4 2 - The Oakville Beaver, F rida y A u g u s t 22, 2003 O A K V ILL E , near Maplegrove M a ll/ bus. Q uiet, carpeted 1-bedroom +den basement apt. Full kitchen, parking, u tilitie s , cable. Share la undry/ garden. No pets. 905-842-1327 O A K V IL L E : 2-bedroom , Im m ediate occupancy. $800/m o. +hydro. 1 car parkin g in clude d. 905564-0134 or 905-849-9178 O AKV ILLE: bachelor apt. fu ll kitchen , separate p ri vate bath, new ly painted, in cludes parking, utilitie s, a/c. S600/mo. Suit student. Immediate 905-829-3533 BR O N TE/ Lakeshore: large new ly-renovated de sig ner suites w ith lakeview. 1-bedroom available. New a pp lia nces, big b a l conies, quiet n e ig h b o u r hood. walk to shops, m inutes to GO. On O ak ville bus route. www.betterrent.com 905-827-6783 1-BEDROOM $795, hydro, parking extra. 80 Speers Rd. O akville . Speers & Kerr 905-842-0565 2-BEDRO O M , large lu x u ry private basem ent apar tment. 1-parking, la undry. $995/mo. includes utilities. Vacant. No pets. 905-8152666. BRONTE A cce pting applications for lower le v el. 2 bedroom . $839./mo Sept. 1; include heat, hy dro. 1 parking space, Fire place. P rivate. No pets. 905-842-7315 BA C H ELO R basem ent apa rtm e nt in Bronte, $550/m o. all in clusive, walk to mall, beach, coffee shops. Town & GO buses end of driveway. (905)3382999 ext. 27 days and (905)827-5850 evenings BRIGHT sem i-furnished 1bedroom basem ent apt. A/C, cable, parking, utilities inc. Septem ber 1. No sm oking/ pets. S700/mo. 905-847-6599 BURLINGTON 2-bedrooms. $850 all inclusive. Near all am entites & schools. Free parking. Sept. 1st. 905-6311826. BEAUTIFUL. New/ Guelph Line. 2-bedrooms, balcony. 4th floor. $975/mo. +hydro approx. $35/mo Immediate. 705-327-0646: 905881-7568. BU RLING TO N C entral Luxury, new 2-bedroom. 2baths. 6 appliances. C/A. $1600/m o utilities No pets/ smoking. Immediate. 905-335-1696 BURLINGTON W est- large 2-bedroom in security building, close to Ikea. and easy aCcsess to QEW & 407. $1000/mo. inclusive. A v a ila b le Now. No pets 905-631-7669 O A K V IL L E : (B ronte) d e luxe 2-bedroom , 2 bath condo; ungerground park ing. $1750/m o. in clusive. R eferences C all 289242-6299 905-842-9349 f ! w l houses for rent O A K V IL L E - semi. No sm okers/ pets. $1450/mo. utilities. $2000 damage de posit, references. 416-5358501 ext. 2431, msg. Roseanna RIVER O aksIm m acu late 3-bdrm . 3 baths, fin ished basem ent w /fire place. la rge fenced yard, deck, garage. 5 applianc es. A/C. $1625/mo. utili ties. No sm oking/ pets. SepMst 416-432-1188. 3 bdrm, Bungalow. 2 baths, near Grande Blvd.. finished bsmt.. C/A. $1400/mo. im mediate. 416-704-6828. B A C K -S P LIT , 4bdrm . on quiet cul-de-sac. fireplace, dbl. garage, landscaped. Irg yard. $1800/m o. 1st/la s t, with option to buy. Call 905336-3921/905-973-2023. COUNTRY living! seclud ed 4 bedroom on over 8 acres, in ground pool, sun deck, large garage, minutes to Milton/ Oakville. $1550 / month 905-333-5506x16 W ATE R D O W N bunga low home. 2 +1 bedroom, 2.5 baths, main floor laun dry. gas Fireplace, c/a, c/v. Appliances, garage w/remote control. Great location. $1375/mo + utilities. Avail able September 1st or 15th N o-sm oking/ pets. 905689-0105 W ATERDOW N Area- 3 bdrm hom e. $1200/m o. * utilities, first/ last. Referenc es. Available im m ediately. 905-689-0287 W ATERD OW N: 4bdrm . 2 storey. 1.5 baths. A/C, 2 car garage. $1363/m o. Im m e diate Call Bill 905-632-6260. BU RLING TO N; central 3bedroom sem i, 2-baths, rec-room $ 1075/mo · 3bedroom bungalow , recroom. garage. C/A $1175/ m o .;« * B u rlington large ranch. 