The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday A pril 30, 2003 · C5 s parents and carctakers. you can help make your child's school experience both productive and enjoyable. One way is to create an enviro n ment at home where they w ill feel m otivated to study and do th e ir hom ework; it is im portant to create an area that's fun yet functional. The firs t step is to review your c h ild 's needs and wants, style and personality. T his w ill guide you in the general design and organization o f the area. Next, gather together all o f your child's school supplies and acces sories and decide what should be kept and what should be throw n avay. It's a good idea to store sim ila r itens together; fo r instance, put crayuis and markers in the same container or .'tea. Paper, report co v ers. notebooks, d ictio na rie s and other resource m aterial can be organized in a m odular system o f stacked crates. Although it's easy to arrange a Planning a productive study space with your child A study area, com plete w ith desk and bookshelves, parents shouldn't over look the greater picture-the need to personalize, add c o lo u r and adjust the lig h tin g in an area. Research has shown that a c h ild 's success is d ire c tly related to the a b ility to transfer a ch ild 's personality into their workspace. To help do this, consider some o f these concepts when designing the study space: L ig h tin g EDUCATION area, try to e lim inate as many d is tractions as possible. T his includes te le v is io n , radios o r other back ground noises. A lth ou g h some c h il dren can "d o tw o things at once," they should have the option o f going som ewhere to study where it is peaceful. A fte r the plans are in place and the study area is organized, the final step is to u n ify everything w ith an overall theme. Decorate by incorpo rating some o f the "s e c u rity " items in to the co lo ur scheme, and use pop ular theme slickers, decals, etc. Let the c h ild experim ent. It w ill be his or her space, and you both w ill be happy know ing it is tru ly a personal design. M ake sure to include a special spot where the children can store all the items that they usually love to co llect-pictures, " star" papers and drawings. I f all this m em orabilia is organized into storage containers, at the end o f a school year you and yo ur c h ild may both review achieve ments, keeping favourites and dis- carding the rest. A lth o u g h in v o lv in g your children in designing and organizing their own area may take extra time and com m itm ent at firs t, it can pay o ff later at home and in school. Montessori, JK/SK & More! OPEN HOUSE Tuesday, May 6,2003 6:00pm - 8:30pm Ancaster Pathways Campus Come to learn more about the Pathways Specialized Programs in: Some in d iv id u a ls p re fe r soft lig h tin g fro m a lam p; fo r others, overhead fluorescent fixtu re s w ork best. Install the kind that suits your ch ild . Furniture T h in k about the fu rn itu re in the area. Some students prefer a desk and chair in th e ir w o rk in g area; o th ers need nothing more than cushions on the floor. A sk yo u r c h ild what he or she prefers and incorporate that into the room design. Distractions Regardless o f the style o f the Stopping school violence starts at home (N U (-Children deserve a safe set ting in which to learn. Teachers and staff deserve a sense o f security w hile helping them. The appalling rise in school violence nationwide has people asking how it can be stopped. Parents play key roles in setting standards fo r their children and the schools. They can set high expecta tions and help see that they are met. Here are some ideas fo r parents on how to help: Play an active role in your child's school. Insist on fa ir but firm discipline and clear policies that help build an environment that supports and values learning. Talk regularly w ith teachers and other staff. Volunteer in the classroom or library, or in after school activities. A c t as role models. Settle your own co n flicts peaceably and manage anger w ith o u t violence. Listen to and talk w ith your children regularly. Find out what they're th in kin g on all kinds o f top ics. Create an opportunity fo r tw oway conversation, w hich may mean foregoing judgm ent or pronounce ments. This kind o f com m unication should be a d aily habit, not a reaction to a crisis. J H elp yo ur children learn how to examine and find solutions lo prob lems. K id s w ho know how lo approach a problem and resolve it e ffe ctive ly are less lik e ly to be angry, frustrated or violent. Take advantage o f " teachable m om ents" to help your ch ild understand and apply these and other skills. J R ecognize that keeping firearm s in y o u r home may put you at legal risk as w ell as exposing you and yo ur fa m ily to physical risk. In many states, parents can be held liable fo r their children's actions. J Com m unicate clea rly on v io lence and drugs. Explain that you don't accept and w on't tolerate v io lent behavior and drug use. J Insist on know ing yo ur c h il dren's friends, w hereabouts and activities. M ake your home an in v it ing and pleasant place fo r yo u r c h il dren and th eir friends; it's easier to know what they're up to when they're around. - New s U SA C H ILD CARE A N D PRESCHOOL PA TH W A YS (90S) 304- 1415- t · 4 Find out about your.. "S B T PATHWAYS AN CASTER PATHWAYS BURLINGTON 12, SI MOll UVK RD. l PPIR MiDDi I RD. ANCASTER BURLINGTON ^ «o s>634-4997 F in d o u t a b o u t ... · · · employment and career options training programs and technology balancing work and family P a rtic ip a te in ... panel discussions small group workshops information sessions and displays internet demonstrations · job prospects tor the future TWO-DAY CONFERENCE Tuesday, June 10 and Thursday, June 12, 2003 9 :0 0 a.m. - 4 :0 0 p.m. CHISHOLM EDUCATION CENTRE · Summer School for Elementary & Secondary Students · Chisholm Academy High School · Psycho-Educational Assessment Services · Tutorial & Remedial Services · Individualized High School Credits O a k v ille C onference & B anquet C entre 2 5 1 5 W yecroft Road, O akville (south o f Q E W at Bronte Road) Pre-registration is required, so call today. Open to women in Peel, Halton and Dufferin at no charge. To reg ister call: 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -6 0 0 0 , toll free: 1-866-4H ALTO N (1 -8 6 6 -4 4 2 -5 8 6 6 ) Ext. 4 1 7 6 or visit: If required, transportation to O akville is available. In partnership w ith: ^ The Centre P Region cf Peel W o tiu n ij fa n;J0 U SkiffsO evdapm air A D um ing Funded in port by Canada Presented by: Perris Training and Development Celebrating our Silver Jubilee Come and visit one of the finest schools in Ontario · Jr. Kindergarten lo Uui>'crsU) .Eulnuice · Hi^h, Standards of Academic Achievement · Advanced Placement Program · Elite Athlete's Progrant · Highly Qualified Teachers Who Inspire Students · Small Class Sizes & CHISHOLM Chisholm Academy High School Chisholm Educational Centre Dr. H . Bernstein, C . Psych., & Associates 'ding area.v lilable for Oakwllq aw MacLachlan College Please call the admissions office for availability and for a personal tour JK - Grade 6: Interviews Sc Entrance Testing by Appointment 1484 Cornwall Road, Oakville, ON L6J 7W5 Tel: (905) 844-3240 Fax: (905) 844-7321 337 Trafalgar Road, Oakville (905) 844-0372 · A c v n ilit e d In 1 C Z K S 1 .| ( . u l k I u i i K i l u c . i t i u iu l S ia i t t k i n k In v t itiit c ;iik ! j i i w i n U 'r n t as ( . o n l r i v i K v it! l iK l t '[ X 'i u l n i t S< Ihk>Is o f ( )itta rk >