Oakville Beaver, 11 Jun 2003, "Classifieds", C5

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The Oakville Beaver. Wednesday June 11, 2003 - C 5 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER BONUS! All classified ads appear @ TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905-845-3824 OR 905-337-5610 TA X : 905-632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm | [| |l houses for sale C la ssified F F Z il WANTED TO PURCHASE.. Profitable Business in Halton area Either involved with printing and publish ing o r d e p e n d a n t upon p ro m o tio n and publicity or delivery to homes in area. In te re s te d in b u sin e ss c le a rin g m ore than $200,000 in annual profit. All inquiries treated in confidence. Please forward information to: apartments 4 flats for rent W w»oakyillebeaver.com The site your community clicks on! E - m a il: c la s s ifie d @ h a lt o n s e a r c h . c o m Circulation: 905-845-9742 ·R eal Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · M erchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help W anted 500-570 · Services 700-795 F ill apartments & flats for rent IT E I houses for rent fETI tollhouses for rent L IV E - IN c a r e g iv e r 2 children, expenonce. refer ences English a must. Leg a ls o n ly O a k v ille a r e a A S A P 416-573-9649 W A N T E D q u alified ex p e rie n ce d d e d ic a te d fu ll time live-out nanny for 19 month old Burlington Call 905-777-3148 CO N TEN TS of hom e m atching ch e s te rfie ld s 8 d rap e s, carp et, computer, d iningroom set. stove, bikes, sliding/bifold doors, barbecue, desk, dresser . 905-827-1001 D IN IN G room table 40*x84* with 6 c h a irs 2 le a v e s $300 . M aple buffet $150 905-319-6640_______________ D IN IN G R O O M set- oak tab le. 6 ch a irs 8 butfet. neutral decor. $800. 315-- 8879 D IN IN G R O O M . 13 pee. ch e rry . 8 c h a irs. Buffet hutch, server, dovetail con struction. S till m boxes C o st $11,000 S a c rific e $3,000 905-567-9459 D IN IN G room suite, table. 6 c h a irs, hutch, butfet $1700. 2 end ta b le s also a v a ila b le C h a rle n e 905332-3755 E N T E R T A IN M E N T unit. 'B a s s e t t* ch e rryw o o d w/ rectractable doors, fits 35' T V . $500. d e sk s. Ikea w hite 'A n to n * S80-S90 905-335-9867 F R E E in-hom e e stim a te b lind s, sh u tte rs, d rap e s C o m e visit our showroom. 5109 H a rv e s te r R d Burfcngton 905-336-5341 F R ID G E Kenmore- 35*x65*. almond, energy saving, good working order. C a ll 905632-1796 G A S sto ve. 2 y e a rs old, G E P ro file , w hite, new $1500 . g re at condition. $700 . g a s c lo th e s dryer. Whirlpool heavy duty, large c a p a c ity . $150. 905-8259661 G IF T sto re clo sing , great deals... fixtures and mvenlory. Ca> 905-639-4332 G I R L 'S w hite w ooden desk w/ chairs. 4 d raw ers 48*x18*x30* $110; antique white w icker rocker S125; child's lift top desk 8 chair $30; 1 Little T yk e s ch a irs $i/ea. firepalce screen $5. Koho hockey bag $20. 905845-9838 G O IN G out of b usness lo c a l im porter of m exican crafts liquidating balance of riven tory call 905-334-6377 H O T Tub/ S p a . All selfco ntained . a ll options, w/ co ve r. 2003 m odel, new. SMI in wrapper, cost $8900. sacrifice $4,100. 905-3047775 IK E A 'Rim bo* chair & foot stool B o e c h fram e with bluo fab ric. No longer available at Ikea A collec tors item $250 obo 905632-8279 KEN M O RE h e a v y duty larg e c a p a c ity w ash e r $300. K e n m o re d ryer $200 905-336-3426 K IT C H E N T a b le - solid, m aple. 4 ch a irs. 2 le a v e s . $200 TV stand. $15. H ead board. S i 0 Rocking chair. $25 Fo ld in g leg ta b le . 3ftx5ff, $25. E x e rcise m a c hine. u se s p ulleys. $50. 905-637-9732 L A S E R 1989 Very lightly used for only 3 se asons La st race d C O R K 2000 Fast. Rght. boat. Excellent condition No leaks. $3750. 905-849-1279_______________ L IT T L E Tikes car bod w/ mattress. $200 Crib. $100. C h an g e table w/drawers and shelves. $50 Adjust able highchalr. $75. Graco N avig ator stroller. $75 G raco swing, no top. $80 Jo lly jumper in frame. $30 905-332-3173______________ L O V E S E A T . lemon/beige with leaves. Lovely piece, very good condition. $350. Please caM 905-336-7051 M O R IG E A U S e rie s 8800 natural m ap le crib $300; Peg P e re g o C la s s ic chrom e/navy stro ller with carriag e.b assm et 8 frame $400; F P p layp en; First Y e a rs e x e rsau ce r. co n verts to play table; Century SmartFit baby car seat with base. Cozy Coupe 8 more Ex celle n t condition. 905847-2009 MOVING- O R suite, drafting board 8 chair. 8* picnic table. G E sm ooth top sto ve; Whirlpool washer and dryer. other miscellaneous Items. Em ail for details jw allerO co geco ca Call weekdays after 8 30pm . w eekend s afte r 7:30pm for ap p o int ment 9^336-8031 M O V IN G . Everything must go! Bluish are a rug, $75.. blue recliner. $50 . 2 white area rugs. $35/ea: 2 lamps. $25 e a . sm all TV. $50 . V C R . $35., dark blue sola bed, S400.. dark blue cur tains. S200.. 8-pce double bedroom . handcrafted $800. 905-681-3640 _______ N E E D a C om p uter7 Don't Have C a sh ? IBM . Gateway & Compact PC 's as Low as $1 a D ay! No M oney Down! Call BrandsN O W ' 1800-656-8369 w ww.dollar | aday.com___________________ P A N A S O N IC D VD T h e a tre including rear projection TV. theatre in a box. pair of sp eaker stands. New s y s tem re ce n tly won at Tim Horton 5 Call 905-333^371 P E R G O carriage/ stroller. P e rg o Prim a-pappa high ch a ir, fisher p rice swing, wooden cart with rails. All item s e xcellent condition. $560 for all. Will separate. 