2 car g a ra g e .1.5 bath, fireplace, C/A $1425/ mo. Albert McDonagh Ltd. 905-632-5690. BURLINGTON 4 bedroom bungalow , fin ish e d ba se ment. A/C. For rent imme d ia te ly m onth to month. $1450./month 905-465-2224 BURLING TO N E xecutive 5-bedroom , m ain flo o r fam.rm & laundry. 3.5baths double garage, fin is h e d basement, C/A. over look ing Tyandaga Golf Course $ 1795/m onthly. S e p t.1st. 905-336-3411 BURLING TO N N orth. De tached 3-bedroom s. 2.5 baths, finished basement, deck, c/air, fireplace $1325/ mo futilities. 905-639-4503 BU R LIN G TO N . M illc ro ft area. 6-years new, 3-bedroom s +lo ft, 2.5 baths. 5 appliances, gas fireplace, fenced yard, dou ble g a rage, near highw ays, $ 1800/m o. +utilities. 905331-8055. BU RLIN G TO N - W alkers Line. 3-bedroom bun ga low. main floor, appliances, c/a, garage, large b a c k yard, heat/ hydro included. No pets/ smoking. $1,1507 mo. A v a ila ble O ctober. SOUTH east c o u rt lo ca tion. Fantastic 3 bedroom hom e, main level fam ily room , fenced pool, harwood, ceram ics. 2 fire places. central air. Im m e dia te possession. $1500/ mo. C all M arie V o la ric. Sales Rep. Sutton Results 905-332-4111 CREDIT C u rrently Good? Great! Buy now for as little as $100. OAC. It's up to you- contact Jay or Lu- see what we can do!! Jay Nelligan. Assoc. Broker. Luanne Prentice. Sales Rep.. Re/ max Escarpment Realty. 18 77-634-8808: em ail: lu® remaxescarpment.com BRONTE: bungalow, new kitchen/ bath. 3-bedrooms, 2-car garage. 5 app lia n c es. $1725/m o. -fu tilitie s . October 16. 905-815-0490 LOOKING for ambience of a house? M ain flo o r of bungalow: 3 bedrooms. 4piece bathroom , la undry fa c ilitie s , gas stove. FP. AC, all u tilities except te l ephone. Includes parking, storage, use of deck/ gar dens. A ccess Q EW / 3rd Line. $1455/m onth. Suit quiet couple 905-469-4312 BRAND new 2 store y d e tached. 16 0 0 s q .ft- 3 bed room. 3 baths, 4 appliances, garage. Across from Appleby GO, beside Sherwood Park. No pets/ non smoking. Sept 1st. $1350.+ utilities. 416726-3988 BU R LIN G TO N , execu tive 3-bdrm large ranch. A/C. 2 fireplaces, solarium . 6 ap p liance s, double garage. $1850/mo. 905-632-6976 eomwMEm... CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 P r o s p e c t S t. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedroom s · 4 appliances · Eat-in Kit. Basem ent · P layground · Parking O A K V ILLE :room in quiet tow nhom e. non-sm oking, no parking Close to Sher id an. $500/m o. includes kitchen , laundry. 905257-4509 A V A IL A B L E S e p t.15. 3 rooms, separate bath, lower level, shared kitchen, locat ed Trafalgar/ Burnhamthorpe. $550/m o. 9 0 5 -2 5 7 7287 1-ROOM for rent. Heat/ hy d ro / in te rn e t included. $450/mo. Maple Ave. (Bur lington). 905-617-0642 Call after 5pm TWO Room-mates needed to share top floor of 3 bdrm. house. M aster bedroom $500. O ther $400 Fur nished/unfurn ished . 905827-0092 GUELPH Ln. N of QEW. Large a/c room with TV/In tern et cable. F irst/L ast. Share kitchen, b a th /la u n dry. Sept 1st. References. Female preferred. 905-3199890. BU RLING TO N. Room available S e p t.1st.. $420/ mo. includes cable. Share k itchen / bath/ livingroom . FirsV last 905-331-4567. BU R LING TO N. Room in c lean house. Suit fem ale student. 4 -leve l home. $400/m o. in clusive. 905634-3402. BU R LIN G TO N . Bedroom a vailab le in very quiet home backing onto ravine. Non-smoker. No pets. Ca ble. laundry, parking. Im mediate. 