced (P/T) SCHOOL AGED STAFF , SUPPLY STAFF & (F/T) ECE Oakville Child Care Centre. Call for interview C A L L - A- Maid for ail your cleaning needs Homes/ of fices. Bonded/ insured Servicing Burlington. Oak ville, Waterdown 905-3791131________ R E S P O N S IB L E , experi enced European cleaning lady will clean your house, apartment, office Low prices Zofia, 905-6393490 JOBS AVAILABLE Production work in the MILTON area $11-512/hr All shifts available. Fax resume to: REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY- FULL-TIME 905-849-4769 Fax: 905 849-7456 Lot Attendant Mature, reliable individual with valid Ontario driver's license & good driving record need only apply, (no calls please). Deliver resume in person, 10 a m - 4 p.m. to: R ecep tion at LOST & FOUND Found Something? Place your "Found"ad FREE of charge. Burl. & Flamb. 905- 632-4440 Oakville 905- 845-3824 Fax: 905-632-8165 Community Notices Deaths ALEXANDER, Mavis- On Monday, February 10. 2003 following a short illness in her 82nd year after 25 years in Canada with Del. Anna and David Jarvis. Survived by sister Cynthia (U.K.), Cecil and Mai/ie and Jerry and Barbara (Jamaica). Predeceased by Carlton, Dorothy (Figueroa), Noel, Yvonne (Robotham) and Percy She will be missed by her surviving in-laws and her many cousins, nieces, nephews, grand nieces, grand nephews and great grands as well as countless adopted relatives and friends. Visitation a! the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 2-4 and 7-9pm Friday Funeral Mass 1:00pm Saturday, February 15. 2003 at St. Andrew's Parish. 47 Reynolds Street. Oakville. Interment Burlington Memoiial Gardens For those who wish memorial contributions to the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital would be appreciated. HCR 416-622-7258 or Tel: 1-888-411-1660 VO LV O OF O A K V ILLE 77 0 P acific Rd., O akville Please lax or mail resumes before February 17th . 2003: Attention. Kim Slessor, New Homes & Real Estate Manager C/O BURLINGTON POST 5040 Mainway Dr., Burlington ON L7L 7G5 Fax: (905)-632-1121 kslessor@haltonsearch.com No telephone calls please. We thank all applicants for applying, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Deaths HICKS, John William Raymond Passed away n his 64th year. After a lengthy, courageous baffle, well (ought with much humor, endurance and strength. He leaves to mourn, his wile Marlene, daughters Lynn Balloch (Kyle). Beverly Harden, Christine Hicks (Mike Page), and son John Jr and special friend Doris Murphy Sadly missed by grandchildren Bradley. Elizabeth, Valerie, Jessica, Richard, Scott, Gregory, Alana (his fishing buddy), Danielle and Davis John was a long time employee of Goodyear Tire and Rubber New Toronto Plant, until its closure He was the No. 1 drummer with 'The Anchorman' He will be missed by his dear Iriend Larry, but will no doubt be jamming with Carl From 1987 until 1992, John began another career with St. Mildred's Lightboume School as custodian. John loved perfection and if he didn't know how to do a task, he would soon find out how He enjoyed the staff and students and was often found playing guitar for the J.K. class or helping the ladies in the kitchen. John was a lover ol hockey, lishing. music and cooking and excelled in all ol them The family extends its heart fell gratitude to Ihe many nurses of the transplant unit at the Toronto General Hospital, who gave that extra, each and every day. Your humor, caring, patience and expertise assisted John through his many months ol isolation ` You Are The Best' A memorial service will be held on Wednesday, February 12. at 7 p.m. al THE SIMPLE ALTERNATIVE FUNERAL CENTRE. 1535 South Gateway Road, Mississauga, 905-602-1580 (Dixie Rd. 2 traffic lights south ol Eglinton) In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Toronto Lung Civitan Club, c/o Bruce Cook, 48 Manor Haven R d, Toronto, Ont. M6A 2J1, in John's memory. A memorial mass and interment will be held at a future dale. 