905-331-1092______________ P O O L ta b le - 4x8 siate with a c c e s s o rie s . $1500. C a ll 905-631-5895 ext 228. between 8am-5pm P O O L ta b le s used. 7 available Buy- sell used ta b les S e rv ic e for billiards ta b le s 905-616-5159 www.billiard-service.com R O S E W O O D acc en t fur niture. scre e n s, consoles, c h e s ts , a v a ila b le direct from importer at incredibly low prices. 905-847-0423 S H O P S M IT H . all a tta c h m ents. $400. large bird c a g e on stand . 18x24x36 $45 Call Rick. 905-639- 8719 T O P Publishers book sale' 8 0 % off 4155 F a irvie w St Burlington Ont. (K F C Plaza). W A SH ER/ d ryer. GE good working cond ition. S300/pair; filing cab inet, solid lateral 5-drawer, lock ing 3'wx6'h $140; Drill press (floor), 16-speed. 3/ 4 H P like new $275; Drill p re s s v is e . 2-way crossslide $45 905-332-9817 W ATERD O W N C e n tu ry H om e 1-1/2 sto rey. 2 bedrooms. 2 baths, faithful ly restored. Attractive, e x p ansive yard Pin e , brass, skylights. fire p la c e . $298,000 905-690-8948 Dennis A L M O S T 4.000 sq ft Bungaloft In A ld e rsh o t C o n temporary 4-bedroom home. 3 full baths, large lot. large p rincipal room s A skin g S429.000 905-522-1204 | [ | r l open houses F R E S H L Y p ainted , h a rd wood floo rs! 2-Bedroom availab le June/ Ju ly . From $949/mo.+ parking Clean, quiet. Brant/ Prospect Near G O 8 Malls 905-639-7805 O A K V IL L E - Kerr/ Sp e ers. 2 b edroom ap artm ent $911/mo.. 1 bedroom $800/ mo., includes utilities. Ju ly 1st & August 1st 905-8494782 O A K V I L L E . L a rg e 1-bed room basemont apartment S e p arate everything. $750/ mo C a b le & B B O Riveroa k s a r e a C a ll 905-2570498 B U R L IN G T O N , downtown 431 Martha Street 2-bed room $850/mo. hydro First' Last 905-637-2820 Leave message. ____ 2 B D R M b ase m e n t a p a rt ment. available immediate ly $875/mo. all inclusive C le a n 8 bright O ak ville 905-607-7828 after 6pm, 905-608-9967 before 5pm O A K V I L L E - N e ar D o w n town. Renovated lor2 bed room in q uiet adult b u ild ing. Large bright unit. $725 or S825m o. (parking in c lu d e d ) A v a ila b le Ju l y or August 905-277-4728 S T E P S from dow ntow n O a k v ille ` D e vo n sh ire Ap artm ents* 1 -bedroom. $950/mo July/ Aug . 2-bed room. $1250/mo Aug Utili ties/ p arking Includod. Quiet building, w heolchair accessible 905-844-1934 O A K V I L L E Downtown- 2 storoy apartm onts: 3-bodroom * don. $l5 0 0 /m o ( utilities/ parking included) C t f 905-337-7135.__________ O A K V IL L E D ow ntow n B e a u tifu lly m ain tain e d building 182 bedroom su ite s a v a ila b le im m e diately. Starting from $925/ mo 905-815-8383.__________ O A K V IL L E D ow ntow n B e a u tifu lly m ain tained b uilding. 18 2 bedroom suites available immediate ly Starting from $975/mo. 905-815-8393 E A S T O akville , charm ing, bright mam floor of bunga low. 2 * bedrooms, laundry, parking, a/c. $1350/mo inc k m J U y i s t 9054530-9350 O A K V IL L E : 2-bedroom. available Ju ly 1st. $80Q/mo hydro. 1 ca r parking included 905-564-0134 or 905-849-9178_______________ BU R LIN G T O N , off Brant 2bedrooms. $770 8 $85G/mo. N e a r all am em tios Ju ly / August 1st 905-631-1826 BRO N TE/ L a k e sh o re N e w ow n ers, new m a n agem ent. largo newly-ren o vate d d e sig n e r su ite s with lak ev ie w 1 & 2 b e d room s Now a p p lia n ce s, big b a lc o n ie s , hardw ood floo rs, q uiet n e ig h b o u r hood. w alk to shops, min to p ublic transportation, restaurants 905-827-6783 DO W NTO W N O a k v ille , larg e 1 -bedroom loft apt skylig h ts. $1500/mo . 1 bedroom apartm ent $900/ mo. a/c. utilities included, both August 1st. Larg e 1bedroom mam level, d ish washer. backyard. S 1500/mo. inclusive, imm ediate Suit adults only No pets, nonsmokers 905-844-8581 B R O N T E : studio basement. All in clu siv e . S e p e a r a te entrance. C ab le parking. A vailable Ju ly $750./mon 905-847-5815 W A T E R D O W N . 100 yr old cozy bongalow 2 b ed room s. lo cate d on quiet setting, all ap p liances, air. fen ced yard and carport. $l4 0 0 mo For sale or rent 905-334-0659. e ve n in g s ___ __ 905-336-6337 B U R L IN G T O N - 3-bedroom ranch *den. 1 5 baths, recroom. $ 1 120/mo.. 4-bed room- 2-storey townhouse. 1 5 baths, rec-room garage. $ 1035/mo; D ow ntow n B u rlin g to n 2-bedroom bungalow. 2-full baths, recroom. $995/mo Albert M cD o n ag h Ltd 905-6325690 B U R L IN G T O N South-east 3-bedroom bungalow base m ent in-law suite, fen ced yard. d eck. C/A. Laund ry. $1700/mo J u l y l s t . 905331-5595 B U R L IN G T O N southeast 3-bedroom, c/air, gara g e , large rec. room. 1 5 baths. $ 1 0 5 0 ^ 0 includes heat. 4 utilities August 1st 905639-1206.___________________ B U R L IN G T O N . Sp rin g G ard e n s/ P la in s . B ra n d new semi near lake. 3-bedroom s. 2.5 b aths, c/air. a v a ila b le Ju ly / Aug N o pets $l350/m o 905-7857186 BRO C K/ S a fa ri Road area- charming 4 bedroom farm house, mins. to B u r lington, H am ilto n 8 m ajor highw ays Totally renovat ed intenor, c/a. ample park ing, n on -im ok ers/p ets. $ 1650/mo utilities 905628-8861 V IC T O R IA . B C co z y 2bedroom homo in FairfieldGonzales Beach. 5 mins. to downtown. Inner harbour. Cook S tre e t Villag e. Fu lly furnished, monthly/ weekly rentals. 1-250-595-4084 O A K V IL L E . Beautiful 2-yr. old 3-bedroom . 2.5 bath e x e cu tiv e M aster/ 2nd bedroom hard w o od , c e ram ics. fire p la c e , familyroom w/vaulted ce ilin g Double garage Immediate. S1850/mo. Laurice Albert. Assoc Broker. Re/Max 905257-2414 $1350M O B ro n te V il lage. So u th of L a k e sh o re semi detached. 