YoLuC allJ^y W e T p g liv e r j BUY I BEFORE | Managing Editor: Rod Jerred Phone: 905-337-5559 Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: rjerred@haltonsearch.com \ \ I I >NI S I >AY. A IM <11. to. 2<K) { · | ?\< , | ; A S BUSINESS City of Mississauga Leading today for tomorrow BY-LAW NOTICE FORM 1 P LAN N IN G ACT N O TIC E OF THE PASSING OF ZO N IN G B Y -L A W BY 300 City Centre Drive Mississauga ON L5B 3C1 For information: (905) 896-5000 Visit our Website: www.m ississau 9 a.ca S a m e g r e a t s ite . N ew e a s y a d d re s s . THE CORPORATION OF THE C IT Y OF M ISSISSAUGA T A K E NOTICE that the Council o f the Corporation o f the C ity o f Mississauga passed B law 0161-2003, on the 23"1day o f A p ril, 2003, under Section 34 o f the Planning A ct R.S.O., 1990,c.P. 13, as amended. AN D TA K E NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario M unicipal Board in respect o f the By-law by filin g w ith the Clerk o f the C ity o f Mississauga not lat« than the 20th day o f M ay, 2003, a notice o f appeal setting out the objection to the By-laand the reasons in support o f the objection. Only individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal a Zoning By-law to the Ontario Municipal Board. A notice o f appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice o f appeal may be filed in the name o f an individual who is a member o f the association or group on its behalf. Barrie Erskine · O a kville B e a v e r GETTING REJUVENATED: Spring is the season o f renewal and what better time than to celebrate the relocation o f a clinic that o ilers a variety o f treatm ent options in cosmetic care and more. Laser Rejuvenation C linics recently celebrated the opening o f its new O akville office at U nit AS, 2427 Trafalgar Rd., in the Trafalgar Ridge Shopping Centre. A team o f physicians, nurses, aesthetidan.s and adm inistrative s ta ff provide clients w ith numerous options including, among others, liposuc tion, body sculpting, m icrograph h air transplants, injcctahlcs (such as Botox and Collagen), and tattoo and mole removal. Above, I)r, Robert K now lton, plastic surgeon, and Dr. A rash A ra ni are among the a ffiliated physicians. For more inform a tion call 905-842-8346 o r visit wwwJaserclinics.com. Explanation o f the purpose and effect of the by-laws: By-law 0161-2003 to repeal portions o f By-law Number 1965-136, as amended, Formerly a Town o f O akville By-law, and to extend the planning area to which City o f Mississauga By-law Number 5500, as amended, applies and to regulate the use o f the land w ithin such area, and to amend By-law 5500 as amended by: · The subject lands, which are located On the north side o f Eglinton Avenue West, west o f Winston C hurchill Boulevard, in the C ity o f Mississauga, were zoned "A " (agricultural uses) under the former Town o f Oakville Zoning By-law. This By-law incorporates the subject lands into the City o f Mississauga Zoning By law and zones the lands "R4-2345", "R4(12)-2349", "H-R4(12)-2349", "R52350", "RM2-2351", "R M 1-2355", "RM5-2369", "RM5-2621", "R M 52622", "DC-2623", "R4(12)-2624", "R4(12)-2625", "R4(12)-2626", "R4(12)-2627", "RM 2-2628", "R52629", "RM2-2630", "R5-2631", "RM 52632", "R4(12)-2633", "G-2601", "0 1 " and "03-1338". "R4-2345" permits detached dwellings on lots w ith m inim um frontages o f 12.5 m (41 ft.). "R4(12)-2349" permits detached dwellings on lots w ith m inim um frontages o f 12 m (39.3 ft.). "H-R4(12)-2349" is a Holding zone and permits a school. Upon removiS o f the "H " symbol, the "R4(12)2349" zone permits detached dwellings on lots w ith m inim um frontages o f 12.0 m (39.3 ft.). "R5-2350" permit detached dwellings on lots w ith m inim um frontages o f 9.75 m (32 ft ). "RM 2-2351" permits semi-detached dwellings on lots w ith m inimum frontages o f 14.5 m (47.5 ft.). "RM1-2355" permits semi-detached dwellings on lots w ith m inim um frontages o f 17.0 m (55.8 ft.). "RM 5-2369" permits semi-detached dwellings on lots w ith m inimum frontages o f 13.6 m (44.6 ft.) and street row dwellings on lots w ith m inim um frontages o f 6.1 m (20 ft.), or any combination thereof. "RM 5-2621" perm its street row dwellings on lots w ith m inim um frontages o f 6.85 m (22.5 ft.) including accessory business, professional and administrative offices and lim ited retail and service commercial uses subject to restrictions on the amount and location o f such uses. "RM5-2622" permits street row dwellings on lots w ith m m im um frontages o f 6.85 m (22.5 ft.). "DC-2623" permits convenience commercial uses, including a )od store and related