'We're Only Passing Through' McCULLIGH, Nellie - Peacefully at Ihe OakvilleTralalgar Memorial Hospital on February 8, 2003 alter a courageous three year battle with kidney failure and cancer Beloved wile ol Ihe late Grenville McCulligh. Loving mother ol Jack and Marla Cherished grandmother ol Cindy and Shelley. We miss you Grandma, you're the bravest person we've ever met. A Funeral Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday (today), February 12.2003 at St Dominic's Church (2415 Rebecca St.) al 10 a.m. Cremation. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation fo the OakvilleTralalgar Memorial Hospital - Renal Dialysis Unit. McDOUGALL, Anne (nee Thomson) Peacefully on Saturday, February 8,2003 in Oakville. Beloved wile of the lale John Loving mother of stepson Sandy and his wife Marie Dear nana of Debbie (Mrs. Ron Byl) and Christine (Mrs Ron Oerksen). Cherished great grandmother of Erin, Jennifer, Jonathan and Heather. Will be sadly missed by her sister Grace and brother-inlaw Alex, Ihree nephews and their families, all of Scotland. Friends will be received at the Ward Funeral Home. 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville (905-844-3221), on Wednesday. February 12, 2003 Irom 12 noon until lime ol service in Ihe chapel al 2 p.m Interment Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. In memory of Aone, donations may be made lo Ihe Heart and Stroke Foundation or Ihe Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital O'DRISCOLL, Louise On Saturday February 8. 2003 at Oakville-Tralalgar Memorial Hospital Beloved wile ol the lale John. Dear mother of Michele and Madelaine and her husband Terry. Loving Nanny of Lee. Biandon and Ryan Loved sister of Betty and her husband Sammy and Anne and her husband Brian of Northern Ireland Visitation was held al the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 2-4 and 7-9 p m Monday Funeral Service 2:30 p.m. Tuesday in Ihe chapel Cremation. For Ihose who wish, memorial contributions to Ihe Oakville-Tralalgar Memorial Hospilal would be appreciated. The Body Shaping Fitness Studio for Women is seeking Exp'd C h ild ca re Prowider Mon.-Ffi,,5pm-9pm Apply with resume: 183 Lakeshore. Oak. BET skilled & technical help M ECH AN ICAL ENGINEER We require a Professional Engineer with working knowledge of ASME & API standards for the design of pressure piping & pressure vessels. Familiarity with IS09001 2000 an asset Remuneration based on experience. Please forward resume to: Tel: 905-849-1919 Fax:905-849-1913 drivers Sure Flow Equipment Inc. S A L E S : earn extra cash Part-time $10.50-515/ hour Training provided. Call The Oakville Weed Man Steve, 905-8271441; Fax:905-827-1499 Must be well groomed & tilness minded P rofessional C l a s s A Z Sure (low equipm ent I k . D R IVER S W ith m in. 3 yrs exp., to operate th ro u g h o u t Canada & the U S A H andling ' LTL", ` T ruck lo a d ' and 'S h o w F re ig h t'. E xcellent re m u n e ration , b e ne fits, etc. Te rm in als located in Oakville & Etobicoke. ON. as well as Cleveland. Ohio & Nixa, M issouri. Owners Operators w el come to apply. Fuel cards supplied, tolls, per mits, border crossing - all covered! 3179 Mainway Burlington, ON L7M 1A6 orFAX 905-335-2991 Ho Telephone Calls Please! Sales Assist. Full-Time, assertive, energetic individual re quired lo work in a fast paced, sales oriented office. Responsibilities incl: incoming inquiries, customer service & as sisting outside sales team Min. 2yrs. exp T U ttH ltitb H A . Burloak & Harvester requires FT/PT COUNTER HELP Mornings, Afternoons, Weekends Apply in person or call 905-319-5911 E g office-clerical E33 office-clerical Bilingual (French) CSR.............................. 34K Oakville. Call centre experience. Business to Business Collector..........to 33K Mississauga/Airport area. 3 years* experience rqr'd. Credit Investigation Clerk.......................29K 401/427 Mississauga 1 Year Contract Benefits. Accurate alpha/numeric data entry, eye lor detail. Dave Rawn, Oakville. 