3 bedroom, familyroom w/fireplace. at ta ch e d gara g e , fen ced backyard. Ju ly 1st. No pets, references Call Mrs Slater 905-847-5502 O A K V IL L E - Falgarw ood/ Grovenor- Lovely detached e x e cu tive 4 bedroom .. 2 baths. Fam ily room w/FP. F in is h e d lowor le v e l. No pets Available July 9. 905845-8693 S /E Burlington, 4-bedroom 3-level backsplit. rec.room, 4 new a p p lia n ce s, h a rd w ood. now carp ot. now k itchen. $1525/mo.^. Im m ed iate T ra fa lg a r ( O a k ville) R ealty Inc . 905-3381130 N/W Burlington. 3-bedroom d e ta c h e d . 1-1/2 b ath s. 5 appliances. C/A, rec room, hot tub A v ailab le Im m ed iately $1450/mo.^ utilities Trafalgar (Oakville) Realty. 905-338-1130 REN T to own- 2yr old semi 3 bodroom s, 1 5 b aths w/walk/out basom ent onto ravin e co n serv atio n a re a $1525/mo utilities. Croek W a y Cres . Burlmg-ton 289259-2547 hvalcheff©aol.com O A K V IL L E S o u th e a s t Lo v ely d etached 2-storey. 4-bedroom s. 2.5 baths, m ain flo or fam ilyroom w/ fireplace. 2-car garage No pets N on-sm okers 1-yr lease References required $2.500/mo utilities 905469-9194 905-845-5721 B U R L IN G T O N : S E 3bedroom backsplit. 2 and 4 p ie ce b athroom s, familyroom. 5 a p p lia n ce s, a/c, quiet neighb orho od with p rivate b a ck yard Scre e n e d cabana G a r d e n e r's delight! $1400 u tilitie s 905-849-4941 or 905-844-4954 DOWNTOWN O a k v ille a cro ss from La k e , b unga low with pool. I4 0 0 sq .ft. with fully finished b a s e ment. Modernized Interior 3 bedroom. 2 baths, hard woods. 1 minute walk to 3 parks. $2500./month Short term le ase okay 905-2573873________________________ G L E N Abbey: 4-bedrooms, b alco n y, fam ily room fire p la c e , walk-in b ase m e n t. $ 1650/mo Immediate 905847-1770 O A K V IL L E : Light-filled e x e cu tiv e hom e n e ar G O and lake. 3-bedroom. CAC. hardwood, fireplaces, appl ia n c e s . 1/2 a cre , patio. $2200 utilities. Call 647888-6943 O A K V I L L E : N a p ie r Cr. 3+2 bed room s. 2 b ath rooms. yard. deck, laundry facilitie s. E x ce lle n t lo c a tion n e a r sch o o ls, m all, G O . highw ay $l400/m o utilities. 905-849-1250. S E M I- D E T A C H E D 3-bedroom. 1.2 bathroom s, gor geous new hard w ood floo rs, fresh c le a n d ecor throughout. P rim e n e Oakville location. Close to all am en ities $ 1 500/mo. utilities 905-339-7077 2 M o u th F R E E R E N T Occupancy Ju ly 1st! C U M B E R L A N D V ILLA G E 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 B e d ro o m s · 4 a p p lia n c e s · E a t-in Kit B a se m e n t · P la y g ro u n d · P a rk in g Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Pwpcrtie* Limited S U M M E R M o th e rs H elper for 2 kids S u ite high school student. 12-20hrs/ wk Brant Hills area. 905319-0059 O A K V I L L E : O p en H o u se . June 14 A 15. 2-4pm 1270 - 61 G ain sb o ro u g h Or N ew ly re n o v a te d 3-bodroom townhouse $189,900. 905-693-1531________________ [ I K l P irate sates BRO N TE2-storey. 4 bedroom . 2 20 0sq .ft on large corner lot Hardwood floo rs. $29 5,000 No agents 905-827-1677 Box 2133. c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd. Oakville. ON L6K 3S4 FREE Air Conditioning W a t e r fr o n t,B u r lin g to n . Bright, spacious. dean 2 storey. 2-bdrm Garden Homes. Par*like setting. F reshly painted, broadloom , gleaming hardwood, 2nd floor laundry, w/o to yard, large kitchen. 4 appliances. M O D E L HO M E TO V IE W From only $999./m o.+ Tel: 905-631-9072 5370 - 5380 Lakeshore Road B L U E F IE L D larg e 3b edroom with b ase m e n t and patio, fridge and stove $950/mo utilities Pe ts al lowed 905-332-0935 G U E L P H Ln B ra n d new exocutive townhouse. 5 ap p lian ce s. a/c, 3 bdrm. 2.5 b aths, hard w o od floor A v a ila b io Ju ly 1 S1600/ mo. utilitios 905-331-5698 O A K V IL L E 3-Bedroom to w nhouso s a v a ila b io Im m ed iately through August 1st. 4 ap p lian ce s Hopeda le M all a re a . L a k e sh o re Management 905-876-3336 3 - B D R M , 1 5 b ath, fin ished b ase m e n t. 4 a p p lia n ce s. no p ets. A v a il able Ju ly 15th $ 1200/mo utilities Call 905-842-5079 B U R LIN G T O N .2 - b e d ro o m maisonette available June/ J u ly N e ar G u e lp h Line/ Q E W No pets. 1-car parking. 905-335-0636 FRESH LY R e n o v a te d ! Brant' Q E W . Burlinoton 1* bedroom, June/ Ju fy, from $695/mo . 3-bedroom. Ju ly , from $925 -mo (utili ties extra, fen ced yard. 1 parking included) 905-3199769 $1450/M 0- B ro n te V il lag e G a rd e n Townhom o Close to lake. 3 bedrooms, fam ilyroom . 3 bathroom s, a ttach ed gara g e . August 1st. N o pets. R e fe re n ce s. C all Mrs S later. 905-8475502 A L D E R S H O T , 3-bedrooms. 1-1/2 b aths, roc.room , hardwood floors. Iresh paint. 2 p arking Im m ed iate o c cu p a n cy . $995/mo.+ utilities. Trafalgar (Oakvllle) Realty Inc . 905-338-1130 BRO W N STO N E- V : Avenue. Burlington 2-bed rooms. 5 appliances, fresh ly painted, garage. $1200 mo utilities A v a ila b le Aug 1st. 905-631-7852 D ELU XE3-bedroom condo. 3 b aths. 2-car In door p arking and pool .................. $1150/mo O ff G u e lp h L in e . 3-bed room condo. 