B4 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday A p ril 30, 2003 ________________________________h i u k r mi i i \_____ ______________ The blue water, palm trees and sandy beaches o f the Caribbean, Hawaii and Key West are the perfect backdrop fo r the ultimate romantic vacation. To set the mood for island dining at home in the backyard, start w ith boldly striped cushions and a large striped umbrella. Add a matching chaise and high back chairs for hours o f relax ation. For flooring, try neutral-coloured pavers or cement with sand or shells mixed in. Create a cabana feel w ith an open arbor ceiling over a portion o f the space to provide shade while maintain ing the openness. Build long, narrow wooden frames with landscape fabric stapled inside and fill with sand, shells and potted tropicals and exotic flowers. T iki torches and an outdoor ceiling fan provide the finishing touches for this slice o f heaven at home. French Cafe If your idea o f the perfect vacation includes sitting at a sidewalk cafe in Paris, sipping wine and soaking up European ambiance, just follow a few simple tips and-- voila! A cobblestone patio is the perfect stage for your European cafe. For seat ing, consider a washed antique-Finish aluminum patio set with wide chair cushions, a large market umbrella and a stone garden bench for additional seat ing with international Hair. Create walls, and an inviting place for clim bing roses and ivy, using deco rative trellises. Anchor the corners with evergreen topiaries in large urns, load ing the base with flowering annuals and ivy. Patio lamps set atop a table, wrought-iron torches surrounding the perimeter and a bubbling fountain com plete the mood du jour. M ountain Hideaway The smell o f pine, the sound o f birds chirping and a canoe adventure in the crisp mountain air are the stuff o f mem ories fo r many. Created this rustic theme at home-- all the way down to the "lake effect." Start with a big wooden deck, then add a step stone walkway leading to your 24-inch deep koi fishpond. Surround the pond with a variety o f pines, using a timber edge in plant beds, and accent walkways and paths w ith solar lights. On the deck, consider wooden cedar containers fo r evergreens and Adirondack chairs to enhance the mountain mood. To take the chill o ff cool evenings, add a tabletop patio heater. - News Canada Outdoor living themes easily whisk you to those favourite places (NC)-- Close your eyes and imagine your favourite vacation spot. Do you picture the sights and sounds o f a sun drenched island, ihe urbane chic o f a French cafe, the serenity o f a mountain hideaway? Now you can escape to that personal paradise every day---and never leave the backyard. Since most vacation memories revolve around the outdoors, they're a wonderful inspiration for creating a destination-themed outdoor living area. So, bring your vacation photos to life, by adding elements o f your theme-- including actual souvenirs-- into the landscape design, furniture and accessories. Honeymoon Heaven ~ H a it o n L in e n O utlet ~ Thank you fo r voting us #1 lofed ( (i/vi//c j ^P)eJ i t mu , lh<fi Halton Linen where your decorating dollar goesfirm er 481 North Service Rd.W., OAKVILLE (between Dorval Drive and 4th Line) Decorating for kids made easy (N C )-- W h ile there is a gro w in g trend tow ards d eco ra ting k id s ' rooms, many parents s till feel over whelmed at the thought o f redeco rating. Here are some tips to help give your c h ild 's room a new look q u ic k ly and easily and at a price that w on't b lo w the budget. A sim ple coat o f paint can make all the difference. Depending on the c h ild 's personality or the atmosphere you are tryin g to create, you may w ant to choose soothing colours like a gentle p inkish mauve or calm ing green o r spicy reds and dram atic blues to liven -u p the room. J F loo r coverings are a great way to prevent children from slipp in g on hardwood floors and to protect the flo or's fin ish . A va ila b le in fun pat terns inclu ding giraffes, teddy bears, p rim ary coloured blocks and planes and trains. W in do w coverings that a llo w lig h t to pass through, creating a soft halo o f the c o lo u r throughout the room , are ideal fo r kid's rooms. _J W h ile lig h tin g is necessary, it doesn't have to be boring. For a coordinated look, choose a table or w a ll lam p that com plem ents the c o lo u r o f the room and flo o r cover ings. To save up to 25°/c on your (905) 847-2274 V MON. - FRI. 10 A.M.- 5:30 P.M. · SATURDAY I0A.M.-6 P.M. - SUNDAY. 12 A.M.