905-319-5908 W ANTED B u rlington shared accomdation. Quiet, non-sm oking, outdoor a c cess required for m ature cat. Mona 416-660-3633 B U R LIN G TO N : Appleby & New St.. shared townhome. laundry, cable. Nonsmoker $425/mo Call 905681-6049 leave message ARE you 16-18 yrs. old with a babysit certif? Call Mary 9 0 5 -2 5 7 -3 3 0 5 fo r o cca sional work. River Oaks. ^ cottages for rent/buy HOME daycare for babies and toddlers; la rge s p a cious play areas, fenced yard, hea lthy lunches & snacks, lo ving e n v iro n m ent. R eferences, re ceipts. 905-844-5523 Conveniently located near schools and the Burlington Mall Shelter Canadian Properties Limited BU R LIN G TO N , Brant Street. 3-bdrm maisonette tow nhouse. fenced yard, hardw ood, laundry, $925/ mo.+ util. Sept. 1 905-3367207___________________ TO W NHO USE, Dundas St./8th Ln. Brand new, fin ished bsmt., 5 appliances. $1900 + utilities. Call 416409-1957. NICE 3-bedroom with fire place. 1.5 baths, fam ily room. 4 appliances, hard wood. $1139/mo.. Sept.1st; Large 2-bedroom . 4 ap pliances. hardwood floors, Oct. 1st. Park like setting, Arlington Blvd.. Burlington. 905-333-1190. wwwpmonine TOW NHO USE rental, near dow ntown O akville. South of Lakeshore Rd., 3bedroom s. 5 appliances, built-in garage. $1400/mo. 2 year lease. R eference and credit check required. Call Peter Loewe 905-8257777. C o ldw ell Banker Real Estate. NEW E xecutive townhomes. North Burlington- 3 bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, 5 appliances, A/C, garage. From $ 1400/month utili ties Debbie 905-319-7495 O A K V ILL E 3-bedroom tow nhouse, appliances, garage. Near schools. $13 50./m onth -futilities. Newly decorated. (905)2702693 NEW LY renovated. Brant North of QEW, large 3 bed room m aisonette, corner unit, private backyard fridge/ stove/ on-site laun dry, near am enities. S ep tem b er 1st. $950/m o. in cluding, hydro -*-1 parking. Helen 905-332-0118. BURLINGTON. Duncaster. Immediate poss. Executive 1400sq.ft.. air, fireplace. 3bedrooms, 2.5 baths, garage. $1375/mo.+ utilities. No pets/ smokers. 905-335-6172 G EOR GIAN Bay/ Port Severn- Waterfront cottage, kayaks, paddle boat, sandy beach. A va ila ble now! $1100/wk. 705-756-4452 MUSKOKA. Lakefront cot tages. 3,4&5 bedroom s available week of Aug 23 30. Weekends/ weekly Sep tem ber/ October. Call Bob Sadher. Sales Representa tive. Michael Brierley Ltd. (R e s ) 905-331-8312 www.lakeshoreretreats.com C A RE G IVER has op e n ings in my sm oke-free hom e. Playroom , lo ts of toys, fenced yard. Nutritious m eals, snacks, receipts, refe ren ces. C h ristin e or Sue 905-681-6627 CA R IN G , dedicated, punctual, organized mature lady w ill provide one-onone care in yo u r home. Variety of activities/ outings, tutoring. Mon-Fr. 905-4693261 C H ILD C A R E ava ila b le in my home, third Line. TLC, hot m eals, la rge d fence play area, 4 ye a r e x p e ri ence. Extended hours 7am - 7pm. Call Kari 905-4667357 AFTER school care re quired for 3 children ages 5. 9. 12. Mon-Thurs 3:306:00pm. Ford/ Lakeshore area 647-224-9832 Per fect fo r O .T.H .S. student wanting part-tim e income. Start date September 8th. DAYCARE required for 2-yr. old in our home. Tues-Thurs. 7:45am- 5:45pm. Drivers li cense required. Competitive salary, option for summers off, on bus route. 905-6370933. ORLANDO 5 star Marriott. 2 bedroom , sleeps 6. fu ll kitchen, 3 pools, tennis. 1 or 2 weeks. Aug 30-Sept. 13. $650/week. 905-825-3710 3-bdrm bungalow w/barnon2acresin Oakville. $1650/mo. On ravine. Immacu late. 3-tx)rm corner 1/ home, familyroofn. 