C6 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday May 21, 2003 professional fa iK I careers professional professional EH skilled & technical help RPT SEARS sk ille d & - -.W -- t k.fA wcnrocai neip FEU sales help & agents C ustomer Driven. P ro fession al. R esults Oriented. Supportive. Team Player. Bilingual Custom er Service/Order Desk Canadian Inkjet Systems, a wholly owned subsidiary of Domino Printing S ciences PLC (UK), a leader in in d u stria l inkjet and laser printing and coding solutions located in Oakville, is seeking a B i-Lm gual C u sto m e r S e rvice / O rder D esk R e p re se n ta tive C o n v e rs in g fre q u e n tly w ith c u s to m e rs , y o u m u s t h a v e an excellent comm and of both written and oral English and French. The qualified individual will also have excellent com m unication skills, possess a positive attitude, strong work ethic and have a b a sic k n o w le d g e of MS W o rd and E xcel. In s id e S a le s and Customer Service experience would be a definite asset. Domino is an equal opportunity employer ottering a com petitive salary, benefit and pension plan. V is it us at: w w w .d o m in o -p rln tfn g .c o m n O M I k i n Please s u b m it resu m e in MS W o rd to [.com U U I m IINU c ta re a @ ca n a d ia nlnkjet. ·" Fax:905-829-1842 process & steam specialties P S S If these w o rd s describe you, let's talk! /4s part o l a global lam lly providing the world's leading real estate related HomeCentral D o y o u IN S T A L L A ir C o n d itio n e rs ? D o y o u IN S T A L L R o o fin g ? D o y o u h a v e a c o m m itm e n t to to ta l c u s to m e r s a tis fa c tio n ? Sears Hom eCentral is rapidly expanding and has opportunities for professional installers to join our dynam ic team. INSIDE SALES A well established distributor of specialty valves, automated valves, and specialty piping products for the process industries has an immediate opening for an Inside Salesperson The successful candidate will be responsible for handling telephone inquiries re garding product information, pricing, quoting. Good communication skills are required in order to provide prompt, accurate, courteous customer service To qualify, you must have relevant experience, mechanical aptitude, a passion to serve, and a strong work ethic Previous related inside sales experience required Forward your resume in complete contidence to financial and information services, we simplify and expedite the way real estate transactions are closed with title insurance and other innovative services. We became the global leader by focusing on our customers' needs Along the way. we've learned that being truly innovative means that our people have to be empowered to anticipate and respond to those needs. That's why we are committed to creating a work environment that offers challenge, purpose, and growth within a team based culture Located in Oakville, we currently have the following opening. Commercial Law Clerk You will process requests lor commercial title insurance by reviewing title opinions and/or searches and drafting a Commitment to Insure. As well, you will maintain personalized programs tor high protile clients and provide information to customers regarding commercial title insurance, underwnting guidelines, endorsements, coverage, rates, and procedures Ideally, you are a dynamic individual with a legal assistant/law clerk diploma and 5-10 years experience as a real estate law clerk. Experience in commercial real estate is an asset Technical knowledge ol the practice of real estate law including the understanding of the mechanics of a real estate transaction Is essential Professional and customer service focused with strong communication skills, you are able to manage multiple tasks in a fast-paced environment and work independently as well as in a team environment. ProficierTcy with MS Office is required Sears HomeCentral Wants You!!! · Sears offers com petitive rates for labour. · All contracts are pre-sold and ready to be installed. · There is no collection to be