1.5baths. recroom . g a ra g e $ 1 160/mo Albert McDonagh Ltd 905632-5690___________________ F R E S H L Y painted 2-Bed room to w nhom es H ard wood floors, finished b a se ment. Brant/ Prospect. Bur lington. No dogs July/Aug $999 /mo utilities/ park ing. 905-639-7805 to viow Trendy Burlington Neighbourhood 505 Locust St. (Brant & Ontario) Walk to the lake & Spencer Smith Park Attached to Indoor mall · Central Air LARGE 1 & 2 BEDROOM SUITES From S900Vmo · Available July I ! ; | AT Last S u m m e r, you can relax reliable mother of 2 looking for sch o ol ag ed ch ild re n w ho en jo y s w im ming and other summer a c tivities. Located at Brant 8 F a irv ie w C a ll S h e rry 905634-4651 BRONTE a re a hom e, teaching assista n t with 10 years experience, referenc e s available. Any ag e w e l come 905-847-4408 E C E has sp ace s availab le mid J u l y N E Bu rlin g to n In fan ts w e lc o m e 1 P le a s e call Chnstina 905-315-7631 S O U T H B u rlin g to n - E x ce lle n t lo c a tio n , near sch o o ls. B u rlin g to n m all, parks Best location m com plex 3+1 b e d ro o m s, n e w b athroom . C/A. C/V. g a s hook-up for B B O . g as fire place. garage door opener $175,000 August p o s s e s sion G o t k id s re a d y for school' B y appt 905-634- Tel: 905-333-9008 __________ industrial/ commercial spoce ( S ir r Q i c l u t r d ~ F ( 'w e r s ML S i S M A L L c o m m e rc ia l units 600 & 750 sf. (with office) C heap er than *elf storage L o ts of p ark in g a n d signage. N o co m m e rcial a u tomotive S p e e rs & Third. 905-257-3973_______________ r J I business space Take a good look at a G reat Lake! BRONTE. ON THE LAKE. 1-bedroom with hard wood, ceramics, window covenngs some with lake views! Available July. $972/mo.. underground park ing included. Pool, lennis. I BEAUTIFUL Waterdown! Edith Court Clean 1 8 ,2 Bdrms Available June/July Includes utilities. Parking Available. Info, call: 905-827-9169. w ww.ontim .com O A K V IL L E D ow ntow n Retail sp a ce approx. 1250 sq ft p ark in g a v a ila b le . $ l4 7 5 /m o utilities. 905337-7135 ______ B R O N T E on L a k e s h o r e approx 400 sqft availab le Ju l y l s t Approx 1000 sq.ft s u ita b le for d e n ta l lab . Plumbing/ e lectn cal includ ed 905-632-0364 O A K V I L L E E x e c u tiv e o f fice. P riv a te , sh are b oard room w/new furniture, park ing. heat/ hyd ro included. $700/mo 905-337-7663 G L E N Abbey, w e'll p ay yo u $300 to m ove in A u gust" 2bdrm. 5 appliances. A/C. p arking at door B e a u tifu l neighborhood 11ftS/mo. . 906-827-2690 B U R L IN G T O N - Aldershot C le a n 1 bedroom apts. Available Ju ly 1st & August 1st. $700 e a ch 905-6346814 B U R L IN G T O N - La rg e . 2bedroom (825 sq.ft.) Clean quiet building n ear d ow n town P a rk in g . $750/mo. Can Annie. 905-634-5885 B U R L IN G T O N . 2-bed room ap artm e n t In sm all building on Plains Rd A/C A v a ila b io A u g / ls t $900/ mo hydro. 905-336-7742 B U R L IN G T O N 700 D ynes R o a d . 12th floor. 2-bed roo m s. full-size w asher/ d rye r, cable.' p arking in clu d e d . $ l0 0 0 /m o A v a il ab le im m ed iately. S a n d y . 905-338-7482 T B U R L IN G T O N 1bdrm lull bath. C/A. separate entrance $750/mo Includes: Utilities. Parking. Laundry. Ju ly 1st 906-331-5595 DO W NTO W N O akvllle3bdrm, 2 bath, a v a ila b le Ju ly 1st or A ugust 1st $950/mo. utilities 905465-0970 Ext 223 2 - B E D R O O M apartm ent a v a ila b le im m ed iately. H arbourvlew Plaz a, corner of Lakoshoro 8 Bronte Rd., Oakville Call 905-825-1261 2 - B E D R O O M A p artm ents available Juno/ July/ Aug.. $830./mo Conveniently lo cate d W oodw ard/ G u e lp h Line. Burlington 905-6324265 A V A IL A B L E August 1 bedrooms from S8507mo. parking. Indoor pool, s a u na Ravine setting. In-house lau n d ry facilities/ on-site concierge. Q EW / Trafalgar area 905-844-1106 2 - B E D R O O M b asem o nt F lo r e n c e D rive . O a k v ille , w alk to lake/ shopping. Large windows, yard, park ing. q uiet stre e t. 2 a p p lia n c e s . s e p a ra te en trance. $795/mo. inclusive Suit single/ young couple, non-smokers, no pets J u lylst 905-825-3568 O A K V IL L E . b ase m e n t bachelor, laundry, steps to Mall/ bus. No parking/ p ets' sm oking. $550/mo in c lu sive. 905-842-9815 D O R V A U R ebecca1bedroom apartm ent $730/ mo hydro. Available Ju ly 1st 905-337-9413 2 - B E D R O O M m ain floor on q uiet C ourt In North Burlington, all utilities, c a ble. laundry, one car park ing. Immediate. $1100/mo. 905-979-2790 E X T R A larg e 1&2 b e d room su ite s a v a ila b le in beautiful O akvllle building Larg e b alco n ies. C lo se to sch o o ls & p ro fe ssio n al s e rv ic e s . E a s y a c c e s s to Q E W & 403. V ery re aso n able 905-844-2646 GU ELPH Line/ N ew 2 bedroom s, b alco ny. $850/ mo includ es heat/ hydro/ parking Im m ed iate 90592i-1213l ______ LA R G E 1-bedroom den. near lak e (B ro n te ) H e at, hydro, lau n d ry, parking included Ju ly 1st 905-8279153. O A K V I L L E s p a cio u s r e furbished bachelor 1 and 2bedroom available. Minutes from Q E W . G O S tatio n , shopping, dining U tilities Included. P le a s e call 905845-7545 to inquire about our lim ited time rental in centive. O A K V IL L E W e s t 2-bedroom basement, separate entrance, laund ry, parking, non sm oking, no p ets S u its 1-2 persons. $840/mo in clusive 905-849-1380 evgs O A K V IL L E . 2-bedroom duplex, 1 bath, skylights. 6 a p p lia n ce s, d eck, C/A. $1095/mo. in clu d e s heat/ hydro/ water. Ju ly 1st Tra falgar (O a k v ille ) R e a lty . 