5 ap pliances, NE Oakville 5-level Bactenlit N. Oakville on ravine $1800/mo Call Joe Rupcich Broker 905-844-0363 Oakdome Realty Ltd 15.5* Bow rider70hp Johnson re b u ilt m otor (warranty), trailer, includes water ski's, tubes, lifejack ets $6.000. 905-634-5156 lost & found FO U N D - G rey and white cat, U pper M iddle and W alkers 'M r G ra y '- C a ll. 905-637-7325 FOUND: Young black cat. Injured - Tumberry & Apple by. We call "Evee". Call 905637-7325 FOUND: B racelet, Brant H ills Park. A u g .17/03. Please call & identify. 905335-4501. FOUND: Brooch at Sir Er nest M acM illan school playground, approx. month ago. C all & id entify. 905315-8871. FOUND: Young tortoishell cat. Aldershot area. ` Brook". Call 905-637-7325. LOST: Cat. striped brown, tabby spayed female Cassie. O aktow n Plaza Kerr & Speers, O akville, needs medication. 905-842-7722. TOW NHO USE 10 rent, newer 2 bedroom, central, south or west B u rlington. 905-320-0465 O A K V IL L E - 2.3&4 B ed room townhouses available Im m ediate ly through O c tober. 4 a pp lia nces. H o pedale M all area. Lakeshore M anagem ent, 905-876-3336 G EORGIAN C ourt Es tates. King/ Plains Rd.. Bur lington. Large 2&3 bed room tow nhouses. fu ll basements. Utilities includ ed. C all 905-632-8547. www. realstar.ca FR A N C IS / Plains. 3 -b e d rooms, air. recroom, 2 ap pliance s, 1-parking spot. N on-sm oker. No pets. $950/m o. ^ u tilitie s . 905639-6287. O A K V ILL E Eighth Line/ Upper Middle. Executive 3bedroom s. 4-baths, fir e place. c/air, c/vac., garage, new app lia nces, finished basement $1650/mo. utili ties. Imm ediate. 905-5026208. ________ LARGE 3-bedroom . 5 ap p liance s. garage. $1220/ m o.+ u tilitie s . O c t.1st. Longmoor Dr.. Burlington. 905-681-0070 www.pmon line.com NEW 2 bedroom . 3 bath, townhome. in the village of A ncaster, easy access to 403. F inished basem ent with large Rec. room, and optio nal third bedroom or den. 5 app lia nces, fir e place. A/C. $1350. 905333-0002 EXEC UTIVE 3-bedroom , backing onto Tansley Woods Park. Easy access 407/QEW. 2.5 baths. C/A. garage. 6 appliances. $1550./m on th fu tilitie s . Nov. 1st. 905-336-0254 EX EC UTIVE 3-bedroom townhouse. Downtown Bur lington. 2.5 baths, fireplace, c/air. garage, appliances. $1495/mo. Aug./ Sept. 1st. Nigel M aunder. Associate Broker. Sutton Group Abouttown. 905-681-7900. LA KES H O R E at Bronte Road. 3-bedroom semi-de tached. gas fire p la c e , re m odelled kitchen, garage, and more. $2054/mo. fu tili ties. 1-866-558-5518 Roy Megna PREM IERE Executive Suites. Short/ long term fur nished 1-3 bedrooms con dom inium s and townhouses throughout Mississauga. O akville and B u rlington. G reat da ily weekly and m onthly rates availab le 905-469-3330 www.premieresurtes.com SHOR T-TER M Clean, spacious 1&2 bedroom fur nished suites at much de sired location.... Burlington Towers. Tel. 905-639-8583 TR AVE LS U ITE S .N E T ... Log on! "New" C o rpo rate Luxury Accom m odations. 1-4 bed roo m s/ baths. All am enities. 50++ locations. D aily, W eekly, M onthly. From $49.95* per night. (Visa M asterC ard/ Amex). Leave message: 905-6817355 WWW.FURNISHEDCORPO RATERENTALS.COM The perfect alternative, beautifully furnished upscale towns. 3bedrooms.. 2.5 baths. Oak/ Burl, from $99/day. 905616-3667. BURLINGTON. 3-bedroom maisonette, onsite laundry facilities & parking. $1050/ QEW / T ra fa lg a r- 3bdrm , mo. +hydro. Call Cherie, 9051.5 baths, finished ba se 681-3146 ment. wet bar. c/vac, c/a. B U R LIN G TO N : East. 4A v a ila ble S e p t.15. 905bedroom. l .5baths. garage, 275-2576. 