1-888-837-5557 JOIN A WINNING TEAM! Call WAREHOUSE PERSON The Oakville Beaver Circulation Oept. is currently looking fo ra Part Time Driver. 10-15 hours per week. A pp lican ts must: · have a good know ledge of O akville · have th eir own reliable vehicle · have a valid driver's licence P le a s e se n d y o u r re s u m e a n d a v a ila b ility sch e d u le to: We are presently searching for a highly motivated well organ ized individual This leam player w ill per form a variety of daily warehouse duties & ac curately maintain inven tory & records, some heavy lifting may apply. Hours from 7am-3pm. M on.-Fri. Burlington. Fax resume to Mr Bond In-Bound Call Centre Specialist 32K Call Tracey at 905-639-7368 www.ullramatlcs leep.com R E A L Estate Agent Want ed- Newly licensed or de siring a team & training robertbryer® bryerrealty.com 905-333-3449 Oakville. In-bound calls/customer queries within an au tomated call centre environment 8-hr rotating shifts between 8am-8pm. Real Estate Related CSR...................mid 30K Oakville Experienced CSR wilh previous real estate/ legal related experience required. For m ore d e tails v isit o u r w ebsite LOOKING FOR AN AGGRESSIVE w w w .th e s e le c tio n g ro u p .c o m o r c a ll 9 05 -238-1300 Sales Rep. to sell industrial products. Training & leads provided. Must have own vehicle - mileage provided. Hourly + comm. Alex Calhoun @ acalhoun@ oakvillebeaver.com or by fax. 905-337-5557 Order Entry/Bilingual Customer Service A successful national distributor of state-of-the-art medical/surgical products is looking for a keen indi vidual with a good telephone manner able lo interact with customers, a small office group and a sales force in numerous capacities. Mainly order entry, order desk and other general office duties. Experience wilh M.S. Office essential. Some knowledge of AccPac helpful. Good oral and written French skills necessary. Forward your resume to: 5024 South Service Road, Burlington, ON L7L 5Y7 Fax: 905-632-7938 CARBERRY, Ewart Francis December 27,1919February 10. 2003 Predeceased by his loving wile Marjorie and son Stephen Father ol Lynne (Michael) Hagen, Michael (Winifred), Brian (Jan) and Anne. Grandfather of Christopher, Stephanie (Scott), Melyssa, Adam, Matthew and Gregory Great-grandfather of Guildford, Liam, and Dawson Dear friend of Nancy Looseley "Carb" was bom in Toronto and grew up on Clendenan Ave. 'Ace' attended Humberside Collegiate. BSA-OAC '44 Taught at OTHS then became Crown Life Agent and ultimately started a General Insurance Brokerage in Oakville Past President OAC Alumni Association 1977, Past President Ontario TB Association. Past President Oakville Chamber of Commerce Last ol the Charier Members ol Ihe Oakville Optimist Club Oakville Lodge No. 400 GRC. Active member of the Oakville Community Proud member of the Oakville Curling Club and the Oakville Golf Club. Great organizer ol tournaments and bonspiels Ewart absolutely loved his family and friends and they in turn will sorely miss him. Friends will be received at the Ward Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville. 905844-3221, on Wednesday Irom 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. A Funeral service will be held on Thursday at 1 o'clock at St. Jude's Anglican Church. 