commercial uses. "R4(12)-2624" permits detached dw ellin on lots w ith m inim um frontages o f 12 m (39.3 ft.) and additional setbacks o f 12.7 (41.7 ft.) from abutting lands zoned "G 2601". "R4(12)-2625" permits detached dwellings on lots w ith m inim um frontag o f 14 m (46 ft.) and additional setbacks t 12.7 m (41.7 ft.) from abutting lands zoi "G-2601". "R4(12)-2626" permits detached dwellings on lots w ith m inim ui frontages o f 14 m (46 ft.) and additional setbacks o f 14 m (46 ft.) from abutting lands zoned "G-2601". "R4(12)-2627" permits detached dwellings on lots w ith m inim um frontages o f 12 m (39.3 ft.) an additional setbacks o f 14 m (46 ft.) from abutting lands zoned "G-2601". "R M 22628" permits semi-detached dwellings 1 lots w ith m inim um frontages o f 14.5 m (47.5 ft.) and additional setbacks o f 14.9 (48.9 ft.) from abutting lands zoned "G2601". "R5-2629" permits detached dwellings on lots w ith m inim um frontag o f 9.75 m (32 ft.) and additional setback o f 14.9 m (48.9 ft.) from abutting lands zoned "G-2601". "RM 2-2630" permits semi-detached dwellings on lots w ith m inim um frontages o f 14.5 m (47.5 ft.) additional setbacks o f 13.2 m (43.4 ft.) from abutting lands zoned "G-2601". "R5-2631" permits detached dwellings c lots w ith m inim um frontages o f 9.75 m t ft.) and additional setbacks o f 13.2 m (4: ft.) from abutting lands zoned "G-2601" "RM5-2632" permits row dwellings ranging from a m inim um density o f 30 units per ha (12 units per ac.) to a maximum density o f 57 units per ha (23 units per ac.) subject to height restrictioi o f 2 and 4 storeys. "R4(12)-2633" perm detached dwellings on lots w ith m inim u frontages o f 12 m (39.3 ft.) and addition setbacks o f 14.9 m (48.9 ft.) from abuttii lands zoned "G-2601". "G-2601" permi fuel transmission line. " 0 1" permits a park. "03-1338" permits a hydro transformer station. Further inform ation regarding this By-1; may be obtained from Jim Doran o f the C ity Planning and B uilding S taff at (90i 896-5551. This By-law shall not come into force ut Mississauga Plan is approved by the approval authority. Dated at Mississauga this 30TM day o f A p ril, 2003 TOASTED TO PERFECTION: Loo kin g fo r that perfect spot to grab a bite to eat? I f a subma rine sandwich is w hat yo u r taste buds crave, you w ill probably w ant to check out Quiznos Subs, located at 2530 W inston P a rk Dr. Left, K u lw u n t and K a lvin D lia rn i celebrate the grand opening o f th e ir new upscale sand wich eatery. Quiznos offers subs toasted on artisan breads w ith signature sauces. There are m ore than 2.000 Quiznos locations th ro ug h ou t the U.S., Canada and 12 other countries. Peter C. McCusker · O a k v ille B eaver Notice of Annual Meeting O f m em bers of The Com m unity Foundation of Oakville % > (The "C orporation") M em bers o f the public are invited to attend the Annual M eeting o f the members of the Corporation to be held at the Crystal Greer C ity Clerk, C ity o f Mississauga 128362 Town o f O akville M unicipal O ffices, in The Atrium , 1225 Trafalgar Rd., O akville, on Tuesday, M ay 20th, 2003 at 5 :0 0 p .m . can Jo hn P.H . Ford, Q .C . Secretary o f The Corporation i n n o 2003 l S p rin g E d itio n M e tro la n d 's p re m ie r C areers & C a re e r T ra in in g M a g a z in e w ill b e d is trib u te d to 8 0 0 ,0 0 0 s p e c ia lly s e le c te d h o u seh o ld s in : Durham , Toronto, H alton, Peel, Sim coe an d York THANK YOU 8 0 0 .0 0 0 S P R I N G E D IT O R I A L H I O H U O M T S IN C L U D E : Make your (ob Interview wort lor yon D u MBA - does R pay total distribution to all of our M a y 2 2 & 23, 2 0 0 3 Spring Editorial Highlights Include: · The MBA - does it pay? · C urren t jo b trends and salary ranges · N ew program s th a t train w om en fo r careers in co nstructio n · Learning the pip^s - p lu m b in g as a careers Manor design and decorating Current |ob trend* and salary ranges The new style ol hairdresser learning the pipes - p/unrbinQ j s 3 c s rv trf Women in conslnidion VOLUNTEERS for their enthusiasm and thoughfulwess. We truly appreciate you. From the s ta ff and members of the Id ? Special Healthcare section includes: · Nurse practitioners g a th e rin g m o m e n tu m in Canada · C areeft in rad io log y · M idw ives & doulas roles in pregnancy, lab ou r and delivery OAKVIllE PARENT-CHIID CENTRE an ONTARIO EARLY YEARS CENTRE 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -6 3 6 6 S * O -is For advertising inform ation call: Call: 4 1 6 -4 9 3 -1 3 0 0 ext. 335 Email: careers2003@ m etroland.com W ebsite: w w w .m e tro la n d .co m