Oakville Beaver, 21 May 2003, A3

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday May 21, 2003 - A 3 U n a fra id to g e t in v o lv e d Annual police awards honour our everyday heroes F and were indeed com m endable as she ront and centre at last w eek's put herself at risk to save the life of Halton Regional Police Service annual awards night were a host o f another person." private citizens who went above and l)r. J o h n D enby. Jo h n K lub. (offduty) Toronto Police Detective C onst. beyond to ensure public safety. R om an Strzelecki. who on Feb. 22. "O ur community can be justifiably 2002. apprehended a com bative proud o f the civilians being honoured impaired driver who had struck several tonight," said Police C hief Ran Algar. vehicles and seriously threatened the "We have often heard, `It's none o f my lives o f motorists. Klub was bitten by the business' or `I d o n 't w ant to get involved.' These citizens have dem on " Our community can be strated the opposite, saying with their justifiably proud of the civilians actions -I want to help.' To you award being honoured. We have often recipients, through your effort, you have made a difference. May others Icam and heard, `It's none of my business,' emulate your example." or `I don't want to get involved.' Oakville award w inners include: These citizens have demonstrated Vic K aloustian an d Vlike S tu a rt, who. on Jan. 14. 2002. chased and cap the opposite." tured a purse-snatcher w ho robbed a 65· Police C hief Ean Algar year-old woman on Upper Middle Road man as well. and recovered her belongings. "The actions taken by all three men "The police rely on the actions o f reflect on their willingness to keep our members o f our com munities to react to com munities safe by dem onstrating the an immediate situation such as occurred courage to become involved with the with this purse snatching, and both men apprehension o f a drunk driver." said are com mended for their actions and Hay. apprehension o f the youth responsible D an M c L a u g h lin , ( io r d W ilson, for such a cowardly act." said Sgt. Va) D avid Ridley a n d D arre n S tark , who Hay. C arey H arg ro v e, w ho on Feb. 15. on March 2, 2(X)2. cam e to aid o f sever al people in the Woodside Library who 2002. kept a suicidal woman standing were assaulted by a man w ho can only be outside the railing o f an apartment calm described as deranged. A fter being and secure until police arrived. restrained and placed in custody, it was "Ms. H argrove's com passion, caring discovered that the man had two knives and quick thinking in obtaining entry into the w om an's apartment was crucial and scissors in his pocket. He also kicked out the window o f a police cruiser. in providing an unlocked door for quick "Rather than a quiet Saturday at the access by police." said Hay. "M s. library, these men were challenged by an H argrove's actions were a deciding fac unpredictable and unexplained violent tor in the safe recovery o f the woman. incident far beyond what is normally expected, and they responded in a highly com m endable way in order to protect other people in the library." said Hay. S u san C oates, Scott Phillips an d I.ani S m ith , w ho on March 23. 2002. responded to a youth who had been struck by a car on Upper Middle Road. "These three ... demonstrated a self less act by stopping and caring for the victim o f this tragic accident." said Hay. "Although the youth succumbed to his injuries, the com fort provided by these people may have eased the last moments o f his life. They are to be commended for their public display o f the compassion and caring reflected in their actions." S ue K ing was the 2(X)2 Oakville recipient o f the Lyn Benson Award, established in 1994 and named after the very com m unity-m inded citizen who gave so much to Oakville. Each year, one person or group which best represents Benson's devotion to community polic ing is identified from north Halton. Burlington and Oakville to receive the award. K ing's accomplishments include her involvement with the Trafalgar com mu nity consultation committee (CCC) with which she worked to implement fluores cent yellow-green school signs in the Trafalgar area. She also participated in the bike rodeo last spring and a session on pedestrian and vehicular safety in school zones. King was also a significant contribu tor to the regional CCC program when she reviewed the revised CCC hand book. offering her input and ensuring it was understandable. Two Halton teachers are tops Peter C.McCusker · O akville B eaver HATS OFF TO HISTORY: I.in d a F ra n c is o f th e M obile M illinery M useum places a 1%(>s P hillip W ard b o n n et on th e h ead o f E lain e H e in d m a rsh at T h e O akville S eniors C e n tre on K e rr St. recently. A n elegant V icto rian te a acco m pan ied th e old-fashioned h a t show a t th e event. Volunteers a driving need at Fareshare Fareshare Foodbank needs volun teers to fill its pressing need for drivers to pick up food and other donated items from around town. According to Fareshare spokesper son Dudley Clarke, the num ber o f driv ers has dw indled so m uch that the onus for collecting stock for the foodbank has fallen on a handful o f people. A s a result, an appeal has gone out for individuals w ho