905-281-2645 recroom . C/A, $ 1075/mo O A K V ILL E North and B u rlington: 3-bedroom , 2 East- 2 bedroom tow n store y, balcony. 1.5baths houses. $1044/m onthrec-room . $1030/m o A l $1105/m on plus u tilitie s . bert McDonagh Ltd. 905A v a ila ble Sept.-N ov. 632-5690________ Please call 905-825-6000 BRANT/ QEW. Burlington, e x t.4402. No last month near GO. C ondo to w n rent deposit required house- no grass cutting! B U RLING TO N W alkers Q uiet m ature secluded Line/ North and South- 2 & street. 3-bedroom s, 5 ap 3 bedroom tow nhouses pliances. c/air, garage, dri $983/m onth. $1055/m onth veway. fenced rear patio, & $ 1 1 12/m onth plus u tili new paint, very clean. ties. Available Sept-Nov. S e pt.l or Oct. 1. $1155/mo. Other locations also avail Warren Hill, Trafalgar Prop able. please call 905-825erty M anagem ent. 9056000 e x t.4402 No last 338-1130. ExL36___ month rent deposit required. FRANCIS Rd/ North Shore- 3 RIVER Oaks. Im m aculate bedroom , new K itch en/ 3-bedrooms, 1.5 baths, fin windows. Access to Hwy. ished basement w/walkout, $1150. -futilities. S e pt.1st. 905-639-0354 5 app lia nces, a/c. No smoking/ pets. $1460/mo. + SO UTHW EST B u rlin g utilities. O c t.1st. 416-432to n - M ature s u bd ivision. 1188 Spacious 3-bedroom townNORTH O akville, 3 -b e d home w/garage, central air. rooms. eat-in kitchen .4 ap 2-1/2 baths (in c l. large pliance s. spacious back master ensuite), applianc yard. quite court. $1375+. es. gas fireplace, walk-out 905-827-5252 to deck & backyard. W alk ing distance to all ameni W ALK ER S Line/U pper ties. in cluding GO. Just Middle. New two bedroom seconds from QEW. Avail townhome available im me able im m edia tely $1356/ diately. from $1350. + utili mo. utilities. 905-638-1099 ties. 905 -828-6767. 416821-1741 EAST Burlington. 3 bdrm, newly decorated in quiet ma ture complex. Walking dist. to schools and shopping. Avail, immed., $1100/mo + utilities. Call 905-639-5355 for appt. to view. W AN TED : Furnished, short term , 2 m onths+, fle x ib le , by m ature non sm oking couple, no pets/ kids. Top references. 1905-685-0131 MATURE easy going proffesional to share my home: Large bdrm., separate bath, liv in g rm .. separate e n tran ce. kitch e n /la u n d ry privileges, parking. Negoti able. 905-335-2628. leave msg. A fun place to live in the coun try between W aterdown & Burlington. Share house with owner and adult son. Immediate. $425/mo. Also for rent at same address- garage/ w orkshopprice negotiable. 905-6891733 LA K E S H O R E / Dorval. 2bedroom basement apa rt ment, separate entrance, laundry facilities, $999/mo. futilities. S e p t.1st. Nonsmokers. 905-339-0051. OLD O akville bungalow , easy going p rofession al, parkin g / bus/ GO/ QEW. large backyard. $600/mo. 905-842-6924 ____________ M ALE/ Female to share 3bedroom townhome w/one o ther fem ale. Near M all/ Bus. No pets. Imm ediate. $465/m o. -fhalf u tilitie s . 905-637-1410. GUELPH Ln. area- bea u tiful house to share. Renter gets bdrm+ full house priv ileges. Female preferred. $50Q/mo 905-315-7290 NEW LY renovated townhome. Furnished with a/c. pool. W inston C h u rch ill/ Collegeway. Starting $475. Utilities included. 905-9794710 _________________ BURLINGTON. S/E. Large completely renovated house. Professional gym. satellite TV. privacy, parking. All amenities/ utilities you can think of! Female preferred to share with male and female roommates. 905-639-0108. $425/m o.