'Forever an Aggie' (Retired Colonel Canadian Armed Forces (33 years), a Veteran ol W.W.II and the Korean War, CMO Metro Toronto Police Department (10 years) and an active member of St. Dominic Parish since 1975). Peacefully on Sunday, February 9,2003 al Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital in his 81 si year Frank, beloved husband of Rita (MacIntyre). Loved father of Mary Kathleen Corona of California. Dr John F. and his wife Patricia ol Kemptville. Ellen and her husband Willie McCarroll of Burlington. Paula and her husband Terry Dobbelsleyn of Saint John, N.B., Ann Marie and her husband Wayne Gowrie of St. Catharines and Mary Rita Evans of Pickering. Loved grandfather ol Shari, David, Kara, Paul, Michael. Jenniler, Michael, Robert, Patrick, Timothy, Heather, James, Lindsay. Colin, Kristy. David, Michael, Sarah, Katie, Mary, Bernie, Rebecca, Jason, Katie, Meaghan. Emilie, Theresa and Justin. Dear brother of Alice and John MacDonald. Jean and Charlie McGeoghegan. Bill and Anita Evans. Leo and Anne Evans, Gerry and Bea Evans, Roy and Rena Evans, Anna Clarkin and the late Jack Evans and Kathleen Evans. Visifation al the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home. 64 Lakeshore Road Wesl, Oakville from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Wednesday. Funeral Mass 10 a.m, Thursday al St. Dominic Catholic Church. 2415 Rebecca Street, Oakville. Interment Glen Oaks Cemetery. Those who wish may make memorial contributions lo the charity of their choice. 905-639-2987 D R IV E R for Burlington company No special licence Physical lifting. Start $10/hr. Fax resume to 905-639-7622 with drivers abstract included. Fax resume to Darrick at 905-825-2163 EVANS, Dr. Francis Joseph ^ terrace ford lincoln SA LES INC. 900 W alkers Line. Burlington Experienced Pre-Owned Vehicle LUNCHR O O M Su per visors wanted for Brantwood Public School (near Oakville-Trafalgar Hospi tal). Please call, 905-8450731. __________ C O N S T R U C T IO N help needed S8-S10 per hour with advancement Contact Dan Scott 289- 259-3333 CHRISTOPHER TERRACE Retirement Home 'Making a Difference" Detail Person M otivated 'team player' required fu lltim e at ou r very busy dealership We o ffe r a great w o rk en vironm en t, very co m p e titiv e re m u neration and company benefits Qualified? SR. A C C O U N TA N T SSI EQUIPMENT INC ., a leading m anufacturer of pipeline strainers and valves located in Burling ton, Ontario, is seeking an individual for our busy acco un tin g de pa rtm e nt M in. three years experience in a manufacturing environment with cost and inventory control experience. Experience with Acc-Pac and month-end closings. Degree a plus. Excel and Word required.Send resume, incl. salary history, RPN P/T EVGS Shipper Receiver required by Oakville co. M ust know how to Operate Fork Lift. Open Overtim e. Full Benefits. Fax resum e 905-672-5000 SUPERVISOR/ CLEANER P/T, 5 nights/week. Burlington medical building Mon-Thurs. 7-11pm, Sun.2-6pm. Must speak fluent English & be bondable, Exp. required. $10/hr. Fax resume to: Flexible scheduling. Computer exp. an asset. Competitive wages wilh benefits Fax resume: Call Chris Stogios: 905-632-6252 or fax resume: 905-632-1876 Attn: M. deBoer 905-632-5074 H Y G IE N IS T needed Immediately fulltime for 1-year maternity leave MonThurs. Oakville dental practice Fax resume to: 905-842-3601 or phone: 905-842-2139, business hours. C E R T IF IE D Dental A ssis tant required for busy North Oakville modern office. Full-time. Send resumes lo: Box#6401. Oakville Beaver. 467 Speers Rd..Oakville, L6K3S4___________________ F U L L - T IM E H A R P Certi fied Dental Assistant need ed for private Oakville prac tice. Must be ABEL/ Wind ows trained for reception coverage. Fax resume to: 905-842-3335. M E D IC A L Secretary (FullTime) required for busy specialist. Computer litera cy. people & organizational skills essential Fax reply to 905-849-8981_____________ R N or R PN required, part to fulltime, for fast paced Oakville Dermatology/ Plastic Surgery Office. Please fax resume to: 905842-3625 .