905-338-1130 L A R G E 2-bedroom a p a rt ment near lake, 2393 New Street Immediate/ August From$780/mo. hydro No dogs 416-705-7701 S IX T H Line/ Upper Middle Upscale furnished bedroom, M O T H E R of two (18-yrs. p riv a te 4-pce. en su lte . d a y c a r e e x p e rie n c e ) h as S e p a ra te sitting room, hot full-time or part-time space tub. ca b le , cle a n in g lad y R e c e ip ts R e fe re n c e s . S h a re kitchen/ laundry No B ra n t' U p per Middle area parking, on bus route No | 905-336-9586 pets/ sm oking. $550/mo. N E E D D a y c a r e 7 Lo cated 905-257-7285_______________ down the stre e t from the shared Appleby G O station I pro accommodation vide TLC. baby proofed en vironm ent. meals/ snacks, E . O A K V IL L E furnished crafts/ games for children of bodroom in e x e cu tiv e all a g e s FT /PT sp aces homo. Laundry, A/C. park a v ailab le P le a s e contact ing. cable, swimming pool, Nicole 905-633-8075 non-sm oking m alo p re m 905-690-1896 M U S T s e e to a p p re cia te ! 3055 G le n c r e s t R d . B u r lington C e n tra lly located, well- maintained, spacious! 283 B ed ro om Apartm ents a v a ila b le Ju ly / Aug 905* 637-3921 _______________ T Y A N D A G A . Large, bright 2 - B R in p restigio us area. Includes C/A. heat, hydro, fridge, sto ve, o n e u n d e r ground parking A vailab le immediately 905-332-8979 B U R L IN G T O N . S t Pau l Street- 2-Bedroom apart ment a v a ila b le J u l y l s t . $824/mo. (includes utilities, p arking ). C a ll 905-6397072. 5-9pm 83 W ilso n S t . O a k v ille So u th sid e of L a k e sh o re 2-bedroom. 2nd floor walkup 1 outdoor parking. Ju ly 1st. $925/mo hydro. 905845-0751 O P E N House June 11/12 68p.m. 465 Lome St Burling ton. core area. 1-bdrm. very cle a n , quiet. 7-unit n o n sm oking b uilding. Full se cu rity w/intercom $ 75 1.33/mo. +hydro. 2yr tease 905-632-1452_________ f f j furnished rentals ferred Im m ediate. $500/ mo in clu siv e First/last 905-844-9987 after 6pm B U R L IN G T O N Sh are spacio us hom e Suit quiet m ature non-sm oking p ro fe ssio n a l C/air. parking. S450/mo. M ountainside/ Guelph 905-331-2931 R O O M M A T E w anted to sharo spacious maisonette w/young p rofessional. Brant/ Mount Fore st area. $425/mo utilities. 905332-3393 FRESH LY re n ovated basem ent apartment Very large p rivate room, share kitchen, laundry, bathroom. Parking. Fourth Line/ Rob ecca Im m ed iate 416871-3254. after 4pm________ N E W L Y re n o v ated Townhome Furnishod with A/C, pool W in sto n Churchill/ Collegeway. Starting $475. utilities included. 905-9794710 _____ W A L K E R 'S / U p p e r Middlosh a re tow nhouso . kitchen, laundry, own bath. S 6 0 0 /mo in clu siv e . Ju ly 1st. First/ Last. R e fe r ences 905-319-8390 T U C K/ St R ap hael s area Full/ part-time spaces start ing S e p te m b e r. Infants/ twins welcome References. Receipts. 905-639-6974 R E L I A B L E , loving hom e daycare m Oakville starting Ju n e 30th. full-time only. tO years experience. S afe enviro nm ent. nutritious snacks 8 lunches, lots of activities. 6mo 8up. Liver pool/ Third L-oe Can Jack> · 905-465-0612____________ SUM M ER/ Full-time available- E C E Mom- Ten years experience. Nutntwus m eals, cre a tiv e activities. Hoadon Forest. References available 905-336-7904 F U L L - T IM E a g e s 1-4. lots of fun ond TLC Ex cel lent references Receipts N .E O a k v llle C a ll 905338-1993 Spacious and Freshly P ainted 1-Bdrm, $835., July Sparkling hardwood floors. Easy QEW access, walk to schools & shopping. 4067 Longmoor Or. Burlington 905-639-1346 P R IN C E S S & Regency Apartmonts Lo vely & sp a cio u s 182 B R S te p s to B urling ton M all. R e fin e d te n an ts M arb le Lobby Parking & Hydro included. 905-639-8009. 905-681-8115 O A K V IL L E A p a r tm e n tsuitablo for couple, no pets A v a ila b le Ju l y 1st S800/ mo * h a lf u tilitie s R e f e r e n c e s requirod. 905-8442317 B R A N T St , Burlington. 28 3 b ed room s, in clu d o s 1 free outdoor parking, utili ties & c a b le TV To view call 905-639-1960 otter 3pm D O W N T O W N B urling to n. 1275 E lg in S tre e t 283 Bedroom s available Ju ly & August. Froshly decorated, sp acio us, well m aintained 8 quiet with upgraded firo alarm system for safe highrise livin g C a ll 905-637* 0321_________________ DO W NTO W N O a k v ille L a k e sh o re Rd. V e ry large loft-style 1-bedroom, c/air; very large 2-bedroom. e n tire se co n d floor. Ju ly ; R eyno ld s Street. Sp acio us 2-bedroom . 5 ap p lian ce s, woodburnm g firep lace, C / A. parking. $1275/mo J u ly 416-270-0687. 416420-3952. 905-842-9275 K E R R / Speers- 2bdrm, all in c lu s iv e with parking $l05 0/m o. L a rg e raise d 1bdrm basement, separate entrance, all inclusive with p arking , $79 5'm o with yard. No pets. 416-721-6724 H E A R T of Bronte. 50 East S t.. clo se to lake/ B ro n te H arbour. Im m ediate/ Ju ly 1-bedroom $950/mo., A u gust 1st. 2-bedroom $1095/ mo. (+parking) 905-825-0816 H A IR salo n, u p scale , new c h ild re n 's sa lo n in L o m e ^Partt, 905-001-4756_________ E X E C U T I V E opp o rtunity to c r e a te w e alth , p ro ve n business structure, fast ROl. excellent support system. 1866-256-3204. w w w e x e c utivemcomeforall com H O M E B u s in e s s M ak e ap p o in tm e n ts for p ro fe s sio n a ls (no selling of p ro ducts) Earn $500 - $1,000 m o nthly R e p ly to Box 2135. c o O akville B eav e r. 467 S p e e r s R d O a k v ille L6K 3S4 ___________________ [ | W | mortgage, loans $$ M o n e y $$ 1 0 0 % 1st. 2n d a n d 3rd M o rtg a g e s B a d crodit O K Can Ontano W ide. 1-888-307-7799 CALL SCFS905 8441245 1-yr 4 20. 5-yr 5 15. A R M 4 40 Also equity mort gage programs, regardless of income or credit B u r l in g t o n P O O L S ID E Sw im m in g Lo ssons All le ve ls ottered trom Aqua Q uest to Bronze C ro ss. F u lly lice n ce d . In su re d . 