-f 1/3 u tilitie s . Oct. 1st. BURLINGTON. JBMH/ Hwy access. Bedroom share house. $585/mo. Employed fem ale non-sm oker. Occassional childcare in lieu of rent. 905-690-1881. FU LL house privilege s. North East Oakville, private b a lc o n y /b e d /b a th /s ittin g room, hot tub. billiards, in ternet. Furnished. 905-2578282 YOUNG o utgoing p ro fe s sionals (guy/girl) seek same to share accommodations in 3 bdrm. townhouse on Brant St. Great backyard, patio. $400 utilities incl. Avail, im mediately. Call Damian/Kelly 905-336-5664. STUDENT needed for 3bedroom apt. to share with 2 female students. Dundas & McCaul. Steps to U of T and OCAD. across from Art Gallery of Ontario. $650/ mo in c lu d in g u tilitie s . Em ail: enndodtfhotmail.com THE Ham ilton JR. B u ll dogs. Bantam 14 year olds are reopening tryo u ts for the g oa lie position. F irst tryout date is Saturday Au gust 23/03 at Dundas O lym pic Arena. For more information contact Rick at 905-304-1919. LOOKING for experienced person to care for 2 ch ild ren, ages 3&5 in our Westoak Trails home. Long-term C H ILD C A R E required in employment. 905-847-0177 Campbellville. Ages 4. 10 & or em ail ahig nett@ oak11. Monday all day, Tues & ville.ca. Thurs after school 905-854M ATURE ca re g ive r re 0066 q uire d in our B u rlington ECE Mom- 19-yrs. expe ri home for 2& 5-yr. old boys. ence- any age w elcom e. Day/ afte rn o o n / evening Endless TLC. variety of out care required . M ust be ings. nutritious meals. Ref flexible. Vehicle an asset. erences. North Burlington. References 905-315-8761. 905-332-5630 CAREGIVER required, my EXPERIENCED child care hom e, fo r 1 year old and provid er availab le. Upper JK student. W est Oak Middle/ Trafalgar. Full-time/ Trails. 905-465-2369 b efore/ a fte r school. (Children 2yrs+). Smoke-free, I babysitting no pets. Lots of activities, n u tritio u s m eals/ snacks. THE Sitters Club is a great Receipts. References. 905place to get the ideal baby ___________ 338-6226 s itte r or p e tsitte r. Fully q u a lifie d people all over Fn & P/T spaces available. 18yrs. G uaranteed good ECE m oth er of 2. Upper results 905-849-3878 An M iddle & B urloak. C all nual membership only $50 Heidi 905-332-2045 ask for Marlene New sitters FR IE NDLY, experienced welcome to apply ($15 charge) ex-teacher. Clean & heafthy environment. Oakville Place area. 18 m onths & older. 905-849-8244 TUTOR w anted for C o l lege level accounting. F U LL-TIM E daycare Sept.-D ec. C all 905-315available. Lots of TLC and 9140:905-923-0922 understanding, CPR, First Aid. Police checked, crafts, music & stories, daily outings, hot dancing instruction m eals, receip ts. Headon Forest area. 905-319-9333 PROFESSOR of Music (Voice) from Sheridan Col LO O KIN G for an ideal lege. Now accepting lim it schoolage D aycare? C all ed number of students, call S pringbank C reative 905-319-0586 Schoolage Program West Oakville. Transportation to PIANO theory lessons all west schools & Glen Ab available. Mature, experi bey schools 905-825-3433 enced te a ch e r accep ting ext 3 Also ask about our new stu d e n ts now. Call east lo ca tio n s 905-849905-844-8494. email: 3878 ext 1 donmugf ord ® sympatico.ca LOVING c h ild ca re S t.T i m othy's/ C.H.Norton area. Half days/ befo re / after school. Police check. Nonsm oker. F irst A id / CPR. C rafts, s to rie s, nu tritio u s lunches. Receipts. R efer ences. 905-319-0211. NEW home childcare: ECE Mom 12-yrs. experience w/ current infant/ child CPR & standard First Aid. provid ing n u tritio u s lu nches/ snacks, stim ulating educa tional program, lots of TLC in a fun environm ent. Transportation available for JK/ SK (Pineland/ New St area). 