{ ,( .( .< A ,,T St by FAX: 813-632-9734, or EMAIL: hr@ ssiequipm ent.com SALES CLERKS Come join our team! FT & PT position available for our new location in Burlington lor T h e S a lv a tio n A rm y R E C E P T IO N IS T B u s y p r o fe s s io n a l o ffic e in d o w n to w n O a k v ille h a s a p o s itio n a v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly fo r a fu ll- tim e re c e p tio n is t. Y o u s hou ld ha ve m inim um 3 y ears exp e rie n ce a s a re c e p tio n is t a n d be e x p e rie n c e d in M S W o rd . Y o u w ill h a v e a p ro fe s s io n a l p h o n e m a n n e r w ith s tro n g o rg a n iz a tio n a l skills. W e th ank all ap plica nts fo r th eir interest, bu t ad vise th at only those se le cte d for in tervie w w ill be contacted. P lease su b m it y o u r resum e to: T h rift S to re Qualifications: Minimum of 1 year retail experience J Excellent people skills J Oral and written communication skills Highly self-motivated Send resume to: Human Resources fax 905-825-8953 905-634-6883 No phone calls please Only those selected will be contacted. /V A tlas V an Lines (C anada) Ltd. P.O. Box 970 O akville O N L6J 5M 7 H E L P wanted at horse farm for cleaning stalls, Part-time, from 8am-noon Call 905-466-4421 Box 6400, c/o Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Road, Oakville L6K 3S4 Customer Service/Inside Sales M is s is s a u g a c o m p u te r c o m p a n y has e x c e lle n t o p p o rtu n ity fo r a c a re e r o rie n te d a m b itio u s in d iv id u a l w ith e x c e lle n t custom ers service , a d m in is tra tiv e , co m p u te r and sales s k ills . A b ility to th in k c re a tive ly , set p rio ritie s , and w o rk in d e p e n d e n tly are e sse ntial to success. S alary, plus bonus & benefits. HANSEN, Dorothy Marjorie - ol Oakville, passed away peacefully at home on February 7, 2003 after a courageous battle wilh cancer. She is survived by her loving husband Ralph and her dear daughter Karen and her husband Mike Oliver, Cremation has taken place, A Service of Remembrance w ill be held al 11 00 a.m Wednesday, February 12, 2003 al Walton Memorial United Church, 2489 Lakeshore Rd West. Oakville. Dorothy worked all ol her lile in the business sector and recently retired as a valued employee for the Town of Oakville. For those who wish, memorial donations may be made lo the Canadian Cancer Society, Arrangements entrusted to Ihe Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, (905-844-2600) In Celebration M U L V A L E , Peter Jo h n D o n o t s ta n d a t m y gra ve a n d w eep I a m n o t there, I d o n o t sleep, I am a th ousan d w inds that blow I a m the dia m o n d g lin ts on snow. I a m the su n lig h t on rip e n e d gra in I a m a ge n tle A utum n rain. W hen y o u aw a ke in the m o rning hush I a m the sw ift un cling in g brush. O f c h o ir birds in circling flight I am th e s o ft s ta r s hin e a t night. D o n o t sta n d a t m y gra ve a n d cry I a m n o t there, I d id n o t die. J o u rn e y on w ith o u r love, as we jo u rn e y in that un iversal lig h t th a t sustains. David, Robert and Ann Household Goods Dispatcher The Operations Dept of the corporate head office of Allas Van Lines is interested in meeting potential candidates to join our central dispatch team. II you have previous experience in the household goods moving industry, an aptitude for logistics, and the ability to perform in a stressful, multi-task environ ment, please consider submitting your resume to: HEALTHYS Nutrition Stores looking for outgoing, motivated people in Bu r lington. Full-time, part-time and Assistant Managers Retail/ Sa les experience plus a background / Interest in vitamins, sports supple ments and wellness pro ducts. 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