Oakville Beaver, 21 May 2003, C2

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C2 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday May 21, 2003 V on ' - i ., -A - A C C O U N T IN G W in n e r o f R e ad e rs C h o ic e a w a rd fo r A c c o u n tin g a n d T ax - P la tin u m a n d G o ld a w a rd s fo r tw o years in a ro w (2 0 0 1 , 2 0 0 2 ). V o lu n te e r J u n io r A c h ie v e m e n t te a c h in g b u sin e ss o t G ra d e 8 s tu d e n ts , fo rm e r in s tr u c to r w ith C h r is to p h e r L e a d e rsh ip P ro g ra m te a c h in g p u b lic sp e a k in g , o v er 11 years b u si ness! IS Kathryn S. Naumetz Barrister 6 Solicitor Ig Tanning Salon Inc. jB FAMILY LAW · SEPARATION AGREEMENTS · DIVORCE · CUSTODY · SUPPORT · MARRIAGE CONTRACTS/ C O M M O N LAW AGREEMENTS R E A L EST A TE W IL L S & EST A TES 263 Church Street, Oakville (1 Block from Lakeshore & Trafalgar) C O N S T R U C T IO N Still taking orders for sw im m in g pools and more ... I m b h BATHROOM RENOVATION IMAGO RELATIONSHIP THERAPISTS EXPERIENCE THE DYNASTY BATH DIFFERENCE 905-845-2241 C O U N S E LLIN G L o u is e a n d M a rily n a r e lo c a l p s y c h o th e r a p is ts w h o s p e c ia liz e in h e lp in g c o u p le s r e c o n n e c t a n d im p r o v e c o m m u n ic a t io n s k ills . F in d th e v is io n f o r y o u r f u tu r e ! Couple and Individual Therapists New Beginnings Your Avenue of Hope · R elationships · A nxiety & Stress · Self Esteem · Separation Marilyn H unter BA M.Div · Abuse · Personal G row th · Life C hoices and Loss Louise Roberts B .S c.N . M .E d . ED U C A TIO N Searching lor business inform ation has always been a passion for Pam Casey. So in Septem ber 2 0 0 1 , Pam started Inform ation N o w in B urlington, O ntario. DYNASTY BATHS THE NAME THAT STANDS FOR INTEGRITY, HONESTY AND VALUE U J lt tiWl J H i u i u m uv. -1 I cD y n a s ty 905-844-0077 905-465-1047 Bath 4380 South Service Rd. Unit II s -- Clinical Members - Ontario Society of Psy chotherapists 905-639-8409 (between WiBcers Lne & Appleby Une) Tun. U rru Fn. 9-5:50. Sat. 9-4, CloudSun. & Sion. FA SH IO N Fashion for dance, skating, gym nastics and fitness. CINO TAX SERVICES · personal tax returns corporate, provincial and federal tax returns. · out of province returns as well as returns with multi designated provincial incomes. · notice of assessments for both personal and corporate returns. · notice of objections for both personal and corporate returns. CINO Tax Services specialize in assisting clients with assessment of needs, tax planning and preparation of tax returns. Our extensive experience and knowledge of Canada's tax system will help guide you through the minefields ot tax legislation. We will advocate on your behalf with Revenue Canada, sorting through the red tape and helping to ease your path to financial security LAW YER I**! FAMILY LAW, REAL ESTATE W ILLS & ESTATES If yo u 're not getting the a n s w e rs you need w h en you n eed them, give us a call. W hat h ave you got to lo se ? . C 1461 TRAFALGAR RD. OAKVILLE 905.849.6575, Dr. M acPherson has been in practice in the O akville area for over 2 0 years. Dr. M acPherson provides assessm ent and cou n sellin g to children, adolescents, adults and family. I N O wwwihecinogroup.com I 2C4 185 Plains Road East. Suite 7 (2nd floor) Burlington, Ontario L7T Phone:(905)632-3851 1-877-246-6287 Fax:(905)632-4501 ' Still taking orders for Pools!! DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME LOOKING FOR INFORMATION Call "INFORMATION NOW" SALON & SPA E legance w ith a m odern touch. Fixieus -- m ade to fly. TODAY! Inform ation N ow is an inform ation a n d retrieval fir m , which specializes in the business field. Pam searches the exclusive internet fo r answers to questions posed by clients. P a m C a s e y : INFO RM ATIO N NOW 539 Cumberland Ave., Rurlington ON L7N 2X3 905-639-5621 Information Now@canada.com T A N N IN G Buy 2 0 0 regular m inutes and receive 4 5 regular m inutes F R E E value $ 7 0 .0 0 student $ 6 0 .0 0 Aesthetics available on site m Free Consultation · Design Layout Available · Garden Design · Retaining Walls and more... · End of Season Blowout Sale CRAZY LEGS F a sh io n for D ance, Skating, G y m n a s tic s & Fitn ess. S h o e s fo r B a lle t , T a p & J a z z N o v e lty Item s. 2 0 % o fT w it h u d . K n d s M a y 31 E x c lu d e * Ir is h S o ft Shoos a n d I r i s h S in k s , T ig h ts a n d N o v e lt y ite m s . Gael M. MacPherson, Ph.D R e g iste re d P s y c h o lo g is t s ' Fully Insured A ll Work G u a ra n te e d Toll Free: 1-888-245-8630 Tel: (905) 257-3502 Fax:(905) 257-2300 division o f 208 W veerof t Rd. #202 P p n fim (betw een Dorval & Kerr) 1235 Trafalgar Road, Suite 302 IOakville, Ontario L6H 3P1 ITel: 905-338-3688 Fax: 905-338-6524 8 4 4 -4 4 1 5 H OURS: Mon. - Thurs. 12:30-8; Fri. 12:30-6; Sat. 10-4

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