10 y e a r s e x p e ri e n ce Y o u r pool or ours 905-827-0463 T owers 1, 2 & 3 Bdrms Individually controlled A/C! 905-639-8583 www.ontjm.com B U R L IN G T O N downtown E x e c u tiv e suite. F u lly furnished re n o v a te d bunalow S le e p s 5. Park ing hort/ long-term. 905-3361036.________________________ t GRAVEN H U RST ap art ment by Gull Lake Boautiful furnished 1-bedroom den. screened room. 5 ap p lia n c e s . c/air, Ju n e 1 5 th 289-260-1953 (Burlington) B A B Y high chair, stroller, car seat, all good condition. $'00 all 9C5 336 0795 B IC Y C L E - all most new. girl's. 15 sp e ed . R ale ig h . 20* wheels $90 905-8473957 B R A N O now 7-Up race c a r bod for child, single size. S100 905-336-7939 DO you own an O kid ata O L400 L a s e r Printer'? i h a v e a p e rfe ctly good drum, shou ld last 12.000 co p ie s, brand new c a r tridge in original p ack ag e and o p e rato r's m anual B oth Orum 8 C artridg e S25 M anual F re e R e ta il value over $350 905-8259269 anytime________________ E L E C T R O H O M E co n so le TV. 27* color. Ex celle n t condition. $100 oho 905637-4392 after 4pm O F F I C E desk- e x e cu tiv e size . 3 5 ` x72*. Lig ht oak., e x ce lle n t co nd ition. $75 905-845-5637 PO RTA BLE mtex E a s y Set pool (12'x36*) with filter pump, manual/video. $100 905-335-8792 S W IN G setw ooden, $100 905-844-0317 O ' W A T E R D O W N r Jo h n St W a lk to E v e ry th in g N ow Appliances. New W indows Comp Reno 1. 28 3 Bdrms starting at $770. Util Incl (905)689-1647. 905-690-4454 B U R L IN G T O N - On- B a y l-bdrm. $782/mo.. 2-bdrm, $1095/mo, a vailab le Aug 1st. Quiet mature parklike setting N ear m arina and G O . Indoor pool. D o o r m an P a rk in g Included. 905-632-1109 B U R L IN G T O N / B ra n t & F a ir v ie w 1-bdrm. new ly renovated apt Close to GO 8 malls New appllances8 free p arking $750/mo.+ utilities. July/1 st 905-6342495 O A K V IL L E - N e a r Y M C A . b right 2-bdrm b ase m e n t, large eat-ln kitchen, com pletely separate, laundry. 2 c a r p arking , non-sm oker $900/mo. utilities included July 1st. 905-469-8897 C A N A D IA N A . Q uiet well maintained lakefront build ing. V e ry sp acio us 1.2&3 b ed room s a v a ila b le June/ July/ Aug 5220 Lakeshore. Burlington 905-632-5486 B U R L IN G T O N . L a rg e 1 bedroom, fridge, stove, pnvate deck S900/mo. Heat/ partung nducJed 905^31-0010 T Y A N D A G A T errace. B u r lington Situated on private, park-lfke grounds Freshly painted w llh p rivate w alk outs to c e d a r hed ged p a tios 2&3 B ed ro om A p art m ents at 1440. 1450 & 1460 Tyandaga Park Drive 905*336-0016: 905-336-0015 B U R L IN G T O N . E x e cu tiv e 1-bedroom apartm ent, short/ long-term, Fireplace, c/air. dishw asher, parking. $950/mo. R e fe r e n c e s r e quired. 289-260-1953 (Burlington)._____________________ O A K V IL L E . Bright N icely furnished b asem ent room, k itch e n e tte , p rivate bath, suit non-smoking individual. No pets Separate entrance. No bus acc ess. $600/mo. first-last. 905-257-1560 1 9 7 7 Bonair 7ft tent-trailer. s le e p s six. e xtra sto rage space, large 8 * x 1 4 * add-aroom, pictures www.geocitle s .c o m / m y l9 7 7 c a m p o r. $ 1 2 5 0 O .B .O C a ll Ja n ic e 9 0 5 - 3 3 1 - 4 8 2 4 or Em ail sablnojani®cogeco.ca L A K E S H O R E / M ap le Im m e d iate 1-bedroom from $825/mo P a rk in g extra. Heat/ hyd ro Inclu d e d . Lakefront view Indoor pool. B u s stops at door N e ar Mapleview/ hospital. Great highway a c c e s s 905-6325258 W A LK to G O ! 5-plex. Brant/ Fairview . C le an , a t tra ctiv e b a ch e lo r. $555 / m o .t hydro. Ju n e 1st. Nonsm oker, no pets. Park ing 905-528-7520 B U R L IN G T O N South-east Main floor 3-bdrm. yard. C/A. $ 1450/mo Includes: Util ities, Parking. Laundry July 1st. 905-331-5595. BURUNGTON. 2-bedroom aparlment. $725/mo. utilities included Avail/August 1st Quiet building, n ear lake C a ll 905-634-8089 (3pm6pm)________________________ B U R L IN G T O N 3020 G le n c re s t R d 1 8 2 b e d room s a v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly from $795./mo U p s c a le q uiet building c lo s e to m ajor sh op p ing 905-632-0129 E X C L U S IV E Appleby/ N ew , 1-bedroom oen. Brand new. well appointed small, quiet building. A/C. 5 appliances, parking. $1090/ mo. ^-utilities. Aug 1st. 905631-1127.____________ S O U T H D O W N / Lakeshore Ju ly 1st . nice 1-bedroom ·den. quiet person. $675/mo. Opportunity to earn income assisting elderly lady 905________ 823-0291 B U R L IN G T O N n e a r F a ir v ie w G O . Adult upper d u plex. 2-bedroom s. $766/ mo Includ es new kitchen/ bathroom/ parking/ hot w a ter. N o smoking/ p ets Available Aug 1st. 905-4653011,________________________ N O RTH SH O RE T o w ers. 1-bedroom. Ju ly / Aug.; 2bedroom. Aug. (<-$33. park ing) Utilities included No Pets Quiet Building Diane. 9am-7pm 905-681-1307* Burlington L A K E V ie w & P a r k V ie w l Old Oakville, close to lake. Shopping |ust outside front door! 1-bedroom. $985 . 2b ed room from $1200 No deposit & no lease Ple a se call 905-844-6952 LA KESH O RE/ W a lk e rs Large 2-bedroom lower-level, separate entrance. $92S'mo includes heat/ hydro/ cable Appliances, parking, b ack yard. Im m ediate 905-3333272 ________ , ______________ A L D E R S H O T (w e st B u r lington) new ly re n o v a te d b a ch e lo r with full kitchen available August 1st. $625/ mo hydro 905-63:G L E N Abbey, large, bright clean 2-bedroom. Sep arate e n tran c e, firep lace, w a lk out patio Suit single pro fessional Non-smoker, no pets $795/mo. C a ll 905847-1101 ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES A cross fro mBurl M all 3 & 4 Bdrmfro m$ 9 2 5 . 