done. · Receive support of an experienced installation office. For all inquires please call Rob Lavorato. Unit Installation Manager. Hamilton District 905-545-4741. Ext. 434 PROCESS & STEAM SPECIALITIES 4100-B Sladeview Cres.. Unit 3 & 4 Mississauga, Ontario 1515Z3 Fax: 905-828-9716 sbrownsteinaprocessandsteam.com Drake International, on behalf of our client Bell Canada, is recruiting for several entry-level customer service positions located in their HAMILTON CALL CENTRE. QUALIFICATIONS: · Excellent communications and multi-tasking skills. · Proven customer service skills and sales ability · Selling to targets and quotas. · Presents a professional demeanor while dealing with a variety ot clients. · Computer expenence within a Windows environment. Flexible to work part-time to fulltime hours as well as every other Sat No evgs or Sundays! Bell offers successful candidates competitive hourly rate & paid training Please la x y o u r resu m e to 905-528-0014 o r e -m a il y o u r resu m e to h a m ilto n @ n a .d ra k e in tt.c o m We thank all candidates lor their interest, however, only those M H 1 ISLm D RIV ER/M A C H IN E O P E R A T O R REQ U IRED Large landscape company in North Oakville requires Truck driver/Machine Operator D-Z License re quired. A-Z an asset 3-5 years experience. Duties in clude driving tandem trucks, skid steers, loaders and basic landscape field work. Contact Antonio: 905-876-3000 ext. 31 Fax resume: 905-876-0400 1 5401 £ 2 FlR§T Ca n a d ia n T itl e TUtiffottdm REQUIRES To apply online, please visit our website or you can apply in writing to: HR Department. First Canadian Title Fax: (905) 287-1008 We rnank n.1 appitcara tar t f w ntormt. ^owevef. oaly Afternoon Shift Supervisor 4pm-t2am, Sunday-Thursday M orning S h ift 5am-1lam Monday-Friday Apply in person to Gwen between 9am-3pm 1499 Upper Middle Rd.. Oakville DRAKE selected for interview will be contacted. No telephone calls please B61 1 G R E E N W IN P roperty M anagem ent has positions a v a ila b le for e x p e rie n c e d C o n d o m in iu m P ro p erty Managers Positions avail able .n Hamilton. Burlington. O akville and M ississauga. RCM candidates preferred P le a s e sen d re su m e to. resumes © greenwinpm com or fax to 416-467-9719 EOT general help wanted LICENSED TECHNICIANS Class A E, apprentice for our four busy locations Attractive incentives - Call us lor mote into Signing bonus options Mike Ahearn 1-519-668-7630 Fax: 1-519-668-7631/mike^midasauto.ca IVFARE THE INDUSTRY LEADERS ID A S ) AND WE HAVE A LOT TO OFFER B A T H R O O M S p e c ia lis t. 2 0 yea rs of qu a lity w o rk m anship. B asem ent b a th room packages from $999 Call 905-849-9499 C U S T O M d ra p es , .llte ra tions. b a llo o n s. 3 0 y ea rs n*L' 0 'ienco interior D e co rators welcome. En*a, 905542-8230 C U S T O M -M A O E d ra p er>es valances, sheers, bed/ ta b le / chair c o-ordinates, fabrics, installation 1 ly rs exp Sherry 905-634-6706 C E D A R S . P riv a c y . 3-4 $ 1 0 9 5-ea includes deliv ery Also, hedge removal 4 c lean-up Spring planting. CaH 416-540-2027 fl-l E q u ip m en t R ental Opening in Oakville, has immediate need (or Classified E-mail · dassified@ haAcnseaicn.com Internet: www.burtingtonpost.com www.oakvillebeaver com Diesel/Gas Mechanics and A V O N - Free O ffer expires May 22/03. Free start-up kit. great way for extra income. C a ll for in fo rm a tio n 9 0 5 331-6205 Rental Co-ordinator P lease fax resume Attention Doug 416-781 8135 BURLINGTON HYUNDAI Here we grow again! The Auto Service Experts Book Sale USEDBOOKSALE Public Notice ATTENTION F o rm e r O PA (O ffice P ro fe ssio n a ls A s so c ia tio n ) B a rg a in in g U nit, m e m b e rs a t H alto n D istrict S chool B o a rd Re: C laries LTD Plan M em bers and D e m utu a liza tio n SALES REPS Required to cover new territory for bottled water com pany. No experience necessary, will train Vehicle an asset Must be mature & professional GENERAL CONTRACTOR required for renovations company Must be experi enced in drywall installation, taping