Oakville Beaver, 19 Sep 2003, Classified, p. 43

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The Oakville Beaver, F rida y S e p te m b e r 19, 2003 - 43 fSCH O O L 1IU S D RIV ERSA W ANTED N O W T R A I N I N G N E W D R IV E R S · No Evenings · No Weekends · Morning and Afternoon runs · Free for other activities & hobbies, golfing, shopping, or just do lunch. · Bring your own children · No Baby-sitting cost · Free Training · Competitive wages · On site training · Extra W ork available "SAFETY IN MOTION". TRANSPORTATION INC. B U L K B A R N . S uperCentre now hiring stock clerk and cashier- Flexible hours, (suit able for semi- retired individ ual, not a student position). Som e heavy lifting required. Apply with resume in person: 2025 Guelph Line. Burlington Of Fax 905-336-2914 C L A S S I C T A N - N o w h ir ing sa le s p e rso n F T / P T flexible hours. Please drop off re sum e to 171 S p e e rs R d .. O a k v ille , or e m a il: uv20210cs.com A S S IS T A N T S u p e rin tendent couple, full-time for Burlington highrise. 2 -b e d room suite + s a la ry and r b en e fits. F a x re su m e to 9 0 5 -6 3 7 -4 0 3 2 or e m a il sre g u la r@ m in to .c o m C o u ples only please. M A N A G E R /B U Y E R , possibly p a rtn e r for e xp a n d in g "Labels* used clothing store. Must have fashion sense and know 1 4 -2 8 yr olds fashion dem ands U n iq u e op with real grow th potential. Can Mr Stan. 905-842-0943. fax re-sume: 905-844-2255. A C T I O N F o rc e ha s j o b s M en a nd W o m a n a p p ly in person. Bring photo ID, sin c a rd a nd re s u m e . 695 Plains Rd east. U N I C C O F acility S e rvice s is looking for e xp erie n ced light d u ty , h e a v y d u ty c le a n e rs, la u n d ry p e rs o n nel, and m aintenance p er sonnel. T o work at our E x tendicare location, located at 291 Reynolds St. Please ca ll J o e D a C o s ta at 4 1 6 36 9 -0 1 3 7 ext 187. fax re sume to 416-369-1418 B A K E R Y and deli counter help, M o n -F ri. 1 1a m -7 pm . Serious only. Fax 9 05 -3363059 H E A 0 C A S H IE R e x p e ri enced, full-time for H o pe d ale M all S h o p p e rs D ru g Mart. F ax resum e to: 9 05 8 2 7 -8 1 7 0 a tte ntio n: J o seph. D O U B L E Cohort getting you down? If you are planning to work this fall, we can help. Call the Y M C A Job Connect Program at 905-681-1140. C L E A N E R / M a in te n a n c e person (P art-Tim e ) required fo r B u rlin g to n hig h rise co m p le x . F a x re su m e to 905-632-3271 GOURM ET food sto re. S e a s o n a l he lp n e e d e d in Bu rlin gton and Lim e ridge Mall. O ct. 1st to Dec. 31st. N o experience necessary. H o n e s ty a nd In te g rity g re a te st a s s e ts . F a x re sume. attention Lisa. 9 054 6 8 -7 4 7 9 o r e -m a il K u rtz Orchards at bellnet.ca T IM Horton 's requires full time help. A pply in person: 403 3 N ew S t.. at W alker's Line. Burlington. W A LM A R T: O v e rn ig h t s to ck e rs , a nd fu ll-tim e cashiers. 7 day availability <- a m ust. A p p ly at layaw ay desk. H w y 5/ Trafalgar Rd., Oakville.________________ P E R M A N E N T full-time pugmill operator wanted. $12.50/ hr + bonus. N o experience necessary. Job involves lift ing 50lb bags. Must be able to follow d a y formulas. Apply in p e rso n : Po tte ry S u p p ly Ho u se . 