2.5-5yrs. 9 0 5 -6 3 4 8771 PR IVATE licensed home daycare. Full-time/any age available. River Oaks area, dose to Our Lady of Peace. 905-257-0443.____________ R E LIA B LE , lo ving hom e d aycare in O akville, fu ll time only. 10years experi ence. Safe environm ent, nutritious snacks/ lunches, lots of activities. 12-mos. & over. Liverpool/ Third Line. Call Jackie 905-465-0812. S P R IN G B A N K C hild Hom ecare Services 905825-3433 ext. 1 offers qual ity. loving home in Oakville and Burlington. My Special Nanny also offers home daycare provid ers and a good selection of live-in and live-out nannies. 905849-3878 BRONTE area: T eacher's assistant. My home. 10 years expe rience. References availab le. C all Jennifer 905-847-4408 COME and jo in our da y care fam ily. 10 years ex perience. D a ily activities, large fenced yard, d e d i cated main floor play area, flexible hours, quiet cres cent. O akville. Paula (905)257-1077 ECE sta rtin g Home Day care: 10 yrs. exp. I'd love to w elcom e your children into my hom e. Two snacks, hot lunch daily. C reative , sensory, gross motor, fun cognitive activ itie s daily. Very caring, nuturing environm ent pro vided. Im m ediate spaces. Tonya 905-257-5520 C A R E G I V E R /L IV E - IN , ded icated, fu ll-tim e re quired for 2 young children. Must be q ua lifie d, e xpe ri enced. n urturing, strong English sk ills , d riv e r's li cense, can swim , knows first aid, some culinary skills and light house keeping duties. Call 905-829-3215. CARE G IVER S availab le, live -in , expe rienced and professional. Fully certified to care for your children, seniors, and special needs in d ivid u a ls. A ll in quirie s confidential. For further in formation call 905-815-5533 CAREGIVER/ housekeeper. Mon-Thurs. 3-7pm. Fri. 126pm. Duties include house keeping, after school child care. laundry. References required. 905-634-1021 LIV E -O U T m ature re sponsible Nanny fo r 3 children (6, 3. 1-years). South Burlington. Starting September 905-639-2541. LIVE-O UT Nanny/ ECE (exp) required in B u rlin g ton. 3days/ wk. from ap prox. 10:30- 6:30pm. Must have valid drivers license. Non-smoking.905-526- 7920 LIV E -IN Nanny required, legal only, 3 children (7,5 .2) O akville . Nonsm oker. d rive r 50h ours/ week + some evenings and Saturdays. Local referenc es 905-469-8365 NANNY, live/in. Split shift. Light housekeeping, walk child to/from school. Light tutoring. 905-319-1210._____ NANNY needed for house keeping and assistance with 3 boys- 5. 3, and new born. Oakville. Susan 905465-3750 NA NN Y/ housekeeper, 1:30-6pm , M on-Fri, after school care for 2 girls (6 & 11 yrs). D inner prep fo r g irls, and general h ou se keeping. Tuck School area. B u rlington. S tart end of Septem ber. C all evenings 905-637-1308 C E RTIFIED H ealth Care Aid specializing in demen tia & Alzheimers. Available to provide competent, com plete care of your loved ones in their own surround ings. Please ca ll fo r co n sultation & more importantly for "piece of m ind". 905847-7383. QUIET FAMILY LIVING M 2418 Glenwood School Dr, Burl. (Harvester & Guelph) 3-BEDROOMS $999./mo. 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, lull basement LIVE-IN caregiver pro fe s sional. experienced, com passionate care for c h ild ren. e ld e rly or disabled. Phone H elen 416-7088686; tico-caregiver.com LIVE-IN caregiver profes sional. experienced, com passionate care fo r ch ild ren, e ld e rly or disabled. Phone Helen 416-7088686; tico-caregiver.com I psychics EILEEN A L LA N N A H . English born cla irvoyant. P riva te con su lta io n s and parties- 30-yrs experience R e asonable rates. 