and mudding. Also : have seme ex; e- · im t-g electrical. Iraming & ceramic tile installation. Min 5 years experience Starting rate $15-S20/hr LICENSED MECHANIC Required Immediately Competitive Renumeration with Benefits Package Fax: 905-633-8815 Apply: 2016 Plains Rd. E.. B u rlin g to n ATTN: Service Manager Steve Hughes May22-May 24 Hopedale Mall (Mall hours) IF , call 905- 847-0619 905-319-4242 EARN EXTRA **C A $H ** Run your own business with early morning delivery of newspapers in Burlington Exc. commissions 7-days/wk Reliable vehicle required Call Boris. Proceeds to Oakville Literacy Council r o t mm Ask about our EM office-clerical G O fW U D S STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM. Motivated communicators required. Paid by piecework. Compensation Enumeration type work. No experience necessary We train accepted applicants. M ILT O N ( t f :> )T O Y O T A A U TO Deaths C O L E M A N , J a m e s E. Peacefully at hom e su rro u n d ed by fam ily a fte r a long courageous struggle with cancer on May 17, 2003. at the age of 62 James grew up in Sydney, Nova Scotia, graduated from St F ra n c is X a v ie r U n iv e rs ity a n d h a d a d is tin g u is h e d c a re e r in th e c h e m ic a l industry in Canada Beloved husband ol Maureen (O'Brien), Surviving are his sister. Marcia Ullman; loving father of Scott and his wife Suzanne, Grant and his wife Michelle. Sean and his wife Debbie and Patrick and his w ife D enise: d e vo te d g ra n d fa th e r of James Julianna. Matthew. Nicholas. Owen. Liam. Riley, A idan. Isabel. Alyssa. Jake. Russell and A n g e lin a M aureen and her sons w ish to thank the m any fam ily and friends who were such a wonderful support to them Thanks also to Dr. Tom Mathe and the Halton V O N Funeral Mass will be held 11 a m W ednesday May 21. in St A n d re w 's R om an C a th o lic C h u rc h . 47 Reynolds St Oakville Donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society or Halton Victorian Order of Nurses Oue to expansion and growth at our automotive dealerships, we are currently seeking qualified candidates for the following positions · ACCOUNTING/BOOKKEEPING 1. Y o u were a m em ber o f the O ffic e P ro fe ssio na ls A s s o c ia tio n B a rg a in in g U n it (n o w the O n ta rio S e cond a ry S c h o o l T e a c h e rs ' F e d e ra tio n O C T B a rg a in in g U n it) betw een the years 1992 and 1997, and 2. Y o u p a rtic ip a te d in the C la ric a L T D (L o n g T e rm D is a b ility ) Plan fo r m em bers o f th is b a rg a in in g u n it b y p a y in g p rem ium s to C la ric a b e t w een 1992 and 1997, T H E N you should attend the fo llo w in g m eeting: Call Human Resources lor interview 905-525-0187 Betw een 8:30 a.m. - 4:30p.m. (F u ll-tim e Senior Assistant) · BOOKKEEPER (F u ll-tim e C lerical) Various work schedule arrangements can be tailored for the right persons including flexible hours and/or variable work arrangements Knowledge of computers is a must, with previous Reynolds and Reynolds experience a decided asset Please send your cover letter and resume by fax (905)-875-1516 or by to the anention ot General Manager 905-333-4977 M A L E S , ages 18-40 years needed for taste tests. We pay $ $$ for your opinions W inston C hurchill Blvd & O undas S t.. M is sis sa u g a C a ll S ensory S e rv ic e s at 905-569-6524 June 23, 2003 7:00 p m Galaxy Club 475 N. Service Road O akville, ON The purpose o f the m eeting is 1. T o id e n tify persons w h o p a rtic i pated in the C la ric a L T D ( L o n g T e rm D is a b ility ) Plan fo r m em bers o f th is b a rg a in in g u n it by p a y in g p re m iu m s to C la ric a betw een 1992 and 1997, 2. T o vo te on a re s o lu tio n fo r d is trib u tio n o f the m onies generated by d e m u tu a liz a tio n o f th is L T D Plan to those w h o paid p re m iu m s in to th is plan. 514 I salon & spa help Experienced ETE1 salon & spa help Hairstylists < The World's Largest Hairstyling Chain Requires Full-time & Part-time x O a k v ille , B u rlin g to n , H a m ilto n