1120 S p e e rs R d .. Oakville Fax: 905-849-0001 e m a il: b s m y t h Q p s h c a n a da.com 510 general help wanted 510 1 general 1 help wanted 510 general help wanted M IG W e ld e r W a n te d l Looking for a self motivated individual for C ra n e & E x ca vato r A ttachm ent m an u fa ctu rin g firm . P le a se fax re su m e s to 9 0 5 -3 3 5 -4 5 2 9 A ttn : J a y D e c a ire , Plan t BOOKKEEPERp a rttim e N e w v ie w s an a sset. O a k v ille a re a . S e n d re su m e to: c la r ry lO s y m p a ti co-ca_________ _ C U S TO M ER S e rv ic e . Rep. Personal Lines. Parttim e for local in su ra n ce a gen cy. Must be licenced with 2 y e a rs e x p e rie n c e . Forw ard resum e Box 2139. c/o O a k v ille B e a v e r. 467 S p e e rs R d . O a k v ille L6 K 3S4 Hoskin Scientific Limited an established Canada-wide distributor of Testing Equipment has the following positions available in our Burlington office. Inside Sales M aterial Testing this position is a fulltime position involving the sale and servicing ol testing equipment for aggregates, concrete, asphalt and soils. Education in the civil technology field with a 'hands-on' aptitude would be an asset. This position requires a motivated individual with the ability to effectively understand and communicate technical requirements to our customer base. Manager.________________ G R O W I N G A utom otive re p air facility in M ilton s p e c ia liz in g in sm a ll re pa irs n ee d s reliable, d edicated, team player experienced in Light Body Work. Room for a dva n c e m e n t for the right p erso n . S tarting rate $20/ hour + bonus depending on ability. Call 905-875-3248 ECE Te acher W oodlano Childrens Centre. Burlington. Looking for full time teacher, excellent benefits, with warm working environment. Send resune fax 905-3360206 Emak w o o d la n d @ o n .a i b n .c o m __________ cai 905-336-2063 E C E or Montessori T e a c h e rs re q u ire d im m e d ia te ly for e x p a n d in g M o nte ssori S c h o o l in O a k v ille and Burlington. Contact 905847-1165 or tax 905-825-5266 Interested applicants should forward their resume in confidence to: HOSKIN PAYRO LL ADMIN. N e eded for a 1 year contract in a fun, busy office near 401 /Dixie. F T 40 hrs. Min 1 year exp. A D P exp. an asset. Fax resum e to 905 - 6 2 4 -4 4 4 7 or email s c o tL h r@ ro g e rs x o m w Pat Wilson (Mrs.) HOSKIN SCIENTIFIC UMITED 4210 Morris Drive, Burlington, ON 171516 FAX: 905-333-4976 E-MAIL: pwilson@hoskin.ca RELIA B LE person requved 20 hoursi'week. to dean West Oak Trails home, walk dogs, run er rands. M -F, 10:30am-2:30pm. Leave message 905465-1809 For m ore inform ation call A C C E S S to computer? Put it to work! $20-$75/hr. P T, F T , full tra inin g p ro v id e d , w w w .freedompower4U.com (514)489-6802 DESIGNER /SALESPERSON Progressive kitchen and bathroom renovation firm seeks a qualified designer for high profile cabinetry sales. Highly motivated with strong sales/people skills. Tre mendous lead volume in this established Oakville show room. Salary plus commission. Benelits package. Please fax/email or send resume to: "SALES DESIGNER599 Third Line Oakville, On L6L 4A8 Fax: 905-827-0635 e-mail: okc@sympatico.ca M A S S A G E T h e ra p is t re quired for b usy Burlington Chiropractic om ice. Please call 905-333-0344 D E N T A L Hygienist required part-time for Oakville office. Fax resume 905-469-9855 D E N T A L A ssistan t/ R e ceptionist: with som e office m a n a g e m e n t d u tie s. E x perience n ecessary. Parttim e le a d in g to fu ll-tim e . Call Tracey 905-257-3182 F U L L - T I M E M e d ica l S e c retary for Pediatrician's of fice. O H IP billing and dicta an asset. Mail resum e to: Dr H E r iz , 2 0 6 -2 3 0 0 E g lin to n A v e . W . M is s is sauga. O N L5M 2V8 or fax 905-820-1500 9 0 5 855-7771 - R E L IA B L E hardworking experienced cleaning lady available for Burlington & surrounding area. Call Josie, 905-332-9438 P A N E F R E S C O Bakery Cafe Opening Soon! Mature staff needed- Counter help. Pizza/ Sandwich maker. Prep Persort Apply in person 414 Locust S i. Burflington, Tues/Thurs/Fri 1:30pm 3:30pm_______________ H A V E your home cleaned the way you would like by extremely clean, hard working European ladies. Reasonable rales. C a l cel# 289-260*383; 905689-2299. A