Oakville Beaver, 21 May 2003, A7

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A07 The Oakville Beaver. Wednesday May 21, How does their garden grow? Students get down to earth with landscape apprenticeship By Melanie Cummings m m SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER HaltonSearch.cYiTi . . :W M om * O *T « |Mtp / /-mW W « S««r«k S fiM urM y f t N> j] _ ------------------------ 1 jtA St a cM cJc-aum y! - . ^ G> OAKYIL LE COUNCIL & STANDING COMMITTEE MEETINGS Monday, May 26, 2003 Tuesday, May 27, 2003 NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF PUBLIC MEETING Zoning Amendment APPLICANT - New Province Homes File No.: 2.1735.05 P lease be advised th at a public m eeting for th e ab o v e-n o ted developm ent application, sc h ed u led to b e held on May 26, 2003 c o m m e n c in g a t 7:30 p.m . in th e Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville h a s been CANCELLED until further notice. Public notification will be provided w hen th e m eeting is rescheduled. If you have any q u estio n s p le ase direct them to Sally Stull, at th e Town's Planning S ervices D epartm ent, Town of Oakville, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON. L6J 5A6. Telephone: 905-845-6601, extension 3261 or email ad d ress: ->3lull®oflkvlll« cu REBECCA STREET Planning & Development Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. Community Services Committee 7:30 p.m. - Oakville Room Administrative Services Committee 7:30 p.m. - Trafalgar Room Monday, June 9, 2003 Twenty-five students will get a jum pstart on their careers in the landscape ' industry next year, at W hite O aks ' Secondary School. Already, 15 have been accepted into the O ntario Youth A pprenticeship Program (OYAP). set to begin this fall. And W hite O aks' landscape teacher. W endy Peters, is interviewing G rade 11-12 students from high schools across the region for the remaining spots. The program certifies students in the trade 18 months earlier than if they had · gone the same route after graduating high school, said Peters. "There is a huge demand in the indus try' for skilled w orkers in landscape design, construction, residential, com mercial and golf course maintenance, as well as greenhouse or nursery produc tion." she added. .In the three years Peters has taught at W hite O aks, she has turned the general horticulture course into a diverse projgram. This is plainly evidenced by the phys ical changes at her end o f the school. The greenhouse is packed with plant life from annuals and perennials to tropi cals and herbs. Everything is grown from seed or root. At the side o f the greenhouse, a nurs ery has been created out o f what was once a wild bed o f weeds. It is now a mani cured area with raised garden beds, cold frames, interlocking stone pathways and bark mulch. Students are also assigned mainte nance tasks around the school's northern campus, keeping flowerbeds and shrubs in a healthy state. "It is a far more beneficial way to learn through practice than trying to learn it from a book," said Peters. This is the same principle behind the apprenticeship program. It requires students to accum ulate practical hours in the workplace. H alf the students' school day will be spent work ing with an established company in the landscape industry. In order to graduate. lhcy'11 have to log between 4.500 and 6,000 hours, depending on the specialty. "It's a great opportunity to provide realistic experience," said Peters. The m om ing hours will be spent on core curriculum courses such as matii and English. G rade 12 student Maria M cM ullen is returning to W hite Oaks next fall and has already been accepted into the appren ticeship program. For M cM ullen, gardening is a hobby she wants to turn into a job. At home she has five gardens that are hers to putter in. and her father is in the business. It's the sam e story for Brandon G elderman. w ho has been working in his dad's residential maintenance landscape business the past four summers. "I like working outside and the physi cal part o f it. it's fun." he said. Ray Rauth has his career all mapped out. The Grade II student has already gotten his feet wet in the business by working at construction jobs in previous summers. Once certified at W hite Oaks, he plans on heading to Humber College to become a fully qualified landscaper. "I'll work about 10 years for someone in the business and then establish my own once I've learned all the ins and outs and established contacts." Rauth predicted. For more information about the land scape apprenticeship program , or to donate much-needed materials, contact Peters at W hite Oaks via e-mail at petersw @ hdsb.ca or call 905-845-5200 ext. 465. Tuesday, June 3, 2003 Council Meeting , Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. Planning & Development Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. F orm 2 E xp ro p ria tio n s A ct N O T IC E O F A P P L IC A T IO N FO R A P P R O V A L T O E X P R O P R IA T E L A N D IN T H E M A T T E R O F an application by I I! a SUBJECT LANDS T H E C O R P O R A T IO N O F T H E T O W N O F O A K V IL L E for approval to expropriate land being Part o f Lot 11, Concession 1, S.D.S ;n the Town o f Oakville, in the Regional M unicipality o f Halton being the lands in PIN 24910-0056 V la k esh c^ for the purpose o f constructing a portion o f the Morrison Creek Pedestrian Trail D ated May 21st, 2003 at th e Town of Oakville. N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that application has been made for approval to expropriate the land described as follows: PIN 24910-0056 Bin Newell, MCIP. RPP Manager. C om m unity Planning Section Planning S ervices D epartm ent A ny owner o f lands in respect o f which notice is given who desires an inquiry into whether the taking o f such land is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in the achievement o f the objectives o f the expropriating authority shall so n o tify the approving authority in writing; (a) in the case o f a registered owner, served personally or by registered mail w ithin thirty days after the registered owner is served w ith the notice, or. when the registered owner is served by publications, w ithin thirty days after the first publication o f the notice; (b) in the case o f an owner who is not a registered owner, w ithin th irty days after the first publication o f the notice. The approving authority is The C o rpo ra tio n o f the Tow n o f O akville 1225 T ra fa lg a r Road, P.O. Box 310 O akville , O n ta rio L6J5A 6 Dated at Oakville, this 8°' day o f May, 2003 T H E C O R P O R A TIO N OK THI- I ON\ N O F O A K V II.l.E PUBLIC WORKSHOP June 5, 2003, 7:00 p.m. Oakville Town Hall (Oakville and Trafalgar Rooms) N O RTH OAKVILLE SECO NDARY PLAN EAST Review of Study Design The Town of Oakville is undertaking a seco n d ary planning p ro c e ss to prepare for future urban developm ent. The seco n d ary plan study area is situated betw een D undas Street, Sixteen Mile Creek, Highway 407, the municipal boundary an d Ninth Line. The seco n d ary plan study team will b e lead by M acaulay Shiomi Howson (Elizabeth Howson) and Duany Plater-Zyberk (Andres Duany). On April 28, 2003 Council approved th e work program for this seco n d ary plan. As part of P h a se 1 - Vision D evelopm ent, a public w orkshop is being held a s an interactive forum to obtain input into th e finalization of th e study design. The first portion to th e w orkshop will b e a presentation outlining th e work program and other m atters related to th e seco n d ary planning p ro ce ss. A breakout se ssio n will follow. The input received at this w orkshop will b e co n sid ered a s part of th e final study design. This initial ste p is vital to a su ccessfu l startu p an d in th e creation of the seco n d ary plan. The work program a s approved by Council can be found on the Town's Web site in th e North Oakville S eco n d ary Planning section. RSVP: P lease register with Robert Thun, Senior Planner, Town of Oakville Planning S ervices D epartm ent by telephone at (905) 845-6601 ext. 3029 or email: rlhyn@ Q akvllle,ca SO that the Town can arran g e for appropriate seating. W hen reserving, p le ase indicate your N am e an d T elep h o n e n u m b e r o r em ail a d d r e s s w here you can b e reach you, if n ecessary, in advance. D ated at the Town of Oakville this 21st day of May, 2003 P eter Cheatley, MCIP, RPP Director Planning S ervices D epartm ent Town of Oakville - Mayor. - CJcrV (Where this notice is published, the following shall appear in each publication notice first published on the 21" day o f May, 2003.") R.R.O. 1980, Reg. 315, Form 2 J. vV " This CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSM ENT UPDATE ELTON PARK STORM DRAINAGE STU D Y NO TICE OF COM PLETION In order to a d d re ss flooding and local drainage co n c ern s in the Elton Park d rainage area, th e Town of Oakville is proposing to co n stru ct a netw ork of trunk an d lateral storm sew ers. The approval of th e Elton Park Drainage Study EA U pdate will allow for th e Town to p ro ceed with scheduling and budgeting th e detail d esig n an d construction of storm sew er sy stem s identified in th e Environmental Study Report. Im plem entation of the recom m endations from th e stu d y will benefit residents in th