SCOOTER'S SNACK SERVICE ITT -P/T staff - many seasonal positions: Beachway Pavillion Counter & kit. staff. Hot dog vendorsLasalle & Spencer Smith Partis. Own vehicle an asset Event Manager 5 yrs driving exp. Trailer pulling an asset Fax 905-878-2146 or call 905-693-8444 E S T A B L IS H E D Agency seeking extras and models for TV . Film . C om m ercials and Music Videos Call 416925-9643._________________ M O L L Y M A ID is s e e kin g team spirited, dependable, re lia b le s ta ff F u ll-tim e , benefits a va ila b le . Drivers license an asset C all 905 6 8 1 -7 4 8 4 Not s u itab le for students. P E T H o te l- S e n io r s tu d ents for w eekends & sum m er months. Must be ener getic. have own transporta tion and start at 7a m. East Burlington. Fax resum e to 905-332-7718 R E C E S S IO N P roof Business. Work from home on your c o m p u t er S25- $75/hr. Part/ Full time Call 1-888-255-8113 www graspon2freedom com WE OFFER MORE: $250. Starting Bonus Great commissions · Career advancement Flex work hours · Solid benefit program TO ARRANGE AN INTERVIEW, please call Kym at 905-849-8808. Ext 221 I M A 4 We th in k i l l jp p fra n ts m x M n c t lo r tbeir interest, we regret th it only those being considered m » be contjcted ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK Temporary full-time position lor reception and various office work Must have telephone and computer experience Fax resume to: G E S I N T E R N A T I O N A L SALO N D A Y SPA Group Support L E O N A R D , W illia m G ordo n (G o rd ) (Flying O fficer RCAF and RAF 619 Sqn Maior B Company Lome Scots P D and H O a k v ille ). W ith d e e p e s t re g re t we announce the sudden passing on May 19. 2003 at h om e, of W. G o rd o n L e o n a rd Beloved husband of Myrtle (Post) and father of Kevin (Mary) of Orting. Washington State, U S A Brother of Robert (A udrey) of S Wales. M urray (M erle) of M ilton. D onald (Lyn) of Milton. Grace Schroeder (Herb) of O akville and M olly Featherstone (Don) of Oakville Beloved uncle of many nieces and nephew s. R etired Union G as Co , Ltd member of Claude M. Kent Lodge (Masonic O rd e r), m e m b e r of St. J o h n 's U n ite d Church Oakville, member of Bronte Legion B ra n c h 4 86 R e s tin g at th e O a k v ie w Funeral Home. 56 Lakeshore Road West (one b lo ck east of Kerr St.) O akville, on Thursday May 22, 2003 from 2-4 and 79 p m Funeral s e rv ic e F rid a y May 23. 2003. at St. J o h n 's U n ite d C h u rch , 262 Randall Street. Oakville at 1 o'clock In lieu of flo w e rs , d o n a tio n s m ay be m ad e to the Canadian Cancer Society 'Point me to the skies' O a kville T o w n C entre W e are se e kin g h ig h -e n e rg y and ta le n te d te a m m em bers. R.M.T. · Esthetician F/T 8. P/T CAREER OPPORTUNITIES complete w ith competitive salary + commission + excellent benefit package! For info, call Barb at 905-338-3333 or fax resume: 905-338-9561 F U L L -T IM E H a irs ty lis t, for busy W aterdow n Salon Call 905-315-0290 O ffice Manager (905) 337-1517 BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT The best care we can give you is not to protect you lorm the pain, but to help you through it. Individual & Group Counselling HALTON FAMILY SERVICES 90 5-845-3811 ||p Oakville's Premier Day Spa requires a part-time RN The "Original" Chaps requires Mon-Fri Daytime Family Services A lc o h o lic s A n o n y m o u s If y o u d rin k , th a t's y o u r b u s in e s s If y o u w a n t to q u it, T h a t's O u rs ! (416 ) 487-5591 (905 ) 631-8784 Sandtron Autom ation Ltd Service Electricians Required by Naylor Group Inc. for immediate work. PLC experience preferred with 309A. Top wages and benefits. Experienced Truck Driver Min DZ license to operate Roll-Off/ Till & Load, hauling lift trucks and other misc. shop duties. 44/hr week excellent wages/ benefit pkg,, uniforms. Mail or fax resume to; Halton Litt Truck. 