have their own vehicle -- preferably a m inivan -- and can m ake pickups on M ondays or Thursdays, as well as lift up to 30 lbs. People are required on a regular basis, once a w eek o r to fill in when necessary according to their schedule, explained Clarke. T hose interested are encouraged to call 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -3 9 8 8 during F areshare's open hours -- M ondays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.. Thursdays from 3 to 7 p.m. -- or leave a m essage any other time. D rivers m ake w eekly pickups o f unsold food at such bu sin esses as O akville's two Loblaws stores. They collect items such as children's clothing from W al-M art and O ak v ille's tw o Winners stores. Pickups are also m ade at special events like school food drives. So far this year. Fareshare has served an average o f 280 families per month an 8.5-per-cent increase over the same tim e last year. T his translates into an average 872 people per month. 467 of w hom are children. Financial donations are also w el com e. as is food throughout the year. Cheques (for w hich income tax receipts will be issued) can be sent to 1240 Speers Rd.. Unit 6. Oakville. Ontario, L6L 2X4. For m ore inform ation call 905-8 4 7 -3 9 8 8 . Fareshare Foodbank, which is run entirely by volunteers, has served O akville fam ilies in need since 1988. N o support is received or solicited from any level o f governm ent. Two Halton C atholic teachers are aw ard w inners for `teaching ex cel lence.' C atherine Ross at St. Joseph School in O akville and Noelle Stutt-W alsh at O ur Lady o f Victory in Milton are the recipients o f the C atholic T eachers' Best Practice Aw ards. The w omen were am ong a field o f 11 recognized by the O ntario English Catholic Teachers' Association. Ross won for w riting a set o f prayers and reflections to celebrate (he Lenten season. Thoughts, songs and a gospel read ing that com pares Lent to cleaning out a garden were created for G rades 7/8 stu dents and adult worshippers. " I'm particularly fond o f the set I subm itted," said the G rade 1 teacher. "W inning this award gives me an even greater feeling about it." Stutt-W alsh wrote an article about a w ell-liked and successful problem -solv ing technique long em ployed in her classroom routine. She has students sit in a circle and allow s them to freely express their w or ries and concerns, as well as positive and negative events. She then asks them to problem solve and m ake future plans. "I'm glad to have finally written down what I've been using in my class es for more than 10 years. Now it can be shared with other professionals." said Stutt-Walsh. She currently teaches G rade 4 but said this open forum has been used suc cessfully in higher grades as well. All w inning subm issions will be published on the O ntario English C atholic T eachers' A ssociation Web site -- www.oecta.on.ca. and the writ ers will be honoured with a plaque. Construction Bandit sought Halton police are looking for new leads in an armed bank rob bery that occurred in Oakville last summer. At 10:19 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 31. a man walked into the Scotia Bank branch at 6 1 1 Third Line. He pointed a semi-automat sTiiims ic handgun, threatening custom ers and (IF employees. The robber demanded money, H A L T O N which he was given, then tied. The suspect is described as white, in his u 825-TlPSor 1-800*68-8151 mid-20s. 6-foot. 180 lbs., with sandy blond hair and a moustache. At the time of the crime, the suspect was dressed like a construction worker, giving him the nickname Construction Bandit. He was wearing baggy blue jeans, a tool belt around his waist, dark-coloured, long sleeve shirt, black run ning shoes, a baseball cap. dark -rimmed glasses and a bandanna on the lower portion o f his face. Most noticeably, he was wear ing an orange construction safety vest with a yellow fluorescent X on the back. Police believe the bandit is responsible for at least three other robberies in Toronto and the GTA. If you have any information please call 1-800-222-8477. m m · · · · woodworking painting, interior/exterior wallpaper hanging and borders wall repair & stuccoing of ceilings For a free estimate please call Mark Durie 905.842.5727 This w eeken d only N o b o d y M A can b e a t th e s e U I p r ic e s ! H M wir 1 shown - l« l« lU P^ni! 3 $ ^' m A T m o d e l s S T O R E P R I C E ! 25 % ciff BBQ Acce<ssories 40°/ j OFF S ek »cted Cool (w a re IM0 PAYM ENTS IM0 INTEREST D o n 't p a y fo r O N E fu ll y e a r ,, ic P le a s e A sk fo r D e ta ils U N L IM IT ID INC. S ince 1988 F l o o r 1254 P la in s Rd. E., B u rlin g to n (Just East o l Maple Ave.) SHOWROOM HOURS: Mon - Fri. 10 am - 4 pm. Saturday 10 am 3 pm. Other times by Appointment C O S T O A K V IL L E L IM IT E DT IM EOFFER (905) 634-4869 H LEVOLOR W I N D O W HunterDouglas f A i N I O I S NO PST & NO GST HURRY! Sale ENDS Sunday May 25th. P ndm laif Mbrnxdt a<lm N ti>vn<rliri<|hlt>kM qM M in.<M iO Tllnnf« fv IttJtoti « ffprnpiptail fltfln nuy jpptjf m A* id INTERNET: http://www.shutters.on.ca '*) tt! jndD O rtr jccwjqi m pioduil devt^KJ# jmI piKinq (nrlwh [in be jnvflded wlltcul p m nobu b> II* KUnutxtmw! m u m o t h. M d r

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