e Elton Park d rainage are a by: · Reducing flood potential an d property d am ag e · Improving municipal servicing to hom eow ners · Improving Town's control of th e overall sto rm w ater d rain ag e an d reducing th e risk a sso cia te d with private control of su rface drainage. The preferred solution reco m m en d s th e initial co nstruction of a trunk storm sew er on Chartwell Road from Lake O ntario to L akeshore Road E ast and then easterly on Lakeshore R oad E ast to Elton Park Road. Additional p h a s e s of th e preferred solution are p ro p o sed for Michael Terrace and Lavender Lane. The trunk storm sew er is planned for detail d esign in 2003 with construction p ro p o sed for 2004. Additional p h a s e s would b e planned over th e next several years. The estim ated total co st of all p h a s e s is $1,180,000.00. The estim ated c o s t of th e initial p h a s e is $860,000.00. The ab o v e project is being planned u n d er S c h e d u le B of th e M unicipal C la ss E n v iro n m en tal A s s e s s m e n t. S u b ject to co m m en ts received a s a result of this Notice, an d th e receipt of n e c essary approvals, th e Town of Oakville intends to p ro ceed with th e d esig n an d construction of this project. The project plans and other information are available at: Town of Oakville-Public W orks Dept 1225 Trafalgar R oad, Oakville And L6J 5A6 Oakville Central Library 120 Navy S treet, Oakville NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF PUBLIC MEETING Temporary Use By-law 2253 Ninth Line APPLICAN T - Dr. Eugene Kholov File No.: 2.1405.09 P lease be advised th at a public m eeting for the ab o v e-n o ted developm ent application, sch ed u led to b e held on May 26, 2003 com m encing at 7:30 p.m . in th e Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville h as b een CANCELLED until further notice. Public notification will be provided w hen th e m eeting is rescheduled. If you have any q u estio n s p le ase direct them to B renda Stan, at the Town's Planning S ervices D epartm ent, Town of Oakville, 1225 Trafalgar R oad, Oakville, ON. L6J 5A6. Telephone: 905-845-6601, extension 3034 or email a d d re ss: bstan& oakville ca Board budget meeting May 28 Anyone interested in getting informa tion or giving input on the Halton District School Board's budget process, your opportunity is coming. The board w ill hold a community gath ering on the topic Wed.. May 28 at 7 p.m. at E.C. Drury High School in Milton. 215 Ontario St. S- Trustees and board staff will share information and collect ideas from the public on funding issues facing the board as it prepares its 2003-04 budget. `T h is is an excellent opportunity for members o f the public to find out exacUy what prudent decisions the board has to make during budget time." said Board C hair Ethel Gardiner. " I ca n 't stress enough how important it is for the public to attend this meeting. The decisions we make at this time o f the year, during the development o f the budget, have direct implications on students in classrooms for the next school year." Trustees w ill likely discuss the budget for the next month. They are expected to pass the budget by late June. A copy of th e project file is also available on th e,T o w n 's w eb site at www.oakville.Qn.ca. Interested p e rso n s should provide written co m m ent to th e municipality on th e proposal within 30 calen d ar d ay s from th e d a te of this Notice. C om m ent should b e directed to Mr. Erik Z u tis, C.E.T. at th e a d d re ss n oted above. If c o n c e rn s arise regarding this project, which can n o t b e resolved in d iscu ssio n with th e municipality, a p erso n or party may req u e st th at the Minister of the Environment m ake an order for th e project to com ply with Part II of th e Environmental A sse ssm e n t Act, which a d d re s s e s individual environm ent a s s e ss m e n ts . R e q u ests m ust b e received by th e Minister at th e a d d re s s below within 30 calen d ar d ay s of this Notice. A copy of the req u est m ust also b e se n t to th e Director of Public Works. If th ere is no req u est received by Ju n e 19, 2003 th e w orks will p ro ceed to design and construction a s p rese n ted in th e planning docum entation. M inister of th e Environment 135 St. Clair Avenue 10th Floor Toronto, ON M4V 1P5 This N otice issu ed May 21, 2003. D ated May 21st, 2003 at th e Town of Oakville. Bin Newell, MCIP, RPP M anager Com m unity Planning Section Planning S ervices D epartm ent 1225 T R A F A L G A R R O A D · O A K V I L L E , O N T A R I O ( 905) 845- 6601 www.oakville.ca · L6J 5 A 6

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