1054 South Service Rd East Oakville. O N L6J 2X7 Fax: 905-849-3515 Fax Resume to: Randy Reid is looking tor highly motivated people to join our INSIDE SALES TEAM Must enioy talking on the telephone with a fnendly, cheerful voice. Sales experi ence required. St 21 hr. Fulltime days. To apply call Michele 905-827-8230 Experienced in Sclerotherapy & Cos metic Injections under supervision of an MO Call Judy or Barb 905-338-3333 or fax 905-338-9561 BARTENDER 3yrs. exp. required Qualified Applicants r Apply in person 3315 Fairview St Burlington VON HALTON requires F/T. P/T&Eve RIUs to work in Visiting Nursing Programs. Call 905-827-8800 or tax 905-827-5341 to · the attention of Nursing Supervisor P A R T -T IM E D e n ta l hygienist including restorative re q u ire d for B urlington Dental office Full-tim e po sition available end of June for maternity leave. Fax re sume to: 905-332-1931 D E N T A L H y g e n is t- C a m bridge 4 days/ w eek sta rt ing July 2nd to cover 1year m a tern ity le a v e P le a s e call Dr Bob P arks B .5 1 9 621-3770, H 519-622-3054 P A R T -T M E P D A req u ire d for Burlington Dental office. Full-tim e position available in Septem ber for maternity leave Fax resume to: 905332-5240 O A R H O U S E S ports B ar «s adding to the team Bring your resum e and best first impression to the Oarhouse interview day Sat May/24 1h 11-2pm Tues M a y/27th 25pm Now hiring S erv ers and S ec u rity perso n n e l 2 7 0 N orth S e rv ic e Rd Oakville 1-905-338-5800 To place an announcement, employment or classified ad CALL 9 0 5 - 6 3 2 - 4 4 4 0 Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. FAX: 905-632-8165 BY MAIL OR IN PERSON: B u rlin g to n P o s t & F la m b o ro u g h P o s t 5040 Mainway. #1, Burlington, ON L7L 7G5 O a k v ille B e a v e r 467 Speers Rd., Oakville. ON L6K 2S4 D e a d lin e s : 905-338-8369 L IC E N S E D A utom otive m echanic required for fast growing general repair g a rage Full benefits Apply in p e rso n to A utofun 3 2 8 0 Mainway Burlington. M A C H IN IS T R e q u ire d by D ie -S e t m a n u fa c tu re r Must be qualified on C N C V ertical M ill Fax resum e 905-332-1022 SALES REP. REQUIRED SPEA K ENGLISH? Teach English and travel worldwide. Bridal Show for computer and home electronics Visit us at w w w .deatech systems.com ARCTIC Spas requires goalo rie n te d S a le s p e o p le for our dymamc team Offered: in-depth training, com peti tive w ag e s , com m issions, lo n g -te rm In c e n tiv e p ro grams E xperience in hot iub industry a definite asset. P le a s e subm it resu m e in person 1027 S p ee rs Rd. Unit 28. Oakville No phone calls. JOBS AVAILABLE Production work in the MILTON area $11-512/hr All shifts available. Fax resume to: I office-clerical TH E Added T o u c h - th re e P a rt-T im e pos itio n s Re q u ire 5 y e a rs o ffic e e x p .. excellent com puter (E xcel/ A c c e s s ), problem s olving skills. B o o k k e e p e r- m ust know Q uickBooks Phone S taff- inbound calls (Shifts v ary M o n -S a t 8 a m -6 p m ) IT /O ffic e A s s is ta n t- d a ta b a se w ork p ro je c ts . F ax resum e w/hourly w age e x pectations. 905-338-1486 A D M IN IS T R A T IV E Sup port and bookkeeper posi tions required for a dy na m ic, ra p id ly ox p an d m g O a k v ille F in a n cia l In s titu tion Indicate salary expec tation Fax resume to 905338-0977 GREAT SALARIES WORLDWIDE Jobs Guaranteed' 1-800-344-6579 www.teach andtravel.com Free info, session Mav 21st-7om Chapters Burlington. Woodview Place vetting I v(fanned? Don't Miss Toronto's Foremost Bridal Event 9 Mon., 5 p.m., for Wed. publication Wed., 5 p.m., for Fri. publication Thurs., 5 p.m., for Sun. publication Special Feature deadlines may vary. P a y m e n t: HCR 416-622-7258 or Tel: 1-888-411-1660 LAN D SC A PE C o n s tru c tion firm (O akville base lo c atio n ) re q u ire s e x p e r i enced landscaped p erson nel C a ll 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -5 5 5 5 Fax resume 905-849-5565 C L E A N IN G / R e sto ratio n Technician Experience in carpet cleaning helpful Full/ P a rt-tim e R e s p o n sib le , service orientated. Service M a s te r O a k v ille D is a s te r Restoration 905-847 0995 F U