L I N A 'S C le a n in g S e r v ice: European experience, tra in e d la d ie s. H o u se s a n d a p a rtm e n ts, o v e r 13 ye a rs in busin ess. E x ce l lent re fe re n c e s . Y o u will se e the d iffe re n ce ! C a ll Alina 905-286-0037 E U R O P E A N cleaning lady available M onday - Friday. Burlington & Oakville area. 905469-0990 E V O N A S Cleaning S erv ice: 10 years experience, homes/ apts. References available. Burlington, O a k ville, Mississauga. Call 905*48-0414________ G R A C E Cleaning Service offers professional work, for houses/ offices. Own supplies (som e organic) and equipment. Insured. Cell: (416)605-3728 or (905)8130728 O A K V IL L E : reliable, ex perienced cleaning lady has openings in weekly or bi-weekly schedule. Excellent references. gooa rales. 905-257-6274 B U S Y Bees house clean ing service. Weekly & txweekfy M t t f e BuV Walerdow area. Seniors discounts. 905318-3088 S P A R K L IN G Interiors- 15 years experience. Weekly & biweekly spots available. References available. Call C afw m e 905*90-3117 HOUSE cleaning lady available with experience. Reasonable rates. Call an ytime. 905*37-7904. E U R O P E A N cleaning lady available. Experienced, reli able. good references provid ed. reasonable rates. Call Vinka, 906-567-3903. E X P E R IE N C E D ia d y to dean your home. Seeking clients. Excellent references. Bu r lington/ Oakville area/ Offic e s C a l 906*32-7566. F O R housekeeping/ house cleaning, taking care of el derly people call Christine ready with experience & references 905639-3936 C L E A N IN G lady available for houses, apartments/ small offices. Good refer ences. Experienced. Please cal Barbara 906*47-5616. HOUSECLEANM G aval able by relable. ©qwrenoed woman vrfh ft*KrosCafl906625*121 E U R O P E A N , reliable clean ing lady available. References 905*60-5977 I office-clerical for Mississauga only OR D A TA q u ire d E n try p o sitio n re (e x p e rie n c e in ATTRIDGE BOOKKEEPER Part-Time for non-profit school in East Bur lington. Duties include: Payroll, preparing all fi nancial and funding re ports, A/R, A/P. and financial set up for two new schools. Inde pendent workers with related experience can fax resume to 905-634-9850 call 905-634-3141 8 88 749-1515 t l M salon & spa help banking o r related field an asset) for a dynamic, rapid ly expanding Financial In stitution in Burlington. Fax resume to: 905-331-9977. F U L L - T I M E O ffic e Staff wanted for O akville private in v e stig a tio n com pany. Rote of Assistant to O p era tion s M a n a g e r. R e q u ire s excellent typing & comput er skills and a proficiency in verbal & written comm u nication. Please e -m ail re s u m e to: te d Q in v e s t ig a tiveservices.net EARN EXTRA **CA$H** Run your own business with early morning delivery of newspapers in Burlington. Exc. commissions. 7-days/wk. Reliable vehicle required. Call Boris, 905- 333-4977 S M A L L W a re h o u se / 0 1 fice, looking for a part-time shipper/receiver. C all 9 058 4 5 -7 5 4 4 . F a x re su m e to 905-845-4186 I M M E D I A T E fu ll-tim e p o sition available for suitable Esthetician. Please contact L a u rie 's Spa 9 0 5 -3 3 3 1 55 5 , em ail la u rie O ta u ri espa .com . Visit ww w. lauri espa.com___________________ E X P E R IE N C E D E s th e ti cian/ M a na g e m e n t/ P a rt nersh ip . E x ce lle n t o p p o r tunity. D ro p off re sum e to M 'lo rd & M 'la d y 's or C a ll 905-632-1 4 4 3 _______________ H A IR S T Y L IS T (F / T ) S om e experience required D rop off resum e in person to 350 0 F a irv ie w S t., B u r lington. 