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 1997 C o b alt 293 Sp ort C ru ise r, mint sh ap e M erc C ru is e r 4 1 5 H P 188 run ning hours Boat is loaded1 $99,000 Call 1-888-933-3434 14.5' fiberglass tri-hull bowrider, excellent condition, stored ind oo rs R e b u ilt 1986 70hp Jo h n s o n O 'B . stereo, all new mtenor. new tops 8 co vers H e avy duty trailer M ust s e e ' $4900 905-630-3821 or evenings. 905-659-3821_______________ BO AT- Fish or cruise lake Ontano or water ski at cot tage 17' W ilker 1989 with trailer Excellent condition 3.0 Litre I/O motor. Asking $9500 905-301-2305 S E A R A Y , 1995. 21 ft 4 3 Mercruiser 175 hours Cud dy d eck, sle ep e r, g a lle y, pump-out h ead , c a n v a s co ve r Lo a d e d S u rg e brake trailer Im m aculate S24.500 905-849-3995 C A N O E / Kayak. $499 with paddle Call 905-541-5661 tost 8 found F O U N D : B la c k 8 white m a le ca t G le n w o o d School Dr. W e call Roger Call 905-637-7325 F O U N D : G rey/ b lack ta b by Brant/ O u n d as are a. W o ca ll D u n d e e P le a s e call 905-637-7325 F O U N D : o ra n g e 8 grey (tort.) cat. Found BrantOJpper M id d le W e ca ll MacK e n z ie P le a s e ca ll 905637-7325 ______________ F O U N D : w atch on Ken more Dr . Burlington. Call identify 905-637-1554 F O U N D : La d y 's gold and diam ond ring. Town C e n tre parking lot Call to descnbe and claim Jim 905825-8090___________________ LO S T : Calico cat. lOmonths old. lost around R B G . declawed and spayed has a limp (nght paw) If found call 905-517-5962_______________ R E W A R D . W ill the person who found rem ote control air craft at Aldershot Land fill site. T u e sd a y Ju n e 3 rd please call 905-336-5300 F U R N IS H E D T ya n d ag a E x e c u tiv e rav in e hom e. A v ailab le short term Ju ly/ August, flexible Referenc es required 905-315-7306 BEST REN TAL VALUE IN BURLIN G TO N ! A m elin Property M g m t O A K V I L L E . 3-bedroom s. 4 appliances, rec.room, ra vine. m ain te n an ce Includ ed! $ 1400/mo util Ju ly 1st. Trafalgar (Oakville) ·Re alty. 905-338-1130 E A S T B u rlin g to n - 2-bed room. b ase m e n t 4 a p p lia n c e s $695/mo Albert M cD o nagh Ltd . 905-6325690 I condominiums torrent N E W L Y R e n o v a te d for rent 1 . 2 8 3 bdrm. ap art ments Clo se to all am eni ties $1150 to $13 90./mo inclusive Parking extra Im m ed iate o c c u p a n c y 205 Q u e e n M ary D rive 905844-9670 2 - B E D R O O M S : $870./ mo (U tilitie s includ ed ) 2386 New Street at Guelph Lin e R e n ta l O ffice O p en 1lam-7pm. Mon.-Sat. 905639-5761 All The Advantages of Condo Living 1 -BR + solarium July & Aug. First Month FREE! Call for Details Quiet Family Living at 4 - P C E . rattan set, misc w ick er, antiq ue furniture, co llectib les, call 905-4696663 for appointment to view A king pillow-top m attress set N ew in p lastic . C o st $1600 S a c r ific e $450 905-567-9459 Can deliver A P P L IA N C E S - built-in oven cooktop. m icrowave. 1-1/2 sink/ faucet, all white, good working condition $500 firm 905-825-8750 B B Q b rand new Verm ont castings, model VC5Q/40000 B T U . $750 ($1100 n e w ) 905-842-1710_______________ B E D , A m azing b arg a in queen onhopedic pillowtop set, new In plastic, w arran ty $150 905-567-4042 BED RO O M set 8-pce ch e rryw o o d . B e d . ch e st d re sse r, m irror, night stands. D ovetail co n stru c tion N e v e r op e n e d . C o st $8,000 S a c r if ic e $2400 905-567-4042 B E D S . New. Double. S220 Q ueen. S240. Com plete w/ frame Futons. Free Delivery. R e fu rb ish e d V C R s . T V s. record players, portable CD playors 905-681-9496 B O O K C A S E S . 2 T e ak 30* w id e x72* high. 6 sh e lv e s , e x ce lle n t co n d i tion. $ l5 0 / e a C a ll 905634-8696 BUTCH ER b lock tab le with 4 chairs. S285. Comer cabinet. $35. Call 905-6816256 after 5pm C A R P E T . I h a v e s e v e ra l 1,000 yard s ol new Stainm aster 8 100% nylon c a r pet W ill do iivin groo m 8 hall for $389 Includes ca r pet. pad 8 installation (30 yards) Steve. 905-639-2902 C H ERRYW O O D d in in g room suite, p ine h a rv e st kitchen table, formal floral co u ch , solid oak entertaiment unit Cal! 905-632-9438 C O M P U T E R IZ E D Eliptic a l train er b a rle y used, m oving must se ll. $1500/ obo 905-315-8001 R ec. facilities. 2 4 h r security & m o re . M apleviewarea1 ^905-315-8993w G L E N A b b ey- b rand new 2-bedroom Ensulte. lau n dry. c/a. balcony 8 2 park ing spot! En d of Ju n e . $1150/mo . 905-467-8188 E N N IS C L A R E - Luxurious 2bedroom condo W est view of lak e, fire p la c e . 5 ap p l iances. parking. $ 1800/mo inclusive. July/1 st. 416-6916881 W A TERD O W N - New 1 bed room with den. 10ft ceilings. 5-ap p lian ces. 2-parkmg. sto rag e . A v a ila b le immediately 905-524-4960 B U R L IN G T O N , la k ev ie w 1-bedroom. 2-baths. Ja c u z zi. so la riu m , pool. gym. sto rage, partyroom , 5 a p p lia n ce s. underground parking, c/alr. S i 350/mo inclusive 519-770-8457. B U R L IN G T O N . Maple/ L a k e sh o re Luxury 2-bed room. 2 bathroom w/solarium. nice view, all am en i ties 905-335-9490 2 - B D R M Condo- U p per Middle/ W a lk e rs Ln Very clean, no pets/ smoker. Au gust 1 $ 1000/mo. utilities extra 905-315-8835 N O RTH Burlington. Soughtafter 'W o odbridge* condo Very clean 1-bedroom den, 4 a p p lia n c e s , parking, clu b h o u se, gym Ju ly 1st $995/mo + utilities No smoking pets. Shayne. 905616-8094 B R O N T E- large. 2 bedroom, newly renovated. 