The Oakville Beaver, Friday S eptem ber 19, 2003 -1 1 Halton candidates debate Monday A Halton riding all-candidates debate on education is being held Monday evening at Milton's Martin Street School. Hosted by the Martin Street School Council, the event runs from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Doors open at 7 p.m. The school is located at 184 Martin St. The following candidates have been invited: Ted Chudleigh (PC), Barbara Sullivan (Liberal), Jay Jackson (NDP), Giuseppe Gori (Family Coalition) and Matthew Smith (Green). The Halton riding represents Oakville residents living north of Upper Middle Road. THE DO CTOR' S OFFICE Is pleased to announce that our newly renovated clinic Is Now Open We are located in O akville Town C en tre I at D orval Dr. an d N orth Service Rd. W. Please enter the clinic through Oakville Town Centre Pharmacy H o u rs Peter C. McCusker · Oak\'ille Beaver C harlie C etinski, a fo rm er O akville resident who was injured in a 1997 plane crash in F lam borough, is one of fo u r w heelchair athletes who stopped in O akville W ednesday as p a rt of the Golden H orseshoe M arath o n , a 210-km trek from N iagara Falls to Q ueen's P ark. The m arath o n is a co-operative effort to raise both aw areness and funds for the C anadian Paraplegic Association (CPA). M onday - Thursday Friday Saturday, Sunday and Holidays 10 a.m. - 8p.m. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m Please call 905-338-3730 fo r further inform ation Marathon participants roll through Oakville all," said Ward 5 councillor Janice Caster. "Thank you for making Oakville one of your stops." Cetinski said Oakville is an The athletes participating in this year's Golden Horseshoe "important place for-us," part Marathon are living proof that ly because he used to live here spinal cord injuries are not a and because its support has death sentence nor a view to a always been steadfast. "It's a place close to our life unfulfilled. The four paraplegics were hearts," he said, before head on the final day of their five- ing toward Toronto with a day, 210-km odyssey from police escort. Once at Toronto City rtall Niagara Falls to Queen's Park when they stopped by Town around 3:30 p.m., the mara thoners enjoyed a final twoHall on Wednesday morning. The marathon, brainchild kilometer jaunt to Queen's of Waterdown's Charlie Park accompanied by cyclists, Cetinski - a former Oakville supporters and others in resident who was injured in a wheelchairs. The marathon was origi 1997 plane crash inFlamborough - is a co-opera nally started to raise funds for tive effort to raise both aware the Rehabilitation Resource ness and funds for the Centre which was opened by Canadian Paraplegic Associ the Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation (HHSC) in ation (CPA). "We're here to tell people November 1997. The centre is that life is not finished," said open to people in all stages of Cetinski, 60, who with the rehabilitation, their families other athletes, covers 42 kms and caregivers, plus anyone each day. "I can do everything with an interest in learning about physical disability. but climb stairs." Now that the centre is up In fact, he and fellow para plegic athlete Chuck Mealing and running, Cetinski said the set a world record last year by Marathon's beneficiary was enduring 10 wheelchair mara changed to the CPA, a national thons over 10 consecutive organization dedicated to days. The previous record of assisting those with spinal cord eight marathons was held by a injuries and other physical dis abilities to achieve independ Belgian team. "It took me six months to ence,' self-reliance and full recover and I lost 20 pounds," community participation. To reach the nearest CPA he said. In.addition to Cetinski and office, call 1-800-720-4933. Donations can be made to Mealing, two of the original Golden Horseshoe Marathoners, this year's event the included third-timer Les Marathon, PO Box 699 McLaughlin and newcomer Waterdown, Ontario, LOR 2HO. Call 905-318-3892 or eHarvey Uppal. "You're an inspiration to us mail By Howard Mozel OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF VO LVO CERTIFIED P R E O W N E O FROM 0 .8 %* FINANCING VOLVO THE VOLVO OF OAKVILLE 5TH ANNIVERSARY PRE-OWNED SALES EVENT C O M E IN & S A V E ! O N - S I T E S P E C I A L S ! 2003 VOIVO S60T5 ............................. 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