905-681-2582 W A N T E D p art- time b a rb er. 2 days a week Good p ay! M in im um 5/yrs e x p e rie n c e . A sk for F ra n k 905-639-0921 ______________ R E N A IS S A N C E Day Spa seeking F/T, P/T: Certified A ro m a th e ra p is t, C e rtifie d R e fle xo lo g ist. R .M .T , Hot R ock Th e ra p is t. E a r C a n dling. Estheticians, R e ce p tionists. Fax resum e: 905469-6703 W E L L -E S T A B L IS H E D East Oakville Hair Salon re q u ire s e x p e rie n c e d H a ir stylist Full-time. Please call Nick 905-845-4466 FOUR SEASONS SUNROOMS BURLINGTON We require a motivated energetic sales professional with proven track record and excellent communication skills to join our team We provide sales and product training, rewarding commission structure, company benefits, leads, strong advertising programs, sup portive management and an excellent working envi ronment Computer literacy is a definite asset, and a reliable vehicle is essential. Nominal salary w ill be paid during the training period. If you qualify please tax your resume to 905-673-2034 Attn. Russ Ivison TIRED OF THE COMMUTE: Great opportunity to change locations, we are looking for a Corporate/Commercial Secretary in our progressive law firm in downtown Hamilton. Insolvency and Trademark experience would be an asset. Salary to commensurate with experience, full benefit package, apply to: Scartone Hawkins LLP, Attention: Danielle Lampietro Fax 905-523-5878 or mail to 1 James St. South, 14th Floor, Hamilton L8N 3P9 B U R L IN G T O N Fitness & Racquet C lub requires P/T Services of anexperienced Kitchen/ Restaurant Person. Contact Cafrry 905-335-3597 R I S T A U R A N T E J u lia is se e k in g fu ll-tim e e x p e ri enced servers, bartenders, and busers for lunches and dinners. Please bring re sume to 312 Lakeshore Rd. E R E L IA B L E re sp o n s ib le p e rs o n n e e d e d to m ake su b s. A lso , p iz z a d e live ry d riv e r & full/ p a rt-tim e C o o k . A p p ly : 5 74 P la in s Road East Or H a rd y B o yz. 650 Plains Road East, Bur- *h.< Womens Wear Home Parties Sales People/Hosts Wanted FT/PT Women around the world are doing amazing things and creating their own paths. Now is the perfect time lor women to express themselves and to be an indi vidual. Looking for tun outgoing motivated individuals interested in joining our growing business. Acknowl edged in Hare and Chatalaine magazine W e w o u ld love to h e a r fro m you C h a rlo tte 9 0 5 -334-0140 www.sheshe.ca ASSEMBLERS Required Immediately Dayshift & evenings, 7:00am-3.30pm & 3:45pm -11:45pm B n f t t a n . ______ Full-tim e Company Benefits Apply directly to 5320 Downey St. Burlington M E R C H A N D IS E R S re q uire d p art-tim e for e v e n in g s a n d w e e k e n d s. M ust be able to w ork until m id n ig h t. A p p ly to S h o p p e rs Drug Mart. 520 Kerr Street. Oakville. Fax r6sum6 905845-3407____________________ I N T E R IO R D e sig n . Junior/ In te rm e d ia te d e s ig n e r re quired for busy commercial/ residential practice. Knowl edge of basic computer pro g ra m s an a sse t. C A D e x perience. S om e office a d m inistration re quired. C all Yvonne. 905-844-8999 P R O P E R T Y M a in te n a n ce C o . E s t. S in c e 198 5 is looking for reliable personnel for la w n c a re d u tie s . F /T. S o u th M is s iss a u g a a rea . Please call 9 0 5 -8 2 2 -5 2 9 6 , fax 905-822-7927.___________ ON The S p o t! C a rp e t C le a nin g is expanding and requires full-tim e cleaning technicians. Must be self m o tiva te d , re lia b le , clea n driving record, able to work u n s u p e rv is e d a n d ha ve g o o d cu s to m e r c o m m u n i ca tion skills. (W ill tra in ). 