905631-8966. SHERIDAN College area F urnished large room, share kitchen/ bath, sepa rate entrance, non-smoker. $425/mo. Immediate. Ref erences 905-842-4295. FA BU LO U S condo in North B u rlington; 2-bed rooms. 2 bathrooms. 5 ap pliance s. la undry, and parking. $250-$400/m o. 905-464-6287 $ 5 0 0 /M 0 . no parking in cludes utilities, close to all am enities, young children welcome. Burlington. Call Richard 905-331-0057 LM. O A K V ILL E N orth. Ninth Line. F urnished room w/ bath/ parking (new home) share kitchen/ laundry, ca ble. internet. $575/mo. 905814-5175 ROOM fo r rent in private home, near Sheridan C ol lege. share all facilities, fe m ale only, m ust lik e a n i mals. $500 inclusive. 905845-2788 O A K V IL L E . Glen Abbey. Large room s, execu tive C h ristian hom e. C/air, kitchen, laundry, parking, from $450'mo. 905-847-2284. W ALK IN G d istan ce to Sheridan College. S425/mo. (905)-339-1523 FURNISHED room in new home. Pool and many ex tras in clusive. T ra fa lg a r/ U pper M iddle $450. 905338-5956 EAST B u rlin g to n - 2-bdrm basem ent. 4 app lia nces. $695/m o ................ O akvilleLakeshore/ K err, 2-bdrm , ground flo o r plus ba s e ment. $850/mo; Albert McDonagh Ltd.. 905-632-5690 905-639-9212 BURLINGTON/OAKVILLE. 2-bedroom , 1 bath, 5 a pp lia nces, im m ediate, $1250 + utilities. 3 bedroom. 1.5 baths. 5 appliances. $1325 + utilities. October 1st. Non-smoker 905-257-8447 WEST M ount- 3bdrm . 2.5 baths. 5 app lia nces, c/a. im m ediate. $1500/m o. + utilities. Chris Clarke Tra falgar ·Oakville" Realty Inc. Realtor 905-338-1130 BU R LIN G TO N . 2-b e d room maisonette. Nov. 1st. Small complex. Near Home Depot/ QEW. No pets. 1-car parking. 905-335-0636 BU RLING TO N South. 3bedroom s. 1.5 baths, ga rage, fin ish e d basem ent. Oct. 1st. Kathy Chiu. Sales Rep.. Sutton Group Results Realty. 905-332-4111. BU R LIN G TO N , Francis/ North Shore area. 3-bed rooms. c/air, freshly deco rated. new carpet. 3 ap pliances. $1200/mo. utili ties Rrst/last' 905-547-8136 I condominiums for rent WALKER'S/ Upper M iddle-1 bedroom . 5 app lia nces, fre sh ly painted, c/a. c/v, BBQ allowed, first/ last, ref erences. Avail. Sept. 905575-3227 2 piece bedroom suite, desk, apholstered sm. chair, dining rm. suite - Danish walnut. Small wagon & Indian carpet. Call 905-632-7363. 1918 H eintzm an upright. York 2001 fitn e ss gym, birch dresser, maple china cabinet, large oak desk, chest freezer 905-847-0746 1971 Iroquois Commanche canvas top tent trailer, sleeps 5. Fair condition. $200 obo. 905-825-0877 A king pillow -top m attress set. New in pla stic. Cost $1600. S a crifice $450. 905-567-9459. Can deliver BATHR OO M Luxurious comer tub with matching toi let. sink, counter top. $500 obo. CaH 905-332-0402 BED, A m azing bargain, queen orthopedic pillowtop set. new in plastic, warran ty. $150. 905-567-4042 A ll The Advantages o f Condo Living 1-BR + solarium August & Sept. Rec. facilities. 24-hr security & more. Mapleview area! ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mail 3&4 Bdrm Irom $925. 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Mgmt TO W NHO USE, 3 bdrm . S ixth Line/U pper M iddle area. $1300/mo utilities. Avail. Sept ,1st. pajl 905-8456793. «905-315-8993= BURLINGTON: W alkers / U pper M iddle 1-bedroom condo. 5 appliances, a/c. security. underground parking, community centre, fitn e ss fa c ility . S900/mo. 905-467-7671