14th floor Beautiful lake view s, d/w, a'c. microwave, fridge, stove. Underground parking Pool, exe rcise room, all utilities includ ed $1350/mo ly r lease Available Ju ly 1st or August 1st 905-849-8388 2418 Glenwood School Or, Burl. (H arvester & G uelph) 3-B EDR00M S $999./mo. + Spectacular Lake Views 5200 Lakeshore On the Water 1 1 / 2b ath s, clean ed , p ain ted , lull b asem en t, 905- 639-9212 G E O R G IA N Court Estates. King/ Plains Rd.. Burlington Larg e 283 bedroom townh o u se s, full b ase m e n ts Utilities included. Call 905632-8547 www realstar.ca A P P L E B Y , Upper M id d le 3+1 bdrm . 3-1/2 bath. 1480 sq.ft G a ra g e w/inside a c cess & opener, ceramics. 2tier deck, balcony, fenced 8 p riv a te yard. c/a. 5 a p p lian ce s. S1575/mo utili ties N o p e ls August 1st 905-971-4893 N E W L Y Renovated 3-bed room townhouse. 1 parking included. $950/mo. utilities a v a ila b le A ug.6th North Burlington 905-319-9104 B U R L IN G T O N 2-bedroom a v a ila b le J u l y Park-like setting 3 a p p lia n ce s. 1.5 baths One outside parking Near schools, shopping. 905333-1190 S H E R ID A N C o lle g e area. Stud ents w e lco m e' 3-bed rooms. 2-1/2 baths. 2 park ing. 5 ap p lian ce s, walk to Sherid an. Ju ly 1st $1435/ mo.+ utilities T ra fa lg a r (Oakville) Realty Inc.. 905338-1130 G L E N A b b e y 3-bedroom executive townhom e 2-1/2 baths, eat-ln kitchen, w alk out b ase m e n t. A v a ila b le Ju ly 1 $ 1600/month Brian 416-828*3264._______________ O A K V I L L E . Falgarw ood/ 8th Line Large yard/ park ing, 3+ 1bdrms, bus. schools' shopping S i 360+ utilities 905-842-5190 W a lk to GO 2067 Prospect St at Brant St. Appleby & Lakeshore 1&2BEDROOM July- From$ 8 6 0 /m o 1 parking included »C orner Suiles A vail. »G leam ingp a rq u e t flooring »O versize balconies »U n d ergou n dp a rk in g an doutside p ark in g »O n sitecu sto m er service.. 905-631-0033 O A K V IL L E . N e ar all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Im m ediate/ Ju l y & O ct 1,283 bedrooms starting at $935./mo. (parking) 905844-9006 O A K V I L L E N e w ly re n o vated 2-bedroom, close to all a m e n itie s $900/mo . hydro Aug. 1st 262 R e yn olds Street 905-338-8876 3B D R M apartment in townhome. pet free professional co u p le $1200/mo. plus Ju ly 1 Brant/ 407. BUI L a w so n A ssoc. B ro k e r Re/Max Garden City. 905333-3500 B R O N T E . 2390 M arind D rive W a lk to lak e! S p a cio u s 1-bedroom, Ju n e 15th. $980/mo 2-bedroom, Aug 1st. $1095/mo U tili tie s includ ed 905-4647849 EXTRA-LARG E UPG RADED 1-Bedroom Avail. Im m ed. Call Now! 905-639-8583 / lIT X · Freshly p ain tedsuites ·M ature treedsettin g · Recently ren o vate d corridors · Galley kitch en s · Sparkling h ard w o o d ·O u td o o rp o o l &p atio 2-BR Im m ed/July fro m$ 9 8 5/m o 905-681-7126 P R IM E D ow ntow n B u r lington. U p g ra d ed su ite s 1,283 B ed ro o m . N ew windows. Modernized e le vato rs. S c e n ic v iew s. 478 P e arl. 477 Elizabeth: 905634-9374 W IN S T O N Churchill/ Q E W I6 0 0 sq ft, walk-out b a s e ment. 3-bedrooms. 2baths, parking, laundry. $1199/mo in clu siv e . July/1 st. nonsmoker. no pets 905-8292545 S P A C IO U S t.2 8 3 B e d room s. F re s h ly p ainted, bright. C o m p e titiv e rent Burlington high-rise Wellmaintained. Convenient lo cation 905-333-9846. Noon-8pm N E W L Y renovated, freshly p ainted ! 1-Bedroom May/ 1st 1363 La keshore. B u r lington across from S p e n c e r Sm ith P ark . 905-637* 8431. 7-days, 9am-6pm (Ring Apt. #101) B U R L IN G T O N - S p a c io u s I600sq.ft townhome. 3 bed room s. m a ste r w/walk-in clo s e t an d e n su lte 5 appliances, garage, freshly painted. July 1st. $1100/mo + utilities 905-633-6860. 647519-1725: em ail: dbrown@claybrookeca E X E C U T I V E 3-bedrooms D owntown Burlington 2.5 b ath s, fire p la c e , c/air, garage, appliances. S1550/ mo. Aug. 1st. Nigel Maunder. A s s o c ia te B ro k e r. Sutton Group About-town 905-6817900 B U R L IN G T O N - 3-bedroom. V5baths. basement. 3 appl ia n c e s , p arking $980/mo utilities Available Aug/ 1st No Pets 905-847-3408 V E R Y large 4-oedroom im m ediate/ Ju l y from $1277 (util). 5 applianc es. garage Longm oor Dr Burlington 905-681-0070 www pmonline.com B U R L IN G T O N - U p s c a le townhouse Sup er location over 3000sq.ft. Very quiet 8 pnvate. New ceramics, fire place. c/air. appliances. 2ca r g a ra g e . Si8 5 0 /m o 905-639-9898 2 - B E D R O O M S in 6-plex on North S e rvice Rd.. near O akville P la c e Immediate Call Tony. 4 16-248-9363. S8 9 9 /M O . in clu d e s utili ties.' cab le 200' deep rear landscaped yard with patio. North Bu rlin g to n . 1-bed room. 2 baths, 4 ap p lianc es. main le ve l duplex Im mediate No pets/ smokers. Jo e l P lo u ffe . S a le s R e p .. W hite h ou se & W hitehouse Realty. 905-634-6873 N O R T H Burlington Upper le ve l duplex. 2-bedrooms, 2 b aths. 1200 sq.ft fire p lace . A/C. gara g e , deck, fen ced la n d s c a p e d yard Ju ly 1si $1345/mo inclu sive No pets/ smokers. Jo el PlouHe. Sa le s Rep , W hite house & W hitehouse R e a l ty. 905-634-6873 LO O K IN G for any witnesses to a motor vehicle accident on D e ce m b e r 7. 1999 L o ca te d at F a irv ie w St & Cumberland A v e . Burlington P le a s e co n tac t R o n d a at Martin 8 Hillyer 905-637-5641 M A T U R E tall trench man se e k in g m ature wom an Call 905-808-1317 F U L L - T IM E live-in N anny required, non-smoking, ref erences. drivers licence re quired. B urling to n. C a ll 905-315-8516

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