905-825-4256 Interm ediate Accounting Clerk We require a well-organized individual with solid ac counting skills to join our growing team. Car dealer ship accounting experience is required. Responsibili ties of this full-time position will include processing car deals. A/R & various other accounting duties for our group of dealerships. Please fax resume to: Budds Saturn of Oakville E N G L IS H BU TLER G IF T S & H O M E DECOR M A T U R E individual needed for cafetena style restaurant. Part-time counter help. 7am12pm Mon-Fri. Duties: Prep w o rk, s e rv in g c u s to m e rs . cash. $8.75/hr. Call Tanya 905-469-0771 O A K V IL L E G o urm e t Shop requires cu sto m e r se rvice and kitchen help. F T , P T . $ 9 .5 0 -$ 1 1 / h r. M u st h a ve e xp erience, call 4 1 6 -9 1 0 3676 or fax 905*44-7024. W A ITR E S S 're q u ire d full time. part-time days/ even ings. Apply w/resume: C op Shop Cafe and Bar: 2544 ^DessFtodalBrcriB. Qakda T E A at Th e W hite House. Waterdown requires a ma ture full-time cook. Tu e s .Sat 905*90-9987 PUB / Restaurant has F/T & P/T openings for bar. serv ing and kitchen staff. Fax resume to: 906-569*108 G R O W I N G A utom otive re p air facility in M ilton s p e c ia lizin g in s m all re p a irs nee d s reliable, d edicated, team player experienced in a u to m o tive P o lish in g . R oom for advancem ent for the right p e rso n . S ta rtin g rate $15/hour + bonus d e p e n d in g on a bility. C a ll 905-875-3248 G R O W I N G A utom otive re p air facility in Milton s p e c ia liz in g in s m all re pa irs n ee d s reliable, ded ica te d, team player experienced in P a in tle s s D e n t R e m o va l. R oom for advancem ent for the right p e rs o n . S ta rtin g rate $25/hour + bonus d e p e n d in g on a bility. C a ll 905-875-3248 __________ G R O W I N G Autom otive re p a ir facility in Milton s p e c ia liz in g in sm all re p a irs nee d s reliable, d edicated, te am p la y e r fo r P a in tle ss Dent R em oval Tra in e e p o sition. Excellent opportunity to earn $50K + per year af te r 1 y e a r of e x p e rie n c e . Call 905-875-3248 F A B R I C A T O R : ju n io r or e n try le v e l, re q u ire d for m e d iu m -s iz e d g la s s and a lu m in iu m shop, O a kville . P le a s e fax re s u m e : 9 0 5 827-6823.___________________ G R O W I N G Autom otive re pair facility in Milton s p e c ia liz in g in sm all re pa irs nee d s reliable, ded ica te d, team player experienced in a u to m o tive P re p p in g & Light Body Work. Room for a d v a n c e m e n t for the right p erso n . S tarting rate $20/ h o u r + b o n u s d e p e n d in g o n a b ility . C a ll 9 05 -8 7 5* 324 8 ________________________ S H E R ID A N Ele c tric S e r v ice s requires Jo u rn e ym a n Electrician . S e rv ic e T e c h n ic ia n a nd C o n tro l P anel Bu ild e r. F a x re sum e 9 0 5 625-0268_______________ M A C H IN E O p e ra to rs G re a t o p p o rtu n ity for m a chine operators in the O a k ville /Burlington area. Flexi ble ho urs and com petitive pay ra te s. C a ll to d a y and w ork to m o rrow . C a ll C a n dice at: 905-631-0550 JOB FAIR Sat. Sept. 20 9 -5 pm Sales Associates FT-PT 905-845-0591 Alo phone calls please. W e have an im m ediate opening fo r a A P A R TM EN T c o n s u lt a n ts positions avail, for e ne rge tic p e o p le th ro u g h G T A . E x c e lle n t p h o n e a nd p e r sonal com m unication skills re q u ire d . M ust h a ve ow n ca r, gu a ra n te e d incom e + generous bonuses, training provided. C a l 905-319-2524 STAFF ACCOUNTANT in our Corporate Head Office located in Oakville. The successful candidate w ill have a background in Accounting as well as Human Resources and possess strong analytical skills with the ability to m u lti ta sk in a fa s t paced tim e s e n s itiv e environment. Duties will include account analysis, month end entries, bank reconciliations, financial s ta te m e n t p re p a ra tio n s , P a y ro ll, B e n e fits Adm inistration and Human Resources. Strong Lotus, Excel and PowerPay skills are essential. Resumes to: Attn: C. Ringuette ©Oakville