Oakville Beaver, 19 Sep 2003, p. 36

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36 - The Oakville Beaver, F rida y S e p te m b e r 19, 2003 Wovtifyi# Birectorp B A P T IS T CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1215 Lakeshore RAW. 9053274157 www.calvarvoakville.com PRESBYTERIAN PENTECOSTAL M APLE GROVE UNITED CHURCH 346 Maple Grove Dr. Oakville 905345-5721 Rev. Morar Murray-Hayes Director of Music: David Findlay WALTON UNITED 2489 Lakeshore Rd.W. 905827-1643 Corner of Bronte & Lakeshore R d W. w w w .w altonm em orial.com KNOX PRESBYTERIAN SIXTEEN (Dundas Rd. W. & Lions Valiev Park Rd.) 905-335-3433 Rev. G. Walter Read Dr. Ron Baxter UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH W elcom es You Each Sunday Saturday, Sept 20* Special Contemporary Service 7:00 p.m. Walton Welcomes You Sunday, Sept. 21 9:30 am Larger Family Service Sunday School and Nursery Care Still not Too Late to Register for 03-04 Sunday School Program The Little Church With The Big Welcome Catch th e W ave General Superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church Rev. Kenneth Haney has expressed the conviction that a new "Wave o f Revival" is coming. The United Pentecostal Church of Oakville Sunday, Sept 21* Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Guest Speaker: Josh Sklar Concurrent Children's Program 4 Nursery Care Pioneer Clubs: Sunday at 6:00 pm _ Prayer Meeting: Wednesday at 7:3(1 p.m 1 9 Youth - Wednesday at 7:00 pm " "WHERE THE SPIRIT SOARS AND THE HEART FINDS A HOME" Sunday, Sept 21 9:00 am - Regular Service Communion 10:30 am - Communion We Welcome The Island City Singers and Instrumentalists A c tii r i ti e s a t u l p r o g r a m s f o r c o n g r e g a t io n & c o m m u n i t y 11:00 am Traditional Service Come and Sing in One of Our 3 Choirs CHARTWELL BAPTIST CHURCH "People Who Care" Sunday Morning Warship 'Services at 228 Chartwell 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. 228 Chartwell Road T he Purpose Driven Life Study Begins T u e s., S e p t. 23 a t 7 p m ALL WELCOME- Call to Register H a r p a n d F lu te C o n c e r t Sunday, Sept. 28 - 7:00 pm Tickets at D oor o r O ffice 170thANNIVERSARY Would like to invite you to attend a special service with guest speaker Rev. Doril Green and singer/musician Ben Martineau... Being held at the Palermo United Church on the N /E corner of Hwy. #25, Bronte Rd. and Hwy. #5 Dundas on Sunday, Sept. 21/03 at 2:30 p.m. Also for the first time the United Pentecostal Church Annual General Conference is being held here in Canada at the Air Canada Center, Toronto, Ont. on Sept. 24-28. For more information please call Mark & Kim Campbell at IN OAKVILLE] 10:30 am Worship Guest Minister: Canada's Singing Priest Father Mark Curtis "Vitamins For The Soul " CHECKOUT www.wakonmemonal.coni website: vwwv.maplegroveunitedchurch.org e-mail: m aplejyove united _church@sympatico.ca Chartwell @ Kings 10:00 a.m . Kings Christian Collegiate, 528 Burnhamthorpe Road West MUNN'S UNITED CHURCH ^\h m rdnrnt faith metis caring m m n il\' Dundas Hwy. & 6th Line 905-257-8434 ST. PAUL'S UNITED 454 Rebecca Sl 905345-3427 (905)825-3281 INVITES YOU TO SUNDAY WORSHIP 10:15 a.m. Sacrament of Baptism Sunday School Nursery Care Refreshments following worship Minister Rev. Paid Crittenden Rev. I jexie Chamberlain Minister Emeritus: Rev. Alan Harley Dir. Music -Michal Rozvcki COMMUNITY CHIRCH www.munnsunited.com Saturday Night Worship Services 5:30 p.m. at 228 Chartwell Road Sunday, Sept. 21 10:00 a.m. Service " TRAFALGAR PRESBYTERIAN 354 Upper Middle Rd. at Trafalgar (Enter from Trafalgar to White Oaks Blvd. L N. on Litchfield to the end) Minister Rev. Kristine O'Brien KING'S FAMILY CHURCH * A Praying