L L -T IM E D riv e r/ w a r e house help Must possess drivers lice n se & c le a n drivers record Burlington P le a s e fax re sum e 9 0 5 6 39-3771 or call 9 0 5 -6 3 9 2902 BUSY fencing company re quires e xp e rie n c e d fe nc e builders for fu ll-tim e posi tions S 10+ d e pend ing on experience Call: 9 05-4696 1 7 7 fax 9 0 5 -4 6 9 -6 1 7 9 , email barrier@idirect.com H O U S E K E EP E R required 2 days week in the Aldershot area Ptease caB 905-526-7920 R M T required for B u rlin g ton chiropractic clinic. Full tim e position w ith e s ta b lished c lie n te le F a x r e sume 905-332-9889 \a tw n a f { / ) / · / ( / ( / / r \Jl()W t We accep t cash , cheque, Interac, Visa. M asterCard, American Express. B usiness accounts can be o pened with an approved credit application available from your S ale s Consultant. C H EC K YOUR AD DENTAL H YGIENIST required lor our busy, upbeat Waterdown Of fice. If you are an opti mist who works hard, has tun on the job and believes in the value ot prevention and educa tion. we would love to hear trom you Full-time position starts July/ 2nd (PDA may also ap ply!. Please lax confidential resume to: The Firehall Dentist at 905-689-9328 A B B E Y G R IL L is a dding to the team Bring your re sume and best first impres sion to the try-outs Sat May 24th 11-2pm and Tues May 2 7th 1-5pm Hiring server and Host* H ostess 1 -9 0 5 3 3 8 -5 8 0 0 2 7 0 North S e rv ice Rd Oakville B A R S te w a rd s , re q u ire d p a rt-tim e S om e c ooking involved Forw ard resume: R oyal C a n a d ia n Legion, Branch 114, 36 Upper Mid dle Rd E O a k v ille L6H 7M1 or call 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -6 2 7 1 . 10am to 1pm E T C E T E R A . Etc - Fine dining in Bronte, hiring e x pe rie n c ed full & pa rt-tim e Cooks. Bussers. Wait Staff Call Eddie 905-827-4121 E U R O P EA N cleaning lady looking for new c lie n ts R e s id e n tia l. B onded Satisfaction guaranteed! Free e s tim a te . 9 0 5 - 5 7 5 - 0 2 9 0 905-741-7881 Sept. 5 -7 ,2 0 0 3 · International Centre, Airport Road Name_________________________________________ Address________________________________________ C ity____________________ Postal Code_____________ to en su re th e information is correct. C ontact your S ales C onsultant within 24-Hours if an error ap p ears. An error in a Fn. publication T H E F IR S T D A Y IT R U N S must be reported no later than Mon, 5:30 p.m. CIRCULATION: 905-632-0588 MAIN SWITCHBOARD: 905-632-4444 LE A D IN G Burlington Hom e Im p ro v e m e n t C o m p a n y is looking for part-tim e office help for Saturday Mornings M ust have good custom er service skills. Please call or fax 9 0 5 -6 3 7 -0 0 1 8 b e t ween 9am - 5pm. Monday to Fnday L E G A L Assistant required for general practice Litiga tion e x p e rie n c e an a sset S en d re su m e O a k v ille B e a v e r. B o x # 6 4 0 8 , 4 6 7 S peers Rd O ak v ille . L6K 3S4 M A T U R E , re tire d Fam ily Law Clerk desires em ploy m ent. part/ full-time, m op tometrist's office, in the ca pacity of receptionist/ optometric assistant. I possess excellent people skills and previous optometric experi ence Please call Kathleen. 905-842-0122 Phone J Wedding Date, Fax________ Email I DECKS. Maintenance free & traditional Custom designs, quality w orkm anship. 5yr written guarantee Monthly payments avail Authorised Direct E nergy Contractor 9 0 5 -6 2 5 -3 3 2 5 ; 1-866-9023325,www torontodecks.com SEND THIS FORM FOR YOUR 2 FOR 1 ADMISSION COUPON BY FRI.. 12, _ _ _DEC. ____ _ _2003 ___ Send to: National Bridal Shows c/o Premier Consumer Show 467 Speers Rd.. Oakville L6K 3S4. Fax: 905-337-5571 S O L E © A DIVISION OF METR0LAND PRINTING. PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTING CLASSIFIED CATEGORIES Real Estate 100-135 Rentals 170-196 Business to Business 140-169 Leisure Living 200-239 Community Notices 240-259 & Community Notice Pages Public Notices 260-269 Community Services 270-299 Merchandise 300-385 Autos 400-470 Employment 500-570 Services 700-795 Business & Professional Directory