Placebeside Times Square/across Total Beauty Essentials ` Bring Resume Tweed & Hickory Ladies upscale fashion bo utique in D /T B urlington requires expe rien ce d part-tim e E X P E R I E N C E D certified D e nta l A ssista n t re q uire d for busy team oriented fam ily dental p ractice in O a k ville. Self motivated, multi ta sk in g in d iv id u a ls need o n ly a p p ly . F a x re su m e : 905-844-9922 D EN TA L H Y G IE N IS T B u rlin g to n office offering 15/hrs w e e k . C a n d id a te must be articulate and pas sionate about periodontics. F a x re su m e to: 9 0 5 -6 3 9 9907 M IL T O N D e nta l Office re quires a part-time and tem p o ra ry H yg ie n is t. P lea se fax resume to 905-876-3491 D EN TA L H y g ie n is t re quired for progressive fam ily p ra c tice . F u ll-tim e . G eorgetow n. F ax 9 0 5 -8 7 3 3095 RETIREMENT HOME IN OAKVILLE HAS IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR FULL-TIME COOK 52.5 hours Bi-Weekly, min. 5 years experience in 'Homestyle' cooking for approximately 90 residents. Serious applicants only. Apply in person with resume or fax to Queens Avenue Retirement Residence 1056 Queens Avenue. Oakville. On. L6H-6R3 fax 905-815-0812 Sales Associate Please fax resume to 905-637-7721 Atlas Van Lines (Canada) Ltd. P.O Box 970, Oakville. ON L6J5M7 E-mail: cringuette@ atlasvan line s.ca (No phone calls) Telemarketers Permanent Day/ Evening Shifts Experience preferred willing to train qualified applicant. Competitive starting wage plus excellent bonus pkgs. Fax 905-681-8300 or call 905-681-8103 O A K V I L L E M o vin g C o m p an y requires full/part-time M o ve rs. O w n tra n sp o rta tion. Experience an asset. S tart $10 -1 2 /hr. C a ll 9 0 5 2 5 7 -6 6 8 3 ; fax re su m e : 905-847-6690. A Z flatbed drivers for O a k ville based company. Hiring driver with min. 2yrs flatbed e x p e rie n c e for F /T local work. Call 905-825-3476 INSURANCE BROKER A ve ry w e ll e s ta b is h e d b ro ke ra g e , lo ca te d in d o w n to w n B u rlin g to n , re q u ire s a n e x p e rie n c e d P e rs o n a l L in e s B ro k e r to jo in o u r team . Qualifications: R IB O lic e n c e d ; 2 + y e a rs P e r s o n a l L in e s e x p e r ie n c e ; e x c e lle n t c o m m u n ic a tio n a n d in te rp e rs o n a l s k ills ; e x c e lle n t c u s to m e r s e rv ic e s k ills ; w o rk in g k n o w le d g e o f th e S ig n a s s u re S y s te m is a de fin ite asset. P le a s e fo rw a rd y o u r re s u m e b y S e p te m b e r 2 6 , 2 0 0 3 . W e th a n k a ll a p p lic a n ts . O n ly th o s e s e le c te d fo r a n in te rv ie w w ill be contacted. David H. Coons Insurance Brokers Limited 574 Brant St. Burlington, Ontario L7R 2G8 E -m ail: ch risc@ coon sinsuran ce .co m The Village of Tansley Woods Long-Term Care facility is seeking a fulltime REGISTERED NURSE Experienced in: ·Long-term care ·Quality Improvement ·Charge Nurse and Fu lltim e /P a rt-tim eR P N 's APPLY BY FAX: 905-336-7143 OR E-MAIL lross@oakwoodretireinent.com The Village of Taasiey Woods 4100 Upper Middle Road, Bariingtan. Ontario L7M4W8 T lm H ottoM . W IN D O O R C la s s ic in sta llatio n of hig h q uality windows/ d oo rs. Specialty b ow a n d b a y . F re e e s timate 905*55-2329. W AYNES W orld Home Renovations, general home repairs, carpentry, drywall. plumbing, ceramics, kitch ens, bathrooms, and base ments. Wayne 90&331 -2909. Full Time Midnight Staff Competitive Wages Training Available Apply in person to Karen 2355 Trafalgar Rd. Oakville 905-257-1294 U P H O L S T E h Y - R e cove r' re p a ir a n d cu sto m m ade ch a irs. G re a t w o rk. G re a t p ric e s . D inin g cha irs from $ 2 5 e a c h in c lu d in g new foam . T o m m y 2 8 9 -2 5 9 7887 Local Number

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