Church... A Growing Church... A Going Church Meeting at: Full Learning Centre provided at each service for children of all ages www.chartwellchurch.org Discipleship: Outside I n " Iroquois Ridge Community Centre 8th Line & Glenashton WORSHIP · TEACHING · CELEBRATION FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 1415 Trafalgar Rd. 905-842-0938 www.faithbaptist-oakville.com Sunday School & Nursery Provided Minister Rev. Meg Grieve Staff Associate: Lvn J Workman Director of Music: Rita Lamplugh 905-842-2800 * PRESBYTERIAN KNOX PRESBYTERIAN Lakeshore Rd. at Dunn St. Downtown Oakville 905-844-3472 Rev. Harry McWilliams, Rev. Mike Marsden Sunday Service 10:00 am -- Church School and Nursery B f l 10:00 a.m. Please call Chris and Rachel for more information 905-825-8091 kingsfamilychurch@cogeco.ca SUNDAY Sunday, Sept. 21 11:00 a.m . - Pastor Bob Irvin "Crucial Questions for the Living Church," Acts 2:1-13 Sc 37-42 m Downtown At Dunn & Church Streets Office: 262 Randall 905-845-0551 JL ST.JOHN'S TM D PENTECOSTAL OAKVILLE PEN TECOSTA L A PO ST O L IC CENTER Sunday Bible Teaching and Sunday, Sept. 21 Morning Worship Celebration of Baptismat Both Services 9:00 a.m. "Welcome to the Family" Reception of New Members 10:30 am. "Baptism as Consecration" 10:30 a-m . Connect-Zone (our Church School) EVANGELICAL 6:30 p .m . - College & Careers lead Worship (a Faith! Sunday, Sept 21 FAMILY SUNDAY 10:00 am Hymn Sing 10:30 am Worship Service Sermon: Rev. Don Gibson w Im p "How portant Are You?" 11:30 am Fellowship Worship Service 12:30-2:30 pm (North Riix;t Room ) IROQUOIS NORTHRIDGE COMMUNITY CENTRE Glenashlon Sc Eighth Line SHERIDAN HILLS CHURCH 3301 Trafalgar Road, Oakville ON L6J 4Z2 (between Burnhamthorpe & · Dundas on west side) T elephone (905) 2574645 Pastor - Rev. Enrique Aldaz 7:30 p.m . Youth G ro u p G ra d e s 9-12 Meeting at White Oaks Secondary School, 1055 M cCraney St. E. Sunday, Sept 21 Rev. Don Gibson - Rev. David Walker Youth Leader - Kim Belanger Dir. of Music - Brian L Turnbull Parish Nurse - Mary Lvnn Hull Join us for a Choral Celebration of the Lord's Supper with the Island City Singers Sat., S ept 20, 2003 - 7:30 pm O ffe rin g to S u p p o rt A ids R e lie f W ork in A frica Survry and Church Schoolfor childrm and youth W fc prmnrtr support caring in times of need thrmigh Stephen Ministries Thursday Bible Teaching 7:00-8:00 pm Call for location 905820-7708 - 416-9956325 JESUS IS LORD Saturdays 9:30 a.m.-12 noon Soccer Sunday School Sept 20-0ct. 25 Sunday Services 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays 7:30 pm Prayer Service Website: www.stjohnsunited.ca W eekly small Ctmupsfor Youths (s' Adults Everyone Welcome -- E-mail: knoxoakville@on.aibn.com I H Website:www.knoxoakville.com I S 10:00 am How to prepare my children for the reality of life Pastoral Staff J e ff ChrLstopherson, Teaching Pastor b a . m .dk & river 'fy* f\ community church 2435 M unn's Ave. E. (QSixth Line, South o f Dundas) HOPEDALE PRESBYTERIAN 156 T hird Line, Oakville 905-827-3851 Minister The Reverend Sean Foster G a r r y K o lb , » . Music W o rsh ip P a s to r J im D a n ie ls o n , B.A.. M.Div E x ecu tiv e Pastor Sunday, Sept. 21 Morning Worship -10:30 a.m. "The Greatness of Being Weak. " - TH IS S U N D A Y TWO SERVICES @ 9:00 & 11:00 AM Worship Celebration Nursery and Children's M inistry AvailablePentecostal Assemblies of Canada J e f f H i l l , B A. Y o u th P a sto r Call 905.257.3987 Church School · Nursery Provided E-mail: churchoffice^hopedalechurch.ca Inviting all to be alive in Christ w w w . t h e s a n c t u a r y. c a Y o u c a n b e Y o u r s e lf. (905) 257-3864 www.riveroakschurch.ca O -

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