- 5 P.M. J 'D is c o u n t D n te rio r r.D e s ig n (W a re h o u s e FABULOUS SAVINGS 50% OFF In-Stock Furniture # 1 Interior Design/ Home Fumishinss Store PLUS . Storewide Discounts on All Other Merchandise! Enjoy sh o p p in g in o u r new ly re-decorated e n viro n m e n t H U R R Y IN! S A L E E N D S S U N D A Y , M A Y 4 TH! Mamie Warman # 1 Interior Designer 0 0 i;- 6 ^Zi-^A^Q 7 J 4 * 5 5 Fairview St. Unit 16 (b ehind KFC) H ou rs: M o n -W ed 1 0 -5 :3 0 . Th urs-F ri 10 -9 . S a t 1 0 -5 :3 0 , S u n 1 2 -5 Ground Cover Comes Alive... With The Gardening Experts e le c tric ity b ill, choose an energy saving compact fluorescent lamp. J By adding a lig h t sw itch exten sion, kids can turn the lights on by them selves. Easy to in s ta ll on alm ost any lig h t sw itch. K id -sw itch extensions g lo w in th e .d a rk as a night lig h t and come in a variety o f patterns that complem ent K id -la m p table and w all lamps. J Not confident in your a b ility to coordinate? Take the guesswork out and head to a store that offers m atching flo o r coverings, w indow co verin g s, lig h ts and ready-toassemble furniture in a variety o f patterns. - News Canada G O k H tf Choose from: Vinca, Ajuga, Pachysandra, " Creeping Thyme or Creeping Ivy 4" pot. Reg. 2.49 Sale /f Q o r 18 fo r s25 somuch m ore to k'Z'Bov! j Tips for new windows (N C )-- If energy conser vation. long-term d urabili ty, c o n tro llin g condensa tion, and achieving the healthiest indoor environ ment are prim ary reasons for replacing your windows this spring, here are valu able lips to achieve this goal: 1. To block heat escape, ask for windows w ith low-e coatings. The " e" refers to em issivity, w hich is the a bility o f a surface to emit or absorb energy. The lower the " e" value, the more e ffi cient it is. 2. Ask for gas fill. By substituting the air in insu lated glass windows for a denser, lower conductivity gas. such as argon, heat loss is reduced significantly. M ultiple layers o f gla/ing im prove energy perform ance too. 3. To control condensa tion -- which may lead to unhealthy mould growth -- avoid buying windows made w ith metal materials, like aluminum or stainless steel spacers at the perime ter o f the glass. Foam spac ers are best fo r maintaining the warmest overall surface temperature, which is fun damental in energy conser vation too. 4. Ask ques tions. If you can't tell i f the spacer is metal for example, ask. Metal edgings are usually wrapped in butyl rubber, making it d iffic u lt to recog nize. If highly con ductive metal is used in the spacer instead o f foam, it w ill cause an uneven warm-cold surface, inducing condensation and heat loss. 5. Avoid plastic spacers. The rig id ity o f plastic can cause seal failure, which can literally crack the glass edges on extreme ly cold or hot days. 6. For easier evaluation as you window shop, do note that the better ones are rated and labelled with a Uvalue: the smaller the U-value the more energy e ffi cient the window. The U-factor rat ing allows you to make decisions without becoming an expert. 7. A t tim e o f purchase, use these tips and your own research as a checklist. - News Canada A ly ssum Delicate, fragrant flowers in soft colours. These fast growing and spreading annuals are ideal tor rock gardens, borders &. pots. Plant near a window or patio to enjoy their J. wonderful scent. 4 pack. LA-Z-BOY £ . Alive 4 0 U O nto c W ith The 1i irdcninK Expg FURNITURE® GALLERIES Lilacs BURLINGTON PO W ER C E N TR E Q.LW & BRANT STREET · (905) 33! -7600 moi-m ? ,, Sot. 9 om -4 pm, Sun. 1 0 o n -5 pm Holland Park L o o k fo r m ore G re a t Specials in o u r F ly e r in to d a y 's new spaper. WALLPAPER TRENDS In s p ire d In te rio rs Sponsored by Decoriux & Provmtiol Wallcoverings in cooperation with your local paint and wallpaper retailers Join us M ay 6th, 2003 · Bring personality to your space · Combine wallpaper, paint, fabrics and furnishings · Latest trends in interior decorating · How to wallpaper demonstration Join us for an evening with WALLPAPER at HOME. Come join us at the newly renovated O pportunity to win great door prizes · Free W allpaper to decorate one room in your home · Free consultation with a local interior designer · 1 year subscription to an interior decorating magazine Featuring Interior Designer Lynn Raitt ARIDO, who has appeared on W TN's The Decorating Challenge, HGTV's Design for Living with Kimberly Seldon and This Small Space. with WALLPAPER at H O M E. Oakville Holiday Inn, Argus Ballroom Tuesday, M ay 6th, 2003 7:00 - 9:00 pm Free refreshments. Free admittance Limited seating available. Preregistration is required. Minimum age 16 and older. Registration ends Aoy 5th, 2003. To Register by Phone: 905-791-1547 ext. 233 by Fax: 905-791-6656 or Email: registration@iwallcovering.com Yes, I would like to spend an evening Custom Designs, Custom Finishes, Top Quality Cabinetry, Competitively Priced, Free In-Home Service, Lifetime Warranty 4150 South Service Rd. Burlington 632-0029 Sign me up. Unique Qabinet C oncepts w w w . Eureka4 yo u . com /uniquecabine ts N am e (First)_________________ (Last)__________________ Daytim e Phone # : ________________ __ Hom e Phone#:_______________ E m a il_______________________________________________________